Project Plan in Tle 10
Project Plan in Tle 10
Project Plan in Tle 10
Name of Project
1. Perform mise en place.
2. Prepare a variety of _____________________
3. Found pleasure in preparing variety of baked goods.
Quantity Unit Description Unit Cost Total Cost
TOTAL: __________________
Teamwork Students did not Students helped but Students worked Students worked
work within their minimal effort, within their group, within their group
group, wandered partially helped did all assigned tasks and demonstrated
away or showed other team some prodding. exceptional
little gropu members or needed teamwork by taking
participation a lot of prodding to initiative by working
stay focus in the together with other
group members.
Baking Students did not Students attempted Students showed Students
focus on task at tasks but got proper baking demonstrated
hand or did not distracted or did not methods and proper baking
follow instructions complete assigned techniques, but did technique,
task, followed only not practice good completed all
part of the time management. instructions
instructions. successfully and
finished on time.
Pies Product was not Product was Product was good Pies were made to
satisfactory. Recipe acceptable but and presentation recipes
was followed presentation and and taste were specifications. The
according to taste were lacking. good. Food was food was presented
specification. Did not Slightly overbaked. made according to well and was an
spread properly, the recipe but was excellent product.
burnt more like home Professionally done.