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Theetge Teresa Personnel File

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CINCINNATI POLICE - EMPLOYEE PERSONAL HISTORY STATEMENT © NAME: | V\SEV GE TERESA A LAST FIRST ML DATE OF BIRTH: \\-Q- & | sex:_F _ race:_W) HEIGHT: S_'7"" WEIGHT:_\S. HAIR COLOR: ARO WN! EYE COLOR: AV awn! DO YOU SPEAK AND/OR READ A FOREIGN LANGUAGE? NO_Y4 , IF YES, EXPLAIN SPECIAL SKILLS YOU POSSESS: DO YOU HOLD A LICENSE, PERMIT OR DIPLOMA FOR THE ABOVE SKILLS? NO____ IF YES, EXPLAIN MISCELLANEOUS: sso HH LicOl Ni CLASSIFICATION: oe KGEAT BADGE # Se (Signature) a Form 441 (Rev. 10/99) se pn = PERSONAL HISTORY STATEMENT FORMAL EDUCATION HISTORY Highest Level of education (Please check one) __Less than high school diploma Some College _Bachelor’s Degree __Doctorate LHigh Schoo! Diploma or GED Associate Degree Master's Degree Treached my highest level of education in: (Write in the year) \A&O HIGH SCHOOL WESY£gN WLS FROM9-\Q11TO _Lp - \QROGRADUATEXYES’ NO (NAME & CITY) HIGH SCHOOL, FROM. TO GRADUATE? YES/NO (NAME & CITY) GED RECEIVED FROM: DATE: (NAME & CITY) COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY_ FROM, TO (NAME & CITY) COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY, FROM. TO_ (NAME & CITY) MY MAJOR IN COLLEGE WAS: OTHER SCHOOLING OR SPECIALIZED COURSES: Pstaiechiey LTCOl CLASSIFICATION: O63 Page 2-2 53 PERSONAL HISTORY STATEMENT Employment Record LAST_POSTTION: Employer: Position held: a\\e Phones 99.) 05) ‘s > + month How long there? From 195 to ones week 3 year Reason for leaving?“ with Soll dite, Comments: SECOND FROM LAST POSITION: mmployer: A -\V \ac Address: Le | Fy ko Position held:__\ ac | ‘Type of work: | Joy . . | 5 - month How long there? From: 190) to_|» _ 19 J) Highest salary received: 5 9.5 hc week . year Reason for leaving? ¢“\' Comments: THIRD FROM LAST POSITION: Employer: Addcess: Phone: Position held: ‘Type of work: month How long there? From: 19__, to 19__ Highest salary received: week, year Reason for leaving? 7 Comments: _ FOURTH FROM LAST POSITION: Employer: address: Phone: Position held: ‘Type of work: ‘month How long there? From: 19_, to 19__ Highest salary received: week . year Reason for leaving? Comnents: Page 2-4 Education Cont'd. PERSONAL HISTORY STATEMENT List special courses completed in educational institutions since entering the Police Division which were attended on employee's own time and at employee's own expense. ee SE DATE SCHOOL OR INSTITUTION COURSE OR SUBJECTS LENGTH OF ‘COURSE Ss List special courses, or subjects taken voluntarily that have been offered by the Police Dept~ Tegésa A Theeige won: [00 Beoran— sore EtG Page 2-3 pees Ss o Saal ( ocerctarearcl FORM NO. 42 AQ) SERVICES IN U. S. ARMED FORCES. Were you in U. S, Armed Forces at any time? Yes [] wl Dit ive duty aed — Check: (Army [] Navy 1] Air [] Marines [] .G.; What branch of that force Rank: List below, in sequence , the main type of duty performed. Be sure to note overseas and combat duty. First duty: No. of months Rank at end ‘on duty of period = Next duty: - No. of months Rank at end —_ = on duty ‘of period = = Overseas No. of Rank at end Combat — months f period Next duty: Overseas ‘No, of months Rank at end Combat. mn duty of period Other duties: Date of discharge: ______, 19. Rank at discharge ‘What citations and awards have you received? Are you subject to the draft? [] Yes [] No. Are you in the Reserves? [] No [1] Yes a ‘Are you a member of the National, or State Guards? [] No [] Yes__ a Name: 1ErESA A Page 2-5 City of Cincinnati Onth of G, i 1______‘TeresaN. Theetge _____— Teresa. Theetge N. do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States of America, and the Constitution and Laws of the State of Ohio, and the Charter, Laws and Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati, and that I will well and faithfully discharge these duties of the office of tive Assistant Police Chie to which Ihave been appointed according to the Law and the best of my ability. ToT tia Sworn to and subscribed before me, IN TESTIMONY WHEREOK, I have hereunto set my name and affixed my notarial seal this__5 day of _Febmuary _2920_ City of Cincinnati cath f fe L Teresa Theetge do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States of America, and the Constitution and Laws of the State of Ohio, and the Charter, Laws and Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati, and that I will well and faithfully discharge these duties of the office of Assistant Police Chie; to which I have been appointed according to the Law and the best of my ability. Sworn to and subscribed before me, IN TESTIMONY WHEREOE I have hereunto set my name and affixed my notarial seal this__%4 day of 7&0 206 \MEADORS. ) peeeite IL Mesdne Notary Public, Hamilton County, State of Ohio clyor CINCINNATI Cc ofr oF Tt IY MANAGER. Harry Blac, City Manager February 8, 2016 Ms, Teresa A. Theetge 3961 Legendary Ridge Lane Cleves, Ohio 45002 Dear Ms. Theetge: etter is to express my intent to appoint you to the position of Assistant Police Chief with the City of Cincinnati's Police Department, effective February 9, 2016. Your commitment, depth of experience and passion to positively impact the lives of Cincinnati residents make you an excellent choice for permanent appointment to the position of Assistant Police Chief. ‘You must adhere to the residency requirements as outlined under Article XVI of the FOP Labor ‘Agreement. Compensation for this position will be an annual starting salary of $114,307. In addition, you will receive a lump sum payment, semi-annually, in the last pay period in June in the amount of $5,000, and $5,000 in the last pay period of December as outlined under Article ‘VI, Section 32 of the FOP Labor Agreement. All other associated benefits and rights related to this position are also outlined under Article VII of the FOP Labor Agreement. If you have any questions or concems regarding the above information, feel free to contact the Human Resources Department. 1 am very pleased that you will continue to serve Cincinnati, Tt Harry Black City Manager 1, Teresa Theetge, accept the offer as outlined above. The aR ~ 4-\ Teresa Theelge Date {801 Plum Street, Suite 152 - Cincinnati, Ohio 45202-5706 513.352 3241 - F513.352 6284 - www.cincinnat-oh gov City of Cincinnati Oath of Office 4 Teresa A. Theetge do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States of America, and the Constitution and Laws of the ‘State of Ohio, and the Charter, Laws and Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati, and that Iwill well and faithfully dicharge thse dries ofthe office of. Police ‘laptain 10 which I have been appointed according to the Law and the best of my ability. Sew an brad me IN TESTWONY HEREC. her sy nen fy a tS! _aqbecenber2 _07 Ald, CINCINwaTI Hh, 9 POLICE Me @ ‘Naar Publi, Hanlon Coun, Sate f Obie sf THOMAS H. STREICHER, JR. ‘Moiary Pl tte of OND rs A. 7, 2082 OFFICIAL OATH STATE OF OHIO, HAMILTON COUNTY, SS. City of Cincinnati, J, Teresa A. Theetge, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States of America, and the Constitution and Laws of the State of Ohio, and the Charter, Laws and Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati, and that Twill well and faithfully discharge these duties of the office of Police Lieutenant, 10 which I have been appointed, according to Law and the best of my ability. ~ Fie, PH Mat Sworn to and subscribed before me. IN TESTIMONY oie. Ihave hereunto set my name and affixed my notarial seal, this LE day of. nach 2001. RICHARD JANKE x Liithark Lost Notary Public, State of Ohio /otary Public, Hami wunty, State of Ohit c of Ohio. OFFICIAL OATH STATE OF OHIO, HAMILTON COUNTY, SS. City of Cincinnati 1, Teresa A. Theetge, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States of America, and the Constitution and Laws of the State of Ohio, and the Charter, Laws and Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati, and that I will well and ‘faithfully discharge these duties of the office of Police Sergeant to which I have been appointed, according to Lenw and the best of my ability. ~~ detee hasty’ Sworn to and subscribed before me. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my name and affixed my notarial seal, this 24th day of January, 1999. Fae ripConmasion Exes Sot 14, oq OFFICIAL OATH STATE OF oMto, HAMILTON COUNTY, 88. Clty of Cincnnatt 1... teresa A. Theetge ssceses do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States of America, and the Constitution and Laws of the State of Ohio, and the Charter, Laws and Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati, and thot I with well and faithfully discharge these duties of the OME Of cerveeee . Police Specialist | to which I have been appointed, according to Law and the best of my obi w Sworn to and subscribed before me. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my name and afficed my covey of. seesese en IE, notarial seal, thi EM RnIeRAc 8 2000.. Notary Pustte, Hamilton County, State of Ohio. OFFICIAL OATH STATE OF OHIO, HAMILTON COUNTY, Ss. ‘City of Cincinnati 1, Teresa A, Theetge, do solemnly swear that I will support the Conshitution of the United States of America, ond the Constitution and Laws of the State of Ohio, and the Charter, Lows and Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati, and that I will well and faithfully discharge these duties of the office of .. Police Officer, so which I have been appointed, according to Law and the best of my ability, Tense. ArT hasten Sworn to and subscribed before me. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my name ond offived my rotariob seat, this... 8H... day of... Maxch, 19,92, "Notary Puiric, Homilion Counly, State of Ohio. RICHARD A CHSTELL, Aiorney at Law NOTARY PUBL, STATE OF OHIO why es io enpiation CONTINUOUS SERVICE RECORD DATE EVENT 4-H Name: Theetge, Teresa A. Badge Number: C0013: Bs CON city of CINCINNATI Interdopartment Corespondence Sheet Date. April 26, 2022 To: LTC Teresa A. Theetge, Interim Police Chief From: Edward G. Ramsey, Director of Human Resources Copies to: Tonya N. Turner, Supervising Management Analyst Subject: Understanding of Interim or Temporary Unclassified Appointment The position of Interim Police Chief is an unclassified position. Tile Employees accepting interim or temporary appointments to unclassified positions serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority and can be retumed to classified positions without cause at any time, In addition, unclassified positions are not included in the Civil Service system; employees in unclassified Positions are not afforded civil service protections and/or hearings granted to employees in classified positions. When the interim or temporary promotion ends the employee is retumed to their former position, the pay will be set at the level it would have been had the employee not served in the temporary or interim appointment. When an employee is promoted on a temporary or interim basis to another salary division or bargaining unit, the employee will not receive any benefits associated with the other salary division but will retain the benefits of the previous position including sick use incentive day, birthday holiday, health care plan, shift differential, longevity, etc., if applicable, and may continue to Pay union dues. In addition, if the employee is permanently promoted the probationary period will begin and the anniversary step-up or salary increase date becomes the effective date of the permanent promotion, regardless of any time the employee was temporarily promoted. Interim appointment or temporary promotion time will not be counted for examination eligibility purposes. All unclassified interim or temporary promotions shall be submitted to Civil Service Commission By signing below, | TERESA J AEETCE _, understand that the position ‘Name of Employee of Interim or Temporary Police Chief which | am accepting, is an unclassified position, that interim or temporary placement thereto does not entitle me to permanent placement, and that | have read and understand the explanation of interim or temporary placements into unclassified positions detailed in this document. as dat 4 -db 93 ae < AG wb [2 iness fo Acknowledged by Human Resources owvament_ Sa =a CC: Employee, Personnel File, Department roRM No, 445804 CONTINUOUS SERVICE RECORD DATE EVENT T= | EVENT 10/21/90. iss Appointment as Police Recruit; asg. to Police | naan ui fy nl [Peadeny Qwr \e - I Haus to Dosh ¥ i Rtmakel, Ay olive, Uircer} ag An Fab I a LSet” Ao} do line -Pysiuteruart Co Yaar 4 pacol te |\wathint4- hal Trankenned to Sruspratsivo 1310d Oremabrndte Dut ae eee Lnpinpterieed Ofpcsen I ea Tag fe \ Drennan 1595 Tag CP Kale , Y : 3/10/96|_PRONOPED TO POLICE SPECIALIST, REMAINING mM ! Tansticced Nisty ot 1 yin | me-pisreicr 3 | | uke J 10/6/96 | eansterred to Special services section }2/9|07|?romoled tp Police Captain - “| teanine sqpaa) | ranserred to Mh ool Alou, (inate at, Loom@ odergeo. By "4 Nelo Fan Loved 10 District | | Aran fr FS lesbo Mararefenaed te Contre We ab bj00. fhanopercecl PO Irbenm& \ Nondrcl howt b xa Stahod Pile fal scansteceh ty Totecanl shigaton "i | Acnaure 1p send Sultana Hhomoteds to line yt | 's Hea (Shafi Reorgan's 2etion Want crecf to Otic. sb Soppet “Talo Inoweitigntnes Sordeonl ‘ it Cbolsibanent bf Avs onods | evices (Prcfessitnal Steels | Sechion cer TCD| PS-6- Name: THEETGE, TERESA N. Ranks___POLICERESROE paage No, PORTO ae Pe? See Ppt ye peectrcark 4-53 womy ON= ¥N peabs 2tA— $A, spoion— IW paupjsuesy — sue, aunty fut Arwoduay— () paney— 9e posaboy— bow peukou— a pamsuey— uy rnmay— 24 sunnoy— smopured— od ‘ore uodar sp 10y ayqeidaose suonersaigge amp Jo 200g spysuens dupnos & sea 21 ey MOUS PHNOM... [EUdED e PUR AUDAD Oy) $B ,L ISIC OF “URL, $8 UREA 39 Aeon 2, DENSE] 01 parnaysURE,, ‘pawn 9q Aeur suonTAaIqge pordaore PUR JOH 9q EUS SOIT -Aniua yo a1ep ayp 104 pue 1u349 9xp Jo aveP yp YE appuyoo [reys sep UL -Z4/s/or se ‘uHOY TeotsoUINU UF parDIa aq [TEM TUDAD dy JO TEP ILL -popuonar pur peuiodar aq ome 111 1usuruftsse atp Jo Uontunua ay, “pIODY IasEYY OT UE poimus pue wnpueiomsur fq siuenbpesyy 01 pouodar aq [IIa wpuBuIWED UA q 2peRr “29 ‘annp orp ‘soqopureld o1 musuufisse we se YpNs ‘TUOUT BuO Jo ssaDxa UT UDUIUBSSE [eDIdS ‘pauodas se pista aq qm Supion exo ay, “umpuezouraur fq iapueunnoD UN om 01 pouiodar aq qm sixurenbpeapy Aq pareuiSuo ‘sy ‘suonoword ‘siajsuen ‘nuoumuBisse yepodg -pontodax aq yuour auo jo ss90x9 uy apeur siusuTUsisse jye Te eLodwH 5} 2p suowepusmmo ou uonDe AseurdDsIp 2pMpU! LON Im IT ‘a ‘suonowoud ‘uoysuen ‘siusuuBisse ‘susunutodde se yons suoyy apnoUr [EK WOS sty T 2uIME suedeq myog 2q1 Suarus [enprarpur wpe uo pourerureM 9q IT} ploID4 BHKINe smoNUAUOD Y FORM No. 447 @AQL MOTOR VEHICLE EXAMINATION RECORD ‘EXCELLENT peau ‘QUALIFIED To OPERATE: TRUCK _____ Goon DRIVER PATROL, a sMoTORCYCL. — PASSENGER CAR___ ‘Examiner: = Date examined:____ . 19. AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT RECORD 7 ‘MOVING weoucent | INJURY DAMAGE ‘VEHICLE REMARKS case EQUIPMENT. NUMBER | NUMBER Siete HRD ‘No No £763, 25 lerown Vic. | ‘Name:___THEETGE, TERESA N. oak: po.ice See, Pai) ae Page 71 en oo HepE FORM No. 44 EFFICIENCY RATINGS* PERCENTILE FROM. 10 % FROM 10 FROM 10 % Wal-$0 |-O-A| |S abi 1B] Atal & bal te pafirl le 7 é Pm ly |e [5124 foe [8S (of fs 1 Biot | alah, 14.57] /4 9 [7 abil ig Pafeg 2/sife9. ) ike a \9, mE, Alinxi WA31-03) _ Maly 22- ____ Babi a ME OIA yala}or| 5 cl/iloz, 6 bes lo b Der PPUP PEERS ~ Name: Page 9-1 THEETGE, TERESA N. -suumyoo Supusosap ayy ut ut UE suodar Souapy ayy yo sues aBeruaored oyp sou City of Cincinnati - Police Department ‘Supervisory Performance Report Pevomance aie: _ 10/014 x Prebebonzy Tipe S-Speca Personal Information (fiers Name Las Fra Beige No, Emoyew DN Rak Assanrent “Theetge, Teresa crs ‘3340 Captain Professional Standards Section Inclusive Dates of Rating Peres _10/21/13- 1021/14 RanksntNane of Rate _ Cho Jr Blackwell Rates Employee 10 Ne 30418 Rankand Name cf Reviewer: Revews’'s Eloy 1D No: Part 1: Core Performance Anchors RATING [1 Atendance— — "| Enoeeds Standards 2 Communi Parnersips “Exceeds Standards wih Poles and Procedures Exceptional - '¢ Gisiomer Service Biceods Siandaras Decision Maki Exceeds Standards ‘Grooming and Oress Excebonal "7 Probiem Solving Exceeds Standaras Teamwork Exceeds Standards Work Produc Exceeds Standards 0, Wien Communication SHI Exceeds Standaris Part 2: Supervisory Performance Anchors RATING Ti Rania SS ExceTST 1. Evaluating Empioyees Exceads Standards 73. inadent Management Not Applicable 74 Leadership Exceeds Standards 75. Personnel Development Excoods Standards ~ Part 3: Employee Tracking Solution Review (Check all categories which had Tawesigatve Reparis Employee inpries ine Bes Appearances zen ins jehielo Crashwos us Er Vaielo Pusuits —— Trtemal Invasions Rate’ nial Employee's Ina: Part 4: Rater Narrative (Required) (Provide additional supporting information forall Exceptional and Unacceptable ratings) Captain Theetge is doing a good jo as the Commander of Internal investigation. Rais ini: Part 5: Overall Rating o a | o o ¢ a a o a © a ©) EXCEPTIONAL | EXCEEDS STANDARDS | MEETS STANDARDS on | UNACCEPTABLE (+) Part 6: Reviewer Narrative (Required) Reviewors Initials: Part 7: Employee ~ Career Goals/Training Needs or Wants/Comments on Evaluation (Optional) Performance Review Conducted On: Rate’ nial Employee's nats: “TFC Raters Sigranxe: Chek & o——— 2? ate Review's Signature: Employee's Signature: TP) \w.T pate: VO Bd-\4\ 1 trequest a meeting with the Reviewer i Met wth Reviewer on: Reviewer ints “AI Employee Initials: =) wv Fon 4485 Rev. 0807 ype City of Cincinnati - Police Department Supervisory Performance Report Povormance Date: _12/15!2019, a] A Anna P= Probationary Time 8- Speci Personal Information ‘orice Nam: Las Fst, Mt Sadge No Employee 10 No, Rank Assignment Theatge, Teresa A cs 13644 Captain Professional Standards Section (elzilaois Ineutve Dales of Rating Pia 10/21/2012 a Rankara Namect Rater LIC. James Whalen Rates Emsoyee 1D No 13982 Rank ana Name ot Reviewer Chief Joey Blackwell Revewers Enployee ONO 30418 Part 1: Core Performance Anchors wens ——— = 6 Grooming and Dress {Exceeds Standards — =] tee = es Part 2: Supervisory Performance Anchors 11. Administrative Skis TE 12. Evaluating Employees, 13_nedent Managemen Exceeds Siandixds 4 Leadership Except 15 Persone! Development [exceeds Standards Part 3: Employee Tracking Solution Review (Check all categories which had activity) [Dr Investigative Reports Dr Employee injuries 7 |B. cour Appearances CI Guzen Compianis ~~ Cl Vehicie Crashes O Givi Suits —_ — Cece Pu Gi internal investigations — C= _—_ ‘praeesinaas(/ /) | emploes nts: —V AC _ Part 4: Rater Narrative (Required) (Provide adaitional supporting information for all Exceptional and Unacceptable ratings) Captain Theetge has commanded the Professional Slandards Section uring ths rating period. At the beginning ofthis ‘ay period, Captain Theetge's responsbilties wore limited tothe Internal Investigations Unit's functions, bu die to reorganization prompted by deleted post-one, Ie Getce were ‘broadened io include the inspections Unt several menths ago Captain Theetge welcomed the added resonstalty and ramedatly deved ino the ‘Inspections Unt, assuming a leadership role in that function, especaly 95 relates to CopLoge, wich is a major lechnology advangoment i the Depts ‘management of outside employment Ounng ths ratiog petod. Captain Theetge overeaw a numberof hgh praie intemal vestigations, al of which ‘were handled successtuly. 1m IJ matters, Captain Theetge's job's crically important as the gooa narve of out Poles Deparimert ange the belgnoe Captain Theeige has ensured that investigations were thorough and fa, so tat innocent employees were cleared, errant employees weve ee accountable, ana 2 sense of faimess surrounds the entre process roves 1 ik Part 5: Overall Rating EXCEPTIONAL EXCEEDS STANDARDS — MEETS STANDARDS NEEDS IMPROVEMENT | UNACCEPTABLE o #4 Oo @) a (+) a = | i o 0 a ¢) o O Reviewer’ Initials: Part Performance Review Conducted On \\\- JC\-\3S Raters iia: A3, Employee's iris: “CCT raseee —— JC fe — ww teil Reviewers Signatur: — owe ff- 2b 2 Employee's Signature; owe Ae QAA3 11 request a mesting with he Reviewer Met with Reviewer on 3 Reviewer Ina Employee Initiate (e \3 wet} Foam 4488 Rev. 0807 City of Cincinnati - Police Department ‘Supervisory Performance Report Periomance Dae: _ anata He | Asem S| PPrsteney pe 5. Spcel Personal Information (fear Nam Lt, Fiat. Baap0N>. Employee No. Rank Assorment ‘Theeige Teresa ons 13044 actin Vice Incsve Dates of RaingPanod _t0r2uto-o1raart2 Rankand NamectRate: Lt. Colonel Vincent Dems Raters Empcyee ON _ 14008 anand Name ot Revewer: Chief James E. Craig Reviewers Employes 1ONo: _ 28808 Part 4: Core Performance Anchors RATING 1 Aiendanes Deets Saas 2. Communiy Parnerips Exceeds Stands '3._Comples with Potcies and Prosadures —Titeets Standards 4. Customer Service | Exceeds Standards 5. Dossion ain Meets Stade ‘5 Grooming and Dress Exceeds Standards Problem Shing Exceeds Siandards 3. Teamwork Excoods Stones 8 Work Product {Execs Standards 10, Witen Commins Sa [TExoeeds Standards 4 Part 2: Supervisory Performance Anchors RATING 11. Administrative Skilis | Exceeds Standards 2 Evaluating Emp yees iets Stinaares 13. Incdent Marasement Exceeds Standards [ia Leasertip ‘Meats Standards ["15-Peveonnel Develoament Ehcoods Standards Part 3: Employee Tracking Solution Review (Check all categories which had activity) [Lr investigative Reports Dy Employee injuries _| Di Canine Bites I Court Appesraces CF ciizen Compas Ci Vehice Gres Civ Suite DD Vehicle Pursuits. D1 intemal investigations Raters Inials: TD Employee's intias§ TCT Part 4: Rater Narrative (Required) (Provide additional supporting information forall Exceptional and Unacceptable ratings) Captain Theetge has worked hard to improve operations in her area of Commanders by provi Raters intial: yD Part 5: Overall Rating T EXCEPTIONAL | EXCEEDS STANDARDS | MEETS STANDARDS | NEEDS IMPROVEMENT UNACCEPTABLE | a 2 Oy) a) oo O oy o 0 ar) | Part 6: Reviewer Narrative (Required) areer Goals/Training Needs or WantsiComments on Evaluation (Optional) Performance Review Conducted On: “¥ - 3~\.3. fats tas; 17 Employee's nia aK Rat's Signature: pate: al zol re. - om 4ASef(2- ET hs owe BAD C1 trequest a meeting with the Reviewer Reviewors Signature: Employee's Signature: Met with Reviewer on fa” aS Employee lias We i" Form 48S Rov. 0807 of Form 2S @OYX (Rev 1/85) City Of Cincinnati Notice of Disciplinary Action, Layoff or Displacement Socal See. No. ft Address Cty State Zip. Job TiesClassifeation This i your Notice ot (Check One) Dieiainary Acton Layot Displacement to postion of Complete For A Dsciinary Adtons Reason Codes (Err up to 3 codes) 1 Dept OW. Ettocive Date of Disciptinary Action, Layot oF Displacement ity Code (Enter up to 2 codes) Hours Penalized (Ener apo (01—Fatled Probation (02—Incompetency 03—Inficency 04 —Dihoneaty 05 ineuboreination 06 —Negect of Duy (07—Falure of Good Behavior (98-Subsiance Abusa 09—Excessive Absanteem 10—Vilation of CS. ues! GS. LawiCode of Ethics 14-Otner 01—Suspension (02 Loss of Vacation Time (03—Loss of Ot-Day Time (04—Loss of Hoicay Time 05—Derotion™ (06-—Reducion n Pay* 07—Demiseal" “Personne: Acton Form (Form 4) reaures Complete For Al Uayote ana Dspiscemerts Retson Codes. (Erier 7 Cone) AT Lack of Work” 42—Lak of Funds? 43—Job Abeiehment™ 43—Oner ‘Personnel Action Form (arm 14) requred Specifications: Attach 2 sheet giving full deals ofthe charges so thatthe empoyee may be placed fay upon his/her defonse. Include disciplinary actions) lessened, including dates and nature of olonse(s), except writen reprimands oder nan tree (3) yeats. I demotion essplacement in hou of ayot, include new Ile. If Job Abolsvment. include ore o the folowing reasons: 1.Reasors of Economy 2, Lack of Work. ot 3 Rearganzation fer ne ficient operation of he employing unt. ‘To The Employee: (Bepoiting Authony) This Notice Served Uson: (By Fagilared Wal Corited Wail Porsaraly (Sika oud Wase not apeICaBT) Thie Day (Sgnatare of indwidual Service Ths Notes) 1 Wnie-Engoyse 2 Caary-CvtSance 2. Prk ‘You have.10 calendar days from the date this alice i Ned wih the Cia Service Commission In which fa appeal ths action to the Civ Serve mmission Osmiasis, demotion eyo, apacemors, reduconsin ay, suspensions of moro than days (unform police personnel may ‘2ppeal suspension of any duration) and test hal probatonny fares ar ppesiable (Appeats must contain the person's name, address and phone number Ande sent or brought 19 Room 215, Cy Hal) Approved As DeptiOv. To Form By Heao Law Dept tna ‘Approved As To Equty By Personnel Dept L “amu tonepueasuos-oD:Lo9eES guy somone —temprownv>- on foeeeey ‘SP es aLOMWHHED: wonepuoaiNE. MOD — goueNLe "UP Tad sLuOM A IHeD; voNRpUEMAIOS- Hc; SOnRUZ ‘ea Boma SSRSPSRSSN CD SEI ijao¥99 wr ay pL wo on aBiays esasa, COMMENDATIONS DATE | ACTION RECEIVED FROM tbl Conan atubaLiena One pus, wublirt { Lthadimio yifomencee, at Xaview Plates” ILasete Meeps) Name: Aetlgg? Me pants Cn Badge Number, C7" sect we Ea eS COMMENDATIONS ACTION Tal you. k efendi the Pale Eceeabhe Leadeahiy College (Belt) and 10 yur contned RECEIVED FROM Director Ted Ouklty | Phd. Support Thank yu f° your genuine _sakeresé in_ malay oor eonmonily afer | Michnel Hemid vided ato Lentral £ brated |s/aubo» ith dimple en hay tk nheg He arreck ofa Hut Yoh {=i Conaypatalatiors on. , LAcaoluunier puformonne Ut Kayes) | dling hDé AL 2D Abs LATA P._____| Dt Fat Ysfy Cominsrched. Ors spire bisppoadt ; - | tame, Sheet, Teresa fe ta est Bploe Sumber i ney col COMMENDATIONS ACTION RECEIVED FROM i raving) Aa) tor fn er Abend” -tggtaa rth Monae iexticus) And | Gaus ppnioouabyy his tome lat q Aa os A Wondirfuck hbo On A Uecent: bhoal tnuja ty US Bark Cena Cau mended has youn axantanac whieh, Lol Drank you fou oir ie 10 eae haga el Lin. fathers fuauol $ Viste ¢ JYpchask B fees | Wt an sons HhenhO nuotiid “tn. Hhis Ceppaari, Lild 0 Hthins yoo for packet mating ia the Set tha lay | Name: Sertge tose (wer - NAH ‘Number: Peon Secriey ie ! boo’ CPD? Yoo CO ramon Semi nac 4 Denna Tones Baker 2408 | Oe be en\ed \nto 1 le Exec Hive oe hip College. Hed Cakiey , Pad. | 108] Sly My congcalviations on 4 | 1 E as H. Streicher Sir. BDlice Chick C13 oe COMMENDATIONS ‘ACTION Z Af Fhokey — = Tae shh es AA Bho. Dak tee Tee N-5-49. Commended for assistance with nvestigation of a Lhe. 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