Comparison - Procedure
Comparison - Procedure
Comparison - Procedure
by Comparison Method
1.0 Purpose
2.0 Scope
Mass Flow Rate: 10 LPM (0.6 m3/h) to 2500 LPM (150 m3/h)
3.0 Description
A flow meter is a device or an instrument used to measure mass or volumetric flow rate of a liquid
or a gas.
A flow meter is a device used to measure the flow rate or quantity of a liquid or gas in a pipe
Units of measurement
Liquid flow can be measured in volumetric or mass flow rates, such as liters per minutes, meter
cubic per hour or kilograms per second. These measurements are related by the liquid's density.
The density of a liquid is almost independent of conditions. This is not the case for gasses, the
densities of which depend greatly upon pressure, temperature and to a lesser extent, composition.
For liquids, various units are used depending upon the application and industry, but might include
gallons (U.S. liquid or imperial) per minute, liters per second, barrels per minute or, when
describing river flows, cumecs (cubic meters per second) or acre-feet per day.
Orifice Plates
Venturi Tubes
Flow Nozzles
The most common types of Velocity flow meters are:
3.0 Diagram
b. In Lab
Ambient Temperature : During Calibration
Ambient Rel. Humidity : During Calibration
Line Voltage : 415S V ±1% : During Calibration
Difference between (Fluid & Amb) Temperature : <10°C) : During Calibration
5.0 General
Depending on the Flow Range of UUC to be calibrated, corresponding above Master instruments to
be selected.
Check the validity of the master instrument.
a. Select proper spool pieces according to the diameter of UUC & direction of flow, ensure that
selected pipe line always runs full of liquid.
b. Fit gaskets with proper alignment to prevent leakage near the flanges.
c. The UUC shall be installed in the pipeline at a position such that standard straight length
upstream (minimum 10D) & downstream (minimum 5D) is maintained.
d. Check the flow lines for proper fittings of flanges, blind flanges, gaskets, nut-bolts and any
e. Do the electrical connections (as applicable).
The meter to be calibrated was installed in the standard test line of flow calibration skid. The
line was flooded, and entrapped air cleared using Air Removal Time prior to calibration. Direct
pumping is the flow source for the calibration.
Direct pumping was employed to obtain higher flow rates. When flow conditions had stabilized,
the actual flow rate was determined by comparing with master flow meters.
Digital Multimeter or HMI was used to acquire the pulse or current output of the test meter.
The temperature of water was determined using on-line RTD's and density using Density meter.
Line Pressure is monitored during calibration using Pressure devices.
The flow rate, k-Factor and percentage error in total flow and flow rate obtained from current o r
p u l s e output were then computed as given in the sample calculations.
This procedure was repeated for the other flow rates covering the entire flow range.
11. Nomenclature:
For Differential 2 * dP
Flow meter Qt = A * * 3600 m3 / h
Co-efficient Qa / Qt
Cd =
Reynolds *V*D
ReD =
Velocity V= m/s
A * 3600
K-factor = N Pulses/m^3
Vi = N m^3
% Error in = (Vi-Va) * 100 %
Volume Va
Qa = 139.918 m3/h
Qc = 139.953 m3/h
= 0.025 %
13.0 Traceability
15.0 Reference Documents
Operation Manual for Flow Meter Test Bench and Flow Meters