Comparative Structural Behaviour - Formatted Paper
Comparative Structural Behaviour - Formatted Paper
Comparative Structural Behaviour - Formatted Paper
Volume 3 Issue 3
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Box structure is an extensively used structural element which usually carries uniformly
distributed gravity loads along with lateral forces like earth pressure, breaking, tractive
forces. These types of structure are most economical structure as compare to other type of
structures like slab type minor bridges, Reinforced cement concrete or Prestressed cement
concrete I girder with abutment, steel structures etc. Box type structures are also very
efficient and good where the bearing capacity of soil is low. These types of structurers are the
simplest among the other possible structure and contain top and bottom slab and side walls
only. The nomenclature Of box structure varies from department to department and country
to country but method of analysis and design is almost similar. For example as per Indian
road congress nomenclature of boxes is done as per there span arrangement while in Indian
railway, this is done on the bases of their usage. All structure used to cross a hydraulic
structure comes under minor or major bridge type while structure use crossing are called as
low height subway or rail under bridges.
Fig.1:-(a)skew arrangements
Fig.1:-(b)skew arrangements
It may be seen some times that skew may time it becomes uneconomical in cases of
be removed by increasing barrel length of large skew angle.
box as shown in Figure 1 (b). But some
Fig.1:-(c)skew arrangements
Another way of ignoring skew angle is to But in some cases it is not that
realign the under passing body at right case we have to provide a skew structure.
angle to rail line as shown in Figure 1(d).
Fig.1:-(d)skew arrangements
line vary and to identify the direction should also check because in
parameters which influence these our study it was found that these
changes. stresses are very high and can cause
2. Variation in shear force with different failure. So for skew angle above 20-25
skew angles. with this type of reinforcement
3. Also understand governing moments arrangement, minimum reinforcement
and forces in design of such boxes. criteria will change and we should
provide minimum 0.2 % steel.
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