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Sir Sanny DLP

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in

Technology and Livelihood Education

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to;
1. Identify the different styles of napkin folding and its steps.
2. Appreciate the importance different styles of napkin folding
3. Perform the different styles of napkin folding
II. Subject Matter: Food Services
Sub- concept: Types of Table Napkin folding
Materials: Visual aids Presentation, Picture
Reference: Food and Service Management Book
Strategy Used: Lecture and Actual Demonstration
Values Integration: Patients, Creativity, Dedication and Love
III. Procedure: 4A’s Method

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activity
May I request everyone to stand for a
short prayer? Rendoque please come in Ms. Rendoque: Our Father….
front and lead a prayer.

Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am Madelo!

Before you seat check the environment (Checking and Cleaning the
first if it is clean and if it is not pick up Environment)
some pieces of paper and arrange your

You may now take your seat class!

Thank you Ma’am!
Ms. Secretary may I know who are the
absent for today? Everybody is present Ma’am.
Very good class!

Before we start our lesson who among

It is all about the table settings ma’am!
you here remembers our previous

Okay class very good since we already defines the presentable organizing of
done our topic about the table settings. plate/s, glass/es, utensil/s, and other
Let us review what are table settings?, eating instruments for the person to be
Anyone? attracted to his/her meal.

Where do you usually see this table Ms. Daquiado: In the Restaurant maam!
Verygood! Thank you Ms. Daquiado!

Before we proceed to our next topic,

please pass your assignment.
Ms. Rendoque collect the assignment

B. Lesson Proper (student analyze and draw a table

1. Activity napkin)
Ok, I want all of you to think and imagine
that you are in the Restaurant. Now, you
have to write what you have seen in your
imagination. I will give you 5 minutes,
Write it in a 1 whole sheet of paper, and (after 5 minutes)
then pass.
Time start now.
Yes Ma’am!
(student pass their work)
Okay class. Are you done?
Okay pass your work.
(Getting their Handkerchief)
Who among you here have
handkerchief? Is there any? Thank you Ma’am

For those who have plus 10

Just keep your handkerchief and be

ready because we are using that later!

2. Analysis
(Showing of Pictures)

From the pictures I have posted on the
board who has an idea of our lesson
topic for today? Table Napkin fold Ma’am!
Yes, Rendoque
Yes, Ma’am
Have you seen table napkin fold?
Cloth or fabrics ma’am
What is the material used for napkin
Who can give me at least 1 names of Leaf napkin fold ma’am
napkin fold in the picture?
Fan ma’am
Another one?
Rose ma’am
Last one?

Very good class!

3. Abstraction
Today we are going to learn about ways
of different basic kinds of napkin folding.
- Table napkin folding is a type
In your own idea what is napkin folding? of decorative folding done with a napkin

That’s correct Napkin folding is most commonly

What else can you say about the table encounter as a table decoration in fancy
napkin folding? restaurants.
(Teacher calls a student)

Very good!
Also, table napkin folded in an interesting
shape often makes dining more festive.
-3 different sizes: small, medium and
Do you have any idea what are the sizes large.
of table napkin we use?

Very Good!
It depends upon the uses of table napkin.
Example the tea napkin, breakfast table
napkin and the formal/ Dinner table
-20”x 20” square
What are the sizes of table napkin we
use in formal dinner?
Very good

I will show you a picture of how table

napkin fold

Be ready and follow me when I am about

to demo!
These are at least 3 basic table napkin
Now let’s start with the:
1. Candle


Who can tell me what napkin fold is this

in the picture? It is a candle napkin fold ma’am

Yes, April

Verygood! No, ma’am,

Do you know how to make this candle

napkin fold?

Now I will teach you how to make a

candle napkin fold! (doing the steps)
Get your handkerchief and be with me!

First, you have to fold napkin in half


Second, fold the long side up just about

an inch.

Yes ma’am it is very exciting and

challenging ma’am specially this is our
first time in making this napkin folds.
Hold your handkerchief up so everyone
can see it and fold it as per the
instructions. “Does everyone have it

Third, starting at either end, tightly roll

the napkin into a cylinder.

Lastly, tuck the end of the base on the

backside and stand it up.
Yes ma’am!

A little bit ma’am, but when we finish this

Did you get the steps on we see that it is very nice ma’am!
how to make a candle
napkin fold?

Is it hard to make?

2. Pyramid


A Pyramid Ma’am

This one class do you know what napkin

folds is this?
No Maam!
Yes rendoque?

Verygood! Yes mam!

Do you know how to make this pyramid
napkin fold?

So again be with me because I will

demonstrate the steps on
how to make


First you have to fold napkin in half


Second, fold corners to meet top point

It is not really easy ma’am but it is
Third, turn napkin over and fold in half challenging and also it is very exciting
and we are learning from this activity
Lastly, pick up at center and stand on
base triangle.

What is your experience in making this

napkin fold?
Very good!
We will proceed to the next napkin fold
we are going to learn this day!

3. Envelope


An envelope Ma’am, it is very nice


No ma’am
How about this one class do you know
this napkin fold?

Yes, trangia?

Do you know how to fold this envelope
napkin fold?

Here are the steps class be with me so

that you can make this fold.

First, unfold the napkin to create a

rectangle. Yes ma’am, and it is very challenging for
us ma’am because this is the first time
Second, fold the upper corners to create we make this napkin fold.
a point.

Third, fold the napkin together again and

fold the upper corners again to create a

Is everyone is following?

In making this envelope napkin fold

maam has a long process compare to
Fourth, now fold down the top point so the others!
that the point is hanging over the lower
edge of the napkin. No ma’am
Lastly, now fold down the second tip.

What did you observe in making this Yes, Ma’am and it is very exciting ma’am
napkin folds class?

When making this activity ma’am it is not

Yes, christine very easy but when you have patients
and you will put dedication to it you will
get the outcomes you are expecting.
Is it hard to make? It also need love and passion on what
you are doing ma’am so that you are not
Values Intergration
going to get loss hope on what you are
Did you learn from our discussion and
pictures that has been presented?
Yes ma’am!
What did you realize in making this
napkin folds?

Very good! Another?

Yes, love, patients, passion and

dedication is very important when you
are doing something so that you will end
up happy and successful on what you
are doing!

Very Good!

4. Application

-Students will practice the 3 different kinds of napkin folds that have been discussed
in 30 minutes.
-After the given time of practice the student must perform and identify those 3
different kinds of napkin folds in 2 minute.
 In evaluating your Napkin Folds is guided with the score of the following:
Scale: 1 = Needs Improvement
3 = Best

Criteria Score
3 2 1
Number of napkin folds
Crisp, neat fold
Visual Appeal
Total Scores

4. Assessment
Essay type of quiz:

1. What is napkin folding?

2. What are the different types of napkin folding that has been discussed?

Make a research and find at least 5 other styles of napkin folding. Print in a short
bond paper with steps and picture and pass in our next meeting.

Prepared by: Instructor:

Hezel Ann R. Madelo Mr. Sanny Daraman

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