Case Study of A Child Age 10
Case Study of A Child Age 10
Case Study of A Child Age 10
Child Age 10
Emotional Development
Physical Development More likely to cry or have bouts Cognitive/Intellectual
of anger Development
Strong motor skills
Concludes from what is seen
Fine motor skills More independent
Interested in factual situations
Developed sense of body Wants to become more popular
image Applies math to daily life
Can develop an awareness of
Secondary sex characteristics disliking their body. Concerned Increased memory and thinking
with eating
Let the child know you accept him/her, even though you do not
approve of specific behaviors.
(University of Washington, 1993)
Provide many opportunities for exercising independence and
dependability. Praise the child’s positive characteristics.
(University of Washington, 1993)
Typical Cognitive/Intellectual
Behaviors at Age 10
“Accept natural separation of boys and girls. Recognize and support the need for
acceptance from the peer group.”
(University of Washington, 1993)
Be warm but firm. Establish and enforce reasonable limits.
(University of Washington, 1993)
Encourage friendships and help children who may have few or no friends.
(University of Washington, 1993)
Typical Moral/Character/Philosophical
Behaviors at Age 10
Child Development Institute. (2015). The ages and stages of child development.
Snowman, J. & McCown, R. (2015). Psychology applied to teaching, 14th ed. Stamford,
CT: Cengage Learning.
University of Washington. (1993). Child development: Using the child development guide.