Bram A Vihar As Chart

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Brama Viharas Summary

Brama Vihara Traditional Phrases Alternate Phrases Sequence of beings Proximate Near Enemy Far Enemy
Metta—  May I be free from  May I (you) be safe Self The Attachment, Hatred,
Lovingkindness danger  May I (you)be healthy Benefactor goodness desire, anger,
 May I be free from  May I (you)be happy Friend in someone possessive aversion
mental pain  May I (you)live with ease Neutral person love Self-hatred,
 May I be free from  May (you) I be liberated Difficult person self-
physical pain All beings judgment,
 May I be well and guilt
Karuna—  May this good  May you / I be free from your Suffering person Someone’s Pity, Cruelty,
compassion person be freed from suffering. Self suffering righteous enjoyment of
suffering  I care about your pain. Benefactor anger, fear someone’s
 May you / I find peace. Friend suffering
 May you / I open to this pain with Neutral person
tenderness. Difficult person
 May you / I find a way to be ok All beings
with this pain / let go of this pain.
Mudita—  May this good  May your good fortune continue. Friend (person who is Someone’s Comparing, Envy or
empathetic joy person continue to May it increase and never wane. easy to be happy for) happiness insincerity in jealousy
be happy and  May your happiness not diminish. Benefactor or good our good
content  I am happy for your happiness. Neutral person fortune wishes,
Difficult person grasping for
All beings the pleasant
(Not done for self; if for
self, is gratitude
Upekkha—  Their / my / our  I wish for your wellbeing, but Neutral person Seeing Indifference Resentment,
Equanimity happiness and can not keep you from suffering. Benefactor things as greed,
unhappiness depend  May I experience peace, despite Friend they are, anxiety about
on their / my / our my inability to understand this. Difficult person trusting in the
thoughts and actions,  May I trust in a larger perspective Self an uncontrollabi
not on their / my / our beyond my personal view. All beings optimizing lity of
wishes.  My happiness and unhappiness force, phenomena
 All beings are heirs to depend on my thoughts and
their karma. actions, not on my wishes.
Tina Rasmussen & Stephen Snyder

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