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Abstract — The rapid growth in Information & Index Terms — Information & Communication
Communication Technology (ICT), and the power of Technology (ICT), Health Level Seven (HL7), Healthcare
Internet has strongly impacted the business and service Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), E
delivery models of today‘s global environment. – hospital management solutions (E – HMS), Hospital
E-Hospital Management Systems provide the benefits of Information systems (HIS)
streamlined operations, enhanced administration &
control, superior patient care, strict cost control and
improved profitability. Globally accepted health care I. INTRODUCTION
systems need to comply with Healthcare Insurance Hospital Information systems are in high demand to
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) standards of handle increasing population needs and also aids the
the US and that has become the norm of the Healthcare practicing doctors and hospital service and support staff
industry when it comes to medical records management with timely service and precision. There are varied
and patient information privacy. The study is focused on metrics available to assess the performance of services
understanding the performance indicators of Hospital like hospital industry, and the successful implementation
information systems (HIS), summarizing the latest and usage of Hospital information system forms a crucial
commonly agreed standards and protocols like Health role. Hospital information systems are available in the
Level Seven (HL7) standards for mutual message software market which in most cases needs to be
exchange, HIS components, etc… The study is customized and in some cases HIS needs to be developed
qualitative and descriptive in nature and most of the data as a customized software based on specific hospital
is based on secondary sources of survey data. To arrive at requirements (user requirements). The paper looks at
a conclusive idea of the larger picture on E- Hospital assessing and identifying the key components of E –
Management and Hospital information systems, existing HMS as its needs and management varies across the
survey data and specific successful case studies of HIS globe. Also identification of the key performance
are considered in the study. With so many customized indicators of E – HMS / HIS is also attempted from a
versions of E – hospital management solutions (E – HMS) benchmarking perspective.
and Hospital Information systems (HIS) available in the
1.1 Objective of the study
market, a generic module wise version of E – Hospital
management system is charted out to give a clear To identify the key performance indicators and
understanding for researchers and industry experts. From standards of E - Hospital Management (E –
the specific successful case studies analyzed in the study, HMS) & Hospital Information Systems (HIS).
the success factors and challenges faced in successful To identify the key components of E - Hospital
E-HMS implementation are highlighted. Some of the Management solutions.
mandatory standards like HIPAA are discussed in detail 1.2 Need for E – Hospital Management & HIS
for clarity on Healthcare system implementation
requirements. Hospital Services are needed on an emergency and
Copyright © 2013 MECS I.J. Information Engineering and Electronic Business, 2013, 1, 50-58
E –Hospital Management & Hospital Information Systems – Changing Trends 51
daily basis and HIS plays a crucial role. Hospital services information processing and information storage
are customer and society sensitive and the quality of HIS subsystem of a hospital, whereby it is not just about
and service of hospital staff needs to be precise and of computer systems and networks and the computer-based
highest standards. Today‘s hi-tech Hospital services are application systems that are installed on them, but it is
predominantly provided by private players in the market about the information in a hospital as a whole.
at increased costs despite low cost competition by public HIS consist of different softwares that are integrated in
sector hospitals. OECD report (2012) finds that attempts order to capture data in specific sections of the hospital
to control costs by regulatory means, such as reducing [Garrido, Raymond, Jamieson, Liang and Wiesenthal
fees paid to healthcare providers and rationing user [2004:21-22]], handle the workflow of daily medical
access, have typically only been temporarily successful. services and also assist in managing financial,
E-Hospital Management System provides the benefits administrative and clinical data. From the various
of streamlined operations, enhanced administration & definitions of HIS, it is understood that HIS is a very
control, superior patient care, strict cost control and broad area as it encompasses services catering to varied
improved profitability. Due to business and legal departments and personnel of an hospital and finally
demands—like the Healthcare Insurance Portability and satisfying the patient care in its true sense. Hospital
Accountability Act (HIPAA) of the United States as a Information Systems (HISs) are supposed to make the
Global norm —healthcare organizations are fully right information and knowledge available to the right
realizing the urgency to integrate their businesses. people, in the right place, at the right time and in the right
Unfortunately, most of the health information systems are form.
still proprietary and often only serve one specific
department within a healthcare business. This represents IV E – HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT / HIS
a significant obstacle to business integration. STANDARDS & TECHNOLOGIES
Copyright © 2013 MECS I.J. Information Engineering and Electronic Business, 2013, 1, 50-58
52 E –Hospital Management & Hospital Information Systems – Changing Trends
Copyright © 2013 MECS I.J. Information Engineering and Electronic Business, 2013, 1, 50-58
E –Hospital Management & Hospital Information Systems – Changing Trends 53
cycle that a message or groups of related messages will • Communication by Laboratory Information
carry. But a summarized view of the basic components of System
RIM / HL7 is given in figure 2. • Registration of human resources and their
Copyright © 2013 MECS I.J. Information Engineering and Electronic Business, 2013, 1, 50-58
54 E –Hospital Management & Hospital Information Systems – Changing Trends
Table 1. NIC, India - E – Hospital Management Solution Table 2 – Fujisoft HIS Modules
Special Features
S.No Features S
1 ISO / IEC 9126 Certified .
Module Name Function
2 Based on HDF(HL7 Development Framework) o
Copyright © 2013 MECS I.J. Information Engineering and Electronic Business, 2013, 1, 50-58
E –Hospital Management & Hospital Information Systems – Changing Trends 55
senior leadership to implement clear targets and And wasteful duplication has been eliminated because
expectations is crucial to the success of the business case. doctors can see what tests have been done already and
Changes to operational processes, job roles, and access results immediately.
organizational culture will require resources and the Digitization has also been lauded to improved safety.
strong and consistent support of leadership. All levels of Bumrungrad has an e-prescription system that helps to
management should be clearly informed and accountable eliminate errors from illegible handwriting, and allergy
for the key actions that need to be undertaken to alerts that warn doctors against medications unsuitable
maximize system benefits. for patients and can suggest alternatives based on the
Second, timely implementation of the inpatient symptoms observed.
information system is imperative because the consequent
impact of delays on benefits realization is costly. VIII. SUMMARY
Third, because the majority of annual expenses are According to the Health Evidence report of the WHO
from labor costs, senior management will need to partner (Shaw, 2003) it recommends that, there are in principle
with labor to take advantage of the efficiencies five different types of measurement of hospital
introduced to the workflow by the HIS. Fourth, internal performance, as below:
policies must require physicians and frontline staff to
• Regulatory inspection
comprehensively and accurately codify all hospital
• Surveys of consumers‘ experiences
discharges and procedures. Finally, workflows must be
• Third-party assessments
redesigned to incorporate and exploit the system‘s
• Statistical indicators
• Internal assessments.
7.1 Non-Financial Benefits Also, based on the above case studies and various
There are many benefits that are less tangible. Though deliberations on E – Hospital Management Solutions and
non-financial, they are no less important to an overall HIS, the various components of an E – Hospital
investment decision. These include mission critical management solution are detailed below for easier
benefits such as quality of care, patient safety, and understanding of future researchers and industry experts.
member service enhancement. Improved communication 8.1 E – HMS / HIS - Basic Modules
and expedited decision-making not only increase
1. Patient Registration and Appointment Scheduling
efficiency but also help to reduce errors. Likewise, the
Module - The Registration module is an integrated patient
ready availability of patient information will prove
management system, which captures complete and
extremely beneficial to assure continuity of care during
relevant patient information. The system automates the
the patient‘s transitions from one care setting to another.
patient administration functions to have better and
7.2 CASE: Successful E – Hospital Management - efficient patient care process.
Bumrungrad International Hospital, Thailand.
2. Outpatient Management Module - The Outpatient
Alice Kok (2009) reports, Thailand‘s Bumrungrad module serves as an entry point to schedule an
International Hospital has digitised as many aspects of appointment with the Hospital Resident Doctor or
hospital work as it can—enabling it to more than double Consultant Doctor for Medical Consultations and
the number of patients it can handle each day, increase diagnosis. This module supports doctors to take better
safety and cut its patients‘ bills. and timely consultation decisions by providing instant
Bill payment, human resources, record keeping and access to comprehensive patient information.
inventory management are now all done electronically, 3. Patient Billing & Insurance Module - The Patient
allowing the hospital‘s staff to get more work done. Billing module handles all types of billing for long-term
Doctors no longer wait around for patient records, such care. This module facilitates cashier and billing
as X-ray or blood test results, to be delivered by hand. operations for different categories of patients like
Copyright © 2013 MECS I.J. Information Engineering and Electronic Business, 2013, 1, 50-58
56 E –Hospital Management & Hospital Information Systems – Changing Trends
Outpatient, Inpatient and Referral. It provides automatic 4. Electronic Medical Record (EMR) - The EMR Module
posting of charges related to different services like bed is a fully integrated knowledge repository that caters to
charges, lab tests conducted, medicines issued, Medical and clinical records of patients in the hospital.
consultant's fee, food, beverage and telephone charges etc. The system supports medical professionals of various
This module provides for credit partly billing and can be departments of the hospital with relevant information like
seamlessly integrated with the Financial Accounting medical examinations, diagnoses, treatment histories, test
Module. results and so on. The module provides access to critical
4. Services Module - The service module provides for and complete patient data that leads to high quality cost
effectively managing all the services available in the effective and efficient patient care. The EMR has the
hospital and the charges for each of these services are following features.
securely entered and handled. 5. Dietary Module - The dietary module in the hospital
5. User Manager Module (security workflow) - The User management system software is designed to assist the
Manager module basically deals with security through hospital kitchen in providing meals to inpatients as per
controlling the access to the information available in the the instructions of the dietician.
application. Any user associated with a user group can 6. House Keeping Module - Housekeeping in any
access only those screens for which the user group has hospital is defined as the provision for a clean,
rights. It also deals with the System Related Activity like comfortable and safe environment in the hospital for
User Monitor, Creating User Group Master, User Master patients and general public. Housekeeping in the hospital
and view the User Group Lookup of employee database, management system software involves the maintenance
Maintenance of company documents, User defined error of beds in wards, rooms, cubicles. The various
message, Generating Daily Statistical Summary. housekeeping tasks can be planned, assigned and tracked
in the module.
8.2 E – HMS / HIS - Optional Modules
7. Nursing Module - Nursing module is a tool provided in
1. Pharmacy Module - Pharmacy module deals with the
the hospital management system software to the nurses to
automation of general workflow and administration
manage their routine tasks with the objective of
management process of a pharmacy. The pharmacy
improving patient care. It is tightly integrated with the
module is equipped with bar coding facility, which makes
Inpatient module and other clinical modules for smooth
the delivery of medical items to the patient more
flow of information.
8. Emergency Management - Emergency module in the
2. Laboratory Information System - The Laboratory
hospital management system software allows fast
module automates the investigation request and the
registration of patients by the capture of key and very
process involved in delivering the results to the
specific registration details such as demographic
concerned department/doctor of the hospital. Laboratory
information, keeping in mind the critically of this
module starts with receiving the online request from
function. This module also collects information related to
doctors and also allows laboratory personnel to generate
Medico Legal Cases (MLC) which is subsequently used
requests. The Laboratory module supports to perform
for reporting to local authorities.
various tests under the following disciplines:
9. Machine Maintenance - The machine or equipment
Biochemistry, Cytology, Hematology, Microbiology,
maintenance module in the hospital management system
Serology, Neurology and Radiology.
software facilitates breakdown processing and preventive
3. Radiology Management Module - Radiology module
maintenance scheduling and recording.
caters to services such as X-ray, Scanning, Ultra sound
10. CSSD - CSSD, or Central Sterile Supply Department
etc. Scheduling of Radiology resources is possible. The
is an important and crucial function of most of the
system stores all the result details of various tests and
mid-size and large hospitals. In certain countries, CSSD
makes a Report based on the Test Results.
Copyright © 2013 MECS I.J. Information Engineering and Electronic Business, 2013, 1, 50-58
E –Hospital Management & Hospital Information Systems – Changing Trends 57
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/ HIS paves way for future research on Enhancements in [8] Haux R, Schmücker P, Winter A (1996)
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58 E –Hospital Management & Hospital Information Systems – Changing Trends
Copyright © 2013 MECS I.J. Information Engineering and Electronic Business, 2013, 1, 50-58