Lesson Plan 3 Pre-Prac

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NAME: Sarah Kinkel DATE: 10/7/2021 TIME: 50 minutes

CLASS SIZE: 30 GRADE: 6-8 FOCUS: Cooperative Games

EQUIPMENT: Large Cones, Hula-Hoops, 4 Yoga Mats, Hotspots, Scooters, Jump Ropes, Paper Assessments

STUDENT PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES (SPO) – Include the SHAPE Standards/GLOs and the Mass. Curriculum
Framework and check each objective: Is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally appropriate?

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

(P): Perform different locomotor movements to get across the gym and using at least 3 different ones throughout
the entire lesson.(S1.M24,6-8),(2.8)

(C): Understand the importance of teamwork by successfully making it across the gym while working with another
classmate at least once throughout the lesson.(S4.M5,6-8),(7.5)

(A): Participate in class while being a good teammate by working cooperatively teammates and using positive
verbal communication at least twice during activity 2.(S4.M4,6-8),(7.5)


During the lesson the teacher will:

1. Create a safe environment for the students by explaining the safety rules at least twice throughout the entire lesson.

2. Create an engaging learning environment by having students being active 100% of the time during all activities in the 


Massachusetts Comprehensive Health Curriculum Framework. (1999). Malden, MA: Commonwealth ofMassachusetts,
Dept. of Education.

SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators. (2014). National standards & grade-leveloutcomes for k-12
physical education. Reston, VA.: Authors.
Time Organization Sequence of Lesson Reflection
0:00-8 Have students walk into the gym and Having
:00 have them sit on the bleachers and students sit on
take attendance. Once attendance is the floor
taken have the students do 2 warm up sometimes
laps and have them meet in the middle doesn’t always
of the gym. work because
some of them
refuse to sit on
the floor
because they
feel their pants
will get dirty
but having
them sit on the
worked fine for
this lesson.
Introduction, 8:00-1 ● Explain to the students that Students were
RRE’s, 0-00 they will be engaging in a very engaged
& Set cooperative learning activity. when asking
Induction Ask the students if they know them about
what the word cooperative what
means and explain that it’s cooperation is
when a group of people work and giving
together to reach a common examples of
goal. what it can
● The goal for the day is to get look like.
across the gym without Emphasize that
touching the floor and using all students
of the pieces of equipment to cannot stand
help them and that they must on the scooter.
work together to achieve it.
● Inform students on the safety
when they are using the
scooters and that when they
are throwing any piece of
equipment to others that it
must be an underhand throw.
● Start the activity by
introducing the different
pieces of equipment.
10:00- Transition Have students move to where they can
10:25 see you showing all the equipment
● Explain to the Extensions:
This activity
10:25- students how If students
Activity #1 went great!! It
20:00 each piece of are
just depended
equipment can struggling
be used add more on the class
however they equipment. unfortunatly…
like but they If it’s too Make sure that
must do it in a easy then the students
safe way. They take away understand
must also equipment that when they
cooperate touch the
with one ground that
another to get any equipment
across the they are using
gym. If just has to stay in
one foot or place where
hand touches they got out.
the gym floor
then that
person must
start all the
way back at
the beginning
and they are
not allowed to
bring back any
piece of
● The first
activity will
split the class
into 4 different
teams and
each team will
have the same
exact pieces of
equipment to
help them.
● The teams that
finish the
activity are
allowed to
help the other
teams who
have not
finished by
giving them
advice and tips
but they must
not touch the
other teams
● After the first
from all the
teams, have
the students
start over but
now time
them and see
who can get
the shortest
Transition Split the class into 2 teams and have
20:00- them reset the equipment. Each team
20:02 has 2 sets of equipment. The teams
will be brand new
This activity is the Extensions:
same as activity one If students
but instead of 4 are
smaller teams there struggling
are now 2 bigger add more
20:02- teams that must work equipment.
Activity #2
35:00 together. If it’s too
easy then
take away

Transition Have the students reset the equipment

again and have there only be 2 sets of
equipment on the gym floor.
This activity is the Extensions
same as the last 2 If students
activities but now they are
must make it across as struggling
one whole team by add more
37:00- using only 2 sets of equipment.
Activity #3
49:00 equipment. If it’s too
easy then
take away

49:00- Transition Have the students meet up back in the

49:15 middle of the gym.

Lesson 49:15- Ask the students what strategies they used and what worked and didn’t work for them
Closure 50:00 depending on the group size. Also ask if anyone on the teams took a leadership or if it was an
equal effort to come up with ideas.
Name:_____________________________ Date:________

Cooperative Learning

Question 1: What types of movements were being used in today’s

class? (Examples; Running, Jumping, Hopping, Leaping)

Question 2: What piece of equipment was used the most and which
was used the least? Give some reasoning for your answers.



Question 3: Draw a picture of how a piece of equipment was used

by more than one person at a time.

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