Comparative Structural Behaviour - Formatted Paper

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Journal of Advances in Civil Engineering and Management

Volume 3 Issue 3

Comparative Structural Behavior of Straight & Skew Box Type

Rail under Bridges
Sandeep1*, Kapil Bhutani2, Ajay Thakur3
Student, 2HOD, 3Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering, NNSS’ Samalkha Group of Institutions, Samalkha –
Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India.

*Corresponding Author
E-mailId:[email protected]

Box structure is an extensively used structural element which usually carries uniformly
distributed gravity loads along with lateral forces like earth pressure, breaking, tractive
forces. These types of structure are most economical structure as compare to other type of
structures like slab type minor bridges, Reinforced cement concrete or Prestressed cement
concrete I girder with abutment, steel structures etc. Box type structures are also very
efficient and good where the bearing capacity of soil is low. These types of structurers are the
simplest among the other possible structure and contain top and bottom slab and side walls
only. The nomenclature Of box structure varies from department to department and country
to country but method of analysis and design is almost similar. For example as per Indian
road congress nomenclature of boxes is done as per there span arrangement while in Indian
railway, this is done on the bases of their usage. All structure used to cross a hydraulic
structure comes under minor or major bridge type while structure use crossing are called as
low height subway or rail under bridges.

Keywords:-Prestressed cement concrete, culvert, overbridged, Indian road congress

INTRODUCTION But in case of railway, classification is

A bridge is a building that maintains different. Classification of Bridges are as
connections such as a road and a railway under:-
with other moving vehicles without 1. Important Bridge
disturbing the obstacle, which is a station, 2. Major Bridge
road, river or valley. A building is referred 3. Minor Bridge
to as a bridge where it carries a road and 4. Culvert
railway line or pipeline over a station or
district and overbridged where it carries CONTENT
traffic or pipeline over a communication Advantages of Box Type Structure
system such as roads or railways. For Box culverts have many advantages over
highway bridges structures can be grouped the other type of structure like portal type
into four categories as follows, structure, structures having pier, abutment
1. Culvert (Span up to 06 m). and deck & slab type culverts which are
2. Minor bridge (Span 06m to 30m). followings:
3. Major bridge (Span 30 m but on stable A. Low cost: box culverts have low cost
rivers and canals). as compare to the other structures due.
4. Important bridge (Span 30 m but on B. Easy to construct: box type structures
major rivers or tributaries which are are very easy to construct due to simple
shifting in Nature). geometry.

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Journal of Advances in Civil Engineering and Management
Volume 3 Issue 3

C. Required no repairing. common on highways; river crossings and

D. Very effect where bearing capacity is other extreme changes where distorted
low because self-weight of box if quite geometry is required due to space
low and base area is high. constraints. Comprehensive intersection
E. Good where there is mandatory to and space constraints in urban and
provide cushion. metropolitan areas. If road repairs do not
F. Easy to analyzed and design. happen immediately Skewed bridges are
G. Quick to construct. useful or due to the condition local to
sustain the economy and especially in
Box culverts / Rub is usually provided at some areas elsewhere environmental
the right angle to the railway line, but impact is problematic. In the case of
sometimes the direction of the road can railways due to the provision of new lines
cross the railway line at a non-right angle, and congested areas it is not possible to
in which case a skew box can be provided provide direct bridges. As well as to
(as shown in Figure 1). Short term, would provide high speed and other traffic safety
not there has been a difference in the requirements, modern highways should be
construction of the culvert but it may as straightforward as possible and this
require a beam at the edge and the required the provision of a growing
construction of the wing walls will need to number of skew bridges.
be arranged at a skew angle. Skew are

Fig.1:-(a)skew arrangements

Fig.1:-(b)skew arrangements

It may be seen some times that skew may time it becomes uneconomical in cases of
be removed by increasing barrel length of large skew angle.
box as shown in Figure 1 (b). But some

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Journal of Advances in Civil Engineering and Management
Volume 3 Issue 3

Fig.1:-(c)skew arrangements

Another way of ignoring skew angle is to But in some cases it is not that
realign the under passing body at right case we have to provide a skew structure.
angle to rail line as shown in Figure 1(d).

Fig.1:-(d)skew arrangements

PROBLEMS WITH SKEW BOXES Difficult to Construct- Due to

A Box culver or rub with skew become a unsymmetrical shape it may be seen than
complex structure and generate bar bending schedule is very complex.
complication for both designers as well as Because the length of every bay varies as
contractor. We generally face following per location and as per skew angle.
problems when we choose a skew box Also it is difficult to inspect such a
structure due to confusion between skew
Difficult to Analyze- A skew box culvert dimension and straight dimension. Skill
needs a detail modelling for analyses labor required to do such work. High cost
which is a very complex process. Also due due to high amount of reinforcement and
to insufficiency of proper guidelines in our irregular shuttering arrangement.
codes make this work difficult. As per IRC Behavior of single cell Rail under bridge
code skew less than 20 may be ignored. with different skew angles is examined in
And as per IRC 114: 2019, skew less than this study. Finite element analysis
20 may be ignored by considering skew technique is carried out with the following
span in analysis. In this case it is also specific objectives:
clearly mentioned that skew more than 1. To understand how moments, along
30need to analyses with proper 3 d model. and perpendicular the direction of rail

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Journal of Advances in Civil Engineering and Management
Volume 3 Issue 3

line vary and to identify the direction should also check because in
parameters which influence these our study it was found that these
changes. stresses are very high and can cause
2. Variation in shear force with different failure. So for skew angle above 20-25
skew angles. with this type of reinforcement
3. Also understand governing moments arrangement, minimum reinforcement
and forces in design of such boxes. criteria will change and we should
provide minimum 0.2 % steel.
In this study the behaviour of reinforced REFERENCES
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