Hep Flow

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HepFlow - Domestic TM

Linear Drainage System

HepFlowTM is the new light duty linear drainage
system from Hepworth. The system has been
designed specifically to meet the ever increasing
need for durable and easy to install products
required by groundworkers and building
contractors alike.
For the end user the polypropylene grating gives a
long lasting finish that won’t rust or show up scratching. The grating has also been
designed to minimise the risk of shoe heels getting caught and is easily removed for
cleaning. For extra peace of mind self-tapping screws can be inserted into pre-
marked pilot holes to secure the grating further.

Product Selector
HepFlow TM

Channels Description Length (mm) Internal width (mm) Overall Width (mm) Invert Depth (mm) Overall Height (mm) Weight (kg) Code

Channel 1000 98 142 103 130 2.89 HF1000

and Grate 500 98 142 103 130 1.46 HF500

Grates Description Length (mm) Internal width (mm) Overall Width (mm) Invert Depth (mm) Overall Height (mm) Weight (kg) Code

Spare Grate 1000 - 127 - 31 1.13 HF1000G

500 - 127 - 31 0.57 HF500G
End Caps Description Length (mm) Internal width (mm) Overall Width (mm) Invert Depth (mm) Overall Height (mm) Weight (kg) Code

End Cap - - 137 - 114 0.06 HFEC

Outlet End Cap - - 137 162 167 0.13 HFHA

Description Length (mm) Internal width (mm) Overall Width (mm) Invert Depth (mm) Overall Height (mm) Weight (kg) Code

Leaf Trap - - 92 dia - - - HFLT

Adaptor to Clay - - - - - - HFCA
Sump Unit 500 98 142 - 300 3.6 HFSU
(Incl silt basket)
Spare silt basket 460 - 87 - 215 0.64 HFSB

Product Benefits

● Channel connects by positive joint, without sealant for quick, easy and level installation

● 1m and 0.5m lengths for easy installation and finishing of channel run

● Product to be Kite Marked (Kite Mark pending) ensuring a quality assured product

● Robust polypropylene construction to withstand rigours of site work with ribbed

construction for easy keying into concrete. Ribs can also act as cutting guides if required
● Grating simply snaps into place without need for separate clips that can easily be lost on
Product Components

Sump Unit (Includes Silt Basket)



Application Details
Block Paving Finish Sump Outlet Detail Horizontal Outlet Detail
HepFlow Channel HepFlow Sump HepFlow horizontal
& Grating Unit with Silt outlet End Cap

Block paver Block paver

Sand bed Sand bed HepFlow Channel
& Grating
Concrete bed Concrete bed
& haunch min & haunch min Concrete bed
C25 C25 & haunch min
Dimension X - Dimension X - C25
min 100mm min 100mm Dimension X -
Dimension Y - min 100mm

Tarmac Finish Vertical Outlet Detail

HepFlow Channel HepFlow Channel
& Grating Unit with vertical
90˚ Corner Detail

Asphalt wearing course

Asphalt base course Block paver HepFlow Channel
Sand bed cut to form 45˚
mitre joint
Concrete bed
& haunch min Concrete bed
C25 & haunch min
C25 Channel Grating
Dimension X - cut to length
min 100mm Dimension X -
min 100mm
Dimension Y -
Step by Step Installation Guide

1. Prepare the ground and dig a shallow trench to the

correct level

2. Lay a bed of concrete as required 3. Place the drain onto the concrete bed and gently tap
into place using a rubber mallet. Use a spirit level to
ensure the drain is to the required level

4. Lengths can be jointed either before installation or in 5. If you are installing to BSEN1433, silicone sealant should
situ. To join simply align and slot into place be used to seal the joint and make watertight

Additional Notes:
1. Please refer to application details for correct concrete bedding in
order to comply with BSEN1433
2. Where hot surface finishes are used, care should be taken to
6. The rest of the patio can be then laid for a neat and ensure the material does not come into contact with the channel
attractive finish until cool.
Product Features


Outlet is created by simply

knocking out blanking piece

HepFlowTM can be used with a

horizontal or vertical outlet


HepFlowTM grating simply clips
into place and can easily be
removed for cleaning purposes

HepFlowTM can be jointed HepFlowTM leaf trap protects
either before installation or in against blockages
situ. To join simply align and
slot into place

Advisory Services
Technical Advisory Service Literature
This service covers all aspects of For details of other products in the Hepworth
Hepworth products from design through Drainage range, please telephone the Literature
to maintenance. Service Hotline on:
● Hydraulic and structural design Tel: 0870 443 6000
● Quantity take offs and material Fax: 0870 443 8000
For any advice or assistance on these
The Hepworth Drainage range is available
matters contact the Technical Advisory
through a nationwide network of builders
merchants or direct from Hepworth. For TELEPHONE 01226 763561 FACSIMILE 01226 764827

Tel: 0870 443 5551 further details please telephone our order Our policy is one of constant development. Whilst
this publication is accurate at the date of printing,
Fax: 0870 443 5552 enquiry hotlines on:
specification/approvals may be changed in the
interest of continued improvements.
Tel: 0870 443 6000 © Hepworth Building Products
Email For Customer Service
Fax: 0870 443 8000 Hepworth Drainage is a division of Hepworth Building Products Ltd.
[email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]
web site: www.hepworthdrainage.co.uk


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