Reflection On Developmental Tasks of Being in Grade 12
Reflection On Developmental Tasks of Being in Grade 12
Reflection On Developmental Tasks of Being in Grade 12
What are the expected tasks you What are the expected tasks you What are the expected tasks
have successfully accomplished? have partially accomplished? you have not accomplished?
Achieving emotional Preparing for an economic Accepting one’s
independence of adults career physique
Acquiring values and an Achieving mature relations Making wise decisions
ethical system to guide with both sexes Preparing for marriage
behavior Having a clearer picture of and family life
Becoming aware, critical, Cooking different dishes
what you really want ahead
and being involve with for the family
social issues Developing financial literacy
Time management
Developing spirituality Understanding and expressing Achieving financial
Self-reliance more complex emotional independence
Understanding human experience Being true to yourself
perspective and avoid the tendency
to please others
1. Being in grade 12, what are the developmental tasks expected of you? Rate yourself from
1-10 (10 as the highest) whether you have accomplished those expected tasks?
I think I can rate myself 8 in the expected task being involved to social issues and
understanding human perspective. I was once an apolitical but I’ve accomplished
those tasks and I am now aware with what is happening outside our home, though I
know that there’s more to it, so I’m 8. Also, I think that I’m 8 in accomplishing self-
reliance and emotional independence. My grandmother is now old and there’s a big
generation gap between us so, sometime she can’t understand me but I can still
manage myself and I am slowly getting used to it so 8. I’m now 18 so I think I really
need to be more mature and be independent
2. As you are in grade12, you are in transition from high school to college, from being an
adolescent to young adult. How do you feel about this transition? What is your turning
I feel anxious because I still think that the school I will choose will decide on what’ll
happen to my future. I’m also scared because I still don’t know how to make wise
decisions. I think my turning point is the part where I pass the college entrance
application and choose the best college myself.
3. Do you think you are ready in this transition which may mean more responsibilities and
greater accountability? If no, what are the expected tasks you need to work on? If yes,
what are the ways so you can better plan for the future?
No. I am still not used to a lot of responsibilities. I still need to work on my
personality where I should be more mature and socialize well. I am still irresponsible
and a procrastinator. I argue with kids and I still don’t know how to cook. Because of
these, I think I am not yet ready in facing reality, moving out of my comfort zone and
never be ready in building a family.