Learning Task 3 Isc PDF
Learning Task 3 Isc PDF
Learning Task 3 Isc PDF
Managing My Classroom Structure and Routines
__________________________________ __________________________ ________
Performance Task 1
Being oriented on protocols for classes in the learning modality employed by the
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school. Observe/Assist your Cooperating Teacher. List down some routines that he has
done for classes in the learning modality employed by your Cooperating school to make
sure that the class is managed well. Include some notes or points of improvement which
you think will have worked during the class.
Observation Log
Cooperating Teacher: ___Ms. Teresita S. Pales___ Date: ___May 19, 2022___
Grade/Year Level: ___IV___ Time: ___1:00-4:40___ Subject: ___Arts___
Cooperating School Activities/Strategies Notes/points for Improvement
1. Beginning the Class 1. Before entering the classroom, The teacher followed a strict
Routine students must form a proper line routine. In the beginning of the
and check their temperature. class, the students already know
2. They are instructed to take what to do and are organized. The
their assigned seats and fill out homeroom routines take some
the form for their temperature, time, but they are very important,
which also serves as their so it is better to start them earlier
attendance. so that the time for discussion is
3. Continue with the homeroom not affected.
routines (singing the national
anthem, reciting "Panunumpa sa
Watawat ng Pilipinas," reciting
the school vision, mission, and
core values, and dancing the
Galaw Pilipinas).
2. Class Discussion/ 1.When students want to say The teacher encourages all
Participation something or respond to a students to participate in the class
question, they are instructed to discussion. She draws the
raise their hands. attention of any students who
2. They are reminded to complete appear to be not listening and
assigned tasks (formative tests) asks them questions that will
within the time constraints. pique their interest in the lesson
and encourage interaction.
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3. Ending the Class 1. Following the discussion, the The end-of-class routine is
Routine teacher instructed students to admirable. It is very well
clean the classroom and their organized, and the students
designated area outside the understand what they are
classroom. She ensures that supposed to do, making it more
students clear their desks and systematic.
take all necessary items with
2. They are encouraged not to
leave trash under their chairs.
3. The final routines (prayer and
goodbye greeting) have been
completed. The teacher helps the
students line up and asks them to
leave the classroom quietly.
Performance Task 2
Assisting the Cooperating Teacher in the preparation and implementation of class
guidelines for holding classes through distance learning modalities.
During asynchronous or modular class sessions, what routines can you suggest to
the parents so that their children will have more effective learning outcomes? Design
an effective class routine outline which parents can use at home.
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Performance Task 3
Read the different situations below and suggest a positive and non-violent way to
address the student's behavior.
Case No. 1 I will provide learning activities that will
Jacob is a new student in your school. He necessitate learner collaboration. I'll keep them
does not seem to fit well with the other kids in a small group of students who don't know
who have already established friendships each other very well so they can share ideas
with other kids. This results in Jacob being without feeling left out. I will also encourage
aloof and withdrawn. He does not Jacob to engage in such activities so that he can
participate in class: discussions and seems express himself and his genuine capacity to
uncomfortable during group activities. You others. I will also invite his classmates to join
know he is smart because his written works him during break time, which will assist him in
are almost always done perfectly. How will developing relationships with his classmates.
you help Jacob?
Case No. 2 I will enforce classroom rules from the start of
Mia is a smart student, but is very talkative. the class. I will make certain that they
She is always talking out of turn and this understand when they are and are not permitted
results in disruptions during class. She to speak, as well as the consequences, so that
usually tells her seatmates stories which are they are aware of their actions. I will inform the
irrelevant from the topic being discussed. entire class, not just Mia, that if they want to
How will you help Mia? speak, they should raise their hands, and if Mia
still does not understand, I will make every
effort to communicate with her in a genuine and
friendly manner because I believe that
discipline is an important aspect of any school.
As much as possible, I'd avoid discussing her
behavior in front of the entire class.
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5. Which is the best way to know why a learner is always absent in class?
A. Call the parent/guardian.
B. Write a letter to the parent.
C. Report to the Guidance Counselor.
D. Look at his/her Facebook account.
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Individual Activity
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Ending the Class Routine
(Cleaning the Assigned Area)
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CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Performance Tasks ● Have all the ● Have some ● Have minimal ● No aspect of work
aspects of work aspects of work aspects of work meets level of
that exceed level of that exceed level that meet level expectations
expectation. of expectation. of expectation. ● Have errors,
● Show exemplary ● Demonstrate ● With some omissions and
performance solid errors and misconceptions
performance MASTERY is
and not thorough
Checking for With 5 correct answers With 4 correct With 3 correct With less than 3 correct
Mastery answers answers answers
Learning Artifacts ALL the pieces of The piece/s of The piece/s of The piece/s of evidence
evidence of learning are evidence of leaning evidence of leaning of leaning is/are NOT
aligned with learning is/are aligned with is/are aligned with aligned with the learning
outcomes. SOME of the learning ONE of the learning outcomes.
outcomes. outcomes.
Creativity and The learning tasks are The learning tasks are The learning tasks The learning tasks are
Resourcefulness done very creatively done creatively and are done quite poorly done and need
and resourcefully. resourcefully. creatively and improvement.
Submission of The assigned learning The assigned learning The assigned The assigned learning
Requirements tasks are submitted on tasks are submitted a learning tasks are tasks are submitted 3
or before the deadline. day after the submitted 2 days days or more after the
deadline. after the deadline. deadline.
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