Aadcyc Communiqúe September 2020
Aadcyc Communiqúe September 2020
Aadcyc Communiqúe September 2020
All Deanery Youth Councils/Archdiocesan Movements/Parish Youth Councils
Fellow Youth,
Greetings from the Youth Office of the Catholic Archdiocese of Accra. We are grateful to God for how far
He has brought us during this world pandemic situation.
Tel: 0303404174 / 024 680 9503 / 020 744 9662 / 054 234 0684
a) All Parishes, Rectorates and Outstations with youth bodies are to conduct elections between
October 2020 and December 2020
b) All Deanery Youth Councils and Archdiocesan Youth movements are to conduct elections
between January 2021 and March 2021
c) AADCYC will conduct its election in May 2021 during the General Council Meeting.
d) Councilors in various levels are to adhere to the rightful age required for the elections to contest
for positions as directed by the Ghana Catholic Bishops’ Conference through the Ghana Catholic
Youth Council to the various Archdiocese/Dioceses. The required age to hold a position shall be
from 18 years to 30 years of age. We are required to use Baptismal cards as the approved
document to verify age for the elections at all levels. Children Ministry representatives on any
council across board are to be exempted from this directive but shall be under the required age
limit to be eligible to contest for any position at their respective council.
All Councils at the various levels in consultation with their Pastor/Chaplain should do well to
follow the election directives as stated above. All Deanery Youth Councils and Archdiocesan
movements are to submit their report for the period January 2020 to September 2020 and 2021
Program using the NICYFOP format to the Secretary by 30th October 2020. AADCYC shall
communicate a date for a meeting in November, 2020 to plan for the following year, 2021. Strict
COVID-19 protocols should duly be adhered to in all Youth engagements.
We encourage all youth to stay safe and please pray for a peaceful Ghana, before, during and after the
It is our fervent prayer that God continue to guide and direct us in all our endeavors.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Lawrence Kwame Okyere
(Secretary - Archdiocesan Youth Council)
Tel: 0303404174 / 024 680 9503 / 020 744 9662 / 054 234 0684
Seen By: Very Rev. Fr. Osmund Kudoloh, Youth & Vocations Director
Anthony Ngissah Assuah, Chairman - AADCYC
Tel: 0303404174 / 024 680 9503 / 020 744 9662 / 054 234 0684