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Notes Ko
Notes Ko
o In 1888, while Rizal was in London Again, the Awit frame is indispensable
doing research for his annotations on to Del Pilar.
Morga’s History of the Philippines, a o His readers understood images of
somewhat different historical piece, a “people power” because of their
poem of sixty-six stanzas titled Hibik familiarity with strikingly similar
ng Filipinas sa Ynang España descriptions, in Awit, of Christians
(Filipina’s Lament to Mother Spain) fighting Moros.
was being secretly distributed in the
country. Its author, Hermenegildo Andres Bonifacio
Flores, was a teacher, poet and
“propagandist” who joined forces with Grew up in the world of Awit poetry
well-known nationalist writer Marcelo Bonifacio was an actor, and his favorite Awit
del Pilar to bring the anti-friar issue to was Historia Famosa.
the Tagalog reading public. He used this awit to enlighten and explain to its
followers what is really happening to them in the
Hermenegildo Flores and Marcelo del Pilar hands of the Spaniards. He used it as a medium
of explaining to the people that they can also
The poems of Flores and Del Pilar were all free themselves from the hands of their
about the oppressive behavior of the friars. oppressors
Flores enumerates the methods by which the Historia Famosa provided Bonifacio with an
friars’ wealth was accumulated through the insight as to how to communicate the idea of
various types of taxes, “voluntary” contributions separation from Spain to a mass audience
forced on the people, the disposition of debtors composed mainly of so-called pobres y
and others oppressed to flee to the hills. ignorantes.
In the Historia Famosa the past, as narrated by Bonifacio’s poem illustrates the point of
the awit’s characters, is always shaped by the intersection of his personal experience and
idiom of personal relationship. To the nationalism.
audience/readers, the laments (mourns) serve as Effectiveness of Bonifacio’s writings can be
a reminder that Bernardo has not experienced a attributed to their ability to evoke damay for the
parent’s love. Flores and Del Pilar used laments country, which is personified and given a past.
in order to evoke from their audience a sense of
damay or empathy, participation, and a similar The continual presence of King Alfonso as the supreme
state of receptivity for the nationalist message. authority-figure and patron enables the author to test the
HIBIK BY FLORES limits of utang na loob when this is challenged by the
power of love. Not that utang and love are contradictory
o “Hibik,” the country Sapin is portrayed forces; ideally, they coexist and bring permanence to a
as the Mother and our country relationship.
Philippines is its daughter.
o Flores used laments as a frame in the ANG DAPAT MABATID NG MGA
first place. In his poem titled “Hibik”, TAGALOG (1896)
the country Spain is portrayed as the o Bonifacio portrays the early Filipinos
Mother and our country Philippines is fighting Chinese and Dutch invaders out
its daughter. of loyalty to Spain, only to be rewarded
o The last ten stanzas of the Hibik with treachery instigated by the friars.
summarized the Philippines' past Filipinos were “made blind,” their
relationship with Spain; Spain had sent character debased, and when they “dared
the friars here, and because we had to ask even the slightest compassion, the
“utang na loob” to Spain for her invariable reply was exile, separation
protective care, we gave friars all they from the company of [their] beloved
wanted. The friars reciprocated with acts children, spouses and old parents.”
o Delivered the importance of layaw for
SAGOT NG ESPANA SA HIBIK BY every Filipino, of how Filipinos long to
MARCEL DEL PILAR be with their families, and call out the
o Published and circulated illegally in oppression of his homeland.
Barcelona o With this, he leads and molds the
o An old and helpless mother asks for her Filipinos to live in the world of awit.
daughter’s sympathy and offers advice. o Noble, selfless deeds are the products of
o Uses the notion of layaw to crame the a hero’s constant awareness of past
narration of the Philippines’ past begun relationships. The image of past
by Flores. moments of wholeness propels him to
o Del Pilar’s readers would not have create the future in these terms.
found this excursion into European o Having kindled in his audience a feeling
history alien to their experience. Awit for the homeland as a mother and loved
had freely drawn from European events, one, Bonifacio then dwells on the theme
real or legendary, for their raw material. of separation and how the gap between
o Del Pilar uses this act to expand his past and present can be closed by a
readers’ consciousness of contemporary heroic act.
political realities and possibilities. o To have compassion and utang na loob
for the mother country means
o Prayer (Dec laration): Declaration of They moved their location in a higher and more
submission to the beloved Lord St. strategic area called Aritao.
Joseph o Open field between two rivers, protected
by the slopes of San Cristobal
Apolinario’s Teachings o A cannon was installed that was looted
from the fight
Letters were addressed either to the brethren or
to the hermano mayor, Octabio San Jorge King of the Tagalogs
Letters were read to the assembled confrades as
part of the activities of their monthly reunions Apolinario spent his time secluded in a small
The problem that Apolinario addresses in the house beside the chapel, surrounded by trusted
letters is the wavering of the loob. men prepared to die for his protection and
o The test of loyalty and commitment to devout women who attended to his every need.
the brotherhood and to the Holy Family “Golgotha of Hermano Pule”
o Ability to withstand persecution of the Denied by Apolinario in a statement made after
outsiders and resist the temptation of his capture
living an easier life by withdrawing
October 31
An advance party of the government troops was
OCT. 19, 1840: The confradia reunion was attacked by the confradia members waving a red
raided by Fr. Sancho and several flag
gobernadorcillo and principales Fight lasted for 4 hours
243 members of the confradia were arrested 300 to 500 rebels were killed, and 500 confrades
Cash bank was confiscated were arrested\
Apolinario escaped but was captured the next
Early 1841 morning
He underwent a trial and was sentenced to death.
Situation in the Confradia became worse
Fr. Sanchez persuaded Principal Governor THE NEW JERUSALEM
Ortega to order the gobernadorcillo of Lucban to
stamp out the confradia According to Spanish records of 1870,
Apolinario continued to write and tell them to Apolinario de la Cruz, together with his disciple
not be afraid Apolonio Purgatorio and the Virgin Mary,
appeared to several persons.
TAGALOG CHRIST The new confradia was called “Cofradia of St.
Joseph, St. Apolinario, and St. Apolonio”
Apolinario’s relationship with the Cofradia can Spanish authorities discovered the confradia and
be gleaned from occasional passages in his its leader Januario Labios who is the son-in-law
letters. of old confradia member Andres Labios
He has two seemingly contradictory images in New confradia does not pay tributes and has cut
the Confradia ties with the Church
o A poor and lonely person They believed that their Church was in the
o Source of authority, knowledge, and mountains
Molded after the pasyon image of Christ Cult in Mt. Banahaw
Reduced to Stereotypes
Siang-li: Travelling merchant of pure overseas
Chinese ancestry
Mestizo de Sangley: Mixed Chinese and Filipino
Bigger tax for the Chinese o Not restricted in terms of business
Traders and outsiders
because not purely Chinese
Sangley is from outsider’s (Spaniards)
Segregation perspectives
o Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva: Te Tsong Ong goods to offer in the market, which ultimately
or god of the underwold and of prayers led to them gaining a lot of wealth.
for the dead
o WITH Jesus Christ, Buddha, Guanyin, The Chinese mestizos shifted their businesses and the
etc. goods they sold depending on the situation and trends in
Chinese ritual styles to worship a non- the market.
Chinese deity
o Procession of Our Lady of La Naval de Q&A
Manila accompanied by Chinese
musicians and fireworks How did social institutions help the Chinese and
o Two river barges (karosa) shaped like a Chinese mestizo thrive and continue to remain
pagoda to honor St. Nicholas (Protector influential in the present Philippine society?
of the Chinese) o The social institutions that help the
o Camarines Norte: Jesus Nazareno of Chinese thrive are Chinese schools and
Capalonga is worshipped in grand business associations.
Chinese style Merchant culture is deeply
Lady of Casaysay in Taal, Batangas entrenched in the current
o Identified as Mazu, goddess of sea and generation of Chinese
lady of seafarers When “Chinese” is mentioned
o The Chinese associated Lady of in the Philippines, one of the
Casaysay to Mazu first things people think of is
o Local devotion have conflated the two business.
female deities claiming they are They, along with their
emanations or manifestations of each businesses, have a very
other prominent presence in the social
Virgen de los Desamparados (Our Lady of structure of the Philippines.
the Abandoned) o The Chinese have perfectly integrated
o The Virgen and Sta. Ana Lao Ma are the into the Filipino community and the
same various social institutions in the
o The Chinese immigrants felt that they Philippines.
were abandoned children who left their
homes to seek better livelihoods and Realizations
support their loved ones back in China
o Sta. Ana Lao Ma is a manifestation of The Chinese value associations. They have tight
Guanyin and Mazu. kinship.
o Family and social associations are used
CHINESE MESTIZO to maintain ancestry, but also advance
their social status and businesses and
Surnames mobilize themselves in the social
hierarchy in the Philippines.
Co, Tan, Lim, Yap, Ong, Uy The history of the Philippines saw the Chinese
Lacson, Landicho, Laoinco, Biazon, Ongpin, being discriminated against, segregated, and
Yuchengco, Quebengco, Cojuangco, etc. oppressed. Because of this, they developed a
—co: Meaning elder brother mentality that constituted them helping one
another. Chinese for Chinese. In Tagalog, sino-
Business sino pa ba ang magtutulungan kung hindi tayo
lang din? In poverty and in wealth, only we can
Chinese mestizos became the suppliers of the help each other. It was ultimately a way for them
colonial authorities, the foreign firms, and to survive the harsh treatment of colonial
residents of Manila. society, particularly of the colonial authorities.
This prevailed to the current days wherein
Chinese businesses prefer to mingle and merge
Chinese Mestizos in the Visayas
with primarily other Chinese businesses.
Manila carried a lucrative interisland trade
with Cebu and Molo and Jaro in Iloilo
o From Cebu / Jaro-Molo, the mestizo
merchants sailed to Leyte, Samar, FAMILY LIFE AND CULTURE IN
Caraga, Misamis, Negros, and Panay to CHINESE MERCHANT FAMILIES
gather local products, like tobacco, sea
slugs, pearls, cocoa, etc.
o These goods were shipped to Manila
where they were sold to Chinese and
European merchants.
o Returned with manufactured goods for
distribution throughout the Visayas 1594: Establishment of Binondo
Money lending businesses CAUSE OF ESTABLISHMENT
o Royal decree calling for the expulsion of
Market shift from textiles to sugar: Due to
introduction of Manchester cloth in the market all Chinese from the Philippines
They invest their money on lands and sugar
plantations, leading to more harvests and more
o For the Chinese, the ghosts laid in the Death and Burial Practices
opposite ground as the gods that they
worshipped. Black and yellow curtains were hung over the
o If the Chinese gods were to give windows to announce the person’s death
heavenly bureaucracy and order, the The wake takes place at home and lasts for 2 to
ghosts were in control of terrestrial 3 days
bureaucracy. If a Chinese Mestizo died, customary practice is
o Befriending those with power means to perform a combination of Catholic and
gaining wealth and prosperity. Chinese burial rituals.
Chinese mestizo families followed the Chinese
Practice of adoption funeral practice of dressing the dead made to
wear 9 silk suits.
Chinese merchant families practiced adoption
for economic and customary reasons CULTURAL AND SOCIAL LIFE OF THE
Adoption meant having trade assistants MANILA CHINESE MESTIZOS
Chinese mestizo family: Dual family
o Father already has a family in China Clothing
before going to the Philippines
o Chinese husband may leave and go back Chinese mestiza clothing was a combination of
to his homeland Spanish and Indio influences
o Four-piece attire called a terno
ISSUE OF CITIZENSHIP AND EXCLUSION Chinese mestizos wore clothes that were
influenced by the Spanish, Indio, and Chinese
19th century: The Chinese were allowed to o Camisa de chino, barong, loose trousers
apply for Spanish citizenship, but their children or a European-style top hat
were to remain as Chinese Mestizos
1879 Cholera Epidemic in Manila
Combination of indigenous food, Spanish-
The Chinese were being excluded from Mexican influenced dishes, and Chinese inspired
accessing the medical services of the Hospital de dishes.
San Juan de Dios.
The Chinese Hospital was established because Socialization for the Chinese Mestizo
of this.
Chinese mestizos tended to have a wider social
Non-Catholic Chinese circles than the Chinese mestizas.
Comradazgo system
19th century: There were exclusionary policies Institutional spaces like gremios or in the church
that targeted non-Catholic Chinese Parks around Binondo, opium dens, gambling,
The Catholic Chinese were allowed to be buried prostitution houses, storefronts, workplaces
in the community cemetery, while the non-
Catholic Chinese were buried in a place called Socialization for the Chinese Mestiza
Chinese cemeteries like La Loma existed but Limited access to socialization
were initially for the Catholic Chinese only Expected to stay at home
1880: Non-Catholic Chinese were allowed to be Exposed only to extended family members
buried Limited to male and female acquaintances,
friends of parents
RELIGIOUS SYNCRETISM OF THE CHINESE Employers and co-workers of husband
Despite the Catholic devotion, they continued to Influence on Filipino culinary heritage
perform Chinese rituals and practiced Impact on existing food business (existence of
polytheistic worship. gotohan, panciterias, etc)
Chinese converts were deemed “insincere” Chinese (Hokkien) loanwords within the
Catholics Filipino language
Extension of their cosmological and religious Strengthen sense of community and localities
worldview that they were first exposed to that utilize their Chinse influence cuisine as a
Observed by the funeral practices of Chinese- source of their identity
o Combined both Catholic and Chinese
Padrinazgo System
Moro y Cristiano
Comparing the Padrinazgo system and the
Chinese concept of Ghosts
Befriending the white devils (ghosts) can bring
them wealth and power
Sayaw (Ibajay)
Sambalo (Cabagan)
Kalinga: Unbaptized
Ibanag: Christians
Christian VS Muslim
Virgin Mary appears
Christians defeated the Muslims
Moros free their captives