RoleRoll Intro
RoleRoll Intro
RoleRoll Intro
This is a hardcore roleplaying game that is particularly Main differences from other popular titles:
well suited for an online format (via Discord & Roll20) and
contains simplified rules for IRL tabletop format. Game set • Focus on individual, not the group. In R&R having a
contain following materials: party is something luxurious since it is rather hard to
decide whom you can trust;
• R&R core rulebook; • Permadeath. Losing character means the end of the
• R&R supplement for spellcasters; campaign for the player. It makes participants much
• 14 R&R spellbooks, containing various schools of magic; more careful and thoughtful, considering consequences;
• Digital character sheet made in Google Sheets; • R&R does not intersect with any particular game world,
it is universal for any fantasy/medieval game setting;
The R&R system was developed for the last 9 years and still, • Character`s mental condition matters. Unique morale
is a subject of constant improvements and updates. The system that considers one`s spirit/mood and affects un-
system was simultaneously tested all that time in huge (35 usual actions. Personal failures lower one`s morale while
players) international campaign, where author acts as Game tasty food inspiration of a bard might cheer you up;
Master (8116 hours played). Participated players are in the • Nothing comes by itself. Character progression is closely
range of 18 – 38 years old. linked to attempts of doing something new in the game;
• Each character has separate health points in each body
Depth of the game: part adding various options in combat;
• Watch the time. All in-game actions are measures in
• 117 feats that can make special style of a character; seconds. Faster actions happen earlier than long ones.
• 35 professions, including constable, tamer and sailor. Quickness helps character to make actions faster.
Each profession benefits from two attributes and allows • Requests are carried out reciprocal, so individual
to take special professional feat; requests cannot be executed independently. The game
• Fully described crafting system that is combined with world does not “freeze” when it is your turn;
in-game economy and pricing. Gradually characters may • Simple spellcasting resource - mana. No need to prepare
craft their own magic items and even artifacts; spells and bother about spell slots. Spells can crit;
• 13 weapon proficiencies that allows one to master whole • 11 character attributes that allow players to make their
group of included weapons but not giving advantages favorite character build:
with weapons from other groups. 72 weapons total;
• 14 schools of magic, each contain 20+ spells and several Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Agility, Quickness.
passive magical perks. Players can invent their own spells; Creativity, Consciousness, Faith, Socialization, Perception.
Discord: UncleScof#5170
Mobile: +371 28844354
E-mail: [email protected]