Types of Sentences
Types of Sentences
Types of Sentences
Sentences are divided into four categories: simple sentences, compound sentences,
complex sentences, and compound-complex sentences.
Simple Sentences
She ate her lunch, took a walk, and went back to work.
Compound Sentences
Complex Sentences
A complex sentence contains one independent clause and one or more dependent
clauses. A complex sentence will include at least one subordinating conjunction.
While I enjoy classical music, I prefer rock and roll because I play the drums.
Compound-Complex Sentences
Although she felt guilty for missing her friend’s birthday, she took her out to dinner
the next day, and they had a great time.
I try to eat healthy food, but because fast food is so convenient, I cannot maintain a
healthy diet.
If he got the job, he would have to commute 50 miles to work, so he decided the job
was not worth it.
Because each type of sentence can serve various functions, we should use the type of
sentence that best communicates the purpose of our idea.
Choose the sentence type that will most clearly and accurately convey the logic of
your idea.
Consider the amount of information your readers need, and consider the links the
readers need to process the information.
To declare a direct statement First, I will give background information about my project.