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4. I have at least one open end.

ANSWER: Manometer
Riddle #1 Riddle #6
1. I am a single digit number and I am odd. 1. I am a white, solid, inorganic substance.
2. The sum of the digits of my square is equal to me. 2. I am the only exception in the family as far as
3. Mind you I am myself a square. colour is concerned.
4. I am the last digit in the decimal system 3. I am made up of a metal cation and a non-metal
5. I determine a nonagon. anion.
Who am I? 4. My metal cation can be found at the tail end of the
ANSWER: 9 first d-transition series.
Riddle #2 5. When my anion combines with a proton a
1. I am an organic compound substance which smells like rotten egg is formed.
2. I have a symmetrical molecule. Who am I?
3. My functional group enables me to form a ANSWER: Zinc sulphide/ZnS
crystalline derivative with 2,4- Riddle #7
dinitrophenylhydrazine. 1. I am a polygon.
4. I do not react with Tollens’ or Fehling’s reagent. 2. I have a fixed center of symmetry as well as a
5. I have a carbonyl group that sits right in the fixed center of rotation.
middle of the compound. 3. I have four of everything, sides, angles and
6. If my backbone consists of five carbons in an open vertices.
chain, then, 4. I have four axes of symmetry.
Who am I? 5. I am as regular as any polygon can be.
ANSWER: 3-Pentanone 6. My diagonals are congruent and bisect each other
Riddle #3 perpendicularly.
1. I am an isotope. Who am I?
2. As isotopes go, I am one of the lightest. ANSWER: Square
3. I am an isotone of 1. Riddle #8
4. I am named for the Greek god of the sun. 1. In the linguistic sense I am the systematic
representation of language in written form
Who am I? 2. In biology I am the first step of gene expression
ANSWER: Helium-3 in which a particular segment of DNA is copied
Riddle #4 into RNA by the enzyme RNA polymerase.
1. I am a unique organ in animals 3. I can be measured and detected in a variety of
2. My structure can vary among the different animal ways
species 4. Some viruses, such as HIV, have the ability to
3. In humans, other mammals and birds I am divided reverse my process.
into four chambers 5. As opposed to DNA replication, I result in an
4. I possess four valves that ensure unidirectional RNA complement that includes the nucleotide
blood flow and prevent backflow of blood uracil
5. One of the simplest met WHO AM I?
6. hods of assessing my condition is to listen to the ANSWER: Transcription
sound I produced using a stethoscope Riddle #9
Who am I? 1. I am the simplest geometrical entity
ANSWER: Heart 2. I have no dimensions as I have no size.
Riddle #5 3. However I have coordinates
1. I am a measuring instrument. 4. I am the basic building block of geometrical
2. In one embodiment of me, I am a liquid-in-glass figures such as lines and segments
device. 5. You can view me as the smallest circle possible.
3. I may be made of a u-shaped tube. 6. You still do not get the point?
Who am I?
Riddle #15
Riddle #10 1. I am a ternary compound of penta-atomic
7. I am a disturbance that transports energy. molecules
8. I am a type of wave. 2. All the elements in my molecule are non-metals
9. A common example of me is a mechanical wave. 3. The oxidation state of the central atom, located in
10. I am characterized by oscillations parallel to the my anion is +5.
propagation direction. 4. I am produced on industrial scale by the Oswald
Who am I? Process.
ANSWER: Longitudinal wave 5. My preparation therefore involves, basically,
Riddle #11 catalytic oxidation of ammonia.
1. I am a kind of test 6. I contain one ionisable hydrogen
2. I was first introduced by Gregor Mendel, Who am I?
3. I can help determine whether a dominant ANSWER: HNO3/Trioxonitrate (V) acid
phenotype is homozygous or heterozygous for a
specific allele. Riddle 16
4. I am the type of cross that involves breeding the 1. I am a collection of some basic statements.
individual in question with another individual that 2. All the relevant conclusions and predictions are made
expresses a recessive version of the same trait. from these statements.
Who am I? 3. My basic statements are also referred to as postulates
ANSWER: Test Cross in certain circles.
Riddle #12 4. I describe the physical behaviour of all matter with
1. In physics, I am one of the fundamental states of emphasis to gases.
matter. 5. I have five postulates, the last one giving an alternative
2. To the biologist I am the pale-yellow liquid meaning or definition of temperature.
component of blood. 6. I am also able to explain Brownian movement.
3. I normally hold the blood cells in whole blood in Who am I?
suspension. ANSWER: Kinetic Theory of Matter/Gases or
4. I make up about 55% of the body's total blood Kinetic-Molecular Theory of Matter/Gases
5. As a blood product, I am prepared from blood Riddle #17
donations used in blood transfusions. 1. I am a trigonometric measure.
Who am I? 2. I am associated with a bearing.
ANSWER: (Blood) Plasma 3. I am a measure of rotation.
4. I may be right, acute, reflexive or obtuse.
Riddle #13 5. My measure is negative if you follow the hand of the
1. I am a device for energy conversion. clock and positive in the opposite direction.
2. I operate between two temperatures. 6. You find me in polygons.
3. The efficiency with which I convert energy depends on Who am I?
the temperatures between which I operate. ANSWER: Angle
4. I convert energy of disordered motion to an ordered Riddle #18
form of energy. 1. I am an optical device.
Who am I? 2. I have a reflecting surface.
ANSWER: Heat engine 3. I form virtual images of real objects.
4. The image I form of an object is as far behind me as
the object is in front of me.
Riddle #14 Who am I?
1. I am a four digit number.
ANSWER Plane mirror
2. I am an even number with even digits.
3. My first and last digits are identical.
4. My second and third digits are also identical. Riddle #19
5. My first digit is a prime. 1. I am a vital association, especially, for terrestrial
6. My second digit is the square of the first digit. ecosystem function.
Who am I? 2. I can be contrasted with interspecific competition, in
ANSWER: 2442 which each species experiences reduced fitness, and

3. Many of my associations involve species living closely Who am I?
together ANSWER: Exterior Angle
4. A well-known example of me is the Mycorrhizal
association between certain plant roots and fungi, Riddle #24
5. In my association, two organisms of different species 1. I am an organic compound.
exist in a relationship in which each individual benefits 2. My molecules on paper appear as a regular polygon.
from the activity of the other 3. In real practice my molecules have a puckered
WHO AM I? structure.
ANSWER Mutualism 4. All my carbon atoms try to maintain the tetrahedral
Riddle #20 angle.
1. I am a measuring instrument. 5. I have chair and boat conformations.
2. I am sometimes used to measure mass. 6. If I am a hydrocarbon of six carbons then.
3. But I am designed to measure force. Who am I?
4. I operate by Hooke, never by crook. ANSWER: Cyclohexane
Who am I?
ANSWER: Spring balance Riddle #25
Riddle #21 1. I consist of a complicated system of membranous
1. My name is derived from a Greek word that means channels.
heavy. 2. My membranes are usually interconnected with one
2. With atomic mass of over 130 most would agree that I another to form a complex network.
am a heavy element. 3. I connect the plasma membrane with the nuclear
3. I am a metal discovered in 1808, and a member of the membrane.
Main Group elements. 4. Depending on the presence or absence of ribosomes on
4. Because of my chemical reactivity, I do not occur in my surface, I might me rough or smooth.
the uncombined state in nature. 5. My rough members are the sites for protein synthesis
5. My tetraoxosulphate (VI) salt is a white solid used in while my smooth members are the site for the synthesis
the manufacture of white paint. of lipids and steroids.
6. The aqueous suspension of the same solid is referred to WHO AM I?
as a meal in X-ray diagnostic work. ANSWER: Endoplasmic (reticulum)
Who am I?
ANSWER: Ba or barium (metal) Riddle #26
1. In the broadest sense, I am an organism that is a
RIDDLE 22 competitor of humanity
2. It is also possible for me to be a bother or nuisance in
one setting but beneficial, or acceptable in another.
1. I am a field. 3. I am used to refer to any prolific animal or plant
2. I am described by field lines. 4. I could also be a person or thing that irritates,
3. My field lines are closest together where my field especially by imposing itself when it is not wanted
strength is greatest. 5. I am commonly used to refer to any organism that
4. My field lines have no beginning and no end. damages crops, injures or irritates livestock or man, or
5. I am electromagnetic. reduces the fertility of land
Who am I? WHO AM I?
ANSWER: Magnetic field ANSWER: A Pest

Riddle #27
1. I am associated with simple harmonic motion
Riddle #23 2. I am associated with functions especially with trigonometric
1 I have an external point of view.
2 I am associated with polygons even though I am
3. for y = sin(x), a am 2π
outside the polygon.
4. for y = tan(x), I am π
3 I am a supplement to the interior angle of a polygon.
5. I am generally an interval after which a function repeats itself
4 For a triangle, I am the sum of the interior opposite
6. I satisfy the relation f(x=T) = f(x)
5 For a square I am a right kind of angle.
ANSWER: Period
6 For any polygon, the sum of my siblings is four right
Riddle #28

1. I am a process in geometry. 4. I am associated with the emission of small
2. With me, there is no need for a protractor. particles such as electrons and photons from
3. All you need are compasses and rulers. atomic nuclei.
4. I am in the bisection business so far as angles and Who am I?
segments are concerned. ANSWER: Radioactivity
5. I am what contractors do.
Who am I? Riddle #33
ANSWER: CONSTRUCTION 1. My name does not immediately imply energy
change but that is what I am.
Riddle #29 2. I could be of negative or positive value.
1. My name in Greek means self-feeding. 3. I am told the more negative I am the more
2. I am an organism that produces complex organic desirable I am.
compounds from simple substances present in my 4. Those elements on the left of the Periodic Table
surroundings. tend to have my positive values.
3. I can use light as an energy source, or utilize 5. I measure how readily or otherwise an anion can
electron donors as a source of energy. be created from a neutral atom.
4. I am the producer in a food chain. 6. If I am usually recorded in kJmol-1 then,
5. My examples include green plants, algae and Who am I?
certain bacteria. ANSWER: Electron Affinity
Who am I? Riddle #34
ANSWER: Autotroph 1. So far as Mathematics and Physics are concerned,
Riddle #30 I am a force to reckon with.
1. I am a type of electromagnetic radiation. 2. I am credited with the development of Calculus.
2. I am capable of ejecting electrons from atoms. 3. I am a great scientist of the seventeen century.
3. I am produced when energetic charged particles 4. I have several laws to my credit.
are decelerated. 5. My first name is Isaac.
4. I am also produced when inner shell electrons in 6. I am a measure of force.
an atom make transitions to lower levels. Who am I?
Who am I? ANSWER:Newton

Riddle #31 Riddle #35

1. I am a solid metal with a difference. 1. We got our name from a Latin word which means
2. I am not just one metal element but a solid “divided body”.
solution of two metal elements. 2. We are among the most diverse groups of animals
3. My colour, which is normally a shade of yellow, on the planet
depends on the proportions of the two metals. 3. We may be found in nearly all environments,
4. One of my constituent elements has the atomic although only a small number of our species reside
number of 29 and atomic mass of 63.5 in the oceans.
5. My other element, a blue-white metal has the 4. Our adults typically move about by walking,
atomic number of 30 and atomic mass of 65.4 flying, or sometimes swimming.
6. I am used in making all kinds of household items 5. Some of our species are regarded as pests by
and musical instruments. Humans, and there are attempts to control those
Who am I? using insecticides and a host of other techniques.
Riddle #32 ANSWER: Insects
1. I am a natural phenomenon. Riddle #36
2. Although I am associated with particular 1. I made an important discovery in 1846.
substances, 2. The discovery has been formulated into a Law
3. I can be induced to occur in substances that are named after me.
not associated with me. 3. My first name is Thomas.

4. I measured the relative speed with which a gas ANSWER: Adjacent Angles
in a sealed container would leak out of a small Riddle #41
hole 1. I am a type of disturbance.
5. I realized that in relative terms the molar mass 2. I propagate through material media.
is the determining factor. 3. I can transport energy without transporting the
6. In recent times the phenomenon I investigated particles of the medium.
is mixed up with the process of one gas 4. I cause the particles of the medium in which I
diffusing into another. propagate to oscillate.
Who am I? 5. I cause the particles of the medium to oscillate
ANSWER: Thomas Graham perpendicular to the direction in which I
Riddle #37 propagate.
1. I derive my name from a Greek word which Who am I?
means to "to grow or increase" ANSWER: Transverse mechanical wave
2. I am present in all parts of a plant, although in Riddle #42
very different concentrations 1. I am an organometallic compound.
3. You may refer to me as a class of plant hormones 2. I am also a natural product.
4. I am the first of the major plant hormones to be 3. I serve as a catalyst in a transformation process.
discovered 4. I have something in common with cytochromes
5. I coordinate development at all levels in plants, except that our functions are different.
from the cellular level, through organs, and 5. I help to transform CO2 and water into a
ultimately to the whole plant. carbohydrate.
6. I am commonly referred to as IAA or Indole 6. If my metal is the second member of Group (II)
Acetic Acid elements, then,
WHO AM I? Who am I?
ANSWER: Auxin ANSWER: Chlorophyll.

Riddle #38
1. I am a polygon of four sides. Riddle #43
2. My opposite sides are parallel and congruent. 1. I am a genus of common saprobic fungi on
3. My diagonals are congruent but not plants and a specialized parasite on animals.
perpendicular. 2. I am found on a wide variety of organic
4. All my angles are congruent substrates,
5. I have the right type of angles. 3. I grow as filamentous, branching hyphae that
Who am I? generally lack cross-walls (i.e. coenocytic).
ANSWER: Rectangle 4. My hyphae may form a fluffy mass, which is
Riddle #39 whitish in colour.
1. I am a heavenly body. 5. I am commonly referred to as bread mould.
2. I am visible in the night sky. Who am I?
3. I am a planet. ANSWER: Rhizopus
4. Indeed, besides the Moon, I am the brightest Riddle #44
object in the night sky. 1. I am a magnetic material.
5. I am the hottest planet in the Solar System. 2. I become strongly magnetized in an external
Who am I? magnetic field.
ANSWER: Venus 3. I am characterized by a hysteresis loop.
Riddle #40 4. My hysteresis loop is thin;
1. We are neighbours. 5. Therefore, I am used in electromagnets.
2. We are a pair of angles. Who am I?
3. We have a common vertex. ANSWER: Soft ferromagnetic material
4. We also have a common side between us. Riddle #45
5. On a straight line we are supplementary. 1. I regard myself as a derivative of a mother
6. Remember we sit next to each other. compound.
Who are we?
2. My mother compound and I both give 2. I am described by an inverse distance
effervescence with an aqueous solution of potential.
sodium hydrogen trioxocarbonate (IV). 3. I am always attractive.
3. The presence of a chlorine atom in my 4. My sources are massive particles.
molecule makes me a derivative. Who am I?
4. My mother has a total of 3 carbon atoms. ANSWER: Gravitational field
5. The presence of chlorine in me enhances my Riddle #50
ability to ionize, much better than my mother. 1. I am a three digit number between 100 and 200.
6. There are two possible positions but the 2. My second digit is the product of two prime
chlorine in me is positioned on the carbon numbers.
where its effect is less. 3. My last digit is the square of an odd prime digit.
Who am I? 4. I am myself an exact square..
ANSWER: 3–Chloropropanoic acid 5. The number formed by my first two digits is a
(ClCH2CH2COOH) square.
iuj 6. The sum of my digits is also an exact square.
Riddle #46 Who am I?
1. I am a three digit odd number. ANSWER: 169
2. My digits are just two consecutive integers. Riddle #51
3. My digits are simply binomial coefficients. 1. I help to kick out peer pressure, because I hate it.
4. I am a square of another set of binomial 2. But I am not in the Police service or the military.
coefficients. 3. I am only a scientific law helping gases to
5. My first and last digits are identical and an maintain order among them.
identity. 4. I ensure that unless there is a chemical reaction,
6. The sum of my digits is four each gas retains its belongings or physical
Who am I? property as much as possible when they assemble.
ANSWER: 121 5. I am particular about individual pressures.
6. I am named after the famous scientist who
Riddle #47 discovered me and also researched into the
1. I am a short, thin filament. composition of matter.
2. I am found in fungi and in the division Who am I?
Bryophyta. ANSWER: Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressure.
3. I may serve either as a feeding organ, or Riddle #52
anchor a thallus to its substratum. 1. I am an experiment in science.
4. I am the principal feeding organ in Rhizopus. 2. I was first conducted by Michael Faraday.
5. In mosses and liverworts I attach the 3. So I am named after him.
gametophyte to the substratum. 4. I demonstrate that electric charge resides on the
WHO AM I? surface of a conductor.
ANSWER: Rhizoid Who am I?
Riddle #48 ANSWER: Faraday ice pail experiment
1. I am a measuring device. Riddle #53
2. I come in a variety of designs, but all follow 1. I am a binary compound with triatomic molecules.
the same basic principle. 2. My constituent elements are non–metallic.
3. Types of me include the Bubble, the Mass, the 3. I am formed when my central native element is
Ganong's and the Darwin's. burnt in air but I can also be prepared in the
4. I am sometimes known as a transpirometer. laboratory by several methods.
5. I am used to measure the rate of water loss 4. I am therefore an oxide, and an acidic gas with a
from a plant (transpiration). pungent smell.
WHO AM I? 5. I dissolve in water to produce an acid that has
ANSWER: Potometer never been isolated as a pure substance.
Riddle #49 6. Sulphur is the central atom in my bent molecule.
1. I am a force field. Who am I?
ANSWER: SO2 or Sulphur (IV) oxide.
Riddle #54 5. I could be made by catalytic oxidation of a
1. I am a polygonal figure and to be precise a hydrocarbon, I could also be obtained by the dry
quadrilateral. distillation of wood.
2. I am neither a parallelogram nor a rhombus. 6. I am the smallest member in my homologous
3. My opposite angles are supplementary. series that is characterized by the OH functional
4. I am normally found in a circle and hence my group.
name. Who am I?
5. A square is an example of me. ANSWER: Methanol (CH3OH).
Who am I? Riddle #58
ANSWER: Cyclic Quadrilateral 1. I am a mode of a vibrating string.
Riddle #55 2. I am not the fundamental mode.
1. I am a biological process. 3. My wavelength is one-third the string length.
2. I involve a visible and relatively abrupt change in 4. I have five nodes.
an animal's body structure through cell growth and Who am I?
differentiation. ANSWER: Fifth overtone
3. My process is always accompanied by a change of Riddle #59
habitat or behaviour. 1. I am a unique point in the coordinate plane
4. I may be complete or incomplete. 2. All points in the plane are determined with respect
5. The groups of organisms that go through me to me.
include some insects, amphibians, molluscs, 3. I separate the positive numbers from the negative
crustaceans, and echinoderms. ones on the axes.
Who am I? 4. I am in a sense a starting point.
ANSWER: Metamorphosis 5. I am the point of intersection of the axes.
Riddle #56 Who am I?
1. I am a type of arthropod ANSWER: Origin
2. I am a prey for a variety of organisms, including Riddle #60
terrestrial vertebrates 1. I am a binary operation on a set of subsets.
3. The evolutionary relationship between me and 2. Mind you there are two of us with quite similar
other animals remainS unclear properties.
4. Other terrestrial arthropods, such as centipedes, 3. I have an identity which is quite an empty boast.
millipedes, scorpions, and spiders, are sometimes 4. I normally combine two sets to create a larger set.
confused with me. 5. My name suggests I am a marriage of
5. Some of my members are pollinators and are convenience.
essential to the life-cycle of many flowering plant Who am I?
species ANSWER: Union
Who am I? Riddle #61
ANSWER: Insect 1. My name was first coined by Theodor Schwann in
the early 19th century.
2. He coined my name from a Greek word meaning
Riddle #57 3. I am one of three principal protein-degrading, or
1. I am an organic compound made up of hexa– proteolytic, enzymes in the digestive system.
atomic molecules. 4. I am stored at very low temperatures to prevent
2. I am not a hydrocarbon since I have an oxygen autolysis (self-digestion).
atom in my molecule. 5. I am secreted in an inactive form known as
3. I am a colourless liquid, with a boiling point less pepsinogen.
than 70oC. Who am I?
4. Although I am an important raw material in ANSWER: Pepsin
industry and also a good solvent, I am highly toxic Riddle #62
to man. 1. I am a common chemical process found in nature,
laboratory and industry.
2. I am one of a set of twins.
3. I and my twin love each other so much that we are 1. A tooth of an animal may have just one or
always together. multiples of me.
4. But in any conversation and action we oppose 2. I am also a type of organ in vascular plants.
each other. 3. In most vascular plant species I enter into
5. In terms of acquisition of property, while I am mutualistic association with certain fungi to form
always bringing something home, my twin is mycorrhizae.
rather giving out family property. 4. I can also protect the environment by holding the
6. We are visible when hydrocarbons burn in air or soil to prevent soil erosion.
rusting of iron is taking place 5. The radicle is my embryonic part of the seed.
Who am I? Who am I?
ANSWER: Oxidation. ANSWER: Root
Riddle #63 Riddle #68
1. I am a physical quantity. 1. I am a branch of physics.
2. I am determined by force and area. 2. I used to be thought of as separate branches of
3. I am measured in pascals. physics.
4. I am given by the product of modulus and strain. 3. I encompass all the phenomena related to electric
Who am I? charges.
ANSWER: Stress 4. I also encompass all phenomena related to electric
Riddle #64 and magnetic fields.
1. I am a device for energy transformation. Who am I?
2. I operate between two temperatures. ANSWER: Electromagnetism
3. I accept thermal energy at a high temperature and Riddle #69
4. Reject thermal energy at a lower temperature. 1. I am a popular inorganic substance
5. I do useful mechanical work in the process. 2. I am not sweet, but I have a bitter and sharp taste
Who am I? 3. You dare not taste me because I will give your
ANSWER: Heat engine tongue a very strong burning sensation
Riddle #65 4. I am a very soluble inorganic substance
1. I am the standard unit for angular measure. 5. My solution is used in the production of soap.
2. There are 2π of me in a complete circle. 6. A drop of me in a blue flame will impart a bright
3. I am not measured by degrees. orange-yellow colour.
4. I am the measure of a central angle whose sides Who am I?
intercept an arc whose length is the radius of the ANSWER: Sodium hydroxide / caustic soda /
circle. NaOH.
5. I am 180°/π Riddle #70
Who am I? 1. I am a process that takes place in the angiosperms.
2. I am a necessary step in the reproduction of flowering
Riddle #66 3. I am important in horticulture and agriculture, because
1. I belong to the couples’ Fellowship fruiting is dependent on fertilization, which is the
2. As a couple we individually make sure we are result of me.
compatible 4. More commonly, my process requires reliable vectors.
3. We assist each other all the time Who am I?
4. Any differences disappear when as a couple a ANSWER: Pollination
bridge is established between us. Riddle #71
5. As a couple we never can re–establish the love 1. I am a relation which is true for all values of the
between us once that love fades away variable.
6. As a couple we are able to convert chemical 2. I am also a means of identification.
energy into electrical energy 3. I am associated with binary operations.
Who am I? 4. For union of sets, I am an empty barrel which makes
ANSWER: Primary Voltaic cell. the most noise.
Riddle 67 5. For intersection of sets, I am the whole universe.

6. For addition of real numbers, I am nothing to write 4. I am most pronounced when the wavelength of the
home about. wave is comparable to the obstacle or aperture.
Who am I? Who am I?
Riddle #72 Riddle #77
1. I am a rule of association between two sets. 1. I am ass3ociated with the atmosphere.
2. I am definitely a relation. 2. I am supposed to be coloured and I wonder why?
3. I am not many to many, and neither am I one to many. 3. I occur because of the love of some substances for
4. I may however be many to one or one to one. the long wavelength portion of the
5. Examples of me may be linear, quadratic or electromagnetic radiation.
trigonometric 4. The same substances allow light and UV radiation
Who am I? from the sun to reach the earth but stop the
ANSWER: Function infrared formed from escaping.
Riddle #73 5. The most notorious of the substances is carbon
1. I am a multicellular diploid eukaryote. (IV) oxide.
2. I may be a minute rudimentary plant contained within 6. My virtual colour is green.
a seed or an archegonium. Who am I?
3. I could also be a young animal in an early phase of ANSWER: Greenhouse Effect.
development in the egg or the womb. Riddle #78
4. The science of the formation and development of me 5. I am a geometry of some sort.
is known as embryology. 6. Unlike Euclidean geometry, algebraic methods play a
Who am I? prominent role.
ANSWER: Embryo. 7. I am involved with geometry of straight lines, curves
Riddle #74 and circles.
1 I am an organic compound with the elements 8. Key to me is the representation of a point in the plane
carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in my molecule. in terms of coordinates.
2 I am quite rich in functional groups. 9. I have two perpendicular lines called axes intersecting
3 I have two double bonds and an alkanol in my in a point called the origin.
molecule. Who am I?
4 I have a backbone of six carbons in an open chain. ANSWER: Coordinate Geometry
5 My first carbon which carries the alkanol Riddle #79
functional group is just before the first double 1. I am a type of fluid.
bond 2. I am comparable to the blood in certain features.
6 My second double bond is found on the fourth 3. I am the immediate fluid around the cells of the body.
carbon. 4. I may pick up bacteria and bring them to nodes where
What is my systematic name? they are destroyed.
ANSWER: 2,4-Hexadien-1-ol Or Hexa- 5. I am the fluid\ that circulates throughout the lymphatic
2,4-dien-1-ol. system.
Riddle #75 Who am I?
1. I am a particle. ANSWER: Lymph
2. I am emitted in certain nuclear reactions. Riddle #80
3. I am positively charged. 1. I am an inorganic substance.
4. I am called first. 2. My hexa-atomic molecules could exist in the
5. I have a mass of 4 amu. vapour state or solid state.
Who am I? 3. In the vapour state I am supposed to be a covalent
ANSWER: Alpha particle compound.
Riddle #76 4. My central atom, which is in oxidation state of +5
is an element of Group 5 or 15 of the Periodic
1. I am a natural phenomenon.
2. I am associated with waves. 5. My other five atoms are identical, each with
3. I occur when waves encounter obstacles or atomic mass of 35.5.
apertures. 6. I am used in converting alkanoic acids into
alkanoyl chlorides.
Who am I? 5. I worked hard to invent a pump that could be used
ANSWER: PCl5 or phosphorus pentachloride or to create vacuum.
phosphorus (V) chloride. 6. I am better known for my discovery of the
relationship between pressure and volume of gases
Riddle #81 at constant temperature.
1. I am plural in nature. Who am I?
2. I am a set of observations. ANSWER: (Robert) Boyle
3. I may also be a set of facts or measurements. Riddle #86
4. I may be qualitative or quantitative. 1. I am a primary tissue of plant roots
5. I may be discrete or continuous. 2. I am located at the periphery (most outward) of the
6. I am the basis of Statistics. root vascular cylinder.
Who am I? 3. In roots of plants I am a unique tissue in that my
ANSWER: Data cells continue to cycle for a long period
4. I am the site for the initiation of lateral roots and
Riddle #82 two secondary meristems, the vascular cambium
1. I am a living tissue in vascular plants. and cork cambium (phellogen).
2. In trees, I am the innermost layer of the bark. Who am I?
3. Some of my components include the sieve tube ANSWER: Pericycle
elements and companion cells. Riddle #87
4. I am concerned mainly with the transport of 1. I am a graphical representation of data.
soluble organic materials made during 2. I am particularly useful for representing a grouped
photosynthesis. frequency distribution.
WHO AM I? 3. Rectangles are my main building blocks.
ANSWER: Phloem 4. The area of a rectangle is proportional to the class
frequency it represents.
Riddle #83 5. I can be used to estimate the median or the mode
1. I am an optical device. of a given data.
2. I aid the observation of objects that could 6. From me a frequency polygon can be constructed.
otherwise not be seen with the naked eye. Who am I?
3. I may be made of a short focal length objective ANSWER: Histogram
4. I may also have an eye piece
5. I magnify small objects. Riddle #88
Who am I? 1. I am an electrical current.
ANSWER: (Optical) microscope 2. I am often unwanted.
Riddle #84 3. I am produced when a conductor moves in a
1. I am a law of nature. magnetic field.
2. I am named for a scientist who performed some of the 4. I am also produced in a conductor lying in a
experiments that led to my discovery. changing magnetic field.
3. I am a law of electromagnetism. Who am I?
4. I describe the induced emf in a closed loop. ANSWER: Eddy current
Who am I? Riddle #89
ANSWER: Faraday’s law of electromagnetic 1. I am a rare–earth element, a metal discovered in
induction 1944 but isolated in 1947.
2. In scientific circles, I am known as a trans-uranium
Riddle #85 element.
1. I was born in 1627 into a wealthy and influential 3. My atomic number is 96 and atomic mass 247.
family. 4. I have 13 known isotopes, all radioactive.
2. My father, a citizen of the Kingdom of Ireland was 5. I am perhaps the only element named after two
the Lord Treasurer. scientists.
3. Though I attended some prestigious schools, such 6. If these two scientists are French physicists, then
as Eton, I never had any formal university Who am I?
education. ANSWER: Curium (Cm)
4. Through self–tuition I became a foremost scientist Riddle #90
and a member of the Royal Society of London. 1. I am usually a line.

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2. An equilateral triangle has three of me. 1. My name starts with the same letter as the name of
3. For a rectangle, there are two of me. a country that has won the world cup the highest
4. A square has four of me. number of times.
5. For your regular quadratic curve, I am just a 2. There are six of such elements in the Periodic
vertical line through the vertex. Table.
6. I usually divide a geometric figure into two 3. I am an exception if you know them all.
identical parts. 4. I am the only one whose symbol is just one letter.
Who am I? 5. I am the only one which is not a metal.
ANSWER: Line of Symmetry/Axis of Symmetry 6. I am the first member of Group 3 or 13.
Who am I?
Riddle #91 ANSWER: Boron.
1. I am modified protoplasm at the equator of a cell,
existing before mitotic division. Riddle #96
2. I may be a crack or abnormal opening in a part.
3. I am also a gap or space between two adjacent teeth 1. I am a phenomenon in which storage space is used
in the same dental arch. inefficiently, reducing capacity or performance and
4. In herbivores, I am the wide gap between the frequently both.
incisors and the premolars. 2. I am often accepted in return for improvements in
WHO AM I? speed or simplicity.
ANSWER: Diastema 3. I am a compositional technique in music.
Riddle #92 4. I am a common type of vegetative reproduction in
1. My name is derived from a Latin word meaning "little 5. In my type of reproduction, an organism involved
mouse". splits into fragments.
2. I am a soft tissue found in most animals. Who am I?
3. I am one of the four fundamental types of tissue ANSWER: Fragmentation
present in animals. Riddle #97
4. My cells contain protein filaments of actin and myosin
1. Together we constitute an important type of
that slide past one another.
5. My tissue functions are to produce force and cause
chemical reaction.
motion, either locomotion or movement within internal 2. In our kind of reaction, reactants and products
organs. are always in association.
Who am I? 3. If you write any one of us down on paper one
ANSWER: Muscle arrow is not enough.
4. We have a beginning but no end.
Riddle #93 5. Without us equilibrium point or position will
1. I am a statistic but not a casualty. be a mirage.
2. I am not a measure of location or central tendency. 6. Our forward and backward steps are in motion
3. I am a measure of spread or dispersion. all the time.
4. I am not a range. Who are we?
5. I am rather the square root of a measure of variation. ANSWER: Reversible reactions.
6. In standard form, I am a measure of the deviation from
the mean.
Riddle #98
1.I am a property of matter.
Who am I?
2.I vary with temperature.
ANSWER: Standard Deviation 3.For water, I attain a maximal value at 4 ℃.
Riddle #94 4.Because my value for ice is less than that for
1. I am a mechanism for energy transfer. water, ice floats on water.
2. In transferring energy, I cause the particles of a Who am I?
medium to move. ANSWER: Density
3. I cannot transfer energy through vacuum.
4. I am a heat transfer mechanism. Riddle #99
Who am I? 1. I am definitely a function.
ANSWER: Convection 2. However I am neither your usual polynomial
Riddle #95 function nor a trigonometric function.

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3. With me, the variable occurs as an exponent and 6. Our differences stem from the different number of
hence my name. neutrons we possess in our respective nuclei.
4. I am generally associated with fast growth or Who are we?
decay. ANSWER: Isotopes
5. An example of me is f(x) = 2x. Riddle #104
Who am I?
ANSWER: Exponential Function. 1. I have perfect covalent bonds.
2. I am an epitome of an sp3 hybridized structure
Riddle #100 3. The interesting thing is that I may be regarded as a
compound or as a polymer.
1. I share a name with a venerable biblical character. 4. I am made up of a single element and I could be
2. I was also born on a day that is popularly celebrated in colourless, yellow, brown or black.
honor of the birth of another biblical character. 5. Because I am perhaps the hardest known solid, I
3. But I am best known for several laws of nature named am used in the industry for making cutting and
after me. grinding tools.
4. I wrote the Principia, 6. In Akwatia, in the Eastern Region of Ghana,
5. which was published in 1687 people dig everywhere looking for me.
6. and which set forth among other things the laws Who am I?
governing the interaction of objects with mass. ANSWER: Diamond
Who am I? Riddle #105
ANSWER: Isaac Newton 1. I am a specialized type of cell found in the bodies of all
Riddle #101 major animal groups except sponges, placozoa, and
1. My name is derived from the Latin word which means several other obscure or extinct life forms.
'to boil’. 2. I exist in a number of different shapes and sizes and
2. I am a Natural process that precedes human history. can be classified by their morphology and function.
3. I have been used by humans for the production of food 3. I am an electrically excitable cell that processes and
and beverages. transmits information through electrical and chemical
4. Louis Pasteur, in a series of investigations, showed that signals.
I am initiated by living organisms. 4. I am highly specialized for the processing and
5. In food processing, I am used to convert carbohydrates transmission of cellular signals.
to alcohols and carbon dioxide or organic acids using 5. Typically, I possess a cell body, dendrites, and an
yeasts, and bacteria. axon.
Who am I? Who am I?
ANSWER: Fermentation ANSWER: Neuron
Riddle #102 Riddle #106
1. I am used in set theory as well as in Logic 1. I am a rigid body motion.
2. I transform statements into alternative and more 2. With me, the figure and its image are congruent.
convenient forms. 3. Under me, you are what you see even though the sense
3. Essentially I am two laws in one. of an image is reversed.
4. For sets I express the complement of union of two sets 4. I produce a mirror image.
as the intersection of their complements. 5. I am associated with an axis of symmetry.
5. I also transform the complement of the intersection of 6. I map a figure one to one onto its image.
two sets into the union of their complements. Who am I?
6. There is something French about me so far as my name
is concerned. ANSWER: Reflection
Who am I? Riddle #107
ANSWER: De Morgan’s Laws
Riddle #103 1. I am a form of electromagnetic radiation.
1. We are siblings. 2. Emitted by excited atoms.
2. We are of the same parentage 3. I am produced when outer shell electrons fall into
3. We have almost identical looks. an inner shell vacancy.
4. Our chemical properties do not differ. 4. My wavelength is unique to the atom from which
5. If we do step on a weighing scale one after the other no I am produced.
two of us are likely to register the same weight. 5. I am given labels such as K α and K β.
Who am I?

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ANSWER: Characteristic X-ray 6. A chord of a circle divides the interior of the circle
Riddle #108 into two of me.
1. I am a four digit even number. Who am I?
2. I represent a year in the second half of the twenty ANSWER: Segment
first century.
3. The number formed from my last two digits is an Riddle #112
exact square. 1. I am a well-planned city
4. I am divisible by 8. 2. I have well labelled streets, running east-west and
5. The sum of my digits is 12. north-south.
Who am I? 3. Since I do not want to appear traditional, I named my
ANSWER: 2064 streets using Arabian numerals
4. In terms of apartment allocation it has been arranged
such that those with low body-mass index inhabit in
Riddle #109 the houses located in the extreme west or north
1. I am used in the manufacture of pottery. 5. One well known Russian was my town planner and
2. I increase in volume when I lose fluids. architect at the same time
3. I set to give a hard solid. 6. He got the scientific world to name me as a Table.
4. When I am setting I trap a molecule of water Who am I?
between every two of my molecules. ANSWER: Periodic Table
5. Some building block manufacturers add me to Riddle #113
the sand and cement mixture so as to produce 1. I am a disease caused by parasitic worms.
blocks that are not damaged easily by shock. 2. I may infect the urinary tract or intestines of my
6. My name suggests I live in that city with the victims.
Eifel Tower. 3. My Signs and symptoms may include abdominal pain,
Who am I? diarrhoea, bloody stool, or blood in the urine.
ANSWER: Plaster of Paris or 4. The parasites that are responsible for the disease are
released from freshwater snails that have been infected
CaSO4.½H2O or 2CaSO4.H2O
5. I am commonly known assnail fever orKatayama
Riddle #110 Who am I?
ANSWER: Schistosomiasis/Bilharzia
1. We are a diverse animal phylum inhabiting a very
broad range of environments. Riddle #114
2. We are ubiquitous in freshwater, marine, and
terrestrial environments, where we often
1. I am a radioactive element.
outnumber other animals in both individual and
2. I have two letters in my chemical symbol.
species counts.
3. I decay by alpha emission.
3. Depending on the species, we may be beneficial or
4. With a lifetime of about 2300 y.
detrimental to plant health.
5. I was used in making self-luminous watch and
4. In the soil ecosystem we can effectively regulate
clock dials.
bacterial population and community composition.
6. Until it was discovered that I had been killing the
5. Some of our members that are commonly parasitic
on humans include Ascaris, hookworm,
Who am I?
6. filarias, whipworms, and pinworms
ANSWER: Radium
Who am I?
ANSWER: Nematoda
Riddle #111 Riddle #115
1. I am a traditional, sustainable method of
agriculture which has been practised by indigenous
1. I am a geometrical figure.
tribes for centuries.
2. To be precise I am generally a part of a geometric
2. I used to be the backbone of smallholder
agriculture throughout the tropics,
3. I am associated with lines and circles
3. But I have been attacked frequently in principle
4. In the plane, I connect two points with the shortest
because I am known to degrade the fertility of
forestlands of tropical regions.
5. For a line, I am a finite portion of the line.

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4. In my system, a plot of land is cleared and 2. In our kingdom we go by our common names and
cultivated for a short period of time. not titles.
5. The cultivator then abandons the plot and allows it 3. We are not sociable so quite often we do not know
to revert to its natural vegetation while he moves what is going on in our kingdom.
on to another plot. 4. I am a colourless and odourless gaseous element
Who am I? with atomic number 18.
ANSWER: Shifting cultivation 5. I am about twice more soluble in water than
Riddle #116 nitrogen gas.
1. I was discovered by experiment. 6. I constitute about 0.94% of the earth’s atmosphere.
2. I am named for the scientist who discovered me. Who am I?
3. His name is also given to the unit of an electrical ANSWER: Argon
quantity. Riddle #121
4. Although I am called a law, I am not a universal 1. I can take the form of chemical substances or energy,
law because. such as noise, heat or light.
5. I am an empirical law. 2. I have been found to be present widely in the
6. I only apply in those instances when current is environment.
proportional to potential difference. 3. I am often classified as a point source or nonpoint
Who am I? source.
ANSWER: Ohm’s law 4. Many nations worldwide have enacted laws to regulate
Riddle #117 various types of me as well as to mitigate the adverse
1. You cannot part with me without measuring a effects of me.
volume. 5. I am the introduction of contaminants into the natural
2. Consistency and accuracy are my hallmarks. environment that cause adverse change.
3. I detest guess work. Who am I?
4. I work with solutions better than solids and gases ANSWER: Pollution
5. Graduated glassware such as pipettes and burettes Riddle #122
are my foot soldiers. 1. I share a name with a biblical character.
6. A colour indicator of some sort is a must in my 2. An SI unit is named after me
make-up. 3. for my pioneering work on heat
Who am I? 4. which established a now well-known principle of
ANSWER: Volumetric Analyses thermodynamics.
Riddle #118 5. I am Prescott.
1. I am in the shuffling business in relation to playing Who am I?
cards. ANSWER: (James Prescott) Joule
2. I am in the business of arranging objects.
3. I come into play when books are assembled on a shelf.
4. For a group of objects, you get different ordering of Riddle #123
me. 1. I am normally rectangular, but modern forms of
5. Numerically, I am represented by the expression nPr. me can be circular, irregular, or other shapes.
6. Part of me is a mutation per chance. 2. To the ecologist, I am an indispensable tool.
Who am I? 3. I am used to mark off at random, a physical area to
ANSWER: Permutation isolate a sample.
4. I am therefore suitable for sampling plants, slow-
Riddle #119 moving animals, and some aquatic organisms.
1. Simply I am a line segment. 5. I am popularly known by my use to determine the
2. I define the size of a circle. percentage of vegetation and animals occurring
3. I am a segment from the center to the within a marked area.
circumference. Who am I?
4. Length wise, I am half the diameter. ANSWER: Quadrat
5. I am the shorter of the two long bones of the lower
arm of vertebrates. Riddle #124
Who am I? 1. I am a chemical process encountered both in the
ANSWER: Radius laboratory and in industry.
2. Despite my numerous services to man, I am not
tolerated at home.
Riddle #120 3. If I were human I would be expected to invest in
1. I belong to a line of nobilities. large stocks of glues because I join molecules up.
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4. For my services I demand a small molecule for 2. I am used to classify particles into one of two
every joint made by me. categories.
5. One of my useful synthetic products is nylon. 3. You probably think of a top when you think of me.
6. May be I am also a source of environmental 4. I can have integral or half-integral values.
pollution. 5. For electrons, I have a value of half.
Who am I? Who am I?
ANSWER: Condensation Polymerisation. ANSWER: Spin
Riddle #125
1. I am a heat engine.
2. Like any heat engine, I convert thermal energy into
mechanical energy.
3. I am a type of internal combustion engine. Riddle #130
4. I have a turbine for compressing air,
5. I also have a nozzle where hot gases are ejected 1. I have two natural isotopes and three artificial ones.
and thrust is developed. 2. Of all the elements I have the lowest melting point.
6. I am a prime mover for airliners. 3. My liquid does not solidify even at absolute
Who am I? temperature zero unless there is external pressure.
ANSWER: Jet engine 4. I am found everywhere in the universe except in the
Riddle #126 atmosphere of the earth.
5. I am used as a gas shield for arc welding.
6. In Ghana and elsewhere I am extensively used in
1. You will find me in a plane.
filling ceremonial balloons.
2. I am a closed geometric figure bounded by line
Who am I?
ANSWER: Helium
3. I am a regular kind of fellow.
4. I have as many segments as angles. Riddle #131
5. My interior angles are congruent and so are my 1. In many cases, terms such as disorder, morbidity and
segments. illness are used interchangeably with me.
6. The measure of my exterior angle is (360/n)°. 2. I am often taken as a medical condition associated with
Who am I? specific symptoms and signs.
ANSWER: Regular Polygon 3. My name broadly refers to any condition that impairs
Riddle #127 the normal functioning of the body.
4. I am a particular abnormal, pathological condition that
1. I derive my name from a Latin word meaning
affects part or all of an organism.
exemption from military service, tax payments or
5. Death due to me is called death by natural causes.
other public services.
Who am I?
2. My concept has fascinated mankind for thousands of
ANSWER: Disease
3. I involve both specific and nonspecific components. Riddle #132
4. I could be acquired either artificially, or naturally. 1. I am a type of Arithmetic.
5. I am the capability of the body to resist harmful 2. Essentially, I am concerned with division of integers
microorganisms or viruses from entering it. by a modulo.
Who am I? 3. I deal with the remainders after such division.
ANSWER: Immunity 4. I have application to time in clock systems.
Riddle #128 5. I am used in scheduling and determining market days.
Who am I?
1. I am an undesirable response to a request.
ANSWER: Modular Arithmetic
2. I am important in photography.
3. I am the reverse image which is restored by Riddle #133
developing and printing. 1. I am an experiment.
4. I am an additive inverse of a positive real number. 2. I was conducted by Fletcher and another physicist
5. The charge of an electron is an example of me. who goes by Robert.
6. I exist on one half of the number line to the left of the 3. I demonstrate that electric charge is quantized.
origin. 4. I am conducted with small charged particles of oil.
Who am I? 5. That are introduced into the electric field between
ANSWER: Negative two parallel plates.
Riddle #129 Who am I?
1. I am a property of fundamental particles. ANSWER: Millikan Oil Drop Experiment
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Riddle #134 5. If I were in the military, I will be an officer.
6. I am the larger section of a circle bounded by an
1. I cannot tell you when I was born but I am very old, arc and a chord.
indeed more than 300 million years old. Who am I?
2. I am black or brown ANSWER: Major Segment
3. I am found in almost all the continents in the world Riddle #139
4. I am a solid used as fuel
5. When I am destructively distilled, a number of gases 1. My name is derived from a Turkish word which
and a thick black liquid are obtained means "to be curdled or coagulated or to thicken"
6. Coke is the residue after I have been destructively 2. By most accounts I was created by Central Asian
distilled people.
Who am I? 3. In ancient Indian records, the combination of me
ANSWER: Coal. and honey is called "the food of the gods.
Riddle #135 4. I am produced by bacterial fermentation of milk,
1. I am a semiconductor device. commonly cow milk.
2. I am composed of both p type and n type 5. In order to offset my natural bitterness, I am sold
semiconductors. sweetened, flavored or in containers with fruit or
3. And I have a pn junction. fruit jam on the bottom.
4. Light of appropriate wavelength falling on my pn Who am I?
junction generates electrons and holes. ANSWER: Yoghurt
5. In this manner, I convert light into electrical current.
Who am I? Riddle #140
ANSWER: Photodiode 1. I am a mathematical instrument.
Riddle #136 2. Part of me is a tractor.
1. I am an important molecule used in many 3. I am semi-circular in appearance.
biochemical reactions 4. I am used to construct and measure angles in the
2. I have two main components. plane.
3. I am referred to as the "Hub of Metabolism". 5. I measure by degrees.
4. In 1963 Konrad Bloch and Feodor Lynen were Who am I?
awarded a Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine ANSWER: Protractor
for their discoveries linking me and fatty acid
metabolism. Riddle #141
5. My main function is to convey the carbon atoms 1. I am only a theory.
within the acetyl group in me to the Krebs cycle to 2. I have been used over and over without any failure.
be oxidized for energy production. 3. Through me Scientists are able to do what X-ray
Who am I? diffraction machines are meant to do.
ANSWER: Acetyl coenzyme A or acetyl-CoA 4. I assist Scientists to predict or describe the shape of
Riddle #137 molecules.
1. I am an organic compound 5. I am able to mix up electron clouds of different shapes
2. My molecules are made up of 14 atoms from three and energies.
different elements 6. As usual hybrid vigour is the winner.
3. I am not a natural product but usually obtained Who am I?
from natural sources ANSWER: Hybridization
4. I am a constituent of some natural esters. Riddle #142
5. I am obtained when fats and vegetable oils are
saponified. 1. I am a helical object.
6. I am a colourless, viscous liquid. 2. Other than my helical shape, I have nothing in
Who am I? common with DNA.
ANSWER: Glycerol / Glycerine / 1,2,3-propantriol 3. I can produce magnetic fields.
Riddle #138 4. The magnetic field I produce has a strength
proportional to the current I carry.
1. I am in a way a part of a circle. 5. I can produce a nearly uniform magnetic field
2. I am not an arc. when I am made very long and wound with tight
3. You will find me inside the circle. coils.
4. I am bounded by an arc and a chord of the circle. Who am I?

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ANSWER: Solenoid 5. I describe the energy stored in a deformed
Riddle #143 ideal spring.
Who am I?
1.I was first demonstrated theoretically. ANSWER: Elastic Potential Energy
2.But countless experiments affirm my validity. Riddle #148
3.I describe the radiation emitted by a heated object. 1. I occur abundantly in the biosphere.
4.I am a law. 2. I am widely distributed in locations populated by
5.That relates the temperature of an object and the “bacterial hosts”.
wavelength for peak emission from the object. 3. I have played an important role in laboratory
Who am I? research in the 20th century.
ANSWER: Wien’s displacement law 4. I am commonly known as bacterial virus.
5. I am a virus that infects and replicates within a
Riddle #144 bacterium.
1. I am the oldest of all lineages of land plants. Who am I?
2. I am believed to be a vital link in the migration of ANSWER: Bacteriophage
plants from aquatic environments onto land. Riddle #149
3. I am also a traditional name used to refer to all
1. I am a triple of integers.
land plants that do not have true vascular tissue.
2. I am closely associated with right angle triangles.
4. I have a life cycle with alternation of generations.
3. I represent the lengths of the legs and +
5. I produce enclosed reproductive structures.
+hypothenuse of such triangles.
6. I produce neither flowers nor seeds, but I
4. I am a solution of the Pythagorean equation x2 + y2
reproduce via spores.
= z2 and hence my name.
Who am I?
5. Examples of me are (3, 4, 5) and (5, 12, 13).
ANSWER: Bryophyte
Who am I?
Riddle #145 ANSWER: Pythagorean Triple
1. I am a binary compound of triatomic molecules. Riddle #150
2. My constituent elements are both non-metals.
1. Generally I am a very desirable process but I can
3. I am not as sociable as my younger sibling.
be destructive too.
4. We both suffer from a form of physical deformity,
2. I am able to break up big molecules into small
that is, we have bent backs.
5. I tend to form insoluble, mostly black or brown
3. I am an applied science mankind has practiced for
precipitate with metal cations in solution.
6. You may like everything about me but not my
4. I do not act alone, I need the assistance of some
offensive, rotten-egg odour.
Who am I?
5. Heat is one of my by-products but this always
ANSWER: Hydrogen sulphide/H2S
goes to waste.
Riddle #146 6. Without me where will be the much loved club
beer and star beer or gari?
1.I may be direct or indirect. Who am I?
2.Implications are a part of me. ANSWER: Fermentation
3.I am not a theorem. Riddle #151
4.I am indispensable in mathematical logic.
5.I am the process of establishing a theorem. 1. I am believed to have evolved from simple sacs of the
6.I am a sequence of statements leading to a final oesophagus.
statement called the conclusion. 2. I have a soft, sponge like texture.
Who am I? 3. In most frogs and other amphibians I am simple and
ANSWER: Proof balloon-like in structure.
Riddle #147 4. In humans, I am located in two cavities on either side
of the heart.
1. I am a form of energy. 5. Medical terms related to me often begin with the prefix
2. Although I am associated with the pulmo.
configuration of particles. 6. I am the essential respiration organ in many air-
3. I have nothing to do with gravity. breathing animals.
4. I am associated with deformations. Who am I?

17 | P a g e
Riddle #152 5. We live in colonies where the workers among us
1. I am a chemical process. sting intruders as a form of defence.
2. I have many industrial applications. Who are we?
3. I cannot be engaged if there is no source of ANSWER: Honey bees
electrical power. Riddle #157
4. I hate alternating current since it makes me toil for
nothing. 1. If I were a child I would have just graduated from
5. I am used extensively to produce jewellery, a nursery school and starting a new phase of my
ornaments and house-hold items. education.
6. Faraday enunciated two laws regulating my 2. But I am not a child but an inanimate system.
operations. 3. I have three distinct parts, working in harmony.
Who am I? 4. I usually have a bridge not for humans but for
ANSWER: Electrolysis electrons.
5. I convert irreversibly chemical energy into
Riddle #153 electrical energy.
1.I am a unique point on a curve. 6. One of my names suggests I am a citizen of the
2.Strange things happen at me. most south–easterly region of Ghana.
3.Mind you I am not a stationary point. Who am I?
4.The second derivative vanishes at me. ANSWER: Primary Voltaic cell.
5.I am in a way a boundary point.
6.At me the shape of a curve changes suddenly from
Riddle #158
1. I am a property of the constituents of matter.
curving up to curving down or vice-versa.
2. I am not mass.
Who am I?
3. But all particles that have me also have mass.
ANSWER: Point of Inflexion
4. Although not all particles that have mass also have
Riddle #154 me.
1. I am one of the variables that describe the state of a 5. I distinguish a positron from an electron, a proton
gas. from an anti-proton.
2. I am a measure of the energy density of an ideal Who am I?
gas. ANSWER: Electric charge
3. I am proportional to the mean-square speed of the
molecules of an ideal gas.
Riddle #159
1. I am distinguished by my electrical conductivity.
4. I am also proportional to the density and
2. Which increases as temperature increases.
temperature of an ideal gas.
3. I am a type of semiconductor material.
5. I have such units as torr and bar.
4. I am not intrinsic.
Who am I?
5. I can be made by introducing controlled amounts
ANSWER: Pressure
of a trivalent element into silicon.
Riddle #155 6. I have more holes in my valence band than
1. I am in a way triangle. electrons in my conduction band.
2. However I have no segments or angles to boast of. Who am I?
3. Strictly I am a triangular array of integers. ANSWER: P-type semiconductor
4. Each row is symmetric and begins and ends with 1.
5. My members are binomial coefficients.
Riddle #160
1. I am an exponent or a power.
6. My name suggests I am someone’s triangle.
2. I am often described as natural, binary or common
Who am I?
according to my base.
ANSWER: Pascal’s Triangle
3. Before calculators I was of much use in
Riddle #156 computation.
1. We are members of the genus Apis. 4. For the exponential N = ax, to base a, I am x.
2. We are known to communicate through many 5. In my common form for 10, I am 1 and for 100, I
different chemicals and odours, am 2.
3. We also use specific behaviours that convey Who am I?
information about the quality and type of resources ANSWER: Logarithm
in the environment, and where these resources are
Riddle #161
1. I consist of two types of cells.
4. We are generalist floral visitors, and will pollinate
2. One cell type is almost isodiametric in shape whereas
a large variety of plants.
the other cell type is tall and axially oriented.

18 | P a g e
3. I am found in dicots and gymnosperms but not in 2. I am an aromatic compound with benzene as my
monocots, nucleus.
4. I am a cylinder of unspecialized meristem cells that 3. I have two interesting functional groups.
divide to give new cells which then specialize to form 4. My reaction with sodium hydroxide will lead to
secondary vascular tissues. deprotonation and hydrolysis.
5. I am located between the xylem and the phloem in the 5. One product of hydrolysis, the smaller one is the
stem and root of a vascular plant. ethanoate ion.
Who am I? 6. If I am a benzoic acid with an esterified phenolic
ANSWER: Vascular cambium group in the ortho position,
Riddle #162 Who am I?
1. My early formal education was restricted to ANSWER: Aspirin or Acetyl salicylic acid
reading, writing and arithmetic. Riddle #166
2. I was the third of four siblings. 1. In anatomy my name can refer to any flat structures.
3. From age 14, and for 8 years, serving as an 2. Generally, I am used to refer to a dome-shaped
apprentice of a local bookbinder, I educated myself structure of muscle and fibrous tissue.
by reading widely about science subjects. 3. I possess a series of apertures permitting the passage of
4. From age 22, and employed as a chemical assistant structures.
of Davy Humphrey, his wife and other scientists, I 4. I perform an important function in respiration.
learned enough science to be able to carry out 5. During inhalation, I contract thus enlarging the volume
research on my own. of the thoracic cavity.
5. At age 39, I became Professor of chemistry at the 6. In mammals, I separate the thoracic cavity from the
Royal Military Academy at Woolwich, England. abdominal cavity.
6. I am credited with the two laws in Electrolysis Who am I?
Who am I? ANSWER: Diaphragm
ANSWER: Michael Faraday.
Riddle #167
1. I possess only four pairs of chromosomes: three
Riddle #163 pairs of autosomes, and one pair of sex
2. I was among the first organisms used for genetic
1. There is nothing special about me and I am your
average kind of guy.
3. I am even a better subject for genetic studies than
2. I am a straight line associated with curves.
the garden pea.
3. I am not a chord or a tangent.
4. The hypothesis that genes are on the chromosomes
4. I am at loggerheads with respect to the tangent in terms
was substantiated with me as the subject of the
of direction,
5. The truth is that I am always perpendicular to a
5. Unfortunately, I am commonly considered a pest
due to my tendency to infest habitations and
Who am I?
establishments where fruit is found.
ANSWER: Normal
Who am I?
Riddle #164 ANSWER: Drosophila (melanogaster) \ Fruit fly
1. I am a type of force. Riddle #168
2. Whenever I am present, the velocity of an object
1. I am a component of a measuring instrument.
2. I have a central electrode.
3. My value for a moving particle depends on the
3. Which is surrounded by a cylindrical cathode.
path of the particle.
4. I contain an inert gas in which an electron
4. I am zero for motion along a straight path.
avalanche is generated.
5. My magnitude is proportional to the square of
5. In response to absorption of radiation in my active
Who am I?
6. I am frequently paired with a counter.
ANSWER: Centripetal force
Who am I?
Riddle #165 ANSWER: Geiger-Mueller tube
1. I am an organic compound made up of atoms from
three different elements, carbon, hydrogen and
Riddle #169
1. I am a binary, covalent compound.

19 | P a g e
2. I have tetra-atomic molecules from two non– 2. I normally sit on a polygonal base.
metallic elements. 3. I have faces which are triangular in shape.
3. I am quite popular as a compound from many 4. An example of me is a tetrahedron.
angles. 5. My triangular faces meet in a common point, the
4. I am the most favorite choice if a chemistry teacher vertex.
wants an example of a weak family member of 6. An extreme example of me is a cone.
Bronsted–Lowry or even the Lewis family. Who am I?
5. I accept protons but not too eagerly or strongly. ANSWER: Pyramid
6. I have a trigonal pyramidal shape with nitrogen as Riddle #174
my central atom. 1. I am a type of solid.
Who am I? 2. I am distinguished by my electrical conductivity
ANSWER: Ammonia (NH3) and how it behaves with temperature.
3. At absolute zero, I have a full valence band and
Riddle #170 an empty conduction band.
4. I have such a large energy difference between my
1. I am simply a line of great importance to conduction and valence bands that.
Arithmetic. 5. At room temperature, there are hardly any
2. I am the geometry of a number system. electrons in my conduction band.
3. Each point of me represents a number. Who am I?
4. I am characterized by a unique point that separates ANSWER: Insulator
the numbers into positives and negatives. Riddle #175
5. Any number rational or irrational can be found on 1. I am an experiment conducted in the 1910’s
me. 2. By two gentlemen whose names I bear.
Who am I? 3. Electrons accelerated through a low-pressure
ANSWER: Number Line vapour cell produced a current with maxima and
Riddle #171 minima as a function of accelerating voltage.
1. We live in that famous city designed and built by 4. In this way, I demonstrated that electrons undergo
that Russian architect. inelastic collisions with atoms only at particular
2. We live on the 4th avenue. electron energies,
3. We are twins, with slightly different body–mass 5. Proving that atomic energies are quantized.
indices. Who am I?
4. Despite the same parentage we have completely ANSWER: Frank-Hertz experiment
different looks and different abilities. Riddle #176
5. Whilst one of us is soft and very agreeable, the 1. I am a linear function.
other is hard and uncompromising. 2. I usually represent profit, cost or loss.
6. 6 and 12 are our favourite numbers. 3. My extreme values are much sought after in
Who are we? business.
ANSWER: Graphite and diamond OR 4. I am of much importance in Linear Programming.
Allotropes of carbon 5. My name indicates that I am the objective of
Riddle #172 Linear Programming.
1. My name represents the Latin word for "little ring". Who am I?
2. In mathematics I am a ring-shaped object, especially a ANSWER: Objective Function
region bounded by two concentric circles. Riddle #177
3. In mushrooms I am the ring-like remains of a
membrane (called a veil), found around the stipes of 1. I am formed during embryogenesis, along with the
certain basidiomycetes. root and shoot meristems,
4. My presence or absence is often used to identify the 2. I am therefore present in the seed prior to
species of an individual mushroom. germination.
5. In Ferns, I am a row of specialized cells of the 3. In young seedlings of dicot plants I am
sporangium responsible for opening the sporangium photosynthetic and functionally similar to leaves
and dispersing the spore. 4. The number of me present, is one characteristic
Who am I? used by botanists to classify the angiosperms
ANSWER: Annulus 5. I am also present in seedlings of gymnosperms,
Riddle #173 except that I am often variable in number
1. I am a three-dimensional geometrical figure.

20 | P a g e
6. Plants with seeds that contain two of me are Riddle #182
termed dicotyledons 1. I am closely associated with solids.
Who am I? 2. However, there is an important class of liquids
ANSWER: Cotyledon with which I am also associated.
Riddle #178 3. Some of these liquids are used in modern
1. I am a hydrocarbon and a fully saturated one information display devices.
2. The number of carbons in my molecule is a 4. I am lattice with basis.
square of a prime number 5. I am a regular repeating pattern of atoms or
3. I have a straight backbone, not bent and not molecules.
Who am I?
ANSWER: Crystal
4. I am gaseous at room temperature and
standard pressure Riddle #183
1. I am a group of lines in the spectrum of an atom.
2. I am described by a term formula that was
6. If I am a major component of the LPG used as discovered in 1885.
a source of fuel in Ghana then 3. My series limit as given by the Rydberg formula is
Who am I? one-quarter the Rydberg constant.
ANSWER: Butane 4. I am the only group of hydrogen atom spectral
Riddle #179 lines with visible wavelengths.
1.Part of me is a meter. 5. My first term corresponds to a red wavelength.
2.I am essentially a distance measure. Who am I?
3.For a circle I am the circumference. ANSWER: Balmer series (or Balmer lines)
4.For a rectangle I am given by P = 2(L + W). Riddle #184
5.Basically I am the distance around a curve or a 1. I am used to describe various features or structures
plane geometric figure. in organisms.
Who am I? 2. In the brain, I am a stalk-like structure composed
ANSWER: Perimeter of white matter, connecting various regions of the
Riddle #180 3. In fishes, I am the narrow part of the body to which
1. I was an English physician and scientist the tail attaches.
2. My work is said to have "saved more lives than the 4. I am also used to refer to a stalk supporting an
work of any other human”. animal organ, such as the eyestalk of a lobster.
3. In 2002, I was named in the BBC's list of the 100 5. But, I am commonly used to describe a stalk
Greatest Britons following a UK-wide vote. supporting an inflorescence.
4. I am often called "the father of immunology”, Who am I?
5. I was the pioneer of smallpox vaccine, as my ANSWER: Peduncle
experiments opened the pathway of discovery of Riddle #185
the immune system. 1. I am a sudden digression or change of course.
Who am I? 2. I am a trigonometric ratio involving the legs of a
ANSWER: Edward Jenner right angle triangle.
3. I am the part of a survey line that is straight.
4. I am a straight line touching a curve without
crossing it.
Riddle #181 5. As a trigonometric entity, I am the ratio
1. I am an inherent character of a substance very ‘opposite/adjacent’.
familiar to you Who am I?
2. Diamond and steel are supposed to have the same ANSWER: Tangent
trait as I have
3. I have a sibling, a character that cannot withstand Riddle #186
stress especially when it is under fire. 1. I occur in the uncombined state in most meteorites
4. I impart stability to this familiar substance 2. Man and I became friends more than 4000 years
5. With me soaps do not lather well ago
6. Boiling cannot expel me either 3. I am a metallic element present in several ores
Who am I? 4. To be extracted from my ores there has to be a
ANSWER: Permanent Hardness of Water reduction reaction

21 | P a g e
5. When I am freshly out of the furnace I resemble a 2. Indeed I am one of the metals in that group with a
pig silvery-white colour.
6. When my carbon impurity is reduced to 1.5 3. I can exist in three allotropic forms.
percent or below I call myself steel. 4. I am resistant to most of the common reagents.
Who am I? 5. I am therefore used in electroplating sheets of steel
ANSWER: Iron in the industry for the manufacture of food
Riddle #187 containers.
1. I am a basic unit used in computer science. 6. I combine with copper to form a popular alloy used
2. I am often arranged into tree structures known as by sculptors.
binary trees. Who am I?
3. In communication networks I am either a connection ANSWER: Tin or Sn
point, a redistribution point or a communication Riddle #192
4. The intervals on the stem of plants between me and 1. I may be a line segment or a number or a statistical
others of my kind are called inter nodes. measurement.
5. I am the region of a stem where leaves are attached. 2. I seem to have something to do with the midpoint or
Who am I? the middle term in a statistical data.
ANSWER: Node 3. For a triangle, I am a line segment from a vertex to
Riddle #188 the midpoint of the opposite side.
1. I am an emission process. 4. For a set of data, I am the middle term when the
2. I occur only in the presence of photons. data is ordered.
3. I am a process in which photons are emitted. 5. I am also the second quartile for a distribution.
4. For every photon already present, I generate a new Who am I?
photon. ANSWER: Median
5. I ensure that the photon generated is coherent with Riddle #193
the photon whose presence caused the emission. 1. I may be an electrical device or a structure on
6. I can thus be used to construct a light amplifier. certain groups of organisms.
Who am I? 2. As an electrical device I convert electric power into
ANSWER: Stimulated emission radio waves, and vice versa.
Riddle #189 3. In arthropods, I am connected to the front-most
1. I am a quadrilateral. segments.
2. I have a pair of parallel but non congruent sides. 4. I am present in all insects; however I may be greatly
3. I have a pair of congruent but non parallel sides. reduced in the larval forms.
4. I have two pairs of congruent adjacent angles. 5. Insects bear a pair of me whereas crustaceans bear
5. If I were a triangle, I would be isosceles. two pairs of me.
Who am I? 6. I am the primary olfactory sensor of insects.
ANSWER: Isosceles Trapezium Who am I?
Riddle #190 ANSWER: Antenna
1. I am a chemical. Riddle #194
2. My name appears to be a generic name for the 1. I am synonymous with simplicity.
whole family. 2. I approximate motion about an equilibrium point.
3. I have a metal and a non-metal as my constituent 3. I am described by an equation that contains a term
elements. that is linear in displacement.
4. My constituent elements are very harmful to man 4. There is harmony wherever I am found.
but I am harmless. 5. I am a motion whose direction opposes the agent
5. If I were a British citizen I would probably be a causing it.
member of House of Commons. Who am I?
6. Without me most of your foods will be tasteless. ANSWER: Simple harmonic motion
Who am I? Riddle #195
ANSWER: Sodium Chloride or NaCl or 1. I am a vector but a rather strange one.
Common salt 2. As a vector I have no length to boast about.
Riddle #191 3. Really I have no direction.
1. I am an important member of the Main Group 4. At the same time I have an infinite number of
elements. directions.

22 | P a g e
5. In the coordinate plane, you can locate me at the 4. I am a spirally coiling sensitive organ that serves to
origin. attach a climbing plant to its support.
6. I am the identity for vector addition. 5. In some parasitic plants, I am guided by airborne
Who am I? chemicals, and only twine around suitable hosts.
ANSWER: Zero Vector/Null Vector who am I?
Riddle #196 ANSWER: Tendrils
1. I am a common phenomenon in coastal waters and
other aquatic systems.
2. My name means well-nourished.
3. Although I am commonly caused by human activities, I
can also be a natural process. Riddle #201
4. When my effects are undesirable I may be considered a 1. I have units of kJmol-1.
form of pollution. 2. I am a characteristic property of chemical
5. I arise from the oversupply of nutrients, which induces substances.
explosive growth of plants and algae. 3. You can tell the stability of substances by a close
6. I lead to the reduction in concentration of dissolved look at me.
oxygen in water bodies and a range of other effects 4. I am associated with synthetic or transformation
reducing bio-diversity. reactions.
Who am I? 5. When it is synthesis I am not just interested in any
ANSWER: Eutrophication kind of synthetic reaction.
Riddle #197 6. The synthesis should involve the elements of the
substance in their standard states.
1. I was born in 1859 in Sweden and received a Nobel
Who am I?
Prize in chemistry in 1903.
ANSWER: Standard Enthalpy of formation / Standard
2. My ancestors were farmers but my father and one
Heat of Formation
uncle decided to go into academia.
3. I discovered in my childhood that I was gifted in Riddle #202
arithmetical calculations. 1. I am the path of a moving object;
4. I entered University of Uppsala in 1876 to study 2. So I am a trajectory.
mathematics, physics and chemistry. 3. Geometrically, I am a conic section.
5. I did not like the place much as facilities for practical 4. I am the trajectory of an object moving with constant
physics were lacking and so I left to go and work under speed.
a Professor at the Swedish Academy of Sciences. 5. But whose velocity is not constant.
6. I wrote a thesis on electrolytes, including acids and 6. I am the path of an object whose distance from a fixed
bases for which reason the first theory of acids and point is fixed.
bases was named after me. Who am I?
Who am I? ANSWER: Circular trajectory (or circle)
ANSWER: (Svante) Arrhenius. Riddle #203
Riddle #198 1. I am a four digit number.
1. I am a property of matter. 2. I am what is called a palindromic number.
2. For some materials, I decrease when temperature is 3. Whichever direction you read me, forward or
increased. backward, the value is the same.
3. For most metals, I decrease as temperature is 4. My first digit is an odd square and so also is my last
decreased. digit.
4. At sufficiently low temperatures, I can vanish. 5. My second digit is an even cube and so is my third
5. A state in which I am zero is called digit.
superconducting. 6. The sum of my digits is 34
Who am I? Who am I?
ANSWER: Resistivity ANSWER: 9889
Riddle #199 Riddle #204
1. I am a specialized stem, leaf or petiole. 1. William Shakespeare, in Julius Caesar uses me to
2. I can be formed from modified shoots, modified describe Cassius' ill-tempered nature.
leaves, or auxiliary branches. 2. But, I am an organ found in virtually all
3. I do not have a lamina or blade, but I can vertebrates.
photosynthesize. 3. In humans, I am brownish in colour and located in
the left upper quadrant of the abdomen.

23 | P a g e
4. I play important roles in regard to red blood cells 1. I measure change of one variable with respect to
and the immune system. another variable.
5. I am the organ that is responsible for purifying the 2. For motion, I may be speed or velocity, and
blood as well as storing blood cells. acceleration.
Who am I? 3. I am mathematically obtained by differentiation.
ANSWER: The spleen 4. In a chemistry laboratory, I am associated with a
Riddle #205 chemical reaction.
1. I am closely associated with energy. 5. Essentially, I am a rate and change is my objective.
2. But I am not energy itself. Who am I?
3. I characterize regions of space in which electric ANSWER: Rate of Change
fields exist. Riddle #210
4. My negative gradient equals electric field strength. 1. I am used to refer to the positional arrangement of the
5. I am a measure of the work done in moving a unit parts of a flower within a flower bud before it has
positive charge from a reference point to a field opened.
point. 2. I am also a widely used strategy across all forms of
Who am I? hypometabolic organisms.
ANSWER: Electric potential 3. I am used to describe the state of inactivity in certain
Riddle #206 invertebrates and vertebrates.
1. I am a diagram for illustrating a frequency 4. I take place during times of heat and dryness.
distribution. 5. I am characterized by inactivity and a lowered
2. I am not a histogram. metabolic rate, which is entered in response to high
3. Neither am I a line chart or a bar chart. temperatures and arid conditions.
4. My name suggests something edible. Who am I?
5. I am circular in shape with frequencies reduced to ANSWER: Aestivation
angular measures. Riddle #211
6. I am the edible chart. 1. If you have my qualities it means you are strong
Who am I? and firm.
ANSWER: Pie Chart 2. Without me how could industrialization in the 20th
Riddle #207 and 21st Centuries have been possible?
1. I am an inorganic salt. 3. But I am a mere solution.
2. I am soluble in water, ethanol, methanol and 4. And I am a solution of a kind because both my
propanone. solvent and solute are solids.
3. I possess a metal cation and a complex anion. 5. If I contain a certain percentage of carbon then I
4. My anion is made up of another metal and oxygen. am supposed to be mild.
5. Apart from being a powerful oxidizing agent, I can 6. Electroplating me with chromium produces a
be used as a disinfectant at home. material that can be used for making cutlery and
6. My characteristic purple colour is due to this my utensils.
complex anion. Who am I?
Who am I? ANSWER: Steel
ANSWER: KMnO4 or Potassium Riddle #212
tetraoxopermanganate (VII). 1. In my natural state I am gaseous, made up of two
Riddle #208 different elements
1. I am a two terminal device commonly found in a 2. I have two pi bonds in my molecule
physics laboratory. 3. In my pure form, I am colourless and odourless
2. I am used for measuring an electrical quantity. 4. I am relatively non-polar because of my structure.
3. In my digital version, I display readings that change 5. Despite this I can easily be compressed, going from the
sign when my terminals are interchanged. gaseous state straight into the solid state
4. When a charged capacitor is connected across my 6. My solid form has a nick-name ‘Dry-Ice’
terminals, I give a reading that decreases relatively Who am I?
slowly with time. ANSWER: CO2 or carbon (IV) oxide.
5. Showing that I have a high internal resistance. Riddle #213
Who am I? 1. I am a principle
ANSWER: Voltmeter 2. That describes the behavior of fluids.
Riddle #209 3. I am responsible for operation of hydraulic

24 | P a g e
4. My name contains the name of an SI unit. 2. I was born in 1778, and therefore grew up during both
5. I specify how a pressure change is transmitted in a the French and Chemical Revolutions.
fluid. 3. I analyzed the compositions of Earth’s atmosphere at
Who am I? different altitudes.
ANSWER: Pascal’s principle 4. I discovered the element Boron, when some of my
Riddle #214 colleagues and I were working on a project.
1. I have different types. 5. Two gas laws, one about variation of volume of a gas
2. I may be considered natural, whole, positive or with temperature at constant pressure and a second one
negative. about ratio of combining gases were attributed to me.
3. I am the basic building block of Mathematics. 6. I requested that the Law about variation of volume
4. I am often considered reasonable or rational as with temperature be attributed to Jacque Charles
well as crazy or irrational. because I used much of his unpublished data from
5. I may be terminating or repeating. 1787.
6. You can locate me on a line bearing my name. Who am I?
Who am I? ANSWER: Gay-Lussac (Joseph Louis)
ANSWER: Real Number
Riddle #215 Riddle #219
1. I was born to a Catholic family of a poor tanner. 1. I am a form of asexual reproduction.
2. I lived at the time when microbiology was the 2. I am sometimes used inaccurately to describe
subject of controversy. reproduction modes in hermaphroditic species.
3. I was an average student in my early years, and 3. I am seen to occur naturally in aphids, nematodes, and
not particularly academic, as my interests were some other invertebrates, as well as in many plants.
fishing and sketching. 4. A form of asexual reproduction related to me is
4. Although I made groundbreaking experiments, my gynogenesis.
reputation became associated with various 5. I am the form of asexual reproduction in which growth
controversies. and development of embryos occur without
5. I established that fermentation is the result of fertilization.
microbial activity. Who am I?
who am I? ANSWER: Parthenogenesis
ANSWER: Louis Pasteur Riddle #220
Riddle #216 1. I am a metabolically active tissue composed of
1. In the plane, there are two of us. several types of cells
2. Together we define the coordinates of a point in the 2. I come in a variety of shapes and sizes and have a
plane. complex internal and external structure
3. I am number 2 in the ordered pair. 3. I consist of living cells embedded in a mineralized
4. I am normally represented by the letter y. organic matrix.
5. I represent the distance of a point from the x-axis. 4. I am lightweight yet strong and hard, and serve
6. I am the y-coordinate of a point in the plane. multiple functions
Who am I? 5. In the human body, my smallest form is the stapes
ANSWER: Ordinate in the middle ear
Riddle #217 6. Unfortunately I am affected by a number of
1. I am different numbers on different scales but I diseases, including arthritis, infections,
represent the same point. osteoporosis and tumours.
2. On one scale I am 671.7; who am I?
3. On another I am 212. ANSWER: Bone
4. I am a reference point on a temperature scale. Riddle #221
5. I am the temperature of pure water boiling at normal 1. I am a radioactive 5f-transition element and
atmospheric pressure. therefore belong to the Actinide series.
Who am I? 2. I have 13 known isotopes.
ANSWER: Upper fixed point 3. My most important isotope undergoes nuclear
Riddle #218 fission with slow neutrons.
1. I was the eldest son of a provincial lawyer and royal 4. I am therefore an important power source for
official, who lost his position in the French Revolution nuclear reactors and weapons.
of 1789.

25 | P a g e
5. I am the second trans-uranium element to be 4. I, just like the others, have a stationary phase and a
discovered and named after a member of the solar moving phase.
system. 5. The competition or the race involves electrostatic
6. If you see my symbol you may think that I am a or physical adsorption or partition.
citizen of Pusiga. 6. In my case different ions in the mixture compete
Who am I? for ionic sites on the stationary phase.
ANSWER: Plutonium (Pu) Who am I?
Riddle #222 ANSWER: Ion Chromatography
1. I am a property that varies from point to point on Riddle #227
earth. 1. I am a biological process.
2. I also vary with time. 2. I can be thought of in a general sense as anything
3. I am a property of the terrestrial magnetic field. expanding into greater being from a small existence.
4. I arise because the magnetic and geographic north 3. The absorption of water, the passage of time, chilling,
poles of the earth do not coincide. warming, oxygen availability, and light exposure may
5. I am the angle between the magnetic north pole all operate in initiating my process.
and the geographic north pole. 4. I can also be used to refer to the emergence of cells
Who am I? from resting spores.
ANSWER: Declination 5. The most common example of me is the sprouting of a
Riddle #223 seedling from a seed of an angiosperm or gymnosperm.
1. I am the primary building blocks of integers. who am I?
2. For the decimal number system, I range from 0, 1, ANSWER: Germination
2, up to 9. Riddle #228
3. For the binary number system, I am either 0 or 1. 1. I represent different things in different contexts.
4. In another context, I am a finger or a toe. 2. I am a set of values taken by a function or a
5. In a way, I define the modern computer age. variable.
Who am I? 3. In Statistics I am the difference between the largest
ANSWER: Digit and smallest measurements.
Riddle #224 4. I am open land on which farm animals graze.
1. I am a transport mechanism. 5. I am also an area in which a species of organisms
2. I can transfer energy through material media. live.
3. I am effective in both liquids and solids. 6. I am the union of mountains and hills extending
4. I transfer energy without the transfer of material particles over some distance.
of a medium. Who am I?
5. So I am able to transfer energy through vacuum. ANSWER: Range
6. I transmit energy in the form of waves. Riddle #229
Who am I? 1. I am a naturally occurring compound belonging to
ANSWER: Radiation a renowned family of compounds.
Riddle #225 2. I am a white solid, but appear yellowish when
1. I am a solid geometric figure. contaminated with impurities.
2. I am a polyhedron. 3. Among my family members, I was the first to be
3. I have eight triangular faces and twelve edges. discovered, structurally characterized and
4. I am formed by joining two congruent square pyramids synthesized in the laboratory.
base to base. 4. I am supposed to be a vital amine but chemically
5. I am in the octo business and I am a polyhedron. am an organic acid not a base, which is a
Who am I? contradiction.
ANSWER: Octahedron 5. I am used as a food preservative, a flour improver
in bakeries and an animal food additive.
Riddle #226 6. I am the major component of the citrus family or
1. I belong to a family of techniques, named as if the
colourless do not belong.
Who am I?
2. I and the rest of the family constitute a general
ANSWER: Vitamin C or Ascorbic acid
method for separating mixtures.
3. When any of us is in operation, there is always one Riddle #230
kind of competition or the other among the 1. I am a central idea in evolutionary theory.
constituents of the mixture being separated. 2. I am a property, not of an individual, but of a class
of individuals.

26 | P a g e
3. I can be defined either with respect to a genotype 3. I may be dependent or independent.
or to a phenotype in a given environment. 4. I am the building block for function notation.
4. In either case, I describe the ability to both survive 5. For the function y = f(x), x is independent and y is
and reproduce. dependent.
5. Without differences in me natural selection cannot Who am I?
act and adaptation cannot occur. ANSWER: Variable
6. I am often defined as a tendency or probability, Riddle #235
rather than the actual number of offspring. 1. I am a d-transition metal.
Who am I? 2. I was used by the pre-Columbian Indians of South
ANSWER: (Biological) Fitness America.
Riddle #231 3. I was not noticed by any Western scientists until
1. If I were part of a building, I would be the basic 1735.
units that are assembled into a wall. 4. I do occur freely in nature but sometimes, I am
2. But I am not part of a building, even though you found in deposits of gold-bearing sand.
may find me at building construction sites. 5. I am dense, malleable, ductile and very resistant to
3. I am a simple machine. corrosion; that is why I am used in making
4. I comprise two sets of pulleys linked by a single jewellery, wires, electrical contact sets and
string. laboratory vessels.
5. I have an ideal mechanical advantage that is 6. My name originated from a Spanish word meaning
determined by the number of string sections “silver-like” and I have an atomic number 78.
supporting the load bearing pulley system. Who am I
Who am I? ANSWER: Platinum
ANSWER: Block and tackle Riddle #236
Riddle #232 1. I occur widely in animal tissues and also in a few
1. am a phenomenon that occurs at the boundary plants and algae.
between two media. 2. I am therefore a natural product and can exist in
2. I occur when a wave encounters the boundary nature as a free compound or as ester of fatty acids.
between the media. 3. To humans I am part of their diet but I can be
3. I return the incident wave back into the medium of synthesized in the liver.
incidence. 4. As part of the blood of animals, I belong to the
4. In doing so, I do not permit transmission of the general class of lipoproteins.
wave into the other medium. 5. As a complex of a protein, I am used in building up
5. I only occur for a limited range incidence angles. cell membranes.
6. And only when the wave speed in the medium of 6. Too much of me in the blood though may lead to
incidence is smaller than the wave speed in the the narrowing of blood vessels or arteries.
other medium. 7. I am a precursor of bile acids, sex hormones and a
Who am I? source of vitamin D3.
ANSWER: Total internal reflection Who am I?
Riddle #233 ANSWER: Cholesterol.
1. I am a process of interbreeding between individuals. Riddle #237
2. I have many and varied impacts on the process of 1. I am a type of force that acts on charged particles.
speciation. 2. I act on stationary charges.
3. I may slow or reverse differentiation by allowing 3. I act on moving charges as well.
gene flow and recombination. 4. I am named for the scientist whose name is also
4. Plants go through my process much more given to the phenomenon of length contraction.
frequently and successfully than animals do. 5. I have two parts: an electric part and a magnetic
5. Offsprings produced through me may be fertile, part.
partially fertile, or sterile. Who am I?
Who am I? ANSWER: Lorentz force
ANSWER: Hybridization Riddle #238
Riddle #234 1. There are three of us and you may view us as the
1. I have no fixed value as I have the tendency to three musketeers.
change or vary. 2. We are associated with a frequency distribution.
2. I am represented by a symbol such as x or y which 3. We are not the mean, mode or median.
symbol represents a value.

27 | P a g e
4. Together we divide a distribution into four equal 3. I react readily and separately with a mole each of
parts. bromine in trichloromethane and cold, dilute and
5. There is a first, a second and a third. neutral KMnO4 solution both with drastic physical
6. The second one is literally the middle term of a changes.
distribution. 4. If I were a fully saturated compound I should be
Who are we? entitled to 16 hydrogen atoms in my molecule but I
ANSWER: Quartiles am not.
Riddle #239 5. I have a total of seven carbons in my molecule.
1. If I were an animal people would refered to me as 6. My active functional group is located between the
nocturnal because I normally occur in the night. last but one and the last but two carbons from one
2. I am not an animal but a simple biological process end of the chain.
that does not occur in the world of animals. Who am I?
3. I result in the production of fluid that may contain ANSWER: 2-Heptene or hept-2-ene
a variety of organic and inorganic compounds, Riddle #243
mainly sugars, and potassium. 1. I am a part of a circle.
4. Because of this, people sometimes confuse the 2. To be precise I am an arc of a circle.
fluid with dew, which condenses from the 3. I am a junior part of a circle
atmosphere onto the surface of plants. 4. I am an arc of a circle whose length is less than
5. I am most noticeable when transpiration is half the circumference of the circle.
suppressed and the relative humidity is high, such 5. As an arc, I play a minor role so to speak.
as during the night. Who am I?
6. I am used to refer to the drops of xylem sap on the ANSWER: Minor Arc
tips or edges of leaves of some vascular plants,
such as grasses. Riddle #244
who am I? 1. I represent exact likeness in shape about a line, axis,
ANSWER: Guttation point or a plane.
Riddle #240 2. I occur if one half of a figure can be rotated or
1. My name suggests I am a vertical distance. reflected onto the other.
2. But I need not be vertical. 3. In Biology, I am the balanced distribution of
3. I describe the position of a virtual image. duplicate body parts or shapes.
4. I am the illusion that a clear pool of water is 4. I occur often in nature, and plants and animals
shallow. exhibit me.
5. I can be used with the true depth of a transparent 5. Geometrical figures such as isosceles triangle and
liquid to determine the refractive index of the equilateral triangle reflect me.
liquid 6. The quadratic curve is a good demonstration of me.
Who am I? Who am I?
ANSWER: Apparent depth ANSWER: Symmetry
Riddle #241 Riddle #245
1. I am used in many disciplines and subjects. 1. I am a red inorganic compound with a melting
2. I am used to refer to the genus of the chaetal deer. point of 196oC.
3. In Physics, I am a line of rotational symmetry in an 2. I am also an acidic oxide with a metal and oxygen
optical system. as my constituent elements.
4. In mathematics I am lines used in a Cartesian 3. I am a powerful oxidizing agent, especially to
coordinate system. organic compounds.
5. Inanatomy I am the second cervical vertebra(C2) 4. Since I am an anhydride, I dissolve in water to give
of the spine. a very strong acid which is also a powerful
6. My prominent feature is a tooth-like projection oxidizing agent.
called the odontoid process. 5. It is not surprising because my metal is in
Who am I? oxidation state of +6.
ANSWER: Axis 6. Steel electroplated with my metal has a bright
Riddle #242 appearance and is more resistant to corrosion.
1. I have a straight backbone of a chain of carbons. Who am I?
2. I have nothing more than carbons and hydrogens in ANSWER: CrO3 or Chromium (VI)
my molecule. oxide
Riddle #246

28 | P a g e
1. In the early classification schemes, we were 3. I am present in meteorites and was also found in
regarded as a "natural" group. the rock samples brought from the moon by Apollo
2. There are more than 1000 extant or currently living 11 and the subsequent missions.
species of me. 4. I got my name from one of the Greek gods, which
3. Conifers are by far my largest living group. means ‘enormous strength’.
4. Our name literally means naked seeds. 5. If I were the chief component of the Titanic Ship,
5. Together with angiosperms we compose the the ship would not have sunk in the Atlantic Ocean
spermatophytes or seed plants. in 1912.
Who are we? 6. I am a member of the first d-transition series of the
ANSWER: Gymnosperms Periodic Table, indeed the second.
Riddle #247 Who am I?
1. I am a process in which electrons are emitted. ANSWER: Titanium
2. It is usually arranged that I emit electrons into an Riddle #251
evacuated space. 1. I am an end point.
3. I am facilitated by the application of an electric 2. I am the highest point of a body part such as a
potential to my emitting element. skull.
4. The greater the potential gradient near an emitting 3. I am a point on a polyhedron shared by 3 or more
element, the more effective it is. faces.
5. So an electron emitter that is based on me is 4. I am the intersection of the adjacent sides of a
usually made into a sharp point. polygon.
6. I operate at both high and low temperatures. 5. For an angle, I am the origin of the two rays
Who am I? forming the angle.
ANSWER: Field emission Who am I?
Riddle #248 ANSWER: Vertex
1. To the Jewish I am a series of traditions associated Riddle #252
with major life events in Judaism.
2. To the systems engineer, I am an examination of a 1. I am a self-product.
system that addresses all phases of its existence. 2. I am a plane figure of regular shape having four
3. To the software developer I am an object in sides.
object-oriented programming. 3. My area is somehow myself.
4. In business, I am the stages in the lifespan of a 4. My area is a2 and my perimeter is 4a.
commercial or consumer product. 5. I am applied to matrices as well as pyramids.
5. In Biology I am the sequence of life stages that an 6. I am also an L-shaped or a T-shaped instrument used
organism undergoes from birth to reproduction for drawing or measuring a right angle.
ending with the generation of the offspring. Who am I?
Who am I? ANSWER: A Square
ANSWER: Life cycle Riddle #253
Riddle #249
1. I am a physical constant that governs one of the 1. I am a phenomenon that was discovered by a German
fundamental interactions in nature. physicist whose name I bear.
2. The interaction I govern is a long range one; 2. I can be used for converting thermal energy into
3. Whose effects extend over astronomical distances. electrical energy.
4. My value is small and the interaction I govern is 3. I am observed with two dissimilar conductors and
weaker than the other long range interaction of 4. I occur in the presence of a temperature gradient.
nature. 5. I am the phenomenon that underlies the operation of a
5. I determine the strength of the interaction between thermocouple.
particles with mass. Who am I?
Who am I? ANSWER: Seebeck effect
ANSWER: Gravitational constant Riddle #254
Riddle #250
1. I am an element that has been known to mankind 1. I am a class of compounds that occur in both
since the 18th century (1790). multicellular and in unicellular organisms.
2. I am the only metal that can burn in a pure nitrogen 2. Even though I am defined functionally, but not
atmosphere. structurally, I may have diverse chemical structures.
3. My synthesis may occur in specific tissues of
endocrine glands or in other specialized cells.
29 | P a g e
4. This synthesis occurs in response to specific 5. If the number of hydrogens in my molecule is an exact
biochemical signals induced by a wide range of multiple of 10, then
regulatory systems. Who am I?
5. I am used to communicate between organs and tissues ANSWER: Nonane (C9H20)
to regulate physiological and behavioural activities. RIDDLE 259
Who am I? 1. I am a globe shaped structure.
ANSWER: Hormone 2. I am surrounded by a socket.
Riddle #255 3. My name means to measure or estimate roughly by
1. I was born on March 30th, 1811 to German parents in sight.
Gӧttingen, Germany. 4. I am also used to refer to an overhead light fixture that
2. My father was a Professor of Modern Languages and is mounted on a swivel in a recessed socket so the light
Head Librarian at the University of Gӧttingen. can be directed in any direction.
3. I entered University of Gӧttingen in 1828 and took to 5. I am covered externally by the eyelids
the sciences, reading Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics 6. I am the ball-shaped capsule containing the vertebrate
and some Geology and Botany. eye
4. After obtaining a PhD in 1830 at the age of 19, I toured WHO AM I?
chemical laboratories in Europe to study chemical ANSWER: Eyeball
techniques. RIDDLE 260
5. In 1833 at the age of 22, I started working as a 1. Owing to my size and distinctive structure, I was
Chemistry lecturer in my alma mater. one of the first organelles to be discovered and
6. My intense interest in the analyses of elements based observed in detail
on colour they produce in a flame, led me to invent a 2. I am found in most eukaryotic cells
suitable gas burner that gives a colourless flame. 3. I was discovered with the help of special staining
Who am I? techniques.
ANSWER: (Robert) Bunsen.
4. However, my structure was only revealed by the
Riddle 256
7. I am an integer.
electron microscope
8. My smallest value is 1. 5. I consist of a stack of flattened membrane-bound
9. My largest known value is relatively small, less than sacs called cisternae
120. 6. I was discovered by an Italian physician, Camillo
10. I describe a nuclide. Golgi, during an investigation of the nervous
11. I distinguish hydrogen from helium from lithium from system
beryllium and so on. WHO AM I?
Who am I? ANSWER: Golgi Apparatus/ Golgi Body/Golgi
ANSWER: Atomic number complex/Dictyosome
1. I operate on the basis of an effect that is
1. I am Greek in origin.
sometimes undesirable.
2. Among my proponents are Aristotle, Plato, Euclid and 2. I am however very useful
Pythagoras. 3. You may find me in electronic appliances and
3. My name suggests I have something to do with the electrical installations.
earth by way of measurements. 4. I use mutual inductance to desirable effect.
4. I am a branch of Mathematics. 5. I transform voltages in alternating circuits.
5. In my basic form, I am concerned with points, lines Who am I?
and planes. ANSWER: Transformer
Who am I? RIDDLE 262
ANSWER: GEOMETRY 1. I am an inorganic substance
2. I may be produced when a certain metal is burnt
1. I am a hydrocarbon.
2. I am fully saturated.
in excess air
3. I have a straight backbone. 3. I dissolve in water to give a solution which turns
4. The number of carbons in my molecule is an odd red litmus blue
number which is also a square of an odd prime 4. The metal from which I am formed is never
number. found in nature in the uncombined state

30 | P a g e
5. That metal is the eighth most abundant element in 9. In the earth’s atmosphere or crust you would
the earth’s crust with atomic number 12 hardly find me in the free state.
Who am I? 10. The irony is that I am the most abundant element
ANSWER: Magnesium oxide (MgO) in the entire universe.
RIDDLE 263 11. I form an explo0sive mixture with the second most
1. I am a property of geometrical figures. abundant gas in the earth’s atmosphere.
2. Two figures with me fit exactly on each other. 12. My atomic number is 1 and it is believed most
3. As an example, two circles with the same radius elements are derived from me..
satisfy me. Who am I?
4. Two line segments with same length satisfy me. ANSWER: Hydrogen (gas or element)
5. I represent equality in size and shape. RIDDLE 268
6. For triangles, recall ASA, SSS, SAS. 1. My name is in two parts.
Who am I? 2. The first part represents a tall punctuation mark
ANSWER: Congruence typically used in matched pairs within text, to set
RIDDLE 264 apart or interject other text.
1. I am found in warm habitats that range from rain 3. The second part refers to a type of decomposer.
forest to desert conditions 4. I am mainly found on trees (living and dead) and
2. I belong to a family that was divided into two coarse woody debris.
subfamilies, by Klaver and Böhme in 1986. 5. Characteristically, I produce bracket-shaped or
3. My skin has a superficial layer which contains occasionally circular fruiting bodies called conks.
pigments, 6. I often grow in semi-circular shapes, looking like
4. I have two superimposed layers within my skin trees or wood.
that control my colour and thermoregulation. Who am I?
5. If my tongue was a car, it could accelerate from 0 ANSWER: Bracket Fungi
to 60 mph in 1/100th of a second
6. My species come in a range of colours, and many RIDDLE 269
of my species have the ability to change colours. 1. Perpendiculars are my dwelling place.
Who am I? 2. It seems there is something right about me.
ANSWER: Chameleon 3. I am formed from two perpendicular line segments
RIDDLE 265 or rays with a common vertex.
1. I am a property of a substance that is known to 4. When a straight angle is bisected there are two of
and used by all me.
2. I hate temperatures higher than ambient 5. Of course I am an angle.
temperatures 6. My radian measure is half of a pie.
3. I am attributed to certain non–organic ions present Who am I?
4. My name suggests I can hardly be persistent ANSWER: Right Angle
5. I can cause you to spend on soaps for your laundry RIDDLE 270
and other related activities. 1. I am a property of a substance.
Who am I? 2. I characterize phase changes.
ANSWER: Temporary Hardness of water 3. My SI unit is joule per kilogram.
RIDDLE 266 4. I am the thermal energy required for the
1. I am a line segment. isothermal phase change of unit mass of
2. I connect two points on a curve. substance.
3. I am more popularly associated with a circle. Who am I?
4. You can strike me. ANSWER: Specific latent heat
5. I am also a harmonious combination of RIDDLE 271
musical notes. 1. While my father’s ancestors were all farmers, I
Who am I? decided to stay in the classroom and lecture
ANSWER: A Chord rooms.
RIDDLE 267 2. I was born in Sweden.
7. I am an element. 3. My love for mathematics ended me in University
8. I exist as molecules. of Uppsala to study physical sciences.
31 | P a g e
4. I worked under a Professor in the Swedish WHO AM I?
Academy of Sciences. ANSWER: Fertilizer
5. Though I wrote a thesis on electrolytes I am better RIDDLE 276
known for a Theory of acids and bases. 1. If I and my friends were boxers, we would
Who am I? belong to the heavy weight division.
ANSWER: (Svante) Arrhenius 2. We are mainly organic substances with big
RIDDLE 272 3. Our bodies do not hate repeated units, in fact
1. I am a three digit number between 300 and we love them.
400. 4. We are formed from the combination of many
2. The sum of my digits is 15. small units.
3. All my digits are prime numbers. 5. We may be classified as Addition or
4. My digits are consecutive odd numbers. Condensation depending on the chemistry of
5. My middle digit is the average of my first and the combination of the units.
last digits. Who are we?
Who am I? ANSWER: Polymers
RIDDLE 273 1. I am a trigonometric ratio.
1. I am an organic compound 2. To be precise I am the reciprocal of a
2. My molecules have only carbon and hydrogen trigonometric ratio.
atoms 3. I am the co- of a trigonometric ratio.
3. My shape can be used to illustrate the perfect 4. For 45°, I am 1.
tetrahedral shape 5. For 0°, I am undefined.
4. I am a hydrocarbon with only one carbon in 6. For 90°, I am nothing.
my molecule Who am I?
5. I am a gas obtained from natural sources and ANSWER: Cotangent
therefore called Natural Gas RIDDLE 278
Who am I? 1. I am a sub-cellular structure.
ANSWER: Methane (CH4) 2. I am found predominantly in protists and in
RIDDLE 274 unicellular algae.
1. I am a type of magnetic material. 3. My number per cell varies, depending on the
2. I am a linear material; species.
3. That is, my magnetization varies linearly with 4. I was previously known as pulsatile.
magnetic field. 5. I act as part of a protective mechanism that
4. I have negative susceptibility. prevents the cell from absorbing too much
5. I am repelled by the poles of a strong magnet. water and possibly lysing through excessive
Who am I? internal pressure.
ANSWER: Diamagnetic material 6. As my name suggests, I expel water out of
RIDDLE 275 the cell by contracting.
1. I am a material of natural or synthetic origin. Who am I?
2. I may be applied as a solid or liquid. ANSWER: Contractile vacuole
3. I am applied to soils or to plant tissues (usually RIDDLE 279
leaves) to supply one or more plant nutrients 1. I am a property of a solid material.
essential to the growth of plants. 2. I operate by Hooke, never by crook.
4. I am classified according to whether I provide 3. I characterize elastic deformations.
a single nutrient or provide two or more 4. I am quite Young.
nutrients. Who am I?
5. I am commonly used for growing all crops, ANSWER: Young’s modulus
with application rates depending on the soil RIDDLE 280
fertility. 1. We live in all the world's oceans, in fresh
6. I am known to be the main contributor to the water, and on land,
eutrophication of fresh water bodies.
32 | P a g e
2. We are generally covered with a thick RIDDLE 284
exoskeleton and have a single pair of claws. 1. In the scientific method, I am an empirical
3. We are decapod crustaceans procedure.
4. We make up about 20% of all marine 2. I am used to verify, refute, or validate a
crustaceans caught, farmed, and consumed hypothesis.
worldwide 3. I provide insight into cause-and-effect by
5. The mode of articulation of our legs makes a demonstrating what outcome occurs when a
sidelong gait more efficient than forward particular factor is manipulated.
movement 4. I vary greatly in goal and scale, but always rely on
6. We typically walk sideways, a behaviour repeatable procedures and logical analysis of the
which gives us the word crabwise results.
Who are we? 5. Researchers also use me to test existing theories or
ANSWER: Crabs new hypotheses to support or disprove them.
Who am i?
ANSWER: Experiment
1. I am a collection of some basic statements.
RIDDLE 281 2. These are described as postulates by scientists.
1. Part of me can be found in a chemistry lab by 3. For gases at ordinary temperatures and pressure, I
combining different elements do not acknowledge the presence of their units,
2. I am a combination of two inequalities. molecules or atoms.
3. My solution set is the intersection or union of 4. I am able to explain why gases exert pressure.
two sets. 5. If I only begin to see the sizes of the molecules or
4. An example of me is ‘2x + 1 > 5 and 3x - 5 atoms of gases when the gases are under very high
< 25’. pressures or at very low temperatures, then
5. To solve me, solve the component inequalities Who am I?
and find their intersection or union as ANSWER: Kinetic Theory of Matter/Gases or
appropriate. Kinetic Molecular Theory of Matter/Gases.
Who am I? RIDDLE 286
ANSWER: Compound Inequality 1. I am a type of material frequently used in
RIDDLE 282 electronic devices.
1. I am a hydrocarbon 2. I am semiconducting.
2. My carbons are in a ring 3. I may contain two types of charge carriers—
3. My molecular formula would also suggest a electrons and holes;
straight chain hydrocarbon with one triple 4. But I have a larger concentration of electrons
bond than of holes.
4. My number of carbons is a product of two 5. Who am I?
prime numbers 6. ANSWER: N type semiconductor
5. I have something in common with benzene RIDDLE 287
Who am I? 1. My name suggests I sort out things.
ANSWER: Cyclohexene 2. At stationary points I yield zero.
RIDDLE 283 3. I am used to derive.
1. I am a field. 4. I yield the gradient function.
2. I am described by field lines. 5. I am the process for determining the gradient
3. My field lines are closest together where my field of the tangent to a curve.
strength is greatest. Who am I?
4. My field lines originate and terminate on point ANSWER: Differentiation
sources and point sinks. RIDDLE 288
5. My point sources are positive and my point sinks 1. I am an element discovered in 1826
are negative electric charges. 2. I am one of those elements whose smallest
Who am I? units are not atoms but molecules
ANSWER: Electric field 3. I have a boiling point of about 59oC
33 | P a g e
4. I am used in making fumigants, flame RIDDLE 293
proofing agents, water purification 1. I am a process in chemistry and other related
compounds, sanitizers and many more useful fields.
products 2. I am usually very destructive but if properly
5. I am the only liquid non–metallic element and controlled can provide lots of benefits.
my colour is reddish–brown 3. While my reactants are usually organic matter,
Who am I? water vapour is formed as a product.
ANSWER: Bromine 4. A poisonous gas or a greenhouse gas or both
RIDDLE 289 may be formed in addition to the water vapour
1. I am a composite organism depending on the circumstances.
2. My properties are very different from the 5. I usually provide heat and sometimes light but
properties of my component organisms it is the former which is most useful to
3. I come in many colours, sizes, and forms Ghanaians especially the Ministry of energy.
4. I normally grow on the bark of trees, leaves, Who am I?
mosses, bare rock, walls, gravestones, roofs ANSWER: Combustion
and exposed soil surfaces RIDDLE 294
5. I arise from algae or cyanobacteria living 1. I am a type of interaction.
among filaments of a fungus in a symbiotic 2. Because I am an inverse square law force,
relationship 3. I am said to be long range.
Who am I? 4. If I had charges as does that other long range
ANSWER: Lichen force, they would all have only one sign.
RIDDLE 290 5. I am always attractive.
1. I am a heavenly body. Who am I?
2. I am visible in the night sky. ANSWER: Gravitational interaction
3. I am a solitary satellite. RIDDLE 295
4. I orbit the only presently known habitable 1. We are ectothermic, tetrapod vertebrates
planet in the solar system. 2. We inhabit a wide variety of habitats
Who am I? 3. We use our skin as a secondary respiratory
ANSWER: Moon surface
RIDDLE 291 4. Our young ones generally undergo
1. I am a term of common parlance, but I have no metamorphosis from larva with gills to an
universally recognised precise definition. adult air-breathing form with lungs
2. I provide ecosystem services to humans and 5. Our name is derived from an Ancient Greek
serve as tourist attractions. term, which means "both kinds of life”.
3. I account for 75% of the gross primary Who are we?
productivity of the Earth's biosphere. ANSWER: Amphibians
4. I am the dominant terrestrial ecosystem of RIDDLE 296
Earth. 1. I am a two-digit number.
5. I am a large area of land covered with trees or 2. My digits are identical.
other woody vegetation. 3. The sum of my digits is 18.
4. I am the largest of my kind.
Who am I? 5. Each digit is the square of a prime digit.
ANSWER: Forest Who am I?
1. I am a quadrilateral. RIDDLE 297
2. My diagonals bisect each other so I may be a 1. You cannot touch me with your bare fingers
parallelogram. whether I am in my natural state or in an
3. An angle of mine is a right angle. aqueous solution
4. My diagonals are perpendicular. 2. As a solid I am highly hygroscopic
5. I am both equilateral and equiangular. 3. I am usually prepared in Ghana and elsewhere
Who am I? in West Africa in semi – large quantities using
ANSWER: A Square not so sophisticated set – ups
34 | P a g e
4. In other parts of the world I am produced by ANSWER: (A) Gill
electrolysis RIDDLE 302
5. I am supposed to be caustic, though needed for 1. If I were a nation, my currency would
making soft soap definitely be electrons, nothing else.
Who am I? 2. But I am not a nation but only a kind of a
ANSWER: KOH or Caustic Potash chemical process.
RIDDLE 298 3. I hate electrons which move forward and
1. If I were of a biological disposition, I backward.
could be a pathological swelling or 4. Physically I do operate in a single room most
enlargement; of the time.
2. Or a mass of one kind of tissue enclosed in 5. I need an external source of electrons,
a different kind of tissue. produced by a device with two poles with a
3. But I am only a zero. potential difference.
4. A standing wave on a string fixed at both Who am I?
ends has one of me in the first overtone; ANSWER: Electrolysis
5. And two of me in the second overtone. RIDDLE 303
Who am I? 1. In logic I am a class of objects or individuals
ANSWER: Node that can be divided into two or more groups.
RIDDLE 299 2. In mathematics I am a number characterizing a
1. I am a function. closed surface in topology.
2. Really as a function, there is nothing odd about me. 3. In biology I am any of the taxonomic groups
3. Examples of me are y = x2 and y = cosx. into which a family is divided.
4. My graph is symmetric about the y-axis. 4. Specifically, I am a group of organisms
5. If my equation is of the form y = f(x), then f(-x) = f(x). ranking above a species and below a family
Who am I? 5. Generally, I consist of a group of species
ANSWER: Even Function exhibiting similar characteristics.
RIDDLE 300 Who am I?
1. I am an organic compound with molecules ANSWER: Genus
containing a line or plane of symmetry RIDDLE 304
2. I have no rings 1. In my shortened form, I am a kind of hairstyle.
3. My molecular structure can be likened to that 2. I am a one to one mapping of a set onto itself.
of a bird, a central body with two wings of 3. In music, I am an arrangement.
equal length on the sides 4. Normally I am an arrangement of objects in a
4. The carbonyl group constitutes the body of the set.
bird 5. nPr is a common expression with me.
5. The wings are three sp3 carbons each on both Who am I?
sides of the carbonyl ANSWER: Permutation
Who am I? RIDDLE 305
ANSWER: 4–Heptanone 1. I am a model of the atom.
RIDDLE 301 2. Although I successfully describe atomic
1. I may be a unit of volume or capacity energy levels,
2. I am used in dry and liquid measure, which is 3. This success is confined to one-electron atoms.
equal to 1/4 of a British Imperial pint (142 4. I fail to give an accurate account of atomic
millilitres). angular momentum.
3. I am also a respiratory organ found in many 5. And my postulate of circular electron orbits of
aquatic organisms definite radius is at odds with reality.
4. I usually consist of thin filaments of tissue Who am I?
5. In bony fishes, I lie in a branchial chamber ANSWER: Bohr model
covered by a bony operculum. Riddle 306
6. Sharks and rays typically have five pairs of me 1. I am a phenomenon associated with waves.
in the form of slits. 2. I occur at the boundary between two material
Who am I? media.
35 | P a g e
3. I only occur when the wave velocities in the 8. I only occur when the wave velocities in the
media on each side of the boundary are media on each side of the boundary are
different. different.
4. When I occur, the direction of propagation of a 9. When I occur, the direction of propagation of a
wave changes wave changes
5. In such a manner that the angle of incidence is 10. In such a manner that the angle of incidence is
different from the angle the outgoing wave different from the angle the outgoing wave
makes with the normal. makes with the normal.
Who am I? Who am I?
ANSWER: Refraction ANSWER: Refraction
1. I am an elemental metal known to the ancient 6. I am as constant as the Northern star.
man and woman 7. I am a function.
2. My scientific name from which my symbol is 8. I am a one note Samba as my range has only
obtained is in Latin one element.
3. I do not occur in nature in the free state but as 9. My graph is always parallel to the x-axis.
a component of an ore known as 10. I have no x-intercept.
4. Nigeria is one of the nations endowed with my ANSWER: Constant Function
ore RIDDLE 312
5. I am a constituent of the metal sheets used in 5. I am a phenomenon in which fundamental
preparing the containers for canned food particles are emitted.
Who am I? 6. I often occur with refractory metals,
ANSWER: Tin 7. But I am also known to occur with certain
RIDDLE 308 compounds.
1. I am as constant as the Northern star. 8. I am useful in x-ray generators,
2. I am a function. 9. Where I occur in the hot cathode.
3. I am a one note Samba as my range has only Who am I?
one element. ANSWER: Thermionic emission
4. My graph is always parallel to the x-axis. RIDDLE 313
5. I have no x-intercept. 1. If I were a Minister of Finance, I would be
Who am I? commended for lowering taxes all the time
ANSWER: Constant Function 2. But I am not a Minister, I am only a chemical
RIDDLE 309 3. When I am in active service, no matter the
1. I am an extremely important molecule duration, my character or integrity does not
2. I was first isolated and named by two French change although my outward appearance may
scientists, a pharmacist and a chemist change
3. I am a term used for several closely related I have no effects on heats of reaction
green pigments 4. My special gift is to lower the activation
4. My molecules are specifically arranged in and energy of a system with which I am working
around photosystems that are embedded in the Who am I?
thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts ANSWER: Catalyst
5. I am vital for photosynthesis, since I allow RIDDLE 314
plants to absorb energy from light 1. I am an array of numbers but I am not a
Who am I? sequence.
ANSWER: Chlorophyll 2. To be precise, I am a rectangular array of
Riddle 310 numbers.
6. I am a phenomenon associated with waves. 3. I am closely associated with linear
7. I occur at the boundary between two material simultaneous equations.
media. 4. I am made up of rows and columns.
5. In my square form, I produce the determinant.
Who am I?
36 | P a g e
ANSWER: Matrix 6. I resist changes in pH when small quantities of
RIDDLE 315 either an acid or a base are added to the
1. I was an eminent Scottish botanist medium in which I am present
2. I lived during the eighteenth and nineteenth Who am I?
centuries. ANSWER: Buffer
3. After completing my studies in medicine at the RIDDLE 319
University of Edinburgh in Scotland I joined 1. I am a dynamical property of a moving
the army as a surgeon at the young age of 22 object.
years. 2. I am associated with rotational motion.
4. I was the first person to use the term cell 3. I may be varying even when the net force
nucleus in 1831 on an object is zero.
5. I did not realize that the cell nucleus was 4. I am to rotational motion what linear
present in cells other than those belonging to momentum is to rectilinear motion.
plants. 5. I am constant when net torque is zero.
WHO AM I? Who am I?
ANSWER: Robert Brown ANSWER: Angular momentum
1. I am a type of motion 1. I am the action or fact of carefully choosing
2. That can occur on a straight line someone or something as being the best or
3. As well as on a curve. most suitable
4. My distinguishing feature is a linear relation 2. In computing, I am a list of items on which
between acceleration and displacement. user operations will take place
5. I am periodic. 3. I am also used to refer to the pressures on
Who am I? cells and organisms to evolve
ANSWER: Simple harmonic motion 4. I do not guarantee that advantageous traits or
RIDDLE 317 alleles become prevalent within a population
1. I belong to a class of organic compounds 5. I only occur when the individuals of a
2. Despite the fact that I belong to a class of population are diverse in their characteristics
organic compounds, I am sometimes referred Who am I?
to as a derivative of another class of ANSWER: Selection
compounds RIDDLE 321
3. I am sensitive to both mineral acids and alkali 1. I am a two-digit number.
4. I am hydrolyzed by mineral acids to give two 2. I am a prime.
neutral molecules A and B; A gives 3. I am 3 short of a score.
effervescence with NaHCO3 and B evolves 4. The sum of my digits is a cube of an even
hydrogen with sodium metal prime.
5. While A has 4 carbons in a straight chain B 5. I am five more than a dozen.
has only one carbon Who am I?
Who am I? ANSWER: 17
ANSWER: Methyl butanoate RIDDLE 322
RIDDLE 318 1. I have long played an important role in human
1. I belong to a kingdom of twins societies.
2. You may describe me as being conservative 2. In object-oriented programming, I am the
because I resist changes ability to derive new classes, from existing
3. I change only if the new idea will make a classes
significant impact 3. Mind you, I should not be confused with
4. I am a two – in – one entity since one cannot subtyping
function without the other 4. In law I am the hereditary succession to an
5. The two parts in me have a conjugate estate, title, etc.4
relationship 5. I am the process of genetic transmission of
traits from parents to offspring.
Who am I?
37 | P a g e
ANSWER: Inheritance ANSWER: Cork
1. I am a three digit number. 1. I am a type of gas.
2. I lie between 100 and 200. 2. I exhibit a tendency to condense.
3. I am an exact square. 3. So I am not an ideal gas.
4. I am an even number. 4. My equation of state is similar to that of an ideal
5. The sum of my digits is 16. gas;
Who am I? 5. But the volume term is smaller by a quantity that
ANSWER: 196 takes the actual volume of my molecules into
Who am I?
RIDDLE 324 ANSWER: van der Waals gas
1. I am a device for generating high potential RIDDLE 328
differences. 1. I am a 2-digit number.
2. I produce such high potential differences I have 2. Both digits are prime.
been used in particle accelerators. 3. I am an even number.
3. I only produce modest current levels. 4. My first digit exceeds the second digit by 5.
4. So you are not likely to be harmed if you were to 5. I am six dozens.
touch the dome of the version of me you find in a Who am I?
student laboratory; ANSWER: 72
5. However, your hair may stand on end. Riddle 329
Who am I? 1. I am a three digit odd number between 700
ANSWER : Van de Graaf generator and 800.
RIDDLE 325 2. I am a square as well as a cube.
1. I am a solid solution. 3. I am an odd number.
2. My solvent is a liquid of a kind, and my solute 4. As a power, three plays a prominent role in my
is a solid. base.
3. My solvent bears the name of the planet in the 5. The number formed by my first two digits is
solar system nearest to the sun. six dozens.
4. My solute belongs to Group 1. 6. My last digit is an exact square.
5. My solute is the first metal of Group 1. Who am I?
Who am 1? ANSWER: 729
ANSWER: Lithium amalgam RIDDLE 330
RIDDLE 326 1. I may be the disposition of an individual to
1. I am a two-digit number. assert control in dealing with others.
2. I am a square. 2. In neurology i am the normal tendency for
3. I am also a square of a square. one side of the brain to be more important
4. I am an odd number. than the other in controlling certain functions
5. The sum of my digits is an odd square. 3. In ecology I am the degree of predominance
Who am I? of one or a few species in an ecological
ANSWER: 81 community
RIDDLE 326 4. In genetics I am a relationship between
1. I was first examined microscopically by alleles of one gene,
Robert Hooke. 5. In the relationship the effect on phenotype of
2. I am an impermeable, buoyant material of one allele masks the contribution of a second
plant origin. allele at the same locus
3. I am harvested for commercial use. WHO AM I?
4. A tree continues to live and grow even when I ANSWER: Dominance
am removed. RIDDLE 331
5. I am used in a variety of products, the most 1. I am a metal, and my origin is rather obscure
common of which is wine stoppers. hence my name.
Who am I?
38 | P a g e
2. When I am pure I am shiny and bluish–white 3. In my normal form there is always a molecule
in colour. of water hiding between two of my remaining
3. I am a confused citizen of the Periodic Table, units.
because though I live among the transition 4. When I am mixed with water I set to give a
metals. my chemistry mostly belongs to that of very hard material.
the Main Group Elements. 5. Paris is my favourite holiday city.
4. I am a constituent member of an alloy, that has Who am I?
served mankind since ancient times. ANSWER: Plaster of Paris or CaSO4. ½
5. If all elements are arranged in alphabetical H2O
order, I am surely among the last two. RIDDLE 336
Who am I? 1. I am a property of a material object.
ANSWER: Zinc 2. I have the same value for a particle and its
RIDDLE 332 antiparticle.
1. I am the simplest in my family. 3. I am a measure of the quantity of matter in
2. But I am not that simple to describe accurately, an object.
3. Even though I am made up of only two particles, 4. I am to the gravitational interaction what
4. One of which is fundamental. charge is to the electromagnetic
5. The first somewhat successful model of me was interaction.
constructed by Niels Bohr Who am I?
6. Who calculated my energy spectrum? ANSWER: Mass
Who am I? RIDDLE 337
ANSWER: Hydrogen atom 1. I am virtually everywhere on this planet
RIDDLE 333 2. Though I am a stable compound it is my
1. I am used to refer to the relocation of forces polymeric form that you are most familiar with
for the purpose of increasing survivability. 3. My polymers may or may not be edible
2. I may also be used to refer to the splitting up 4. My molecules can exist in the open straight
of a group of people, causing them to leave in chain form or in a heterocyclic form
different directions. 5. If you find me in my open chain form you can
3. In biology I am used to refer to the movement easily trap my alkanal functional group
of individuals from their birth site to their 6. Breakdown starch or cellulose by hydrolysis
breeding site. and you would find me
4. Or the movement from one breeding site to Who am I?
another. ANSWER: Glucose
5. I am simply the movement or transport of RIDDLE 338
seeds away from the parent plant. 1. I am an empirical property
Who Am I? 2. Used to characterize two surfaces in
ANSWER: Dispersal contact.
RIDDLE 334 3. I am used to quantify the dissipative force
1. I am a number between 1 and 10 4. That acts when two surfaces are in relative
2. Expressed as a binary number, my last digit is motion.
0. 5. I am dimensionless.
3. I am an exact square Who am I?
4. I am a sum of a prime with itself. ANSWER: Coefficient of kinetic friction
5. I am also the product of a prime with itself RIDDLE 339
Who am I? 1. My name comes from Classical Latin which
ANSWER: 4 literally means "obtained by digging"
RIDDLE 335 2. I vary in size from microscopic to very large
1. I am an inorganic salt, sparingly soluble in forms
water. 3. I range in age from the youngest to the oldest
2. I have 4 different elements, one metal and 4. I may also consist of the marks left behind by
three non–metals in my formula. the organism while it was alive

39 | P a g e
5. Precicely, I am the preserved remains or traces 4. My second digit is the product of the roots of
of animals, plants, and other organisms from the same equation.
the remote past. 5. My last digit is the difference of my first two
Who am I? digits.
ANSWER: Fossil Who am I?
1. I am a quadrilateral RIDDLE 345
2. My diagonals are perpendicular 1. I am a thin component or appendage attached
3. I fit my outline in two positions to a larger body or structure.
4. I have two pairs of congruent sides 2. I typically function as foil that produce lift or
5. I have one axis of symmetry which is a thrust.
diagonal 3. I may be a membranous appendage extending
Who am I? from the body of some organisms.
ANSWER: KITE 4. I am an organ of locomotion and balance in
RIDDLE 341 some aquatic animals.
1. I am a type of mechanical disturbance 5. In most fishes, I may be paired or unpaired.
2. That propagates through a material medium. Who am I?
3. I am characterized by compressions and ANSWER: Fin
rarefactions RIDDLE 346
4. I am longitudinal, just like my cousin who is 1. I am a member of the Main Group Elements in
known to excite auditory response in humans. the Periodic Table.
5. I have no such effect on humans and I am ultra. 2. My symbol is derived from my Latin name
Who am I? which means MARK.
ANSWER: Ultrasound 3. I am not abundant in the earth’s crust but I am
RIDDLE 342 found in over 100 minerals.
1. I am an experiment 4. I belong to Group 5 or 15 of the Periodic
2. that was conducted in 1914. Table.
3. I am credited to James and Gustav 5. I am the heavier of the two semi–metals in that
4. Who used mercury when they first Group with atomic number 51.
conducted me. Who am I?
5. I am the first to demonstrate quantization of ANSWER: Antimony (Sb)
atomic energy levels. RIDDLE 347
Who am I? 1. I am a space curve.
ANSWER: Franck-Hertz experiment 2. Associated with objects that move under
RIDDLE 343 gravity.
1. I am made from part of the neural tube during 3. I have an axis of symmetry.
development. 4. Which separates upward motion from
2. I am located inside the vertebral canal downward motion.
3. In humans, I am divided into 31 different 5. I am an open curve,
segments. 6. The trajectory of projectiles near the surface of
4. I am the main pathway for information the earth.
connecting the brain and peripheral nervous Who am I?
system ANSWER: Parabola
5. The brain and I together make up the central RIDDLE 348
nervous system 1. I am a four sided figure.
Who am I? 2. You can say I am a quadrilateral.
ANSWER: The spinal cord 3. My diagonals bisect each other
RIDDLE 344 perpendicularly.
1. I am a three digit number 4. My diagonals are not congruent.
2. I am an even number. 5. You can say I am equilateral.
3. My first digit is the sum of the roots of the Who am I ?
equation x2 – 3x + 5 = 0. ANSWER: Rhombus
40 | P a g e
RIDDLE 349 2. Because I tell directions; however, I cannot
1. I am a quadrilateral. help you on a sea voyage.
2. I fit my outline in 2 positions. 3. I am a rule.
3. I have no axis of symmetry. 4. I assign the direction of such quantities as
4. I have a center of symmetry. magnetic field of moving charges, torque, and
5. I am characterized by opposite sides being angular momentum.
parallel. 5. I am left-handed in a world that is a mirror
Who am I? image of the real world.
ANSWER: Parallelogram Who am I?
RIDDLE 350 ANSWER: Right-hand rule
1. I was first observed by Gregor Mendel in 1865 RIDDLE 354
during his studies of genetics in pea plants 1. I am a characteristic component of tropical
2. I occur during meiosis in eukaryotes rainforests.
3. A very noticeable feature of me is 2. I exist in all classes of plants.
recombination 3. I occur in greatest numbers in moist warm
4. I describe how different genes independently regions.
separate from one another when reproductive 4. I manufacture my own food in the same way
cells develop that other green plants do
5. I am popularly known as Mendel’s second law 5. I only grow harmlessly upon another plant and
Who am I? derive my moisture and nutrients from the air,
ANSWER: (Law of) independent assortment rain, and sometimes from debris.
RIDDLE 351 Who am I?
1. I am a type of motion. ANSWER: Epiphyte
2. I may occur at constant velocity;
3. That is, with zero acceleration.
4. But I can also occur with non-zero RIDDLE 355
acceleration. 1. I am a colourless, gaseous compound, made
5. When a body undergoes my kind of motion, up of triatomic molecules.
every part of it is displaced by the same vector, 2. I am only slightly soluble in water, giving a
6. And its orientation remains unchanged. neutral solution.
Who am I? 3. Chemically, I am not reactive towards both
ANSWER: Translation oxidizing and reducing agents.
RIDDLE 352 4. My molecules are made up of two different
1. I was born in an English town not too far from elements, both being non–metallic elements in
Manchester the ratio two to one (2 to 1).
2. My father who was a book seller, wanted me 5. I decompose on heating to generate a gas that
to be an Engineer supports combustion from the minor element
3. When I gained admission to Cambridge 6. My major element is a close neighbour of the
University I chose rather to read mathematics minor as they differ in atomic number only by
4. I started working at the Cavsendish Laboratory 1 and atomic mass by 2.
also in Cambridge after graduation and rose to Who am I?
become the Head of the prestigious Laboratory ANSWER: N2O or nitrogen (I) oxide
at the age of 28 RIDDLE 356
5. I did a lot of work on positively charged ions 1. I am a mathematical relation.
in electric and magnetic fields 2. I am popular with numbers.
6. Despite my interest in positively charged ions 3. With me every number is related to itself and
I discovered the electrons and won a Noble nothing else.
Prize for that in 1900 at the age of 50 4. With me, two numbers are related if their
Who am I? difference is zero.
ANSWER: J. J. Thompson 5. Equity and fairness are my hallmark.
RIDDLE 353 Who am I?
1. You can think of me as a compass. ANSWER: Equality
41 | P a g e
RIDDLE 357 ANSWER: Viscous drag or fluid friction
1. To some people, I am a 1987 American
science fiction action horror movie.
2. The movie stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as the RIDDLE 362
leader of an elite special forces team. 1. I was first discovered by a scientist in 1905
3. Their mission was to rescue hostages from while studying the inheritance of coat
guerrilla territory in Central America. colour in mice.
4. But I am one of the members of an interaction 2. I cause the death of the organism that
between two organisms of unlike species. carries me.
5. To the ecologist I am an animal that lives by 3. I am usually a result of mutations in genes
preying on other organisms for food. that are essential to growth or
Who am I? development.
ANSWER: Predator 4. I may be recessive, dominant, or
RIDDLE 358 conditional depending on the gene or genes
1. I have a beautiful, shiny black colour. involved.
2. I am made up of diatomic molecules. 5. A typical example of a disease caused by
3. A molecule may be misnomer when applied to me is sickle-cell anemia,
me, because I am a sparingly soluble ionic salt. Who am I?
4. I am precipitated when H2S gas is bubbled ANSWER: Lethal gene or lethal allele
through a solution containing my cation. RIDDLE 363
5. My cation is derived from the last element of 1. I am derived from a quadratic equation.
Group 4 or 14 of the Periodic Table. 2. I am a pair of numbers.
Who am I? 3. My sum is –b/a.
ANSWER: PbS or Lead sulphide 4. My product is c/a.
Lead (II) sulphide, galena 5. In the plant world, you will normally find
RIDDLE 359 part of me underground.
1. I am probably the most important fuel. Who am I?
2. Because many fuels can be traced to me. ANSWER: Roots of a Quadratic Equation
3. Even crude oil owes its existence to me. RIDDLE 364
4. I fuel the sun. 1. Among my peers I am the first when we are
5. And the most devastating explosive devices. arranged in an alphabetical order.
Who am I? 2. I have six carbon-carbon double bonds in my
ANSWER: Hydrogen molecules.
RIDDLE 360 3. I absorb light in the visible region of the
1. I am a type of angle. electromagnetic radiation.
2. I tend to be of a large measure. 4. I am supposed to aid vision in humans.
3. I am definitely not an acute angle and neither 5. When carrots are consumed by humans a
am I an obtuse angle. yellow pigment in the carrots is broken down
4. My measure exceeds that of a straight angle to generate me, a vitamin.
but is less than that of the angle in a circle. Who am I?
5. I have a reflexive nature. ANSWER: Vitamin A or Retinol
Who am I? (not Retinal)
ANSWER: Reflex Angle RIDDLE 365
RIDDLE 361 1. I was born on the fifteenth day of a month in
1. I am a type of force. 1564.
2. In many situations, I just come along for the 2. In a town which rhymes with a popular
ride. flatbread dish.
3. You may or may not like me, 3. My last name rhymes with a region in Israel.
4. Depending on whether you are trying to 4. I have been called father of many things: of
accelerate or decelerate astronomy, of physics, and of science.
5. In air or water or oil or any fluid. 5. I am credited with the experiment at the
Who am I? leaning Tower of Pisa.
42 | P a g e
6. Which established that objects of different 5. I am the typical method of swimming fast in
weight fall in the same time; some marine invertebrates.
7. Except that many historians believe I did not Who am I?
actually conduct such an experiment. ANSWER: Jet Propulsion
Who am I?
ANSWER: Galileo Galilei
1. I am a microscopic structure. 1. If I were a mathematician, you would find me
2. Although I am too small to be seen in the company of binomial expansions.
individually, I can be seen by the naked eye in 2. I have been called a law and a principle.
large quantities. 3. I operate in fluids,
3. I come in a wide variety of shapes sizes, and 4. In which I determine transmission of pressure.
surface markings. 5. I am the principle of equal transmission of
4. In angiosperms, I am produced by the anther, pressure in fluids.
which sits on the filament in the center of the Who am I?
flower. ANSWER: Pascal’s principle
5. I represent the male portion of the RIDDLE 371
reproductive process in angiosperms. 1. I am a transformation in the plane.
Who am I? 2. You can say I am a rigid body motion.
ANSWER: Pollen grain 3. Mind you I am not a reflection.
RIDDLE 367 4. In a way I am an interpretation.
1. I am not sure I am what I am supposed to be. 5. I involve a vector.
2. I am an important virtual concept in chemistry. 6. I move every point the same distance and in
3. Orbitals are my tools. the same direction.
4. I am in the mixing business. Who am I?
5. I am able to predict or explain the shape of ANSWER: Translation
molecules. RIDDLE 372
6. If my powers are derived from hybrid vigour 1. My name and symbol start with a particular
then alphabet.
Who am I? 2. There are eight of us in the Periodic Table
ANSWER: Hybridization whose symbol start with a letter of this
RIDDLE 368 alphabet.
1. You may not get the point but that is what I 3. Among the eight of us there is only one
am. element whose actual name does not start with
2. In Mathematics I am an undefined quantity. this letter of the alphabet but the symbol does.
3. I am the basic element of Geometry. 4. I am also an exception in the sense that of the
4. You can find me on a line, in a plane and even eight I am the only one with a one–letter
space. symbol.
5. All other geometric entities consist of me. 5. One of us is named after the eighth planet of
6. Wait a minute, you must get the point by now. the solar system.
Who am I? 6. I am the major component of the air you
ANSWER: The Point breathe in.
RIDDLE 369 Who am I?
1. I am described as an unusual mechanism for ANSWER: Nitrogen (element not gas)
swimming. RIDDLE 373
2. I am the driving force of a body by its reaction 1. I am a rather simple device,
to a force ejecting a gas or a liquid from it. 2. A transporter you may say;
3. I am the favoured means of forward motion 3. From one vessel to another:
used to power various space craft. 4. My cargo is always fluid,
4. I am used by some animals to move away 5. The destination always lower than the port of
from threat or move forward to pounce on origination.
prey. Who am I?
43 | P a g e
ANSWER: Siphon 1. I am a Group in the Periodic Table.
RIDDLE 374 2. Though my members individually have rooms
1. I am an isopod crustacean. in their houses to accommodate extra
2. I have a shell-like exoskeleton, which I electrons, they hardly welcome them.
must progressively shed as I grow. 3. They are rather quick at pushing out electrons
3. I have a lot of common names that vary to create even more vacant rooms.
throughout the English-speaking world 4. My members feel more comfortable and stable
4. Some of my common names include: boat- moving about as electron deficient entities.
builder, cheeselog, potato bug, butcher 5. With the exception of my first member which
boy, wood bug. is a metalloid the rest of us are all metals.
5. I can roll up into an almost perfect sphere 6. My Group members are fond of expelling
as a defensive mechanism. three electrons all at one go to form trivalent
6. I am not a wood, neither am I a louse. cations,
Who am I? Which group am I?
ANSWER: The woodlouse ANSWER: Group 3 or 13
1. I am a ternary aromatic compound. 1. I am a line or a line segment.
2. My molecular formula is the same as the 2. I am perpendicular to the radius at the point of
empirical formula. contact.
3. I have a ring in my structure. 3. Two of me from an external point to a circle
4. I am a white crystalline compound with a are congruent.
molecule containing six carbons. 4. I meet a circle in exactly one point.
5. My only functional group is an OH group. 5. The angle formed by me and a chord is equal
6. This makes me acidic. to any angle in the alternate segment.
Who am I? Who am I?
ANSWER: Phenol. (Do not accept ANSWER: Tangent
1. I am the basic component of a polynomial. RIDDLE 380
2. I am a simple example of an algebraic 1. In origin, I am a variant form of the word
expression. pound, meaning a confining enclosure.
3. I consist of numbers and letters. 2. I can result from a wide range of natural
4. In Biology I will be a monoculture. processes.
5. Two of me add up to a binomial and three of 3. But, I am frequently constructed by humans.
me a trinomial. 4. Usually, I contain shallow water with marsh
6. Remember I am a single term. and aquatic plants and animal.
Who am I? 5. The most important service provided by me is
ANSWER: Monomial the production of fish and other wildlife
RIDDLE 377 Who am I?
1. I have been a common practice for most of ANSWER: Pond
human history. RIDDLE 381
2. I was a highlight throughout Second World 6. I am a relation in physics.
War. 7. That was first published in a 1924 PhD thesis
3. Resource shortages caused by the world war 8. Whose author I am named after.
greatly encouraged my practice. 9. I have since been confirmed experimentally.
4. I am a key component of modern waste 10. And I have been used in describing interference
reduction. and diffraction phenomena involving particles
5. I am the process of converting waste materials such as electrons and neutrons.
into reusable objects. 11. I specify the wavelike behavior of matter.
Who am I? Who am I?
ANSWER: Recycling (Recycle) ANSWER: de Broglie relation
44 | P a g e
1. I am a common name for certain group of 1. In modern-day human culture, I have often
organisms that are adapted to living in water at come to be viewed quite negatively.
any point in their life cycle. 2. But I am a vital process in nature,
2. Most of my members can only live in fresh 3. Without decay, and I, the world would
water, with a few marine species that live in experience a decline in new growth, due to a
the intertidal zone. shortage of nutrients,
3. My adults hibernate in the underwater soil 4. I owe my existence to organisms that are
during a large part of the year. commonly referred to as detritivores.
4. I possess a hardened elytra that forms a cavity 5. I am the first stage in the recycling of nutrients
above my body. that have been used by an organism to build its
5. Many of my members carry an air bubble, body
called the elytra cavity, underneath their Who am I?
abdomens, which provides an air supply. ANSWER: Decomposition
6. I am a beetle that lives in water RIDDLE 389
Who am I? 1. I am a radioactive metal.
ANSWER: Water Beetle 2. With a half-life greater than 700 million years.
RIDDLE 383 3. I fission on neutron capture.
1. I am, for all practical purposes, an aromatic 4. Into isotopes of barium and krypton.
compound. 5. Thereby producing three neutrons from one.
2. Strictly not every part of me can be classified 6. I am the target isotope in enrichment plants.
as aromatic. Who am I?
3. I have as part of my molecule six sp2
hybridized carbons. ANSWER: Uranium-235
4. Those six carbons of mine are in a ring.
5. My only additional carbon is sp3 hybridized RIDDLE 390
and it is bonded to one of the sp2 carbons. 1. In my normal state, I am a gaseous organic
6. I am easily oxidized to benzoic acid with compound
acidified KMnO4 solution. 2. I have six atoms, from two elements, in my
Who am I? molecules
ANSWER: Toluene or Methylbenzene 3. I have both sigma and pi – bonds in my
RIDDLE 384 molecules
1. I am an ordered pair of numbers. 4. I can react with reagents such as HBr gas,
2. I am associated with a point in the coordinate Bromine gas and water in the presence of
plane. concentrated H2SO4.
3. Each number indicates a distance from the 5. My molecules and those of my cousins are
coordinate axes. very sociable
4. The first number is the abscissa. 6. With very little effort, thousands if not
5. The second number is the ordinate. millions of my molecules can join hands to
6. My name suggests my plurality. form giant molecules
Who am I? Who am I?
ANSWER: Coordinates ANSWER: Ethene
RIDDLE 385 1. Scientifically, I am divided into lentic systems
1. I am an equation. and lotic systems.
2. To be precise I am a quadratic equation. 2. I am a renewable and variable, but finite
3. I need not have real roots. natural resource.
4. The sum of my roots is -5/3. 3. I am an important natural resource necessary
5. The product of my roots is 1/3. for the survival of all ecosystems.
Who am I? 4. I create a hypotonic environment for aquatic
ANSWER: 3x2 + 5x + 1 = 0 organisms.
RIDDLE 386 5. I can be defined as water with less than 500
parts per million (ppm) of dissolved salts.
45 | P a g e
Who am I? 4. My production from an oxide of my metal is
ANSWER: Freshwater usually accompanied by evolution of large
RIDDLE 392 amounts of heat.
1. I am a two digit number. 5. In my raw form I am used in neutralizing
2. I am an odd number. acidic soils
3. The sum of my digits is a cube of an even 6. My nick–name suggests I am a modified citrus
prime. fruit but I am not.
4. My last digit is an identity for an arithmetical Who am I?
operation. ANSWER: Slaked lime or calcium
5. I am just short of 6 dozens. hydroxide or Ca(OH)2
Who am I? RIDDLE 396
ANSWER: 71 1. In nutrition I am a breakfast cereal
RIDDLE 393 manufactured by Kellogg's Canada.
1. I am a salt, comprising a simple cation and 2. In computer science I am a one-dimensional
a simple anion. array.
2. I am soluble in cold water but insoluble in 3. In molecular biology I am a vehicle used to
petroleum ether. transfer genetic material to a target cell.
3. If a drop of my aqueous solution is 4. I am also used to refer to any agent that carries
dropped into a colourless flame, the flame and transmits an infectious pathogen into
will become intense golden yellow. another living organism.
4. My anion is derived from an element in 5. In Physics I am used to represent physical
Group 7 or 17. quantities that have both magnitude and
5. The alcoholic aqueous solution of that direction
element can be used as an antiseptic. Who am I?
6. That same element forms a blue complex ANSWER: Vector
with starch. RIDDLE 397
Who am I?
ANSWER: Sodium iodide or NaI 1. I am a point in space.
RIDDLE 394 2. I am not fixed in space as a casual observation
1. I am one of the particles that make up matter. would suggest,
2. I have mass so I can interact with other 3. Because orbital precession causes long-period
particles via the gravitational force. periodic changes in my location.
3. However, my principal interaction is 4. My name reminds one of a fermented
electromagnetic. beverage made from pears.
4. I have been described as the real object that 5. But I am always the closest to the Sun;
comes closest to a mathematical point. 6. Earth only passes through me once a year.
5. But I am no mere point: a mass of order Who am I?
−30 1 −19 ANSWER: Perihelion
10 kg , spin- 2 , charge of order −10 C , and RIDDLE 398
extra nuclear in atoms; 1. I am a number.
6. I give electricity both its name and character. 2. I am a natural number.
Who am I? 3. I and my siblings are the building blocks for
ANSWER: Electron factorization of integers.
RIDDLE 395 4. I have only two divisors, myself and the
1. I am an inorganic substance, sparingly soluble multiplicative identity.
in water. 5. Numbers of my type are normally odd with
2. I have a cation derived from a very important one notable exception.
metal, which is present in a lot of substances, 6. You can say I am in the prime of my life.
animate and inanimate. Who am I?
3. I belong to the Lowry–Bronsted kingdom ANSWER: Prime Number
1. I am a transparent object

46 | P a g e
2. Which can carry radiation over very long distances?
3. I have a very small transverse dimension,
4. With optical properties that vary outward from the
5. In one embodiment, I am called step index because
refractive index in the central portion is slightly larger
than refractive index in the surrounding cladding.
Who am I?
ANSWER: Optical fiber
1. I am the point of intersection of the medians to a
2. I am a useful point of concurrency, especially in
3. For a thin uniform triangular plate, I am the center
of mass of the triangle.
4. Such a triangular plate can be balanced at me.
5. I am often referred to as a center of gravity.
Who am I?
ANSWER: Centroid

47 | P a g e
RIDDLE 401 5. I am the bony structure that forms the head in
1. I am a sub–class of a broad class of reactions in the human skeleton.
chemistry Who am I?
2. I am quite often cited in connection with organic ANSWER: The Skull / Cranium
reactions RIDDLE 404
3. I usually proceed through polar intermediates 1. I am a type of number.
4. At the end of the reaction, careful inspection will
2. People think there is something logical about
reveal a new comer in the reactant molecule with
concurrent departure of some unit of the reactant. me because of my name.
5. In my sub–class of the reaction type, each reaction 3. I normally comprise of two integers with the
is initiated by a species with an electron pair second not being zero.
6. The reaction of a primary-alkylhalide with the 4. I am just a ratio hence my name.
hydroxide ion is a typical example of me. 5. I am the quotient of two integers.
Who am I? 6. I am simply a fraction.
ANSWER: Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction Who am I?
RIDDLE 402 ANSWER: Rational Number
1. I am a porous tissue consisting of cells with large RIDDLE 405
intercellular spaces 1. I am a chemical with a rather long name.
2. I am found as raised circular, oval, or elongated
2. Most chemistry students do not know that I
areas on stems and roots
can be used as a laxative; to them I am a kind
3. My shape is one of the characteristics used for tree
identification. of a dye.
4. My formation usually begins beneath stomatal 3. Like a chameleon I change my colour
complexes during primary growth preceding the depending on my environment.
development of the first periderm 4. Indeed I change my colour as pH changes.
5. I am also present on many fruits, quite noticeably 5. Obviously I am useful in Volumetric
on many apples and pears. Analyses.
6. I function as a pore, providing a pathway for the 6. I am pink in solutions of high pH and
direct exchange of gases between the internal colourless in solutions at pH 8 or lower.
tissues and atmosphere through the bark Who am I?
Who am I? ANSWER: Phenolphthalein
ANSWER: Lenticel(s)
1. You can say I am against logarithms.
1. I am an emission process.
2. I am in the opposition so far as logarithms are
2. I occur in the presence of photons,
3. But I also occur when no photons are present.
3. For 1, I am 10 so far as common logarithms
4. I generate photons whose properties are not
are concerned.
correlated with those of photons already
4. For 2, I am 9 in base 3.
5. I am the reverse process so far as logarithms
5. So my product is distinguishable from that of a
are concerned.
stimulated process.
6. For a given logarithm, I determine the
Who am I?
corresponding number.
ANSWER: Spontaneous emission
Who am I?
ANSWER: Antilogarithm
1. I am a complex structure.
1. I am a viscous, non-Newtonian fluid.
2. I am initially made up of many separate bony
2. Normally, I am clear, pale yellow, sticky, and
do not clot.
3. During development, many of these bony
3. I am an ultrafiltrate from blood plasma,
elements gradually fuse together into solid
4. I contain proteins derived from the blood
plasma and proteins that are produced by cells
4. I support the structures of the face and form a
within the joint tissues.
cavity for the brain.

48 | P a g e
5. My principal role is to reduce friction between 1. I am a point of concurrency associated with a
the articular cartilages of synovial joints triangle.
during movement. 2. I am a meeting point of three lines associated with a
Who am I? triangle.
3. I am in a way a center of some sort.
ANSWER: Synovial fluid
4. I am not the in-center and neither am I the circum-
RIDDLE 408 center.
1. I am a gas giant. 5. I am the point at which the three altitudes of a
2. I am quite massive, triangle meet.
3. Though not as massive as my neighbor Who am I?
4. Who was the site of the spectacular encounter ANSWER: Ortho-Center
with Shoemaker-Levy in 1994. RIDDLE 413
5. I am home to Janus, Titan, and Phoebe. 1. I am always a ratio, constant at constant
Who am I? temperatures.
ANSWER: Saturn 2. If you guessed that I was a kind of equilibrium
RIDDLE 409 constant, you were not wrong.
3. My numerator is always made up of two terms.
1. The mystery about me is whether I am a gas or
4. One of the terms in the numerator is the hydroxide
a liquid. ion concentration.
2. Ideally I should be part of every home but in 5. The second term in the numerator and the only
Ghana I am not. denominator are directly related
3. While you have your freedom of movement, I 6. I am better known to be a measure of the strength
do not have that luxury. of weak bases.
4. I am stored in a limited space under extreme Who am I?
pressure all the time. ANSWER: Base Dissociation Constant, Kb
5. I am originally part of a liquid solution, dark RIDDLE 414
brown in colour. 1. I am a process that usually occurs as part of a
6. I am the first to be collected during fractional larger cell cycle.
2. For simple unicellular organisms, such as the
distillation of the liquid solution.
amoeba, one of me is equivalent to reproduction.
Who am I? 3. Regardless of the organism in which I occur, I am
ANSWER: Liquified Petroleum Gas or LPG preceded by a single round of DNA replication.
RIDDLE 410 4. My primary concern is the maintenance of the
1. I am a disturbance that transports energy. original cell's genome.
2. I am a type of wave. 5. I am the process by which a parent cell divides into
3. I am characterized by oscillations two or more daughter cells
perpendicular to the direction of propagation. Who am I?
4. I propagate through vacuum. ANSWER: Cell division
5. I am characterized by oscillating electric and Riddle 415
magnetic fields. 1. I am an inorganic substance made up of one
Who am I? atom of a metal and an atom of a non-metal.
ANSWER: Electromagnetic wave 2. I am a black powder
RIDDLE 411 3. When I am strongly heated I give out oxygen
1. Out of the many, a few. gas
2. That is who I am—a condenser you may say. 4. My metal component is the major constituent
3. I combine particles to form particles with larger of the alloy, bronze
mass than the starting ones. Who am I?
4. I can be accompanied by generation or absorption ANSWER: Copper (II) Oxide or CuO
of energy, depending on starting conditions. (Cu2O is orange-yellow)
5. If you knew my secrets, you could reconstruct the Riddle 416
entire periodic table:
1. I am the rule so far as partial fractions are
6. Hydrogen into deuterium into helium and on and
on and on. concerned.
Who am I? 2. I am used to obtain coefficients when a rational
ANSWER: Nuclear fusion expression is expressed in partial fractions.

49 | P a g e
3. As the name suggests, unwanted coefficients are 3. The sum of my digits is 16.
literally covered up or hidden by an appropriate 4. My last 2 digits differ by 3 and my first digit is the
substitution. first natural number.
Who am I? Who am I?
ANSWER: Cover-up rule ANSWER: 169
Riddle 417 Riddle 423
1. I am a type of flying insect 1. The atomic number of my atoms is an odd
2. The first six letters my name signifies a legendary number but the atomic mass is an even
creature, typically with traits of reptiles, that number.
features in the myths of many cultures. 2. I am an element that exists in nature as
3. I belong to the order Odonata molecules
4. I am among the fastest flying insects in the world 3. I do support life of animals in a different way.
Who am I? 4. I do not encourage destruction the way my
ANSWER: Dragon fly next door neighbours does
5. If I hold the majority shares of about 80% of
RIDDLE 418 the atmosphere, then
1. I am a vector quantity. Who am I?
2. I am a property of a moving object. ANSWER: N2 or Nitrogen gas.
3. My rate of change tells the force on a moving Riddle 424
object. 5. I am an optical device.
4. I am the product of mass and velocity. 6. I have a curved reflecting surface.
Who am I? 7. I form virtual images of real objects placed
ANSWER: Linear momentum between me and my focal point.
RIDDLE 419 8. I am called concave.
1. When I am dissolved in water, my heptatomic Who am I?
molecules disintegrate into three units
2. Two of the units are friends of Arrhenius ANSWER: Concave mirror
3. My molecules are derived from three different .
Riddle 425
4. Without me transportation in Accra would
1. I am a type of bone in tetrapod vertebrates
completely come to a halt
2. My head articulates with the acetabulum in the
Who am I?
pelvic bone forming the hip joint
3. My distal part articulates with the tibia and patella
forming the knee joint
1. I am an odd 4 digit number.
4. I provide surfaces for the attachment of leg
2. All my digits are identical and each is a square.
muscles and support the thigh
3. I am the last of my kind.
5. In vertebrates with four legs such as dogs and cats,
4. The difference of any two of my digits is zero.
I am found only in the rear legs
Who am I?
Who am I?
ANSWER: 9999
1. I am a catabolic process
2. My process is completely absent in plants
3. I am often divided into two processes, mechanical
1. I am named for a famous physicist.
and chemical.
2. I am a law of nature.
4. I am the main process by which food is broken
3. I tell the magnitude and direction of forces acting
down into simple absorbable form
on interacting objects.
4. I am called third.
ANSWER: Digestion
Who am I?
Riddle 422 ANSWER: Newton’s third law
1. I am a three digit number between 100 and 200.
2. I am a square of an odd 2 digit prime number.
50 | P a g e
1. Of all sets I am definitely unique. RIDDLE 431
2. I am a subset of every set. 1. I am the stuff mathematical theorems and their
3. My cardinal number is zero and I am the identity proofs are made of.
for union of sets. 2. I am simply two statements with a connective.
4. Remember empty barrels make the most noise. 3. I am generally of the form “If P, then Q”.
Who am I? 4. You must be getting what I am implying.
ANSWER: Empty set or Null set Who am I?
RIDDLE 428 ANSWER: Implication
1. We belong to a family of mainly but not
exclusively organic compounds RIDDLE 432
2. Our formulae are usually big 1. The term desmology refers to the study of me
3. We have repeating units in our systems 2. I am found in the skeletal system of the human
4. We can be classified broadly as condensation body
or addition compounds. 3. I am the fibrous tissue that connects bones to other
Who are we? bones
ANSWER: Polymers. 4. Some of my types limit the mobility of
articulations, or prevent certain movements
RIDDLE 428 altogether.
1. I am a reproductive structure found in certain 5. I gradually shrink when under tension, and return
organisms to my original shape when the tension is removed
2. I normally consist of four kinds of structures WHO AM I?
attached to the tip of a short stalk ANSWER: Ligament
3. In addition to facilitating reproduction, I have
long been admired and used by humans to Riddle 433
beautify their environment 12. I am a constituent of an atom.
4. I am also an object of romance, ritual, religion, 13. There are as many of me in an atom as the atomic
medicine and as a source of food. number of the atom.
5. I give rise to fruits and seeds. 14. I have the smallest mass of all the constituents of
WHO AM I? an atom.
ANSWER: Flower 15. I am negatively charged.
Who am I?
RIDDLE 429 ANSWER: Electron
1. I was born in 1766 and lived for 78years. RIDDLE 434
2. My major aim in life was to understand the 1. I am a law of nature.
chemical nature of matter. 2. I am named for a famous physicist.
3. My thoughts did not receive the favour of my 3. I tell the rate at which a hot object loses heat.
contemporaries 4. I am a law of cooling.
4. After several experiments I suggested that matter Who am I?
was made up of small particles called atom. Newton’s law of cooling
Who am I? RIDDLE 435
ANSWER: (John) Dalton. 1. I am associated with a statement.
2. If a statement is true, then I am false and vice-
RIDDLE 430 versa.
1. I am an optical device. 3. Put simply, any statement and I cannot be true
2. I am transparent so light can pass through me. together or false together.
3. When light rays parallel to my axis pass through 4. Who am I?
me they are refracted to pass through my focal ANSWER: Negation of a statement
point. RIDDLE 436
4. I am called convex. 1. I am the name of a certain class of chemicals.
Who am I? 2. I can be moulded into all kinds of shapes and I do
ANSWER: Convex lens come in various colours.
51 | P a g e
3. Sand is my commonest raw material.
4. I cool from my molten state to give an amorphous RIDDLE 442
solid 1. I am made up of symmetrical molecules
Who am I? 2. I am a hydrocarbon
Ans: Glass 3. My formula suggests that I am unsaturated but I
RIDDLE 437 am not
1. I am a taxon in the hierarchy of taxa 4. If I have 5 carbons in a ring then who am I?
2. I am the only taxon with members that share Ans: Cyclopentane
only broad and general characteristics RIDDLE 443
3. My name refers to a monarchy ruled by a king 1. I am the basis of mathematical reasoning.
or queen 2. I am involved with statements, truth tables and
4. I am the first and largest rank among the seven rules of syntax.
ranks into which living organisms are 3. I am concerned with validity of mathematical
classified. arguments.
WHO AM I? Kingdom Who am I?
Riddle 438 ANSWER: Logic
1. I am a property of matter. RIDDLE 444
2. My value is large when a large mass occupies a 1. I am a molecular unit
small volume. 2. I am used extensively by the scientific community
3. I tell the mass of a unit volume of substance. as a name given to some stretches of
4. I am the ratio of mass to volume. deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA’s) and Ribonucleic
Who am I? acid (RNA)
Answer: Density 3. My existence was first suggested by Gregor
Mendel (1822-1884)
4. The total complement of me in an organism or cell
Riddle 439 is known as genome.
1. I was first prepared in the laboratory as far 5. I am the molecular unit of heredity of a living
back as 1818 organism
2. I am a colourless ,viscous liquid with a WHO AM I? Answer: Gene
freezing point of 4◦C
3. I am easily decomposed by heat or light to RIDDLE 445
produce an explosive mixture. 6. If I were time, I would be instantaneous.
4. My component atoms are derived from 7. I am a measure of the turning effect of a force.
hydrogen and oxygen in equal proportions. 8. The larger the perpendicular distance of a force
Who am I? from a point, the larger I am.
ANSWER: H2O2 or hydrogen peroxide. 9. I am called moment.
RIDDLE 440 Who am I? Answer: Moment of a force
1. I am a branch of biology
2. The first three letters of my name refer to a
financial charge or other levy imposed upon an Riddle 446
individual or legal entity by a state 1. I am a particle emitted by radioactive
3. The Greek philosopher and biologist Aristotle substances.
was one of the pioneers of my study 2. I am charged.
4. My study concerns the principle of 3. My range is small compared to other
classification emissions.
WHO AM I? Answer: Taxonomy 4. I contain two protons and two neutrons.
1. I am an algebraic expression. Who am I? Answer: Alpha particle
2. I am a quotient of two polynomials.
3. I may be broken up into partial fractions. RIDDLE 447
4. My denominator is never zero. 1. So far as diagrams are concerned, I am quite
Who am I? ANSWER: Rational Expression famous.
52 | P a g e
2. I am used to solve problems. 3. The arms of my carbon-oxygen unit consist of a 2
3. I am used to represent sets, elements and carbon unit and a three carbon unit.
subsets. 4. I have no other functional group
Who am I? ANSWER: Venn Diagram Who am I? ANSWER: 3-Hexanone
RIDDLE 448 6. I am a law of nature.
1. I am sometimes described as a rare element
but I am more abundant in the earth’s crust 7. I am named after a physicist.
than sulphur and lead
2. I am a soft transition metal and named after 8. I describe the interaction between a magnetic
the first mythical sons of the earth. field and a circuit.
3. I have a high strength/weight ratio and so I am
useful in the aircraft industry 9. I tell the direction of induced electromotive
4. I am the second element of the first d- forces.
transition series.
Who am I? ANSWER: Titanium. Who am I? ANSWER: Lenz’s law
1. I am a fleshy, spore-bearing fruiting body of
1. My type may be added, subtracted, multiplied but
an organism
never divided.
2. My name consists of eight letters
3. The first four letters of my name refer to a
2. I am a rectangular array of numbers.
thick porridge or pudding of cornmeal boiled
in water or milk 3. In my square form I may have an inverse.
4. And the last four letters of name refer to any
distinguishable space within a structure that 4. I am characterized by the number of rows and the
has its own door. number of columns.
5. I am a member of the eukaryotic organisms
commonly referred to as fungi
WHO AM I? Mushroom Who am I? ANSWER: Matrix
Riddle 450
1. I am a metabolic pathway

2. My wide occurrence indicates that I am one of the

most ancient known metabolic pathways
3. I am the first stage of the process of respiration 1. I am a solid solution and known for my
4. I occur in the cytosol or cytoplasm of the cell 2. Without carbon I would succumb to
any minute stress and weather
5. I am the metabolic pathway that converts glucose condition.
into pyruvate 3. I am malleable when I am red hot.
4. My strength and beauty are increased
6. My name literally means degradation of glucose when small amounts of other transition
elements are added to me.
Who am I?
Who am I? ANSWER: Glycolysis ANSWER: Steel.
1. I am a laboratory instrument.
1. I possess a carbon-oxygen double bond 2. I have arms, one of which is called the
2. I am not an acid or a derivative of an acid. ratio arm.

53 | P a g e
3. You might think of using me to cross a without being in contact with the object
river. whose temperature I measure.
4. By me you can determine electrical 3. I operate by measuring thermal radiation.
resistances. 4. My name begins with the Greek word for
Who am I? Answer: Wheatstone bridge fire
RIDDLE 456 Who am I? ANSWER: Pyrometer
1. You can say I am a function of a function. RIDDLE 461
2. I am a way of combining two functions to 1. I am a two digit number between 25 and
create another function. 45.
3. I am definitely associative but not generally 2. The sum of my digits is 10 and the
commutative. difference of my digits is a square.
4. When a function is combined with its inverse 3. I am a prime.
under me, one obtains the identity function. 4. The number formed by reversing my digits
Who am I? ANSWER: Composition of functions is also a prime.
RIDDLE 457 Who am I? ANSWER: 37
1. I am a type of insect
2. I possess broad, flattened body and relatively
small head Riddle 462
3. Some my members are in close association 1. My aqueous solution is very colourful
with human dwellings and widely found and characteristic of me.
around garbage or in the kitchen 2. I contain a metal cation which does not
4. The first four letters of my name refers to the contribute to that purple colour.
male fowl 3. I am a solid and good oxidising agent
WHO AM I? Cockroach with gram formula mass of 158.
4. My purple colour is attributed to the
presence of a transition metal in my
RIDDLE 458 complex anion.
1. My name is a big contradiction. Who am I? ANSWER: KMnO4
2. I am supposed to be hard but I am not even RIDDLE 463
a solid. 1. I am a membrane-bound organelle found in most
3. I am told I am hard simply because I am eukaryotic cells
harsh on soaps but not on detergents. 2. My name literally means "thread granule”
4. I am usually an aqueous solution 3. My number in a cell varies widely by organism and
containing small amounts of multivalent tissue type.
cations. 4. Many cells have only a single of me, whereas
Who am I? ANSWER: Hard water others can contain several thousands of me
RIDDLE 459 5. I am sometimes described as "cellular power
1. I belong to the kingdom Plantae plants" because i generate most of the cell's supply of
2. I exhibit a range of morphology from adenosine triphosphate (ATP),
unicellular to multicellular
3. My largest and most complex forms are Who am I? ANSWER: Mitochondrion
known as seaweeds RIDDLE 464
4. I form a symbiotic association with fungus 1. I am the mathematics of an unfair world.
to form a lichen 2. Less than, greater than feature prominently in my
5. A gelatinous substance derived from some activities.
of my members serves as a good medium 3. I can have an infinite number of solutions.
on which to grow bacteria and fungi 4. My nearest cousin is an equation.
WHO AM I? Answer : Alga/Algae Who am I?
RIDDLE 460 ANSWER: Inequality
1. I am a device for measuring temperature.
2. Unlike many temperature measuring RIDDLE 465
devices, I can measure temperatures 11. I am a property of a substance.
54 | P a g e
12. If I were a vessel, I would be how much it can 1. I am a topic in Mathematics associated with forces
hold. in mechanics.
13. I am high if a large amount of heat is required 2. My name suggests that I have nothing to do with
to change the temperature of a substance. motion.
14. I describe unit mass of substance. 3. I am involved with forces generally in
Who am I? ANSWER: Specific heat capacity 4. I determine components of a force and the resultant
of a set of forces.
RIDDLE 466 Who am I? ANSWER: Statics
1. I am a transformation in the plane.
2. I map a point onto a point. RIDDLE 471
3. I map a straight line onto another straight line, 1. I am a saprophytic fungus
hence my name. 2. I reproduce asexually by budding and fission
4. I preserve vector addition and scalar multiplication 3. I am found on the surfaces of sugary substances
of a vector. like fruit sugar cane and nectar of flowers
Who am I? ANSWER: Linear Transformation 4. People have used me for fermentation and baking
RIDDLE 467 throughout history
1. I have as many as 24 atoms from three elements in WHO AM I? Answer: Yeast
my molecule.
2. I represent one of the contradictions of chemistry RIDDLE 472
because although I have the alkanone structure I 1. I am a type of motion.
respond favourably to Fehling’s and Tollens’ 2. I can occur when objects move on a straight line
reagents. or when they move on a curve.
3. I am the sweetest member of our family. 3. With me, acceleration is always proportional but
4. If you really know who I am, you will probably opposite to displacement.
call me sweetheart or honey. 4. I am simple.
Who am I? Who am I? Answer: Simple harmonic motion
ANSWER: Fructose
1. I am a phylum of organisms under the kingdom
animalia 1. I am an inorganic substance made up of three
2. Some of my members live in the sea, some in different elements in the ratio 1 : 1 : 3
freshwater and others on land 2. I am highly temperamental and I produce
3. My members have a dorsal body mass known as brown fumes when I am agitated.
visceral hump, with a mantle cover which 3. Though I am a member of the Brönsted –
commonly secretes a shell Lowry family, in most of my reactions I am
4. Gastropods, bivalves, and cephalopods belong to acting as an oxidizing agent.
me 4. Nitrogen is one my elements in addition to
Who am I? ANSWER: Phylum Mollusca oxygen and hydrogen
Who am I?
Answer: HNO3 or trioxonitrate (V)
RIDDLE 469 7. Out of the many, a few.
1. I am a property of a concave spherical mirror. 8. That is who I am—a condenser you may say.
2. I am a point on the principal axis of the mirror. 9. I combine particles to form particles with
3. Rays parallel to the axis come to a focus as far larger mass than the starting ones.
from the pole as from me. 10. I can be accompanied by generation or
4. I am twice as far from the mirror as the focus. absorption of energy, depending on starting
Who am I? ANSWER: Centre of curvature conditions.

55 | P a g e
11. If you knew my secrets, you could reconstruct 8. I am in the opposition so far as logarithms are
the entire periodic table: concerned.
12. Hydrogen into deuterium into helium and on 9. For 1, I am 10 so far as common logarithms are
and on and on. concerned.
10. For 2, I am 9 in base 3.
Who am I?
11. I am the reverse process so far as logarithms are
ANSWER: Nuclear fusion concerned.
12. For a given logarithm, I determine the
RIDDLE 475 corresponding number.
6. I am a point of concurrency associated with a Who am I?
triangle. ANSWER: Antilogarithm
7. I am a meeting point of three lines associated
with a triangle. RIDDLE 479
8. I am in a way a center of some sort. 6. I am a viscous, non-Newtonian fluid.
9. I am not the in-center and neither am I the 7. Normally, I am clear, pale yellow, sticky, and do
circum-center. not clot.
10. I am the point at which the three altitudes of a 8. I am an ultrafiltrate from blood plasma,
triangle meet. 9. I contain proteins derived from the blood plasma
and proteins that are produced by cells within the
Who am I?
joint tissues.
ANSWER: Ortho-Center 10. My principal role is to reduce friction between the
RIDDLE 476 articular cartilages of synovial joints during
7. I am always a ratio, constant at constant movement.
temperatures. Who am I?
8. If you guessed that I was a kind of equilibrium ANSWER: Synovial fluid
constant, you were not wrong.
9. My numerator is always made up of two RIDDLE 480
terms. 6. I am a gas giant.
10. One of the terms in the numerator is the 7. I am quite massive,
hydroxide ion concentration. 8. Though not as massive as my neighbor
11. The second term in the numerator and the only 9. Who was the site of the spectacular encounter with
Shoemaker-Levy in 1994.
denominator are directly related
10. I am home to Janus, Titan, and Phoebe.
12. I am better known to be a measure of the Who am I?
strength of weak bases. ANSWER: Saturn
Who am I?
ANSWER: Base Dissociation Constant, Kb
6. I am a process that usually occurs as part of a RIDDLE 481
larger cell cycle. 7. The mystery about me is whether I am a gas or a
7. For simple unicellular organisms, such as the liquid.
amoeba, one of me is equivalent to 8. Ideally I should be part of every home but in
reproduction. Ghana I am not.
8. Regardless of the organism in which I occur, I 9. While you have your freedom of movement, I do
am preceded by a single round of DNA not have that luxury.
10. I am stored in a limited space under extreme
pressure all the time.
9. My primary concern is the maintenance of the 11. I am originally part of a liquid solution, dark
original cell's genome. brown in colour.
10. I am the process by which a parent cell divides 12. I am the first to be collected during fractional
into two or more daughter cells distillation of the liquid solution.
Who am I? Who am I?
ANSWER: Cell division ANSWER: Liquified Petroleum Gas or LPG
7. You can say I am against logarithms. 6. I am a disturbance that transports energy.
7. I am a type of wave.

56 | P a g e
8. I am characterized by oscillations perpendicular
to the direction of propagation.
9. I propagate through vacuum.
10. I am characterized by oscillating electric and
magnetic fields.
Who am I?
ANSWER: Electromagnetic wave

6. I am an emission process.
7. I occur in the presence of photons,
8. But I also occur when no photons are present.
9. I generate photons whose properties are not
correlated with those of photons already
10. So my product is distinguishable from that of a
stimulated process.
Who am I?
ANSWER: Spontaneous emission

6. I am a complex structure.
7. I am initially made up of many separate bony
8. During development, many of these bony
elements gradually fuse together into solid
9. I support the structures of the face and form a
cavity for the brain.
10. I am the bony structure that forms the head in
the human skeleton.
Who am I?
ANSWER: The Skull / Cranium

57 | P a g e
RIDDLE 485 8. I am quite often cited in connection with
7. I am a type of number. organic reactions
8. People think there is something logical about 9. I usually proceed through polar intermediates
me because of my name. 10. At the end of the reaction, careful inspection
9. I normally comprise of two integers with the will reveal a new comer in the reactant
second not being zero. molecule with concurrent departure of some
10. I am just a ratio hence my name. unit of the reactant.
11. I am the quotient of two integers. 11. In my sub–class of the reaction type, each
12. I am simply a fraction. reaction is initiated by a species with an
Who am I? electron pair
ANSWER: Rational Number 12. The reaction of a primary-alkylhalide with the
RIDDLE 486 hydroxide ion is a typical example of me.
7. I am a chemical with a rather long name. Who am I?
8. Most chemistry students do not know that I ANSWER: Nucleophilic Substitution
can be used as a laxative; to them I am a kind Reaction
of a dye. RIDDLE 490
9. Like a chameleon I change my colour 7. I am a porous tissue consisting of cells with
depending on my environment. large intercellular spaces
10. Indeed I change my colour as pH changes. 8. I am found as raised circular, oval, or
11. Obviously I am useful in Volumetric elongated areas on stems and roots
Analyses. 9. My shape is one of the characteristics used for
12. I am pink in solutions of high pH and tree identification.
colourless in solutions at pH 8 or lower. 10. My formation usually begins beneath stomatal
Who am I? complexes during primary growth preceding
ANSWER: Phenolphthalein the development of the first periderm
RIDDLE 487 11. I am also present on many fruits, quite
6. I am a transparent object noticeably on many apples and pears.
7. Which can carry radiation over very long 12. I function as a pore, providing a pathway for
distances? the direct exchange of gases between the
8. I have a very small transverse dimension, internal tissues and atmosphere through the
9. With optical properties that vary outward from the bark
centre. Who am I?
10. In one embodiment, I am called step index ANSWER: Lenticel(s)
because refractive index in the central portion is RIDDLE 491
slightly larger than refractive index in the 7. I am an inorganic substance, sparingly soluble
surrounding cladding. in water.
Who am I? 8. I have a cation derived from a very important
ANSWER: Optical fiber metal, which is present in a lot of substances,
RIDDLE 488 animate and inanimate.
6. I am the point of intersection of the medians to 9. I belong to the Lowry–Bronsted kingdom
a triangle. 10. My production from an oxide of my metal is
7. I am a useful point of concurrency, especially usually accompanied by evolution of large
in Physics. amounts of heat.
8. For a thin uniform triangular plate, I am the 11. In my raw form I am used in neutralizing
center of mass of the triangle. acidic soils
9. Such a triangular plate can be balanced at me. 12. My nick–name suggests I am a modified citrus
10. I am often referred to as a center of gravity. fruit but I am not.
Who am I? Who am I?
ANSWER: Centroid ANSWER: Slaked lime or calcium
RIDDLE 489 hydroxide or Ca(OH)2
7. I am a sub–class of a broad class of reactions RIDDLE 492
in chemistry
58 | P a g e
6. In nutrition I am a breakfast cereal 10. I can be defined as water with less than 500
manufactured by Kellogg's Canada. parts per million (ppm) of dissolved salts.
7. In computer science I am a one-dimensional Who am I? ANSWER: Freshwater
8. In molecular biology I am a vehicle used to
transfer genetic material to a target cell. RIDDLE 496
9. I am also used to refer to any agent that carries 6. I am a two digit number.
and transmits an infectious pathogen into 7. I am an odd number.
another living organism. 8. The sum of my digits is a cube of an even
10. In Physics I am used to represent physical prime.
quantities that have both magnitude and 9. My last digit is an identity for an arithmetical
direction operation.
Who am I? 10. I am just short of 6 dozens.
ANSWER: Vector Who am I? ANSWER: 71
7. I am a salt, comprising a simple cation and
a simple anion.
8. I am soluble in cold water but insoluble in
petroleum ether.
RIDDLE 493 9. If a drop of my aqueous solution is
7. I am a point in space. dropped into a colourless flame, the flame
8. I am not fixed in space as a casual observation will become intense golden yellow.
would suggest, 10. My anion is derived from an element in
9. Because orbital precession causes long-period Group 7 or 17.
periodic changes in my location. 11. The alcoholic aqueous solution of that
10. My name reminds one of a fermented element can be used as an antiseptic.
beverage made from pears. 12. That same element forms a blue complex
11. But I am always the closest to the Sun; with starch.
12. Earth only passes through me once a year. Who am I?
Who am I? ANSWER: Sodium iodide or
ANSWER: Perihelion NaI
7. I am a number. 7. I am one of the particles that make up matter.
8. I am a natural number. 8. I have mass so I can interact with other
9. I and my siblings are the building blocks for particles via the gravitational force.
factorization of integers. 9. However, my principal interaction is
10. I have only two divisors, myself and the electromagnetic.
multiplicative identity. 10. I have been described as the real object that
11. Numbers of my type are normally odd with comes closest to a mathematical point.
one notable exception. 11. But I am no mere point: a mass of order
12. You can say I am in the prime of my life. 1
Who am I? 10−30 kg , spin- , charge of order −10−19 C , and
ANSWER: Prime Number extra nuclear in atoms;
RIDDLE 495 12. I give electricity both its name and character.
6. Scientifically, I am divided into lentic systems Who am I? ANSWER: Electron
and lotic systems.
7. I am a renewable and variable, but finite
natural resource. RIDDLE 499
8. I am an important natural resource necessary 6. I am an equation.
for the survival of all ecosystems. 7. To be precise I am a quadratic equation.
9. I create a hypotonic environment for aquatic 8. I need not have real roots.
organisms. 9. The sum of my roots is -5/3.
59 | P a g e
10. The product of my roots is 1/3. 5. If you find me in my open chain form
Who am I? ANSWER: 3x2 + 5x + 1 = 0 you can easily trap my alkanal functional
RIDDLE 500 group
6. In modern-day human culture, I have often 6. Breakdown starch or cellulose by
come to be viewed quite negatively. hydrolysis and you would find me
7. But I am a vital process in nature, Who am I? ANSWER: Glucose
8. Without decay, and I, the world would RIDDLE 504
experience a decline in new growth, due to a 1. I am an empirical property
shortage of nutrients, 2. Used to characterize two surfaces in
9. I owe my existence to organisms that are contact.
commonly referred to as detritivores. 3. I am used to quantify the dissipative
10. I am the first stage in the recycling of nutrients force
that have been used by an organism to build its 4. That acts when two surfaces are in
body relative motion.
Who am I? ANSWER: Decomposition 5. I am dimensionless.
RIDDLE 501 Who am I?
7. I am a radioactive metal. ANSWER: Coefficient of kinetic friction
8. With a half-life greater than 700 million years. Riddle 505
9. I fission on neutron capture. 1. My name comes from Classical Latin
10. Into isotopes of barium and krypton. which literally means "obtained by digging"
11. Thereby producing three neutrons from one. 2. I vary in size from microscopic to very
12. I am the target isotope in enrichment plants. large forms
Who am I? ANSWER: Uranium-235 3. I range in age from the youngest to the
4. I may also consist of the marks left
RIDDLE 502 behind by the organism while it was alive
7. In my normal state, I am a gaseous organic 5. Precicely, I am the preserved remains
compound or traces of animals, plants, and other
8. I have six atoms, from two elements, in my organisms from the remote past.
molecules Who am I? ANSWER: Fossil
9. I have both sigma and pi – bonds in my RIDDLE 506
molecules 1. I am a quadrilateral
10. I can react with reagents such as HBr gas, 2. My diagonals are perpendicular
Bromine gas and water in the presence of 3. I fit my outline in two positions
concentrated H2SO4. 4. I have two pairs of congruent sides
11. My molecules and those of my cousins are 5. I have one axis of symmetry which is a
very sociable diagonal
12. With very little effort, thousands if not Who am I? ANSWER: KITE
millions of my molecules can join hands to RIDDLE 507
form giant molecules 6. I am a device for generating high potential
Who am I? differences.
ANSWER: Ethene 7. I produce such high potential differences I have
RIDDLE 503 been used in particle accelerators.
1. I am virtually everywhere on this 8. I only produce modest current levels.
planet 9. So you are not likely to be harmed if you were to
2. Though I am a stable compound it is touch the dome of the version of me you find in a
my polymeric form that you are most familiar student laboratory;
with 10. However, your hair may stand on end.
3. My polymers may or may not be edible Who am I? ANSWER : Van de Graaf
4. My molecules can exist in the open generator
straight chain form or in a heterocyclic form RIDDLE 508
6. I am a solid solution.
60 | P a g e
7. My solvent is a liquid of a kind, and my solute 10. In the relationship the effect on phenotype of
is a solid. one allele masks the contribution of a second
8. My solvent bears the name of the planet in the allele at the same locus
solar system nearest to the sun. WHO AM I?
9. My solute belongs to Group 1. ANSWER: Dominance
10. My solute is the first metal of Group 1. RIDDLE 513
Who am 1? ANSWER: Lithium 6. I am a metal, and my origin is rather obscure
amalgam hence my name.
RIDDLE 509 7. When I am pure I am shiny and bluish–white
6. I am a two-digit number. in colour.
7. I am a square. 8. I am a confused citizen of the Periodic Table,
8. I am also a square of a square. because though I live among the transition
9. I am an odd number. metals. my chemistry mostly belongs to that of
10. The sum of my digits is an odd square. the Main Group Elements.
Who am I? 9. I am a constituent member of an alloy, that has
ANSWER: 81 served mankind since ancient times.
RIDDLE 510 10. If all elements are arranged in alphabetical
6. I was first examined microscopically by order, I am surely among the last two.
Robert Hooke. Who am I?
7. I am an impermeable, buoyant material of ANSWER: Zinc
plant origin. RIDDLE 514
8. I am harvested for commercial use. 7. I am the simplest in my family.
9. A tree continues to live and grow even when I 8. But I am not that simple to describe accurately,
am removed. 9. Even though I am made up of only two particles,
10. I am used in a variety of products, the most 10. One of which is fundamental.
common of which is wine stoppers. 11. The first somewhat successful model of me was
Who am I? constructed by Niels Bohr
ANSWER: Cork 12. Who calculated my energy spectrum?
RIDDLE 511 Who am I?
7. I am a three digit odd number between 700 ANSWER: Hydrogen atom
and 800. RIDDLE 515
8. I am a square as well as a cube. 6. I am a dynamical property of a moving object.
9. I am an odd number. 7. I am associated with rotational motion.
10. As a power, three plays a prominent role in my 8. I may be varying even when the net force on
base. an object is zero.
9. I am to rotational motion what linear
11. The number formed by my first two digits is
momentum is to rectilinear motion.
six dozens. 10. I am constant when net torque is zero.
12. My last digit is an exact square. Who am I?
Who am I? ANSWER: Angular momentum
RIDDLE 512 6. I am the action or fact of carefully choosing
6. I may be the disposition of an individual to someone or something as being the best or most
assert control in dealing with others. suitable
7. In neurology i am the normal tendency for 7. In computing, I am a list of items on which user
one side of the brain to be more important operations will take place
than the other in controlling certain functions 8. I am also used to refer to the pressures on cells
8. In ecology I am the degree of predominance and organisms to evolve
9. I do not guarantee that advantageous traits or
of one or a few species in an ecological
alleles become prevalent within a population
community 10. I only occur when the individuals of a population
9. In genetics I am a relationship between are diverse in their characteristics
alleles of one gene, Who am I?
ANSWER: Selection
61 | P a g e
13. I am useful in x-ray generators,
RIDDLE 517 14. Where I occur in the hot cathode.
6. I am a two-digit number. Who am I? ANSWER: Thermionic emission
7. I am a prime.
8. I am 3 short of a score.
9. The sum of my digits is a cube of an even prime.
10. I am five more than a dozen. RIDDLE 523
Who am I? 5. If I were a Minister of Finance, I would be
ANSWER: 17 commended for lowering taxes all the time
RIDDLE 518 6. But I am not a Minister, I am only a chemical
6.I am a type of motion 7. When I am in active service, no matter the
7.That can occur on a straight line duration, my character or integrity does not
8.As well as on a curve. change although my outward appearance may
9.My distinguishing feature is a linear relation change
between acceleration and displacement. I have no effects on heats of reaction
10. I am periodic. 8. My special gift is to lower the activation energy of
Who am I? ANSWER: Simple harmonic a system with which I am working
motion Who am I? ANSWER: Catalyst
6. I belong to a class of organic compounds 6. I am an array of numbers but I am not a sequence.
7. Despite the fact that I belong to a class of organic 7. To be precise, I am a rectangular array of numbers.
compounds, I am sometimes referred to as a 8. I am closely associated with linear simultaneous
derivative of another class of compounds equations.
8. I am sensitive to both mineral acids and alkali 9. I am made up of rows and columns.
9. I am hydrolyzed by mineral acids to give two 10. In my square form, I produce the determinant.
neutral molecules A and B; A gives effervescence Who am I?
with NaHCO3 and B evolves hydrogen with ANSWER: Matrix
sodium metal RIDDLE 525
10. While A has 4 carbons in a straight chain B has 6. I was an eminent Scottish botanist
only one carbon 7. I lived during the eighteenth and nineteenth
Who am I? ANSWER: Methyl butanoate centuries.
RIDDLE 520 8. After completing my studies in medicine at the
6. I have long played an important role in human University of Edinburgh in Scotland I joined the
societies. army as a surgeon at the young age of 22 years.
7. In object-oriented programming, I am the ability 9. I was the first person to use the term cell nucleus in
to derive new classes, from existing classes 1831
8. Mind you, I should not be confused with subtyping 10. I did not realize that the cell nucleus was present in
9. In law I am the hereditary succession to an estate, cells other than those belonging to plants.
title, etc.4 WHO AM I?
10. I am the process of genetic transmission of traits ANSWER: Robert Brown
from parents to offspring. RIDDLE 526
Who am I? ANSWER: Inheritance 15. I am a phenomenon associated with waves.
RIDDLE 521 16. I occur at the boundary between two material
6. I am a three digit number. media.
7. I lie between 100 and 200. 17. I only occur when the wave velocities in the
8. I am an exact square. media on each side of the boundary are
9. I am an even number. different.
10. The sum of my digits is 16. 18. When I occur, the direction of propagation of a
Who am I? wave changes
ANSWER: 196 19. In such a manner that the angle of incidence is
RIDDLE 522 different from the angle the outgoing wave
10. I am a phenomenon in which fundamental makes with the normal.
particles are emitted. Who am I?
11. I often occur with refractory metals, ANSWER: Refraction
12. But I am also known to occur with certain RIDDLE 527

62 | P a g e
6. I am an elemental metal known to the ancient man 10. Generally, I consist of a group of species
and woman exhibiting similar characteristics.
7. My scientific name from which my symbol is Who am I? ANSWER: Genus
obtained is in Latin RIDDLE 532
8. I do not occur in nature in the free state but as a 6. In my shortened form, I am a kind of hairstyle.
component of an ore known as CASSITERITE 7. I am a one to one mapping of a set onto itself.
9. Nigeria is one of the nations endowed with my ore 8. In music, I am an arrangement.
10. I am a constituent of the metal sheets used in 9. Normally I am an arrangement of objects in a set.
preparing the containers for canned food 10. nPr is a common expression with me.
Who am I? ANSWER: Tin Who am I? ANSWER: Permutation
RIDDLE 528 6. I am a model of the atom.
11. I am as constant as the Northern star. 7. Although I successfully describe atomic
12. I am a function. energy levels,
13. I am a one note Samba as my range has only one 8. This success is confined to one-electron atoms.
element. 9. I fail to give an accurate account of atomic
14. My graph is always parallel to the x-axis. angular momentum.
15. I have no x-intercept. 10. And my postulate of circular electron orbits of
Who am I? definite radius is at odds with reality.
ANSWER: Constant Function Who am I? ANSWER: Bohr model
6. I am an extremely important molecule 6. If I were of a biological disposition, I could be
7. I was first isolated and named by two French a pathological swelling or enlargement;
scientists, a pharmacist and a chemist 7. Or a mass of one kind of tissue enclosed in a
8. I am a term used for several closely related green different kind of tissue.
pigments 8. But I am only a zero.
9. My molecules are specifically arranged in and 9. A standing wave on a string fixed at both ends
around photosystems that are embedded in the has one of me in the first overtone;
thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts 10. And two of me in the second overtone.
10. I am vital for photosynthesis, since I allow plants Who am I?
to absorb energy from light ANSWER: Node
Who am I? ANSWER: Chlorophyll
Riddle 530
6. If I were a nation, my currency would definitely be
electrons, nothing else.
7. But I am not a nation but only a kind of a chemical
process. RIDDLE 535
8. I hate electrons which move forward and 6. I am a function.
backward. 7. Really as a function, there is nothing odd about
9. Physically I do operate in a single room most of me.
the time. 8. Examples of me are y = x2 and y = cosx.
10. I need an external source of electrons, produced by 9. My graph is symmetric about the y-axis.
a device with two poles with a potential difference. 10. If my equation is of the form y = f(x), then f(-
Who am I? ANSWER: Electrolysis x) = f(x).
Who am I? ANSWER: Even Function
RIDDLE 531 6. I am an organic compound with molecules
6. In logic I am a class of objects or individuals that containing a line or plane of symmetry
can be divided into two or more groups. 7. I have no rings
7. In mathematics I am a number characterizing a 8. My molecular structure can be likened to that of a
closed surface in topology. bird, a central body with two wings of equal length
8. In biology I am any of the taxonomic groups into on the sides
which a family is divided. 9. The carbonyl group constitutes the body of the bird
9. Specifically, I am a group of organisms ranking 10. The wings are three sp3 carbons each on both sides
above a species and below a family of the carbonyl
Who am I?

63 | P a g e
ANSWER: 4–Heptanone Who am I?
RIDDLE 537 ANSWER: KOH or Caustic Potash
7. I may be a unit of volume or capacity RIDDLE 542
8. I am used in dry and liquid measure, which is 5. I am a heavenly body.
equal to 1/4 of a British Imperial pint (142 6. I am visible in the night sky.
millilitres). 7. I am a solitary satellite.
9. I am also a respiratory organ found in many 8. I orbit the only presently known habitable
aquatic organisms planet in the solar system.
10. I usually consist of thin filaments of tissue Who am I? ANSWER: Moon
11. In bony fishes, I lie in a branchial chamber covered
by a bony operculum. RIDDLE 543
12. Sharks and rays typically have five pairs of me in 6. I am a term of common parlance, but I have no
the form of slits. universally recognised precise definition.
Who am I? ANSWER: (A) Gill 7. I provide ecosystem services to humans and serve
RIDDLE 538 as tourist attractions.
10. I am a type of interaction. 8. I account for 75% of the gross primary
11. Because I am an inverse square law force, productivity of the Earth's biosphere.
12. I am said to be long range. 9. I am the dominant terrestrial ecosystem of Earth.
13. If I had charges as does that other long range 10. I am a large area of land covered with trees or
force, they would all have only one sign. other woody vegetation.
14. I am always attractive. Who am I? ANSWER: Forest
Who am I? ANSWER: Gravitational RIDDLE 544
interaction 6. I am a process in chemistry and other related
7. I am usually very destructive but if properly
RIDDLE 539 controlled can provide lots of benefits.
6. We are ectothermic, tetrapod vertebrates 8. While my reactants are usually organic matter,
7. We inhabit a wide variety of habitats water vapour is formed as a product.
8. We use our skin as a secondary respiratory surface 9. A poisonous gas or a greenhouse gas or both may
9. Our young ones generally undergo metamorphosis be formed in addition to the water vapour
from larva with gills to an adult air-breathing form depending on the circumstances.
with lungs 10. I usually provide heat and sometimes light but it is
10. Our name is derived from an Ancient Greek term, the former which is most useful to Ghanaians
which means "both kinds of life”. especially the Ministry of energy.
Who are we? ANSWER: Amphibians Who am I? ANSWER: Combustion
RIDDLE 540 6. I am an element discovered in 1826
6. I am a two-digit number. 7. I am one of those elements whose smallest units
7. My digits are identical. are not atoms but molecules
8. The sum of my digits is 18. 8. I have a boiling point of about 59oC
9. I am the largest of my kind. 9. I am used in making fumigants, flame proofing
10. Each digit is the square of a prime digit. agents, water purification compounds, sanitizers
Who am I? and many more useful products
ANSWER: 99 10. I am the only liquid non–metallic element and my
RIDDLE 541 colour is reddish–brown
6. You cannot touch me with your bare fingers Who am I? ANSWER: Bromine
whether I am in my natural state or in an aqueous RIDDLE 546
solution 6. I am a composite organism
7. As a solid I am highly hygroscopic 7. My properties are very different from the
8. I am usually prepared in Ghana and elsewhere in properties of my component organisms
West Africa in semi – large quantities using not so 8. I come in many colours, sizes, and forms
sophisticated set – ups 9. I normally grow on the bark of trees, leaves,
9. In other parts of the world I am produced by mosses, bare rock, walls, gravestones, roofs and
electrolysis exposed soil surfaces
10. I am supposed to be caustic, though needed for 10. I arise from algae or cyanobacteria living among
making soft soap filaments of a fungus in a symbiotic relationship

64 | P a g e
Who am I? ANSWER: Lichen
7. I am a type of material frequently used in
RIDDLE 547 electronic devices.
6. I am a type of gas. 8. I am semiconducting.
7. I exhibit a tendency to condense. 9. I may contain two types of charge carriers—
8. So I am not an ideal gas. electrons and holes;
9. My equation of state is similar to that of an ideal 10. But I have a larger concentration of electrons than
gas; of holes.
10. But the volume term is smaller by a quantity that 11. Who am I? ANSWER: N type semiconductor
takes the actual volume of my molecules into RIDDLE 552
account. 6. My name suggests I sort out things.
Who am I? 7. At stationary points I yield zero.
ANSWER: van der Waals gas 8. I am used to derive.
9. I yield the gradient function.
10. I am the process for determining the gradient of the
tangent to a curve.
Who am I? ANSWER: Differentiation
6. I am a 2-digit number. 7. We live in all the world's oceans, in fresh water,
7. Both digits are prime. and on land,
8. I am an even number. 8. We are generally covered with a thick exoskeleton
9. My first digit exceeds the second digit by 5. and have a single pair of claws.
10. I am six dozens. 9. We are decapod crustaceans
Who am I? 10. We make up about 20% of all marine crustaceans
ANSWER: 72 caught, farmed, and consumed worldwide
RIDDLE 549 11. The mode of articulation of our legs makes a
6. In the scientific method, I am an empirical procedure. sidelong gait more efficient than forward
7. I am used to verify, refute, or validate a hypothesis. movement
8. I provide insight into cause-and-effect by 12. We typically walk sideways, a behaviour which
demonstrating what outcome occurs when a particular gives us the word crabwise
factor is manipulated. Who are we?
9. I vary greatly in goal and scale, but always rely on ANSWER: Crabs
repeatable procedures and logical analysis of the RIDDLE 554
results. 6. Part of me can be found in a chemistry lab by
10. Researchers also use me to test existing theories or new combining different elements
hypotheses to support or disprove them. 7. I am a combination of two inequalities.
Who am i? ANSWER: Experiment 8. My solution set is the intersection or union of two
9. An example of me is ‘2x + 1 > 5 and 3x - 5 <
10. To solve me, solve the component inequalities and
find their intersection or union as appropriate.
RIDDLE 550 Who am I? ANSWER: Compound Inequality
6. I am a collection of some basic statements. RIDDLE 555
7. These are described as postulates by scientists. 6. I am a hydrocarbon
8. For gases at ordinary temperatures and pressure, I do 7. My carbons are in a ring
not acknowledge the presence of their units, molecules 8. My molecular formula would also suggest a
or atoms. straight chain hydrocarbon with one triple bond
9. I am able to explain why gases exert pressure. 9. My number of carbons is a product of two prime
10. If I only begin to see the sizes of the molecules or numbers
atoms of gases when the gases are under very high 10. I have something in common with benzene
pressures or at very low temperatures, then Who am I? ANSWER: Cyclohexene
Who am I? RIDDLE 556
ANSWER: Kinetic Theory of Matter/Gases or 10. I am a field.
Kinetic Molecular Theory of Matter/Gases. 11. I am described by field lines.

65 | P a g e
12. My field lines are closest together where my 10. My middle digit is the average of my first and last
field strength is greatest. digits.
13. My field lines originate and terminate on point Who am I? ANSWER: 357
sources and point sinks. RIDDLE 562
14. My point sources are positive and my point 6. I am an organic compound
sinks are negative electric charges. 7. My molecules have only carbon and hydrogen
Who am I? ANSWER: Electric field atoms
RIDDLE 557 8. My shape can be used to illustrate the perfect
6. If I and my friends were boxers, we would belong tetrahedral shape
to the heavy weight division. 9. I am a hydrocarbon with only one carbon in my
7. We are mainly organic substances with big molecule
molecules. 10. I am a gas obtained from natural sources and
8. Our bodies do not hate repeated units, in fact we therefore called Natural Gas
love them. Who am I? ANSWER: Methane
9. We are formed from the combination of many (CH4)
small units.
10. We may be classified as Addition or Condensation RIDDLE 563
depending on the chemistry of the combination of 6. I am a type of magnetic material.
the units. 7. I am a linear material;
Who are we? ANSWER: Polymers 8. That is, my magnetization varies linearly with
RIDDLE 558 magnetic field.
7. I am a trigonometric ratio. 9. I have negative susceptibility.
8. To be precise I am the reciprocal of a trigonometric 10. I am repelled by the poles of a strong magnet.
ratio. Who am I? ANSWER: Diamagnetic material
9. I am the co- of a trigonometric ratio.
10. For 45°, I am 1. RIDDLE 564
11. For 0°, I am undefined. 7. I am a material of natural or synthetic origin.
12. For 90°, I am nothing. 8. I may be applied as a solid or liquid.
Who am I? ANSWER: Cotangent 9. I am applied to soils or to plant tissues (usually
RIDDLE 559 leaves) to supply one or more plant nutrients
7. I am a sub-cellular structure. essential to the growth of plants.
8. I am found predominantly in protists and in 10. I am classified according to whether I provide a
unicellular algae. single nutrient or provide two or more nutrients.
9. My number per cell varies, depending on the 11. I am commonly used for growing all crops, with
species. application rates depending on the soil fertility.
10. I was previously known as pulsatile. 12. I am known to be the main contributor to the
11. I act as part of a protective mechanism that eutrophication of fresh water bodies.
prevents the cell from absorbing too much water WHO AM I? ANSWER: Fertilizer
and possibly lysing through excessive internal RIDDLE 565
pressure. 7. My name is in two parts.
12. As my name suggests, I expel water out of the 8. The first part represents a tall punctuation mark
cell by contracting. typically used in matched pairs within text, to set
Who am I? apart or interject other text.
ANSWER: Contractile vacuole 9. The second part refers to a type of decomposer.
RIDDLE 560 10. I am mainly found on trees (living and dead) and
5. I am a property of a solid material. coarse woody debris.
6. I operate by Hooke, never by crook. 11. Characteristically, I produce bracket-shaped or
7. I characterize elastic deformations. occasionally circular fruiting bodies called conks.
8. I am quite Young. 12. I often grow in semi-circular shapes, looking like
Who am I? ANSWER: Young’s modulus trees or wood.
RIDDLE 561 Who am I? ANSWER: Bracket Fungi
6. I am a three digit number between 300 and 400.
7. The sum of my digits is 15. RIDDLE 566
8. All my digits are prime numbers. 7. Perpendiculars are my dwelling place.
9. My digits are consecutive odd numbers. 8. It seems there is something right about me.

66 | P a g e
9. I am formed from two perpendicular line segments or Who am I? ANSWER: Temporary
rays with a common vertex. Hardness of water
10.When a straight angle is bisected there are two of me. RIDDLE 569
11.Of course I am an angle. 6. I am a line segment.
12.My radian measure is half of a pie. Who am I? 7. I connect two points on a curve.
ANSWER: Right Angle 8. I am more popularly associated with a circle.
13. RIDDLE 567 9. You can strike me.
9. I am a property of a substance. 10. I am also a harmonious combination of musical
10. I characterize phase changes. notes.
11. My SI unit is joule per kilogram. Who am I? ANSWER: A Chord
12. I am the thermal energy required for the RIDDLE 570
isothermal phase change of unit mass of 13. I am an element.
substance. 14. I exist as molecules.
Who am I? ANSWER: Specific latent 15. In the earth’s atmosphere or crust you would
heat hardly find me in the free state.
RIDDLE 568 16. The irony is that I am the most abundant element
6. While my father’s ancestors were all farmers, I in the entire universe.
decided to stay in the classroom and lecture 17. I form an explosive mixture with the second most
rooms. abundant gas in the earth’s atmosphere.
7. I was born in Sweden.
18. My atomic number is 1 and it is believed most
8. My love for mathematics ended me in
elements are derived from me..
University of Uppsala to study physical
sciences. Who am I? ANSWER: Hydrogen (gas or
9. I worked under a Professor in the Swedish element)
Academy of Sciences.
10. Though I wrote a thesis on electrolytes I am RIDDLE 571
7. Owing to my size and distinctive structure, I was
better known for a Theory of acids and bases.
one of the first organelles to be discovered and
Who am I? ANSWER: (Svante) observed in detail
Arrhenius 8. I am found in most eukaryotic cells
9. I was discovered with the help of special staining
RIDDLE 567 techniques.
7. I am found in warm habitats that range from rain 10. However, my structure was only revealed by the
forest to desert conditions electron microscope
8. I belong to a family that was divided into two 11. I consist of a stack of flattened membrane-bound
subfamilies, by Klaver and Böhme in 1986. sacs called cisternae
9. My skin has a superficial layer which contains 12. I was discovered by an Italian physician, Camillo
pigments, Golgi, during an investigation of the nervous
10. I have two superimposed layers within my skin system
that control my colour and thermoregulation. WHO AM I? ANSWER: Golgi Apparatus/
11. If my tongue was a car, it could accelerate from 0 Golgi Body/Golgi complex/Dictyosome
to 60 mph in 1/100th of a second
12. My species come in a range of colours, and many
of my species have the ability to change colours.
Who am I? ANSWER: Chameleon 6. I operate on the basis of an effect that is
RIDDLE 568 sometimes undesirable.
7. I am however very useful
6. I am a property of a substance that is known to 8. You may find me in electronic appliances
and used by all and electrical installations.
7. I hate temperatures higher than ambient 9. I use mutual inductance to desirable effect.
temperatures 10. I transform voltages in alternating circuits.
8. I am attributed to certain non–organic ions present Who am I? ANSWER: Transformer
9. My name suggests I can hardly be persistent
10. I can cause you to spend on soaps for your laundry
and other related activities.
6. I am an inorganic substance
67 | P a g e
7. I may be produced when a certain metal is 9. The number of carbons in my molecule is an odd
burnt in excess air number which is also a square of an odd prime
8. I dissolve in water to give a solution which number.
turns red litmus blue 10. If the number of hydrogens in my molecule is an
exact multiple of 10, then
9. The metal from which I am formed is never
Who am I? ANSWER: Nonane (C9H20)
found in nature in the uncombined state
10. That metal is the eighth most abundant 7. I am a globe shaped structure.
element in the earth’s crust with atomic 8. I am surrounded by a socket.
number 12 9. My name means to measure or estimate roughly by
Who am I? ANSWER: Magnesium sight.
oxide (MgO) 10. I am also used to refer to an overhead light fixture
RIDDLE 574 that is mounted on a swivel in a recessed socket so
19. I am a property of geometrical figures. the light can be directed in any direction.
11. I am covered externally by the eyelids
20. Two figures with me fit exactly on each other.
12. I am the ball-shaped capsule containing the
21. As an example, two circles with the same radius vertebrate eye
satisfy me. WHO AM I? ANSWER: Eyeball
22. Two line segments with same length satisfy me.
23. I represent equality in size and shape. RIDDLE 578
24. For triangles, recall ASA, SSS, SAS. Q. I am emitted by atomic nuclei but I am never found
Who am I? ANSWER: Congruence inside the nucleus. When I am emitted from a nucleus,
RIDDLE 575 the mass number of the nucleus remains unchanged
16. I am an integer. although I do have mass. If I were traveling at
17. My smallest value is 1. constant speed perpendicular to a magnetic field, my
18. My largest known value is relatively small, path would be circular. I am deflected by an electric
less than 120. field in a direction opposite to the field. Although I
19. I describe a nuclide. am not found inside a nucleus, I am always found
20. I distinguish hydrogen from helium from outside the nucleus of a neutral atom, where I am
lithium from beryllium and so on.
known by another name. Who am I? (C)
Who am I? ANSWER: Atomic number
A. Beta particle (or electron).

Q. I am a hydrocarbon, not very stable. My instability

is not due to the presence of a labile functional group.
RIDDLE 576 My chemical formula would suggest that I do react
with hydrogen in the presence of metal catalyst but I
6. I am Greek in origin. do not. I have four planes of symmetry. I have a lot in
7. Among my proponents are Aristotle, Plato, common with a square. If I have four carbons in my
Euclid and Pythagoras. molecule, who am I? (C)
8. My name suggests I have something to do with A. Cyclobutane (C4H8)
the earth by way of measurements.
9. I am a branch of Mathematics. RIDDLE 580
10. In my basic form, I am concerned with points,
lines and planes.
Q. I am a naturally occurring polymer. The orientation
of the bonds in me makes me suitable as a structural
compound. The name of my monomer units in Greek
6. I am a hydrocarbon.
means “full of sweet”. Most animals including
7. I am fully saturated. humans cannot digest me. In spite of that, I am
8. I have a straight backbone. recommended as part of the diet of humans because I
provide roughage. Ruminants store bacteria in their
rumen to enable them digest me. Who am I? (C)

68 | P a g e
A. Cellulose RIDDLE 587
RIDDLE 581 Q. I am a member of a phylum that is characterised by
having jointed appendages. I am a nocturnal animal and
Q. I am a rate of change associated with motion. To inhabit freshwater streams, ponds and rivers. My body has
two distinct regions – cephalothorax and abdomen. The
be precise I am a rate of change of a rate of change. In
first five abdominal segments possess a pair of Pleopods
a way I determine the force on a moving body. Force for swimming. My sixth and last abdominal segment has a
is a product of mass and me. When a body is at rest or pair of uropods for backward spring in water. Who am I?
moving with a uniform velocity I am zero. Who am I? (B)
(P) A. Prawn
A. Acceleration RDDLE 588
Q. I am an electrical device. I can store electric charge,
RIDDLE 582 which I can then release to extraordinary effect as in a
Q. I am a force of nature. I am considered a feeble force, photoflash. I am usually made with a pair of conductors
but my influence extends very far indeed. I have no power and an insulator between them. Increase the distance
over charge—I leave that to a force described by Charles between the conductors, and the charge I store for a given
Coulomb. I am always attractive, and all that which has voltage decreases. Increase the area of the conductors, and
mass cannot escape my action. I was first described by Sir the charge I store for the same voltage increases. Who am
Isaac Newton, whose name is carried by the law that I? (P)
describes me. Who am I? (P) A. Capacitor
A. Gravity RIDDLE 589
RIDDLE 583 Q. I am the modern oracle. I can tell you whether a
Q. My atomic number is an even number. I am lightweight statement is true or false. With me there are only two
but full of life. I am a great supporter of life, if you doubt possibilities - True or False. I can determine whether two
this, go to the nearest hospital to see. I am one of the few statements are logically equivalent or not. You can say that
molecular elements in the Periodic Table. Surprisingly I I am the altar of truth. I am the Venn diagram of logic.
also support destruction on a massive scale—for without Who am I? (M)
me, fires will not last even for a second. Metals love me as A. Truth Table
they combine with me to form acidic or basic compounds. RIDDLE 590
Who am I? (C) Q. I am a dye but not of vegetable origin. I am not used for
A. Oxygen/Oxygen gas/O2 dyeing textiles like most other dyes. Like a chameleon I
RIDDLE 584 change colour with my environment. I am sensitive to
Q. I am an organelle. Unlike many organelles I am found changes in pH in my environment. pH 7 is magical to me; I
in both Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes. I am the basis for am red below it and yellow above it. I am used for certain
distinction between the two types of endoplasmic types of volumetric analyses. Who am I? (C)
reticulum. I contain both RNA and protein. In fact, I am the A. Methyl orange (indicator)
site for the synthesis of protein in the cell. Who am I? (B)
A. Ribosome
Q. I am a number in the twenty first century. You can say I Q. I am part of a structure in living organisms. I absorb
am a pair of twins. The sum of my digits is a square of an water from undigested materials and concentrate it into
even prime number. My first and third digits are an even faeces. My inability to absorb water will lead to severe
prime and my second and last digits amount to nothing. I diarrhoea, and dehydration in an individual. I am the first
am supposed to have some vision about me as trumpeted part of the large intestine. In everyday English I am
all over the place. Remember my first two digits are the represented by two dots, one on top and the other directly
same as my last two digits. Who am I? (M) below. Who am I? (B)
A. 2020 A. Colon
Q. I am a process encountered both in the laboratory and in Q. I am associated with electrical devices and appliances.
industry. I join many small molecules together to form Unlike current and voltage, I always evaluate to a number
giant molecules. In nature, formation of natural rubber is a whose magnitude is never greater than 1. To save your
carbon copy of my industrial process. I charge no fees so electric power bill, make sure I am as close to 1 as you can.
nothing is taken away from the constituent molecules. One This can be done by ensuring the reactance of your
of my industrial end-products has turned out to be a major electrical device is minimal. Without me, you cannot tell
pollutant. Nylon is made not through me. Who am I? (C) the actual power an alternating current electrical appliance
A. Addition Polymerisation consumes, even if you know both voltage and current. But

69 | P a g e
if you know the actual power you find me by dividing by a wall, and a freely moving object would never come to
the product of current and voltage. If you do not know the rest. Who am I? (P)
actual power, find me by the cosine of the phase difference A. Friction
between current and voltage. Who am I? (P) RIDDLE 599
A. Power factor Q. I have the unique characteristic that I change nothing. I
RIDDLE 593 am associated with binary operations. I am content with
Q. I am an arithmetic of some sort. I am often termed clock maintaining the status quo. You will find me with addition
arithmetic. I am involved with congruence of numbers. and multiplication of numbers but not with subtraction or
Remainders after division are my main products. I reduce division. For addition of numbers I am nothing and for
every number to a remainder after division by a fixed multiplication I am the first natural number. Who am I?
number. I am the arithmetic of circular events. Who am I? (M)
(M) A. Identity
A. Modular Arithmetic RIDDLE 600
RIDDLE 594 Q. I am a binary organic compound, soluble in ethanol and
Q. I am an organ that lies deep in the abdominal diethyl ether. I should be classified as a salt but with so
cavity. I normally rest on the posterior abdominal much anionic character, I wonder if that classification is
wall. I am elongated and somewhat flattened. I correct. One of my components is the smallest and the
produce digestive enzymes and hormones. In fact I lightest from its original community. My other component
is the second biggest and second heaviest in its community.
produce the hormone insulin which regulates the
My so-called cation is reputed to have the strongest
glucose level in the blood. Who am I? (B) polarising power. My anion is probably the most easily
A. Pancreas polarised simple anion. Who am I? (C)
A. Lithium Iodide (LiI)
Q. I am of the dark, though not completely dark as the Q. I am a nine letter word. The first five letters of my name
other whose name I share. This other and I are both represent a musical instrument. My name is used to
shadows, but I am only almost a shadow. Who am I? describe small bodies in the cytoplasm, each with a specific
(P) function. Most, but not all of my members are enclosed by
A. Penumbra membranes. Some of my members include mitochondria
and chloroplast. Who am I? (B)
A. Organelle
Q. I am a popular rule in mathematics. I am in a way,
Q. I am a geometric figure. I am not a polyhedron but a modification of Pythagoras theorem. For the right
I am a pyramid. My volume is a third of the product type of triangle, I am Pythagoras theorem. I am
of my height, π and base area. I sit on a circular base. applied to triangles. To be precise I can be used to
My net is a sector of a circle, and I am formed when a find the angles of a triangle with given sides. My
sector of a circle is folded for the two boundary radii name begins with a trigonometric ratio. Who am I?
to coincide. Who am I? (M) (M)
A. Cone A. Cosine Rule
Q. I am an inorganic compound. More appropriately I Q. I am a member of a group whose name in Greek
may be referred to as a salt. In water I easily break up means “before a nucleus”. I am adapted to living in
to give two species, with opposite charges. One of my any kind of environment. I am just visible with the
elements belong to group I A and the other group VII light microscope but I am more metabolically
A. My solution will impart a yellowish colour to a competent than even human beings. My metabolic
colourless flame. My component from group VII A is capability is exploited by humans to produce a wide
the 3rd lightest in weight. Who am I? (C) variety of chemicals. Mu name means rods. A
A. Sodium Bromide (NaBr) complex molecule called peptidoglycan is associated
RIDDLE 598 with my cell wall. Who am I? (B)
Q. I am a force. Although my effects do not appear electric A. Bacteria
or magnetic, I can be traced to the electromagnetic force.
My presence is often associated with energy loss. If I did Q. I make drops of mercury as round as can be. The
not exist, you could not walk or remain seated, vehicles surface of a liquid in a small tube is curved because of
could not be driven, a ladder could not be propped against me and you use me to cause a steel needle to float on

70 | P a g e
water. If I did not exist, mosquitoes could not walk on determining cheaply the amount of chloride in a solid
water. Who am I? (P) sample. Who am I? (C)
A. Surface Tension A. Gravimetric analysis

Q. My neutral compounds have everything in Q. I am a type of cell in plants. I always occur in pair.
common with an item in the Egyptian landscape. But I I am typically shaped like a bean, sausage or
am only an element. The difference between the shape dumbbell. My name signifies a protector or security. I
of my compounds and that of the Egyptian item is that regulate most of the water and air entering the leaf
one has a trigonal base and the other a square base. through the stomata. Who am I? (B)
My atoms at the elemental stage know nothing like A. Guard cell
independence. They are always in association in fact,
in twos. The number 7, 14 and 28 are very important Q. I occur when temperature changes. Because of this,
to me. Who am I? (P) I have been used to measure and regulate temperature.
A. Nitrogen (gas) When I do occur, the sizes of objects change. Because
of me, long bridges are made in sections with a gap
between them so that the bridge does not buckle on a
Q. I was a Swedish naturalist. I lived from 1708-1778. In hot day. Who am I? (P)
school I was nicknamed the ‘Little botanist’. I inherited my A. Thermal expansion
passion for plants from my father who was a minister and a
gardener. I set out to classify all known organisms
Q. I am in the comparison business. I may be
according to their genera. In fact my system of
classification of organisms, that is, binomial nomenclature represented as a fraction. There are times I am in my
is now used throughout the entire world. Who am I? (B) simplest form. For two numbers a and b I am the
A. Carolus Linnaeus a
fraction . Mind you I am not a proportion or a rate.
Q. I am an event in the life of a liquid. When I occur b
temperature comes to a dead stop: it can neither increase Two of me are equivalent if their corresponding
nor decrease; but heat takes flight all the same. In the end I fractions in simplest form are the same. Who am I?
transform the liquid into a shapely mass whereas before me (M)
it had no shape of its own. Who am I? (P) A. Ratio
A. Freezing I am a multicellular freshwater organism. I attach myself to
Q. I am a 2 digit decimal number. The sum of my digits is aquatic vegetation in ponds and streams. I have a radially
a two digit square. The difference of my two digits is symmetrical cylindrical body. My body wall is composed
nothing to write home about. I am a pair of twins. Each of of an outer ectoderm and an inner endoderm with jelly-like
my digits is an exact cube. In factorisation, I am a product mesoglea in between. Are you still wondering who I am?
of a cube and a number one short of a dozen. Who am I? Well, my mouth is encircled by a number of hollow
(M) tentacles. Who am I? (B)
A. 88 A. Hydra
Q. Though I am plentiful in the earth’s crust, you would Q. I am a light emitter. I absorb light just as well as I emit
hardly find me pure. Once I am found in the combined it. My mood depends on temperature: I am red when
state mankind would do everything possible to put me back somewhat hot, orange when quite hot, and white when very
into my elements. But I wonder why they would purify me hot. Who am I? (P)
at a piggery of all places. Then they would add impurities A. Blackbody
of their choice to me just to obtain solids of varying Q. I unite or join together as in marriage. You can say I am
properties. With a bit of chromium I become a shining a binary operation. I unite collections of objects. When I
example. With a bit of manganese I become hard enough to combine any set with itself, I produce the same set. As a
be able to support heavy train coaches with all the binary operation, I am closer to addition of numbers. Who
passengers. Who am I? (C) am I? (M)
A. (Pig/Cast) Iron A. Union
Q. I am a quantitative method in Chemistry and in Q. I am a ternary compound made up of heptaatomic
scientific analysis in general. Some of my lieutenants molecules. I tend to dissolve and disintegrate easily in
are crucibles, beakers and glass filter. To execute me water, otherwise I am quite stable. My atoms are from the
well, you need to prepare a solution and add another 1st, 2nd and 3rd periods of the Periodic Table in the
reagent to cause precipitation. Filtration and drying increasing order of atomic mass. All internal combustion
are also a necessity. I am a reliable way of engines need some kick from me. This kick comes from a
chemical reaction in which I play a significant role. I am

71 | P a g e
also used in the laboratory as a reagent for qualitative and Q. I am a parasitic organism. I am a hermaphrodite. My
quantitative analyses. Among the mechanics, I am the only name signifies a measuring instrument. Even though I have
acid known. Who am I? (C) a head, I possess neither a circulatory system, nor a
A. (conc.) Sulphuric acid/ H2SO4 digestive tract. I depend on diffusion for exchange of gases
Q. I am associated with fluids. There are instances and nutrient absorption. I infect humans when they eat
when I am not welcome, but you might prefer me to improperly cooked infected pork. Who am I? (B)
what you get when two solids rub against each other. A. A tapeworm
Because of me, objects falling from large distances Q. I am a sparingly soluble inorganic substance. I am made
of only 2 elements. One of my elements is a metal, found
attain a terminal velocity. I am given a high value for
in two important alloys. My other element, a non-metal
thick oils and lower value for water. Who am I? (P) belongs to group VI of the periodic table. I am associated
A. Viscosity with one of the popular organic qualitative tests. My colour
is reddish brown or brick-red as some scientists would
Q. I am a solid figure. In a way I am a measure of prefer to describe me. My metal belongs to the community
volume. Regularity is my main characteristic. I have where silver and gold are close neighbours. Who am I? (C)
six regular faces, six pairs of parallel regular sides or A. Copper (I) oxide [Cu2O]
edges and eight vertices. Each of my face is a square. Q. I am a graph of some sort. Rectangles are my main
You can say I am a regular cuboid. Who am I? (M) feature. Associated with me are class boundaries and
A. Cube class marks. I am used to represent data and to be
precise I am a graph of a frequency distribution. My
Q. I am a unique manufacturing process. I am not only name suggests I am part of history and part of a
the principal means of keeping all forms of humanity diagram. Who am I? (M)
functioning, but I am the sole means of sustaining life A. Histogram
at any level, except for a few bacteria. Directly or
indirectly, I give rise to almost all the carbon Q. I am a type of organelle. I normally appear as a
compounds in living organisms. I utilize the portion of group of flat roundish sacs. Even though I am
electromagnetic spectrum known as visible light. Who bounded by branching tubules that originate from the
am I? (B) endoplasmic recticulum, I am not directly connected
A. Photosynthesis to it. Complex carbohydrates are assembled within
me. These carbohydrates are collected in small
Q. The Greeks named me after the sun. I have two vesicles that pinch off from my margins. One might
natural isotopes. I am found everywhere in the describe my components as collecting, packaging and
universe except in the biosphere where I exist in trace delivery centres. Who am I? (B)
amounts. I have the lowest melting point of all A. Golgi Body/Dictyosome
elements. My liquid cannot be turned into solid
simply by lowering temperature. It has to be done Q. I am nothing, yet I have a name. Where I am, no
under pressure. I am used as an inert gas for arc breathing creature can be. I simplify many Physics
welding. I am also used extensively in flying balloons. problems, because in my presence, there is no such
Who am I? (C) thing as air resistance. It has been said that nature
A. Helium/He abhors me, but I still exist all the same. I am
Q. I am the inverse of an exponential. I bring down mighty emptiness. Who am I? (P)
powers. Mind you I am a power unto myself. I am another A. Vacuum
word for an index or an exponent. I reduce a product into a
sum. I am a tool for computation. I was invented by a Q. I am a hydrocarbon. My molecules are as flat as
Scottish gentleman by name John Napier. I am a log with a pancakes. I am also an aromatic compound with a
rhythm. Who am I? (M)
high degree of unsaturation. Indeed there are more
A. Logarithm
Q. I am a time machine. I can take you to an early time in carbons than hydrogens in my molecules. At home, I
the history of the universe. This I do by showing you light am a good substitute for camphor. We both sublime
from distant parts of the universe, light that carries images and we are pesticides. While camphor is obtained
of the universe at an earlier time. I am usually made of from plants, I am obtained from petroleum. Who am
mirrors or lenses or both. There is one of me in space I? (C)
which goes by the name Hubble. Who am I? (P) A. Naphthalene (C10H8)
A. Telescope

72 | P a g e
Q. All scientists, especially chemists either love me or hate you can find me. I describe the direction of the
me. I am not an insurance agent or a political party agent. electromagnetic phenomenon which accompanies
But I am an agent for change. Like a bank I always give changing magnetic fields. Who am I? (P)
away my valuable currency. When I do so, I reduce the A. Lenz’s law
indebtedness of my clients towards the community. If the
electron is my currency then who am I? (C)
Q. I have a linguistic association with a polytechnic. I
A. Reducing agent
Q. I am an organism described as having a flattened body. am a solid with polygonal faces. With me two
In spite of that, I am active and feed on insects, worms and intersecting faces end up in an edge or side. Examples
other small animals. My body is divided into segments, and of me are cube, cuboid, pyramid and prism. You can
from each segment arises a pair of walking legs. Don’t play say I am the union of vertices, edges and polygonal
with the pair of legs on my front segment, because it is faces. Who am I? (M)
modified into a poisonous claw. Who am I? (B) A. Polyhedron
A. Centipede
Q. I am an electrical device. I do not obey Ohm’s Law. I Q. Usually I am nobody until or unless my partner is
am now commonly made with two types of materials around. The funny thing is that the moment my partner
joined together. One of those is called N but it has nothing turns up I hide him. My partner and I can sometimes
to do with “north”. I allow the flow of current in one exchange our identity. When I am forcibly removed from
direction but not the other, so I am used to construct where I am, my partner may be discovered. My removal
circuits that convert alternating current to direct current. from my partner takes a bit of effort and requires heat
Who am I? (P) energy or refrigeration. I come in all forms but my most
A. Diode familiar and favourite form is the liquid form, with my
Q. I am a diagram. I am a set of points in the plane. Each partner being in the solid form. I am generic but water and
point represents a pair of measurements. As my name ethanol can represent me well. Who am I? (C)
suggests, my points are scattered all over the plane. A. Solvent
Associated with me are correlation and linear regression. Q. I am a specialised protoplasmic body. I exist in various
Mind you I am a diagram of points scattered in the plane. forms, but can change from one form to another. I am
Who am I? (M) absent in animal cells but most plant cells have several
A. Scatter diagram kinds of me. One of my members is mostly present in the
Q. I am a heavy, silvery white metal slightly softer petals of flowers, and in fruits. My members occur in a
than steel. When I am finely divided, I am attacked by variety of shapes and sizes. The Chloroplast is my most
water. Generally I dissolve in acids but I am not conspicuous member. Who am I? (B)
affected by alkali. I have as many as 14 isotopes A. Plastids
which are all radioactive. My most abundant isotope Q. I am a transformation in the plane. I preserve size and
shape. You can say I a rigid body motion. With me I have
has a half-life of 4,500 million years. I have an atomic
nothing to do with mirrors or a mirror line. I am involved
number of 92 and almost 1.5 times as many neutrons. in sliding along a line segment. I have associated with me a
I am named after a planet. I am an important basic vector. The vector completely determines my
nuclear fuel. Who am I? (C) transformation. Who am I? (M)
A. Uranium A. Translation
Q. I am a phenomenon associated with waves. Unlike
Q. I am one of the youngest of the biological sciences. polarisation, I am associated with both longitudinal and
As a science, I originated about a generation before transverse waves. I am named for an Austrian physicist
my significance became appreciated in the scientific who first described me in the 18th century. Astronomers are
community as a whole. I am fully developed after the fond of me, because I can tell the speed of stars. If you
details of meiosis and mitosis became understood. To need to find the speed of a vehicle I can be of service. If
you have ever heard the siren of a speeding ambulance,
a large extent, I am based on the laws of an Austrian
you undoubtedly have witnessed an occurrence of me. If
monk. I am concerned with the study of heredity and you still wonder which effect I am, my name starts with D.
variation. Who am I? (B) Who am I? (P)
A. Genetics A. Doppler effect
Q. In the 20th century, geneticists who were interested
Q. I am associated with an electromagnetic in determining the chemical nature of the genetic
phenomenon. I am important enough to be a separate material began to work with me. I have two types of
law of nature and I am named for a physicist of old. life cycles, termed lytic and lysogenic cycles. Even
Wherever you find changing magnetic fields, there though my name sounds like bacteria I am rather a

73 | P a g e
virus. My name literally means ‘eater of bacteria’, Q. My name comes from a Swedish phrase which means
because I attack bacteria. One type of bacteria readily ‘heavy stone’. I am a d-transition metal with atomic
infected by me is E. coli which lives in the number 74. My familiar valencies are 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. I do
mammalian large intestine. Who am I? (B) not occur in nature in the pure uncombined state. However
in my pure state I am grayish-white. I am reputed to have
A. Bacteriophage/Phages
the lowest vapour pressure and the highest melting point
among members of my community. If you really do not
Q. I am part of computer programming. With me I am know me, you cannot identify me from my symbol because
mainly interested in optimised values namely the two are as far apart as Tumu and Worawora. I am used
maximum and minimum. Associated with me are extensively for electrical filaments and heating elements
objective function and constraints. My objective for furnaces. Who am I? (C)
function is normally a linear function of two or more A. Tungsten (W)
variables. My constraints are linear inequalities. I am Q. I was raised on a farm and therefore was aware of
a process for finding maximum or minimum value of agricultural principles and their applications. At the
an objective function subject to some constraints. University of Vienna, I studied Mathematics, Physics and
Who am I? (M) Botany. My ambition was to be a teacher but I repeatedly
failed the necessary examinations and had to content
A. Linear programming
myself with a job as a substitute Science Teacher. I taught
between 1853 and 1868 in what became the
Q. I am a phenomenon associated with sound. To find Czechoslovakia city of Brno. Today, I am best known for
me you need two sound waves. Though I emerge from studies I conducted with a number of varieties of pea
your two waves, I have a rhythm all my own. It is best plants. Who am I? (B)
if the waves have the same amplitude, but they must A. Gregor Mendel
have somewhat different frequencies. My rhythm is
just the difference of your two frequencies. You could Q. Although in reality I do not exist, I am fully
say I march to a different drum beat. Who am I? (P) described by four variables and one constant, even
A. Beats though with three variables you would still do a good
job. Three famous laws describe my behaviour, and
Q. I studied in Canada and lectured in the United yet I obey one simple equation. If you plot the right
Kingdom. I did not discover radioactivity but results kind of graph, I will lead you to the absolute zero of
of some of my experiments confirm some of the temperature. Who am I? (C)
principles of radioactivity. I directed my research A. Ideal gas
students to bombard a thin gold foil with α-particles.
The unexpected results led to an important discovery Q. I am organic compound. My carbon atoms always
about the structure of the atom. I showed that the mass move about in a single file. I am also a binary
of the atom si concentrated at its nucleus. Who am I? compound so you can guess which elements are
(C) present in my molecules. The population of my other
A. Ernest Rutherford element is twice as many as carbons present. This
really means I am unsaturated. The missing elements
Q. I am a phenomenon associated with periodic systems. I are on the 3rd and 4th carbons. If I have a total of 7
am an instrument by which the small can conquer the carbons, then who am I? (C)
mighty, because by me small changes can lead to large A. 3 – Heptene
effects. By means of me a soft sound can become so
powerful it can cause a glass jar to shatter. Because of me,
Q. I am a nine letter word. The first four letters of my
a marching column always breaks step when a bridge is
crossed. If none of this resonates with you, think of the name refers to a pennant which is unique for each
Tacoma Narrows Bridge. Who am I? (P) country. I am considered as hair-like extension of
A. Resonance certain cells. Indeed I am involved in locomotion and
Q. I have a positive attitude so far as numbers are transport of some free living eukaryotic cells. Unlike
concerned, I leave some numbers unchanged and at worst, cilia, I am long; occur singly or in small groups. Who
I reverse the sign of some numbers. I always produce non- am I? (B)
negative numbers. I merely remove the sign of a number. A. Flagellum
Mind you, with me 2 is 2 but -2 is also 2. I am absolute in
my evaluation of number. Who am I? (M) Q. I am a numerical expression. I am part of
A. Absolute value absurdity. I am an irrational number. I usually involve
74 | P a g e
a root sign. I have a partner or conjugate and the A. Null set or empty set
product of me with my conjugate gives a rational
number. My simplification sometimes involves Q. I am a transformer. Unlike the ordinary transformer
rationalisation of the denominator. Who am I? (M) which changes one voltage into another, I change else
A. Surd into voltage. I work best on a sunny day. I can only
give a small voltage, but that should not worry you,
Q. My name is in two parts. One part is the name of fruit because you can connect several of me into a module
but the other one is as dead as the Dead Sea. You would which can give you as much electricity as you want.
find me in any factory where Portland cement and glass are Who am I? (P)
manufactured. I am also an important raw material in the A. Solar cell
Blast Furnace. I am a member of a set of triplets. I am the
only one used to harsh conditions as the others stay with
the rich or the educated. Who am I? (C) Q. Some of us are man-made. There are many of us
A. Limestone too who are made by nature. We all play very
Q. I am a phenomenon of nature. When I appear all important roles in man’s life. Surprisingly, those of us
darkness disappears, and night becomes as bright as day. I made by man have eventually become man’s enemies.
am created by electricity. My arrival is usually presaged by Man would want to get rid of us the man-made but
a radio pulse. At times I am accompanied by a thunderous does not know how. Enzymes, polythene, starch and
sound. When you here that thunderous clap, seek shelter, PVC are just a few representatives of us. Who are we?
because I come in a fiery electric column, in whose path (C)
nothing stands. Who am I? (P) A. Polymers
A. Lightening
Q. I am a strong but flexible nitrogenous polysaccharide. I Q. I have associations in Chemistry, Biology and
am found in many places throughout the natural world. In Mathematics. In Mathematics I am an answer to a problem.
terms of structure, I may be compared to cellulose and, in In Chemistry I am a solution of no specific description. In
terms of function, to the protein keratin. My properties as a Biology, I am part of a plant normally hidden from view.
flexible and strong material make me favourable as More specifically, I am a solution of an equation. Who am
surgical thread. I am a structural material of arthropod I? (B)
exoskeletons and fungal cell walls. Even though I am a A. Root
polymer of glucose, I am not digestible by humans. Who Q. I am an electrical phenomenon. I convert electricity into
am I? (B) heat but I am not the same phenomenon that produces heat
A. Chitin in an electric resistance heater. Whenever I produce a high
Q. I am a geometrical figure. I am like a segment temperature, I also produce a cold temperature. I can also
determined by two points but I am not a line. As the produce electricity from a temperature difference. Who am
expression goes I am a quantum of hope or light. I am half I? (P)
of a line. I am more like a vector but I have a starting point A. Thermoelectric effect
but no endpoint. Two of me with the same initial point Q. I am an indispensable tool of most biologists. I trace my
form an angle. Who am I? (M) origins to a family of Dutch spectacle makers, in the year
A. A ray 1590. While experimenting with several lenses in a tube,
they discovered that nearby objects appeared greatly
Q. I am a molecule that functions as the secondary enlarged. I have made visible the fascinating details of
long-term energy storage in animal and fungal cells. I worlds within worlds. I enable the human eye, by means of
am a suitable storage substance due to my insolubility combinations of lenses, to observe enlarged images of tiny
in water. Marathon runners go through a phenomenon objects. Who am I? (P)
known as “hitting the wall” when my stores are A. (Light) Microscope
depleted after long periods of exertion. I am normally Q. As an element I am found both free and in the combined
referred to as animal starch. Who am I? (B) state in nature. My fourth allotrope is a synthetic one. I can
A. Glycogen be white or black or glassy depending on which allotropic
form you find. With hydrogen alone I form thousands of
compounds. I have as many as 7 isotopes, some of which
Q. I am a storage collection of objects so you can say are radioisotopes. One of the radioisotopes has an
I am a set. However my objects cannot be listed. I am equilibrium concentration in all living things. It is therefore
a subset of every set. Like the empty barrel, I make no widely used to date archaeological specimen. Who am I?
sound. I am the complement of the universal set. I am (C)
the identity in the operation of union of sets. Two sets A. Carbon (C)
are disjoint if their intersection is me. Who am I? (M)
75 | P a g e
Q. I was a German medical doctor and a Q. I am concerned with points, lines, circles and curves in
microbiologist. I became known for my investigations a plane. I am geometry of some sort. I am an application of
of anthrax and tuberculosis. I discovered the bacteria algebra to plane geometry. I involve coordinates of a point,
responsible for tuberculosis and cholera. As a result of equation of a line and generally equations of the locus of a
point in the coordinate plane. Who am I? (M)
my work, I formulated the rules of proving that a
A. Coordinate Geometry
particular microorganism is the cause of a disease. My Q. I am a binary, inorganic compound. I have only
rules with minor modifications are still followed covalent bonds, although very soluble in water. My two
today. Who am I? (B) elements are both non-metallic. My aqueous solution turns
A. Robert Koch red litmus blue. My central atom has sp3 hybridised orbitals
but my molecule is not the shape usually associated with
Q. If I were an animal I would be regarded as a such hybridization. If Nitrogen and Hydrogen are my
hermaphrodite. But I am not an animal, I am an elements, then who am I? (C)
inorganic substance. I am both an acid and a base. My A. Ammonia [NH3]
molecules are made up of three elements, one of them Q. I am two in one. I belong to the couples group. If
a Group II B metal. The others are non-metals. I you are single, you cannot join us. I have a nickname
dissolve in water to give two ions, a cation derived which seems to suggest that I like on the largest man-
from the metal and an anion made up of the two non- made lake in Africa. The surprising thing is that my
metals. One of the non-metals is derived from the two halves are not allowed to share a bedroom. I
lightest element. My metal part forms a useful and convert chemical energy into electrical energy. Who
popular alloy with copper. Who am I? (C) am I? (C)
A. Zinc hydroxide [Zn(OH)2] A. Primary/Voltaic/Photochemical cell

Q. Without motion, I do not exist. I am always Q. I was invented in the 1960s. I am well known for
conserved. I am named in a famous law of motion the light I produce. My light is monochromatic and
which bears the name of a famous scientist. You coherent. It has high intensity and low divergence.
cannot determine my value just from the mass of an Because of these properties, it is used in cutters, dvd
object because without motion I am nothing. A force players/theodolites and even surgery. Who am I? (P)
always causes a change in me. My rate is just the A. Laser
force. Who am I? (P)
A. Momentum Q. In a way, I am a ratio. Thus I am classified as
being a proper or an improper fraction. I am a ratio of
Q. I operate in pairs. I may be commutative or two polynomial functions. I am often resolved into
associative. A set may be closed under me. partial fractions. My domain is determined from the
Occasionally, I may even have an identity. Examples zeros of my denominator. My name indicates I am the
of me are addition and union. I combine two at a time, ratio of functions. Who am I? (M)
hence my name. Who am I? (M) A. Rational Function
A. Binary operation
Q. I am a network of flattened sacs and tubes. I
Q. I was born in Germany in 1879. As a physicist, I have normally form channels throughout the cytoplasm. In
many accomplishments. I was the first to solve the problem section, I appear as a series of parallel membranes.
of electron emission from illuminated surfaces. For this My presence normally creates sub-compartments
achievement I was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics. within a cell. The nucleus which directs the various
However, I am better known for my formula which relates activities of the cell is connected to me. The word
mass and energy E=mc 2 . Who am I? (P) rough, is added to my name when I have ribosomes
A. Albert Einstein attached to my surface. Who am I? (B)
Q. I am a multifunctional nucleotide present in cells. I am A. Endoplasmic Recticulum
present in the cytoplasm as well as the nucleoplasm of Q. I was a French soldier, a naturalist, and an academic. I
every cell. I am considered by biologists as the energy developed a particular interest in botany, and later,
currency of life. This is because I am consumed in the cell published a three-volume work called Flora francaise. I
by energy-requiring processes and can be generated by am an early proponent of the idea that evolution occurred
energy-releasing processes. I am the main energy source and proceeded in accordance with natural laws. Today, I
for the majority of cellular functions. Who am I? (B)
A. Adenosine Tri-phosphate (ATP)

76 | P a g e
am mostly remembered for the theory of inheritance of looking at my size you can tell if the compound
acquired characteristics. Who am I? (B) involved is a good team player or not. Who am I? (C)
A. Jean Lamarck A. Base Dissociation constant, Kb.
Q. I am so strong that I can change the shape of even big
molecules. I am a relationship that involves elements to the Q. There are two of us like a pair of fraternal twins.
right of the Periodic Table. But that is not enough; I need
One of us is an array of numbers. If you add the term
the participation of the lightest element in the Periodic
Table. I relate better with liquids and solids and to a limited of one, you get the other. Examples of us may be
extent with gases. I am responsible for the relatively high described as linear and exponential or AP and GP.
boiling point of water compared to its siblings. Who am I? Dealing with us involves finding a general term and
(C) sum of a number of terms. Who am I? (M)
A. Hydrogen bonding A. Sequences and series (Give one mark for just one
Q. I am electronic device. I am made with transistors and of them)
other electronic components. I usually have two inputs and Q. I am an organ with several functions. Many of my
one output. A voltage at one of my inputs results in an functions are accomplished by simple mechanisms of
output with opposite sign so that input is called inverting. I filtration, re-absorption, and secretion. I serve essential
can amplify a small voltage difference at my inputs to give regulatory roles in most animals, including vertebrates and
a large output voltage. How much amplification you get some invertebrates. I serve the body as a natural filter of
depends on what feedback resistors and other components the blood, and remove wastes which are diverted to the
you connect to me. Who am I? (P) urinary bladder. I occur in a pair with one on each side of
A. Operational amplifier the spine. Who am I? (B)
Q. For a function, there are two of us, like a pilot and a co- A. Kidney
pilot. I determine whether a function makes sense or not. Q. I am an expansion of an algebraic expression. The basic
To be precise, I am a set. I consist of independent values of expression is the sum or difference of two terms raised to
a variable. For the function y=f ( x ), I am the set of all some power. My expansion in some cases can be
values of x . For any polynomial function, I am the set of performed using a triangle of members popularly called
real numbers. Who am I? (M) Pascal’s triangle. In a nutshell, I am an expansion of a
A. Domain (of a function) binomial. Who am I? (M)
Q. I am a unicellular organism, but I occasionally A. Binomial Expansion
occur in chains. My cell wall consists of two silica- Q. I am a particle. Like all particles, I have energy and
impregnated valves. I occur in both fresh and marine momentum. You cannot tell how much energy I carry by
my mass or my speed. My mass tells you my energy
water but I am particularly abundant in colder marine
should be zero, but it is not. My speed tells you my energy
waters. In fact as a rule, the colder the water, the should be very large, but it is not always large. I have the
greater my numbers. I am a popular tool for largest speed any material object can have. I am created
monitoring environmental conditions, past and when an atom makes a transition from one energy state to a
present, and commonly used in studies of water lower energy state. Who am I? (P)
quality. My fossil deposits can be processed to give a A. Photon
hard powder used in filtration processes and as an Q. I am black and beautiful. Unfortunately I am not well
abrasive. Who am I? (C) known in Ghana. When hydrocarbons are mentioned it is
A. Diatom the gaseous and liquid compounds that come to mind; I am
an exception. I am a solid hydrocarbon. I was formed a
Q. I am an electrical instrument. Although I can be million years ago. When I am destructively distilled I give
out a number of gaseous and liquid substances. I used to be
used for quantitative measurements, I am frequently
taken for granted in Newcastle in UK. Who am I? (C)
simply used as a detector. I am made of two A. Coal
conductors. One of the conductors is usually very thin
so it is called a leaf. I can tell you the sign of charge ROUND 4
on an object. Who am I? (P)
A. Electroscope Q. My name is in two parts. One is that of a container
Q. I am a constant. I do not associate with the strong and the other in chemistry refers to the basic
and rich in my society but with the weak. I remain a substances that make up matter. I am typically found
constant only at a constant temperature. I measure in angiosperms but absent from most gymnosperms
some equilibrium processes of some compounds in such as the conifers. At maturity, my protoplast dies
water. The compounds must have an electron pair. By and disappears, but my lignified cell walls persist. I

77 | P a g e
am one of the cell types found in xylem which is the 3 modes: conduction, convection and radiation. Who
water conducting tissue of plants. Who am I? (B) am I? (P)
A. Vessel element A. Heat

Q. I am not a substance, even though I can be Q. I am an operation on functions. From any given
transferred from one body to another. I cannot be said function, I produce another function. I am used to find
to be contained in the bodies. When two bodies are in the gradient of a function as well as finding turning
contact, I am spontaneously transferred from one of points of a curve. I turn distance into speed and speed
them to the other. But I can also be transferred in the into acceleration. I am a process for determining rates
opposite direction. For this to happen, work must be of change. Who am I? (M)
done. I am associated with energy, which I transfer in A. Differentiation
3 modes: conduction, convection and radiation. Who
am I? (P) Q. I am an element. I am black. I do not occur free in
A. Heat nature. I am hard, harder than metals but I do not
pretend to be a metal. I am not malleable I am not a
Q. I am an operation on functions. From any given conductor of electricity. I am an important raw
function, I produce another function. I am used to find material for the manufacture of pyrex glass. I am the
the gradient of a function as well as finding turning first member of group III A of the periodic table. Who
points of a curve. I turn distance into speed and speed am I? (C)
into acceleration. I am a process for determining rates A. Boron
of change. Who am I? (M) Q. I am a type of ecological interaction. My name
A. Differentiation literally means ‘sharing the table together’. In my type
of relationship one species benefits and the other
Q. I am an element. I am black. I do not occur free in neither benefits nor harms. Often, the host species
nature. I am hard, harder than metals but I do not provides a home and/or transportation for the other
pretend to be a metal. I am not malleable I am not a species. The small remora fish enjoying a free ride by
conductor of electricity. I am an important raw the shark is a typical example of my type of
material for the manufacture of pyrex glass. I am the association. Who am I? (B)
first member of group III A of the periodic table. Who A. Commensalism
am I? (C)
A. Boron Q. My name contains an essential ingredient of bread.
Do not look for me in a bakery or in a kitchen. My
ROUND 4 name contains stone. I am not a rock, but a bridge. I
have arms, in which I carry resistors. Who am I? (P)
Q. My name is in two parts. One is that of a container A. Wheatstone bridge
and the other in chemistry refers to the basic
substances that make up matter. I am typically found Q. With polynomials I produce polynomials of higher
in angiosperms but absent from most gymnosperms order. I turn a sine function into a cosine function and
such as the conifers. At maturity, my protoplast dies vice versa. I am used to obtain the area under a curve
and disappears, but my lignified cell walls persist. I and volume of a solid of rotation. I turn a constant into
am one of the cell types found in xylem which is the a linear function, a linear function into a quadratic
water conducting tissue of plants. Who am I? (B) function and a quadratic function into a cubic
A. Vessel element function. My name suggests I bring things together.
Who am I? (M)
Q. I am not a substance, even though I can be A. Integration
transferred from one body to another. I cannot be said
to be contained in the bodies. When two bodies are in Q. I am useful both at home and in the chemistry
contact, I am spontaneously transferred from one of laboratory. I am an ionic, inorganic compound with
them to the other. But I can also be transferred in the four different elements in my cation and anion. My
opposite direction. For this to happen, work must be cation is derived from a group I element. My anion is
done. I am associated with energy, which I transfer in from 3 non-metallic elements, present in the ration
1:1:3. In the laboratory, I am an acid salt that produces
78 | P a g e
alkaline solution in water. At home I am useful to describes how the properties of certain magnetic
those who bake. Who am I? (C) materials vary with temperature. You probably best
A. Sodium hydrogen trioxocarbonate IV OR NaHCO3 know me for my work in radioactivity, for which I
OR Baking Soda shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with my husband
Pierre and another physicist. I was the first woman to
Q. I am a band of cell wall material but am chemically win the Nobel Prize and the only one to win in both
different from the rest of the cell wall. I was first physics and chemistry. Who am I? (P)
recognized as a wall structure by a German botanist who A. Mme Marie Curie
lived from (1818–1887). My width is often much narrower
than the wall in which I occur, but am typically located Q. In a plane I am an ordered pair of numbers. In
closer to the inner tangential wall than the outer. I form a
space I am a triplet. In a plane I am associated with
barrier at which the apoplastic flow is forced to pass
through the selectively permeable plasma membrane into points. The first number in the pair measures distance
the cytoplasm. I am normally deposited on the radial and from the y-axis and the second number measures
transverse walls of the endodermis. Who am I? (B) distance from the x-axis. With me, the origin in a
A. Casparian strip coordinate plane is given by (0, 0). Who am I? (M)
Q. You can say I am some kind of triangle. I am in a way A. Coordinates (of a point)
an isosceles triangle. To be precise, I am a symmetric
arrangement of numbers. I consist of various rows of Q. I am an organic compound made up of three
numbers each of which begins and ends with the first obvious elements. There are as many as 24 atoms in
natural number. My numbers are the coefficients in a my molecule. I have a sibling with an equal number of
binomial expansion. I am somebody’s triangle. Who am I? atoms, but who is more stable than I am. We are both
reducing agents. My sibling is very sociable because
A. Pascal’s triangle
Q. I am a phenomenon of nature. I am usually associated he is everywhere but his friends tell me I am sweeter.
with waves, but you can also observe me using We are both present in honey but I give honey its
microscopic particles. What I do depends on wavelength. I sweetness. Who am I? (C)
cause a parallel light beam to spread out. I can help you A. Fructose
hear around corners. Who am I? (P)
A. Diffraction
Q. I am a solid, insoluble in water but soluble in ethanol
Q. You may be stronger and harder but not as malleable as
and other organic solvents. In spite of this, I am not an
I am. There is no civilization that can do without me. I am
organic compound. I was discovered in 1812. My melting
a solution normally made up of a solvent which is a
point is about 113°C but I’d rather sublime. My ethanolic
transition metal and a non-metal solute. My ductility
solution is a good antiseptic at home. I am a compound
depends on how much of the solute is present. Despite my
element belonging to Group 7 of the Periodic Table. I am
strength I am extremely allergic to heat as I soften and
told that my dark violet colour is beautiful. Who am I? (C)
glow. If I was born at a piggery, then who am I? (C)
A. Iodine/I2
A. Steel
Q. I am a class of organisms. The study of my Q. I am a plant cell, with a large number of ribosomes and
members is called batrachology. Though my members mitochondria. I am more metabolically active than a
typically have four limbs, some are noted for being 'typical' plant cell. My name is in two parts, the first
limbless. There is a dramatic decline in the population signifies a friend and the other represent the smallest unit
of my members which is perceived as one of the most that displays properties of life. The survival of sieve-tube
critical threats to global biodiversity. My name members depends on a close association with me. In fact I
literally means life on both sides. My members are am a component of the phloem tissue that carries
superficially similar to reptiles. Some of my members photosynthetic products to all parts of the plant where
include the salamanders, toads, and frogs. Who am I? needed. Who am I? (B)
A. Companion cell
Q. I am a measure of a region or a geometric figure. I am
A. Amphibia in the base-height business. My least unit of measure is a
square. For polygons such a s a triangle or rectangle I am a
Q. I was born in Warsaw in 1867. As a scientist, I base and height affair. For a circle I am obtained by
have many accomplishments—I won the Nobel Prize squaring the diameter. For a cylinder I am a product of
in Physics in 1903 and the Nobel Prize in Chemistry radius and height. My simplest unit is cm2. Who am I? (M)
in 1911. My last name is associated with a law that A. Area

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Q. I am an optical device. I can change the direction of Q. I am some kind of transformation in the plane. I map a
light. I cause light to spread out. I can cause an inverted point into another point and in general I map a straight line
image to become erect. I am not a lens although you can into a straight line. I am closely associated with matrices. I
think of lenses as made up of me. My ability to deviate am used in rotations and reflections but not in translations.
light is used to determine the refractive index of optical Since I map a straight line into another straight line, my
materials. Who am I? (P) name suggests I am a transformation of a line. Who am I?
A. Triangular prism A. Linear Transformation (M)
Q. What I am is a mystery. No one yet knows how I Q. I am a phenomenon of nature. I am associated with
came to be, but I exist all the same. I am all around electricity. Because I am also associated with magnetism, I
you. You think of me when you think of matter. You am called electromagnetic. I have the power to convert
think of me when you think of inertia. I connect force motion into electricity. Generators operate because of me.
Who am I? (P)
and acceleration. Who am I? (P)
A. Electromagnetic induction
A. Mass Q. I am a small reproductive structure usually consisting of
a single cell. My name in Greek means seed sowing. I am
Q. I am a type of reproduction in certain lower capable of developing independently into a much larger,
organisms. I am also a convenient means for mature and often multicellular body. Compared with seeds,
transferring genetic material to a variety of targets. I have little food storage, and thus require more favourable
But I am not limited to the biologists alone conditions in order to successfully germinate. I am
In English grammar I am used to signify the therefore produced in large numbers to increase my
modification of a verb from its basic form. In chances of surviving. Fungi are often classified according
chemistry, I signify the way unsaturation is to the structures in which I am produced. Who am I?
manifested in a compound. In biochemistry I signify A. Spore (B)
the turning of substances into a hydrophilic state in
the body. In mathematics I produce the conjugate of a Q. I am an instrument. I have a cousin. We are often
surd. Who am I? (M) used together, my cousin and I. I have a sock. My
A. Conjugation cousin does not have a sock. I never give a higher
reading than my cousin. I give a lower reading than
Q. I am a gear with geometrical connections. For a my cousin does when the ambient air is dry. We give
cone, I am a sector of a circle. For a cube, I am like a the same reading when the ambient air is saturated
cross. In a way I am the shell or outline of a with water vapour. Who am I? (P)
geometrical figure. In more practical terms I am used A. Wet-bulb thermometer
to entrap aquatic creatures. Who am I? (M)
A. Net Q. I am a form of reproduction. In cell biology, I
denote the breaking apart of cells or cell organelles
Q. To the chemist, I am a white solid. To the botanist, into smaller parts. As a process of reproduction, I do
I am a tree with heart shaped leaves. To our mothers, I not produce genetic diversity in the offspring. I am a
am a fruit very useful in the home. I could also be a form of reproduction in many organisms such as
drink, especially for those who love the cocktail. I am moulds, algae, liverworts and mosses. To the ecologist
obtained in commercial quantities simply by heating I describe the emergence of discontinuities in an
some rock, a natural deposit. With water I undergo a organism's preferred environment (habitat). To the
violent exothermic reaction. The product of this can chemist I am a type of chemical dissociation. To the
sometimes be used in place of white emulsion paint. computer scientist, I am a phenomenon in which
Who am I? (C) storage space is used inefficiently, thereby reducing
A. Lime/CaO storage capacity and in most cases the performance.
Q. I could be a phenomenon; I could be a process. I could Who am I? (B)
also be associated with procreation. I am a force to reckon A. Fragmentation
with. I am not seen but like the wind, when I have an
encounter with any mass, you would feel my presence. I Q. I am associated with sets and I am some kind of
am so versatile that I could transform myself into light notation. My name suggests I am in the building
energy and others. I am a form of energy transferred from business. I am a way describing a set by stating a
one body to another body when there is a temperature property of the elements of the set. In a way I am a
difference. Who am I? builder of sets. Who am I? (M)
A. Heat (energy) (P) A. Set-builder notation
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Q. Chemists keep on believing that I am only a
perception. If I were, how come I enable them to
describe structures so accurately? I am associated with
the homes in which electrons in an atom reside. Like a
good architect, I combine various shapes to come up
with composite shapes. If you have eyes for shapes,
you would notice that when I operate, the composite
shape has the characteristics of the contributing
shapes. If you know one and understand the way I
work, you could virtually describe the shape of any
complex molecule or ion. Who am I? (C)
A. Hybridization

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