G6 Notes

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Long Term Plan

Notes Grade 6

Topic : Module

Learning Objective:
How to use modules to simplify a program

Success criteria:

Students will be able to:

● Define upload?

● What is meant by edit?

 upload..

 Edit

 Coordinate

Making the maze:

 A Upload a new backdrop for this
 It will show a maze.
 The frog has to go through the maze to reach the gift.
 Open the backdrop menu and choose the top option.
 Upload means to copy a file from your computer to the scratch website.
 Select the maze image

Edit the script:

 It Script is a short program that control one thing e.g a sprite
 Edit means make changes to a script or other file.
 Must edit the script you have made, so they work with the maze.
Frog script:
 Change the frog script to load the maze backdrop and put the frog in the
right place.
 If you use a different maze, you may need different values.
Movement module:
 Change all the movement number from 10 to 20 so the frog goes more
slowly. This will make it easier to control.

Gift script:
Set the x/y coordinate of the gift to -25 and 150.
That will put it at the end of the maze.
If you use different maze you may need different values.
Sense if the frog touches the maze wall

 You can change the frog script too .

 Look at the light blue ‘sensing’ blocks.
 Find the block which senses if the frog touches a colour.
 Click on the colour.
 Set all the colour values to 0.
 Now the test will be true of the frog touches the block walls of the maze.

Question to think:
1. What is module?
2. What are advantages of module?
3. How modules work?
4. Define a module
5. Create a simple module
6. Create a module using commands with arrows

Adding the Maze:

Learning Objective:
How to use modules to simplify a program
Success criteria:
Students will be able to:
● Define what is module?
● What is advantages of module?
● How module work?

 Module

 A module stores a set of command. The module has a name chosen by the
 A programmer can use the module in their programs. When computer sees
the name of module in the program, it will carry out all command stores in
the module.
 In some programming language, modules are called procedures or function.

 It makes program shorter and easier to read.
 Programmer can use module in more than one part of their program. That
saves time and effort
 Can share with other programmers that make everyone’s work easier.
 Startup: to store all the commands that come before the loop in this module
 Endgame: to store all the commands from the end of the game.

Question to think:
8. Define upload?
9. Define edit?
10.What is coordinates?
Here are three different module. Each module store different commands.
Modules are X ,Y and Z

 The student wants to make the spaceship jump to a random place on the
screen. Which module should she used
 The students want to make the spaceship jump to a random place when the
user presses the spacebar. What would the script look like. Either describe
the script in words or say what block you would use.
 Suggest better name for each module.


Learning Objective:
To explain how to store commands in modules
Success criteria:
Students will be able to:
● Define a module
● Create a simple module
● Create a module using commands with arrows

 Module

 X coordinate

 Y coordinate
 The position of frog on the screen is set by x/y coordinates
 When you press the up arrow , the value of y coordinate is increase by 10.
 The four movement block you made take up a lot of space. The frog script is
very big.
 To make script smaller and easier to read, you will make a command. This
module will store all the movement commands
 Choose the name of module carefully.
 Choose a name that reminds you what commands are stored in the module.
Question to think:
 Different keys will have different effects how
 what is the value of y and x coordinate of key press?
 list the name of key press?

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