RoleRoll Intro

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This is a hardcore roleplaying game that is particularly Main differences from other popular titles:
well suited for an online format (via Discord & Roll20) and
contains simplified rules for IRL tabletop format. Game set • Focus on individual, not the group. In R&R having a
contain following materials: party is something luxurious since it is rather hard to
decide whom you can trust;
• R&R core rulebook; • Permadeath. Losing character means the end of the
• R&R supplement for spellcasters; campaign for the player. It makes participants much
• 14 R&R spellbooks, containing various schools of magic; more careful and thoughtful, considering consequences;
• Digital character sheet made in Google Sheets; • R&R does not intersect with any particular game world,
it is universal for any fantasy/medieval game setting;
The R&R system was developed for the last 9 years and still, • Character`s mental condition matters. Unique morale
is a subject of constant improvements and updates. The system that considers one`s spirit/mood and affects un-
system was simultaneously tested all that time in huge (35 usual actions. Personal failures lower one`s morale while
players) international campaign, where author acts as Game tasty food inspiration of a bard might cheer you up;
Master (8116 hours played). Participated players are in the • Nothing comes by itself. Character progression is closely
range of 18 – 38 years old. linked to attempts of doing something new in the game;
• Each character has separate health points in each body
Depth of the game: part adding various options in combat;
• Watch the time. All in-game actions are measures in
• 117 feats that can make special style of a character; seconds. Faster actions happen earlier than long ones.
• 35 professions, including constable, tamer and sailor. Quickness helps character to make actions faster.
Each profession benefits from two attributes and allows • Requests are carried out reciprocal, so individual
to take special professional feat; requests cannot be executed independently. The game
• Fully described crafting system that is combined with world does not “freeze” when it is your turn;
in-game economy and pricing. Gradually characters may • Simple spellcasting resource - mana. No need to prepare
craft their own magic items and even artifacts; spells and bother about spell slots. Spells can crit;
• 13 weapon proficiencies that allows one to master whole • 11 character attributes that allow players to make their
group of included weapons but not giving advantages favorite character build:
with weapons from other groups. 72 weapons total;
• 14 schools of magic, each contain 20+ spells and several Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Agility, Quickness.
passive magical perks. Players can invent their own spells; Creativity, Consciousness, Faith, Socialization, Perception.

Role&Roll is not the simpliest system, it has

some complexity that provides various options
for players and DMs. Usually, new players learn
the rules pretty fast, even if they had no experi-
ence in role-playing games before.

Pre-made scenarios can be easily adapted to

R&R system from any other RPG system,
however making your own game world is highly

R&R game allows players to develop their social

skills, negotiate and make strategy. It has posi-
tive therapeutic effect on anxious people. Unlike
video games player may set his own goals for
the game session or whole campaign and move
towards it.

Feel free to contact me:

Discord: UncleScof#5170
Mobile: +371 28844354
E-mail: [email protected]

Riga, Republic of Latvia

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