Topic 2 The Companies Act 2016
Topic 2 The Companies Act 2016
Topic 2 The Companies Act 2016
A company that is
not required by this (a) stating whether the company has in his opinion
Act to lodge
Financial kept proper accounting records and other books
Statements with the during the period covered by those accounts;
Registrar shall
lodge with the
Registrar a
statement relating
to the FS of the (b) stating whether the FS have been audited in
company required
to be circulated to
accordance with this Act
its members, signed
by the auditor of
the company –
Sec. 261 : Auditor’s Statement
A company that is
not required by this (c) stating whether the auditor's report on the FS was made
Act to lodge subject to any qualification or opinion under any applicable
Financial auditing standards, or included comment made under
Statements with the
Registrar shall subsection 266(3) and, if so, particulars of the qualification or
lodge with the comment, and;
Registrar a
statement relating
to the FS of the
(d) stating whether as at the date to which the Financial
company required Statements has been made up, the company appeared to
to be circulated to have been able to meet its liabilities as and when the liabilities
its members, signed
by the auditor of
fall due.
the company –
Sec. 261 : Auditor’s Statement
A company that is
not required by this (c) stating whether the auditor's report on the FS was made
Act to lodge subject to any qualification or opinion under any applicable
Financial auditing standards, or included comment made under subsection
Statements with the
Registrar shall lodge
266(3) and, if so, particulars of the qualification or comment, and;
with the Registrar a
statement relating
to the FS of the (d) stating whether as at the date to which the Financial Statements
company required to
has been made up, the company appeared to have been able to
be circulated to its
members, signed by meet its liabilities as and when the liabilities fall due.
the auditor of the
company –
Sec. 263 : Company
Auditors (Qualification)
❑ Sec 263 (1) Any person may apply to the
Minister charged with the responsibility for
1 finance to be approved as a company auditor
for the purposes of this Act.
❑ Sec 263 (2) The Minister may, if he is satisfied
that the applicant is of good character and
2 competent to perform the duties of an
auditor under this Act, upon payment the
prescribed fee, approve the applicant as a
company auditor.
❑ Sec 263 (7) for the purpose of this section,
“person” means a chartered accountant as
defined under the Accountant Act 1967
•Extract of Accountant Act 1967…..
•15. Membership as chartered accountants
•An applicant shall, before admission as a chartered
accountant, satisfy the Council that-- 3
(a) he has passed any of the final examinations
specified in Part I of the First Schedule and has
not less than three years' practical accounting
experience in the service of a chartered 4
accountant or in a Government department, bank,
insurance company, local authority or other
commercial, financial, industrial or professional
organisation or other undertaking approved by the
(b) he is a member of any of the recognised bodies
specified in Part II of the First Schedule; 5
Sec. 264 : Company Auditors
• at least 30 days before the end of submission of the 1st A public company is listed
Financial Statement to the Registrar, in the stock-exchange.
• to fill the casual vacancy in the office of the auditor Private firm is not listed in
a stock-exchange and it is
Sec 267(4) Appointment by members held privately buy the
member of the company
• at each subsequent years following the 1st submission of
Financial Statement.
BHD is suffix which is used in
• when the board fails to appoint under sec 267 (3)
Malaysia to identify a public
limited company, while suffix
Sec 268 Appointment by Registrar/CCM Sendirian Berhad denotes that
it is a private firms
• If a company does not appoint an auditor as required under
the Act, the Registrar may make the appointment upon
writing application by the members of the company
Sec 271 (1) A public company shall appoint an auditor for each financial
Remove Auditor ❑ Sec 276 (3) The auditor may not be removed from
From Office office before the expiration of his term of office
except by resolution
Sec. 277 : Special ❑Sec 277 (1): Special notice shall be required for a
resolution to remove auditor from office at general
Notice Required meeting
For Resolution To ❑Sec 277 (2): Upon receipt of the special notice, the
company shall send a copy to the Registrar
Remove Auditor ❑Sec 277 (3): The auditor may make a representation in
writing within 7 days from the receipt of the special
From Office notice
Thank You
Amizahanum Adam
[email protected]