HB Disc Golf Skill Assessment Golf
HB Disc Golf Skill Assessment Golf
HB Disc Golf Skill Assessment Golf
Task: Students will play a modified nine-hole match on a course laid out on existing school playing fields.
Threesomes or foursomes will be assigned by the teacher. Students will be assessed on their ability to select and
prepare equipment properly; apply skills, strategies, rules and conventions; and participate safely demonstrating
appropriate personal and social behavior. Students will be given an opportunity to warm up prior to the assessment.
*Note: An actual golf course can be used as the venue for this assessment without compromising the assessment.
Application of Skills
4. Students apply effective skills (e.g., drives, middle irons, short irons, putts) committing few, if any, observable errors
in technique.
3. Students apply effective skills with errors in technique.
2. Students perform skills showing some elements of correct technique, but application is ineffective and inconsistent.
1. Students attempt skills but technique is not yet sufficient, resulting in consistently ineffective performance.
Application of Strategies
4. Students select appropriate equipment and apply effective adjustments to skill technique on the basis of previous
results (e.g., stance, aiming point, swing) and objective of the shot without hesitation.
3. Students select appropriate equipment and attempt to adjust technique on the basis of previous results and objective of
the shot, but seem hesitant or indecisive.
2. Students make inappropriate equipment selection and/or do not make technique adjustments on the basis of previous
results. Students need reminders from others to make strategic adjustments.
1. Students make inappropriate equipment selection and focus is confined to striking the ball. Movements do not
indicate adjustments necessary to meet the objective of the shot.