Role of Jinnah in Partition of India Pak 071b87b3

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International Journal of New Technology and Research (IJNTR)

ISSN: 2454-4116, Volume-4, Issue-8, August 2018 Pages 05-07

Role of Jinnah in Partition of India- Pakistan

Kavita Sharma

 State of Khatiwar to Karachi, and Mithibhai. He had no

Abstract— India was under control of British for about 200 political background. His education began in an infant
years. It finally got freedom on 15th August, 1947. Many people, vernacular school from where he went to a Gujarati- medium
nationalist have sacrificed their lives for the freedom of the Madrasa. He told his father that he wish to join family
country. One such prominent nationalist who fought for the
freedom of India was Mohammad Ali Jinnah. It is said that
business at very tender age instead of going to school. His
Pakistan is created because of dispute between Jinnah and father denied to his wish. He was not much interested in
Nehru. It is often said that Jinnah played prominent role in the studies and he was pronounced horribly poor in mathematics
partition of India- Pakistan. In the research the researcher has by his teachers. It was decided to send him to Bombay to his
tried to trace out that whether Jinnah was the sole reason of aunt for his studies but his mother recalled him and called
partition or not. India faced lots of problem but this was drastic him back.
decision taken by our leaders. It is difficult to say that we should
be happy that we got Independence or we should be sad that we Going to Bombay and having exposure to outside world
got divided with our brothers on this vary day with creation of changed him a lot. On returning to Karachi after 6 months he
Pakistan. Jinnah was a leader of Muslim League. From very again joined Sindh Madressah-tul-Islam and learnt both
starting he did not wished that Pakistan should be created. It Gujarati and English. In March 1892, he went to Christian
was only due to some circumstances that led him take this Mission School. Meanwhile his father was collaborating with
decision. We will be dealing with such causes that made Jinnah
Grahams Shipping and Trading Company, which offered
changed his ideology and made him demand for separate state
i.e. Pakistan. It is always said that person never claps with one Mohammad Ali Jinnah to get training in business at
hand. So it will be interesting to see that whether demand of Company‟s head office in London. Mohammad Ali Jinnah
partition by Jinnah was for his sole profit motive i.e. for and his father were very happy with this but Jinnah‟s mother
acquiring political power or something else was there behind his did not wish to send her son to London as she feared he might
demand. Therefore, researcher will be carefully dealing with bring a foreigner daughter- in law. His mother kept a
events which involves Jinnah and which played important role
condition before him that if wish to go to London he will have
in partition of India- Pakistan.
Index Terms—About four key words or phrases in to marry afterwards Emibai, a 14 year old girl who belonged
alphabetical order, separated by commas. from Paneli in Gondal State.


I. INTRODUCTION He was earlier not able to match standards of students of
India has struggle a lot to get freedom. India was under the London as his English was bit weak in front of them. Soon he
rule of Britishers for about 200 years. They were able to rule brushed himself and was able to adapt to new environment.
upon India through their divide and rule policy. India finally Soon his attire also changed from Indian turban and
got independence on 15th August, 1947. India was able to Kathiawari coat to western-style suits. He did not enjoyed
achieve this because its rightly said by Mother Teresa that I apprenticeship in English company and finally decided to
can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together give up business as career and choose law. His father was
we can do great things. Indians were able to achieve their very much disappointed with his decision and decided to call
freedom because of their unity. Prominent leaders of him back. He argued his father that he won‟t ask him for any
Independence were Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Mahatma Gandhi, allowances but just give him some time to prove himself. He
and Jawaharlal Nehru etc. Despite of having such a great decided to give entrance exam called Little go to secure
unity it difficult to say that what went wrong and India got admission in one of Inns of Court. His petition for exemption
divided into Hindustan and Pakistan. Mohammad Ali Jinnah of Latin portion of preliminary exam was granted. In June,
is said to be main person responsible for India-Pakistan 1893 he joined Lincoln‟s Inn. In April, 1895 he finally
partition. We will further discuss about his early life, political cleared Bar examination.
career and events leading to India-Pakistan partition.


Mohammad Ali Jinnah was born on 25 December, 1876 Jinnah first entered in Indian politics in 1906. He first time
in Karachi now in Pakistan, but then part of British controlled attended the session of Indian National Congress as secretary
India. His father name was Jinnahbhai Poonja. He was eldest of Dadabhai Naoroji. Jinnah was inspired by Gokhale and
of his seven siblings. He belonged from Khoja family of wanted to become Muslim Gokhale. All India Muslim
Gondal. His father was merchant, emigrated from Gondal League was founded in 1906. It was 1910 that he with his
individuality began to rise in Indian politics. Jinnah was not
Kavita Sharma, Indore Institute of Law, Indore (M.P.) . much enthusiastic with idea of separate electorates which

Role of Jinnah in Partition of India- Pakistan

were granted to Muslims by Morley Minto in 1909. Only in Negotiations for a settlement are not to come from our
1913, when authoritatively assured that the league was as side…We are denied equal partnership. We will resist the
devoted as the Congress Party to the political emancipation of new doctrine to the best of our powers…I welcome Pandit
India, did Jinnah join the league.1. When the Indian Home Malaviya, and I welcome the hand of fellowship extended to
Rule League was formed, he became its chief organizer in us by Hindu leaders from the platform of the Congress and
Bombay and was elected president of the Bombay branch. the Hindu Mahasabha….this offer is more valuable than any
concession which the British Government can make.”
V. POLITICAL UNITY On 16th February,1925 a resolution was passed by Lala
Some scholars call Jinnah as an ambassador of Hindu - Lajput Rai which was strongly supported by Jinnah. It was
Muslim unity. It is said that it was due to efforts of Jinnah declared in this resolution that Indians had no confidence in
only that Congress and Muslim League started conducting Simon Commission.
their sessions together. The main aim behind this was to Jinnah secluded himself from politics between period of
facilitate mutual consultation and participation. The two 1930-1935. He remained in London during this period. He
organizations that is Muslim League and Congress held their returned to India in the year 1934.
meetings in 1915 in Bombay. On 1916 also they held their
meeting together in Lucknow where famous Poona Pact was VIII. MORE RIGOROUS MUSLIM LEAGUE
concluded. Under the terms of the pact both the organizations Jinnah finally and officially secluded himself from Indian
agreed on constitutional refoem and it became their jointly National Congress in 1934. Jinnah decided to dissolve the
demand from British government. When muslims got disputes of Muslim League and make it more rigorous and
separate electorate under British rule it resisted Congress. strict. Under Muslim League also many Muslim leaders
parted their ways and Jinnah wanted to unite them.
VI. CHANGING EVENTS BY 1919 Mohammad Ali Jinnah was quite successful in his attempt.
Things started changing in Indian politics by 1919. The By 1935, many Muslim leaders rejoined Muslim League and
main reason of this was the Mahatma Gandhi occupying many Muslim leaders had joined Muslim League by leaving
prominent position. Gandhi gave support to khilafat Indian National Congress.
movement and this made Muslims happy. But twist was that Again an important year in life of Jinnah was 1937. Now
this support was given by hidden motive. Gandhiji wanted Jinnah again started getting attached to his roots. Now he
support of all the people in policy of non violent started wearing Muslim dress and giving importance to Islam.
non-cooperation. Jinnah was not at all happy with this fusion It can be said that year 1937 was the year from where actual
of religion and politics. His ideology was that the religion and conflict, hatred between Hindus and Muslims started.
politics should not be integrated. This move of Gandhiji left Provincial elections were held in this year. In the year 1937 it
Jinnah in cold wings. became clearly evident that neither Muslim League nor
Jinnah publically declared Gandhiji wrong. He said that Indian National Congress was ready to work together. Indian
Gandhiji made Hindus fight with Hindus, Father fight with National Congress straightaway declines to collaborate with
sons. He was not in favor of Gandhiji‟s non-cooperation Muslim League in areas with mixed religion.
policy. He was of the view that this movement will lead to
complete disorganization and chaos. 2 After the failure of IX. A CALL FOR PAKISTAN
non-cooperation the actual trouble started. After the failure of Finally first time in Indian history the something happened
non–cooperation movement Hindu revivalist movement that should have not happened. It was 24th March, 1940 when
emerged that led to antagonism and riots between Hindu and at the Lahore session Jinnah called for a separate country that
Muslims. Due to theis Muslims leaders started forming their is Pakistan. He was of the view that areas where majority of
own political parties in the provinces and a big problem in Muslim population is living should be clubbed together and a
front of Jinnah was to unify them. separate state i.e. Pakistan should be made. His aim besides
this was that Hindus will stay away from Muslims and this
VII. JINNAH BACK IN ROLE BY WAY OF SIMON COMMISSION will bring stability to the nation and will end any scope of
In 1927 it was announces in the House of Commons in religious violence.
England that commission will be sent to India to look after
Indian politics and suggest reforms. This Commission had no X. CALCUTTA RIOTS, 1946
Indian member. There was protest in whole India that that “Great Calcutta killing” is the other name used for Calcutta
there is no Indian member and people demanded that Indians Riots, 1946. This was four days Hindu- Muslims riots that led
should also be given equal participation in it. Jinnah and to death of about 10,000 people and about 15,000 were
many Hindu leaders revolted against this. Jinnah strongly wounded. The reason of this riot is as followed:
criticized the commission calling it a „butchery of our souls‟.  Difference in the ideology of two parties
As president of the Muslim League he said: The very first and prominent cause was difference between
“a constitutional war has been declared on Great Britain. Indian National Congress and Muslim League. A proposal
was made by British Cabinet Mission on May 16, 1946 to
avoid the partition that an interim government should be
formed that will be composed of representatives from the

International Journal of New Technology and Research (IJNTR)
ISSN: 2454-4116, Volume-4, Issue-8, August 2018 Pages 05-07

Muslim League, Congress and other forces. In this one more [2] Ayesha Jalal, The Sole Spokesman: Jinnah, the Muslim League and the
Demand for Pakistan, 8 (1st ed;1994)
seat was given to Congress than League. This was not
acceptable by Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the leader of Muslim [3] M.H. Saiyid, Mohammad Ali Jinnah: A political Study,30(2nd ed;1962)
League. The Muslim League under the leadership of Jinnah
rejected this proposal and called for “Direct Action Day” in [4] L.P.SHARMA, History of Modern India,349(2nd ed;2004)
protest on August 16. [5]
 Majority of Muslims [6]
Another main cause was that in Bengal province the [7]
majority was Muslim population. Muslim population was
54% and Hindu population was 44%. In this province the [8]
Muslim League was in power.
 Economic disparity between Hindu and Muslims [9]
Another cause for this was economic disparity between 1980/india-1900-to-1947/muhammed-jinnah/
Hindus and Muslims. Muslims of Calcutta were basically [10]
artisans, factory workers, rickshaw puller and domestic document/calcutta-riots-1946
servants. There were rich Hindu Marwari in Calcutta and big
Muslim merchants were unable to compete with them.
Although in the province population was of Muslim majority
but in Calcutta, the Hindus were more financially strong and
stable in comparison of Muslims. This also encouraged
Muslim underworld which included smuggling, gambling
and prostitution.


As the communal riots were increasing day by day it was
decided that it‟s better to part ways then to stay together so as
to maintain peace. It was announced by Mr. Attlee on
February 20, 1947 that before June, 1948 British would leave
India. It was Lord Mountbatten who was send as Viceroy of
India at that time. In June, 1947 he put his plan for partition
of India and Pakistan. This was not acceptable by Mahatma
Gandhi but Muslim leaders including Jinnah and many
Congress leader agreed to this. Finally in 1947 Jinnah got
what he wants. In 1947, India Independence Act was passes.
It created two independent states i.e. Pakistan and Indian
Union. Pakistan and Indian Union were given independence
by British government on August 15, 1947.

It can be clearly laid down that Mohammad Ali Jinnah had
played prominent role in partition of India and Pakistan. Here,
the Britishers took advantage of our weakness that is they
used divide and rule policy. This can be clearly seen in Govt.
of India Act, 1909. Other reasons were Lucknow Pact and
Calcutta riots. Jinnah cannot be said to be the sole person
responsible for partition as somewhere Gandhi ji is also
responsible for this as he was the one who integrated politics
and religion in Khilafat movement which was disliked by
Jinnah. The clash between Nehru and Jinnah for acquiring
political power is also main reason for this. It can be
concluded that Jinnah was not the sole person responsible for
partition but policy of British Govt., Jawaharlal Nehru,
Mahatma Gandhi, Indian National Congress leaders and
many other pacts and riots are responsible for this drastic

[1] B.R. Nada, Road to Pakistan, 2(1st ed; 2010)


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