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Some of the key takeaways from the documents are that dental clinic management systems and electronic patient record systems can provide benefits like improved record keeping, easier access to patient information, and better clinic management. Inventory management systems help companies track inventory levels using either a perpetual or periodic system.

A dental clinic management system can provide advantages like offering online services to create more benefits for stakeholders, resolving problems for the clinic, and giving advantages to users/patients by enhancing medical decisions with targeted clinical knowledge and patient information.

Benefits of an electronic patient record system include improved record control, easier document storage and access, better information for clinic management, and improved healthcare quality. However, there are also costs associated with implementation like software, equipment, training, and personnel time for business process changes.


1. According to Dhanore, et al. (2016) entitled “Dental Clinic Management

System- a New Approach” most of the medical segments today are using
online web to offer services to create more benefits to the stakeholders and
tothe owner, to resolve all the problems of a dental clinic, the Dental
ClinicManagement System with Notification was developed. The Visual Studio
10was the programming language used in developing this system,
interfacedesign and coding. This system gives some advantages for both the
user’s clinic staff and end-users especially the patients.

2. Based on NPJ Digital Medicine (2020) A clinical decision support system

(CDSS) is intended to improve healthcare delivery by enhancing medical
decisions with targeted clinical knowledge, patient information, and other
health information.1 A traditional CDSS is comprised of software designed to
be a direct aid to clinical-decision making, in which the characteristics of an
individual patient are matched to a computerized clinical knowledge base and
patient-specific assessments or recommendations are then presented to the
clinician for a decision.2 CDSSs today are primarily used at the point-of-care,
for the clinician to combine their knowledge with information or suggestions
provided by the CDSS. Increasingly however, there are CDSS being
developed with the capability to leverage data and observations otherwise
unobtainable or uninterpretable by humans.
3.According to (Jane C. Atkinson, D.D.S.; Gregory G. Zeller, D.D.S., M.S.;
Chhaya Shah, B.A.)(2018)

The Electronic Patient Record (EPR) or “computer-based medical record” is

defined by thePatient Record Institute as “a repository for patient information
with one health-care enterprise that is supported by digital computer input and
integrated with other information sources.” The information technology
revolution coupled with everyday use of computers in clinical dentistry has
created new demand for electronic patient records. The benefits, particularly
for large clinical institutions, are obvious: improved record control, easier
document storage and access, better information for clinic management, and
excellent data for evaluation of overall patient care. Ultimately, the EPR
should improve health care quality. The major short-term disadvantage is
cost, including software, equipment, training, and personnel time involved in
the associated business process re-engineering. A recent estimate from the
Council on Competitiveness is that the full cost of implementing a fully
integrated health information system is 7.5 to 13.5 percent of a clinic’s annual
budgeted revenues. That percentage may be higher for a typical dental school
clinic in which true operating costs grossly exceed yearly revenues.

4.According to Muhammad and Garba (2019) Titled “Web-based

Management System (CMS)” that In healthcare services, patient medical
records are becoming large in size and the complexity of exchanging patient
records such as prescription detail, referral data, diagnosis status and
appointment schedules between various clinic-units can be a problem without
a fully integrated system. Moreover, access to patient records requires
privacy. Quite a number of works have been conducted on healthcare
services to address issues such as medical record inconsistency, lack of
immediate record storage and retrieval and paper-based approach. 
5.In the study of Antonio (2012) ”Health Information Privacy in the Philippines”
in view of the used of health information technology, electronic medical
records or computerized systems for storing patient information , theduty of
hospitals or any other health provider institutions to maintain and keepmedical
records confidential entails greater responsibility. There was nolegislation
specific to data protection in relation to medical privacy.

5.According to Buenas and Caringal (2014) “Tuy Municipal Health

CenterInformation System” as electronic medical record has been used to
describe automated system based on document imaging or systems which
have been developed within a medical practice or community health center.
Theproposed system can helped the medical practitioners to fasten
theirrecording of patient data to save time and effort. The proposed
informationsystem improved the reliability and security of some confidential
information ofpatients.

6.According to Charanggowda (2012) “Dental College, Sullai,

DakshinaKannada”, they defined the primary purpose of maintaining dental
records is to deliver quality patient care and follow up. Dental records can also
be usedfor forensic purpose and have an important role in teaching and
research, aswell as in legal matters. The code of practice on Dental records
documentsthe minimum requirements for recording the maintaining dental
records anddescribes some of the underlying principles to be applied by the
practitionersin their record keeping and to secure the data or record of the
patient throughin this system.

7.According to Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (2019), Clinic Management

System the system is proposed for clinic in Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
(UTeM) to manage the clinic’s operation efficiently. The process in developing the
system include patient’s clinic in UTeM. The area consists of the user in clinic which
is doctor and clinic assistant. Basically there are no such systems in clinic. The system
use before has caused a lot of problems to the user. Due to that, using manual system
seems to be the only solutions in managing the daily works. The system will help out
the user in the clinic in managing the work. “Clinic management is introduced to
optimize clinic’s operation. Because huge changes in management nowadays,
management for clinic is important due to the widely spread of technology.”

According to Cynthia Anderson (2019), “Mediwise Clinic Management Software”

tells that the Mediwise addresses of all the facility’s data processing needs: Patient
Accounting, EMR, Referral Management, Scheduling, Case and Encounters
Management and Financials. It provides physicians, clinicians, and health care
executives with the necessary information to make critical decisions about the patient
and the enterprise.”Medewise Clinic Management Software is a fully integrated
solution for the business and clinical needs of medical medicine clinics.”


1. According to Abdul (2016)“Automated Clinic Record Management System”

indicates that one of the important issues in paper-based records are, all the
clinical information is written in free style, and chances are high to miss or
forget some important information, as this will lead to serious effects on
patients' treatment and care. The case sheet is a hard copy that can be
accessed by one person at a time and needs physical transfer for other
physicians to access. Retrieving a record will be a hard task given the number
of medical records present and missing a record won't be a surprise in a huge
pile of  paper based medical records. Moreover, with time, information in
paper records gets diminished by ageing paper and ink, even fire accidents or
natural disasters can ruin the archive of paper records.

2. (Leroy, Wallin, and Lee, 2017) Children and adolescents in the United
States spend many hours in school. Students with chronic health conditions
(CHCs) may face lower academic achievement, increased disability, fewer job
opportunities, and limited community interactions as they enter adulthood.
School health services provide safe and effective management of CHCs,
often for students with limited access to health care. A systematic review to
assess the role of school health services in addressing CHCs among students
in Grades K–12 was completed using primary, peer-reviewed literature
published from 2000 to 2015, on selected conditions: asthma, food allergies,
diabetes, seizure disorders, and poor oral health. Thirty-nine articles met the
inclusion criteria and results were synthesized; however, 38 were on asthma.
Direct access to school nursing and other health services, as well as disease-
specific education, improved health and academic outcomes among students
with CHCs. Future research needs to include standardized definitions and
data collection methods for students with CHCs.

3. Andrew Siu and Philip Lei from Macau Polytechnic Institute.The study is
entitled “System and Analysis Design of ClinicManagement System”. This is a
medical management system, assisting user to administer a huge data in
clinic. In addition,another function is allowing doctor, nurses and
administrative staff. On the client point of view, this is a faster and easeful way
to link to the healthcare service by using the system.

4. Aqtar and Azuan (2017) from the Faculty of Computer System and
Software Engineering, University College of Engineering Technology in
Malaysia. The study is entitled “Clinic Management System: Outpatient
Management System”. It is a system focused on a web based application, it
covers all the processes such as registration, profiling and billing.

5.Patient Management System by Terrence Adam

, P h a r m a c y   M D ( 2 0 1 6 ) , ”Any tool used to assists in the delivery of
clinical carefrom the point of care initiation to completion" According to
Terrence Adam interest in Patient Management S y s t e m  w i t h
prior experience as clinical user in
pharmacya n d   m e d i c i n e   d e v e l o p m e n t   a n d   e v a l u a t i
o n   o f   a   p a t i e n t monitoring system use of secondary data 
for surveillancea p p l i c a t i o n s   e v a l u a t i o n .   I t   i s   f o r   o n e  
s t o p   s o u r c e   o f information.

5.The study entitled “A Quality Improvement for Clinical Records in thePublic

Dental Services”, by Myers (2014) she said that her study aimed that
inemergency cases that another person needs to access the dental clinic’s
records, the authorized person can view and has an access to all the
recordsthat was encoded on the system and can access the actions of the
dentist,patients and interactions with the patient during the appointment.
Dental Clinicrecord is necessary in giving a good dental service to the patient.
The clinicencountered misplaced of records and tendency to loss of files and
records.To lessen data loss, the researchers came up and developed a
system that can provide an easy access of records of data in case of
emergency or in anurgent situation. The proposed system can be easily
manipulated by theauthorized personnel that provides them an easy
accessing of data andconvenient way of recording.
6. According to Ward (2012) entitled “Electronic Data ManagementRecord
System” many manifestations about the constant evolution of technology
provide the different corporations and organizations continuingtheir study to
improve the use of technology in the present modernization andhigh
technology was providing, it may lighten the works that are very tiring todo.
The Municipal Health Center was engage before the manual system
ofrecording some important document of patients, which takes time to do and
there’s also the scenario of losing documents because of disorganize set of
document. The programmers perform this study to transform the manual
waysof recording. As the result, they came up to developed the manual ways
into acomputerized system that can help the client lessen data loss and
easyrecording of important documents, inside the municipal health center.

7. Based on Smith (2012) entitled “Automated Record Keeping System”.The

existing system is just using a logbook for them to record thoseinformation.
This record keeping system uses to lessen the capability ofproducing legible
documents of all original and refilled prescriptioninformation. During the
course of an onsite inspection the records must beaccessible for viewing or
printing. So that the researcher solve the problem bycreating a system that
can be more manageable and easier to use. The researcher conclude that the
develop system is for patient’s datamanagement. With the developed system
being used problem such asmisplacement of records, illegal access to data
and time delay in processingdata are easily handled by the system.

Local Study

1. According to Volpane, Cabarrubiasa and Macabasag (2016) studiedthat the
“Laguna University Healthcare Information System” is a stand
-alonesystem that was developed for the Laguna University School Clinic.
Thissystem help in order for them to enhance the management of medical
anddental records of the students, backing-up of retrieving medical
records,monitoring inventory of medicine and statistical records. So that
thedeveloped system is proposed to improve the process of managing
medicaland dental records in Laguna University Healthcare.

2.Based on Nuñez, Genil, Lopez and Gimen in the study of “Laguna Health
Office Inventory and Record Management System” (2017), is a systemthat
design and developed for the Laguna Provincial Health Office in order
toimprove the management of medicines , record, information, and
productionof inventory reports. Descriptive method of research was employed
in thisstudy. Survey interview is used for collecting data. And base on the
results ofthe interviews and surveys, the researchers found how the
employees of theLaguna Provincial Health Office improve the process in
managing medicinerecords in the office. After the developed system was

3.Based on research entitled “Feliciano Dental Clinic Management System

with SMS Notification”, conducted by Armisto, Balanlayos and Buenavista
(2017), the main objectives is to provides information about the patient
profileincluding patient personal detail, patient treatment, patient
appointment,14 patient billing, and inventory management. And it will resolve
all the currentproblems at clinic to promote paperless office that would enable
faster andmore efficient storage, retrieval and updating clinic record. The
study provethat It gives advantages to all both users. The develop system
providesconvenience to them that gives them easier task.

4. According to Charles Namibara( 2018) the aim of his study was to build a

computerized records management system that would be more effective
andefficient than the existing manual system in Hospital. This was done by
looking at the existing healthrecords management system, analyzing its
strong and weak points design and implementation of a newsystem.
Interviews, observation and document reviews were tools used in data
collection.In relation to the study, the system will analyze its strong and weak
points design and implementation of anew system. Interviews, observation
and document reviews were tools used in data collection.

5.According to Aaron O. Estinar, Luis S. Grefiel, Lorenzo H. Libre, Lianne K.

Lu, and Marivic S. Tangkeko (2018) Withthe system created, the researchers
were able to create a system that not only allowed them to provide relevant
health services, but the system created also acts as a platform to create,
store, and consolidateimportant medical data, which acts as a data backbone
and have great use for future clinical purposes. As aresult, the system made
the processes of the RHU faster, generate accurate reports, and provide
relevantand actionable information. PBHIS aimed to help the RHU analyze
the data taken from its patients, identifykey areas of concern, and make better
and well-informed decisions.In relation to this study, acquiring valuable and
timely data and processing them in order to provide relevanthealth services
seems to be an obstacle; so with the system created, the researchers were
able to create asystem that not only allowed them to provide relevant health
services, but the system created also acts as a platform to create, store, and
consolidate important medical data, which acts as a data backbone and have
great use im different kinds of businesses. Computerized Health Records
Manangement System.

6. Arlene N. Baratang (2017) “A Comprehensive Clinic Management System” Clinic

management system are designed to immediately record the patients’ information.
According to Rosa Sta. Maria the main problem of Villa- Santarromana Dental Clinic is that
they have the manual way on recording, tracking, and managing patients request
which sometimes lead to slower transaction within the clients.In relation to the
study, this study was aimed to designed and develop an online clinic management
solution that will serve as proposal to help the dentist and staff to save time and resources
with automation of its daily clinic operations.

7.Clinic Management System in Philippines MyKlinika (2017) is a

customizedclinic management system use to organize, manage and monitor
patients record as well as medicines and medical supplies inventory of the
clinic. This is a cloud based application where you can manage and monitor
as many clinic as you can by defining groups per site or clinic. .

8.Maria Cristina B. Balsita April (2016) “DentISt: Dental Information System ” One of
the first attempts int he conversion of patient dental records of UPCD to electronic
records is Open DentIS. However, the system lacks some functionalities and problems
were encountered when it comes to patient records access. DentalInformation System 2.0
(DentISt), the second version of Open DentIS, gives UPCD clinicians free accessand
storage of electronic patient dental records. The system stores patient dental records
containing differentforms derived from the UPCD admitting section form. The system
allows clinicians to easily search for patients according to specified criteria.In relation
to the system, the appointment scheduling feature allows clinicians to keep track of their
upcoming appointments with patients. Addition of faculty clinician role also gives faculty
clinicians of UPCD access to patient records and added privileges such as printing of
patient record and approval of updates on patient dental chart..

9.Online Clinic Management System Online Clinic Management System is

being proposed and this proposed system is develop using a web-based,
concept. The method used to develop the system include iterative waterfall
model approach, dataflow, logical and entity relationship diagram were used
to design the system. With the existence of this system the registration
process would avoid data redundancy, records keeping on patient details can
be find faster and time waiting for patient before received a treatment from
doctor could be lessen,, this is because all manual task that happen in this
system is being convert to computerized type of system. (Teke, A., Londh, S.,
Oswal, P., & Malwade, S. S. (2019).

10. Patients Medical and Dental Record System Due to manual process,
some significant errors cannot be avoided. Patients Medical and Dental
Record System is a kind of system that will greatly improve the productivity of
medical personnel. It provides guidance and support decision to prevent
errors and effectiveness of services. This system can also provide easy data
retrieval, record keeping, a quarterly and annual graphical report of health
record report that is needed for decision making and a real time records for
the management. The implementation of Patients Medical and Dental Record
System could help the dental and medical clinic of the school for this could
assist the organization to make new involvement and health programs that
give exact and valuable services that are system supported decisions. (R.
Alviar, 2015)

11.The study by Ortiz and Pecalda (2013) entitled “M-Smile Dental Clinic
Management System”. The researchers chose the M-Smile Dental Clinic
ontheir study because it still uses the manual process. The Dental
Clinicexperiences problems such as loss of records, unable to store large
amountof data efficiently, no backup file in case of emergency,
inaccuratecomputation of daily sales and scheduling an appointment the
dentist usuallyforget it due to their busy schedules that will affect their
services in theirpatients and also patients sometimes forgot their schedule on
theirappointment that will effect on the maintenance of their affected teeth.
Toresolve these problems, the researchers proposed a system entitled, “M-
Smile Dental Clinic Management System”. The system covers the managing
in customer information, billing inventory, report, appointment and
security.These features can help the M-Smile Dental Clinic to be more
efficient,secured and organized.

12.Valerio and Maiwat (2011) from TUP Manila. The study is entitled “Pamplona
Medical Clinic and Hospital Billing PaymentSystem”. It is a system focused on
processing the payment an managing client’s record specifically organizing all
clinical activities.

1. Based on (Titus Schleyer, et al.) “ELECTRONIC DENTAL RECORD USE
RESEARCH NETWORK” According to the study, a total of 729 (73.6
percent) of 991 P-Is responded. A total of 73.8 percent of U.S. solo
practitioners and 78.7 percent of group practitioners used a computer to
manage some patient information, and 14.3 percent and 15.9 percent,
respectively, managed all patient information on a computer. U.S.
practitioners stored appointments, treatment plans, completed treatment and
images electronically most frequently, and the periodontal charting, diagnosis,
medical history, progress notes and the chief complaint least frequently. More
than 90 percent of Scandinavian practitioners stored all information
electronically. A total of 50.8 percent of all P-Is, were willing to reuse EDR
data for research, and 63.1 percent preferred electronic forms for data

Dental and Clinic Information System Review of Related Literature

May 2, 2019

2. As stated in Delmar “Comprehensive Assisting Administrative and Clinic

Comprehensive” (2015), the medical record system, must be one that fits the
facility and satisfies the needs of the providers. Usually, medicalrecord system
adapted for a facility using a certain common component.Whatever system is
used, the management of medical records must provideeasy retrieval of
information. Wording must be easily understood andgrammatically correct.

3. According to Fairview Physician Associates (2021) - Medical student- run

health clinics have becom popular programs among medical schools for
fostering education and community service among students. Thr proliferation
of these clinics has not, however, coincided with a better understanding of
these [rogramns’ impact on medical education or public health. There are no
data of how many student-run clinic exiat or how many schools have one.

4. As stated in San Jose “Computerized Patients Medical Record System”

(Jan 18, 2021) challenges patient record management system thesis
philippines in keeping chits technically robust, up-to-date and scalable are
already encountered. lack of standards key words: electronic medical records;
health information systems;. chits primary care health cent. An electronic
health record (ehr) is the systematized collection of patient and population
combining multiple types of clinical data from the system's health records has
helped clinicians identify and stratify chronically ill pati. Accordinf to clayton
(1996), the aim of cbprs (computer-based patient record system) is also: to
improve the speed of retrieval of medical records, allowing many persons to
have simultaneous access to the same medical record; to improve data
confidentiality while tracing who has accessed it; and finally to collect routine
data. The patient record management system is developing for unit rekod
perubatan (urp). this system focused on the patient record management for
surgical department which include the patient record and patient admission
record. the development of this system is to increase the function of patient
record management.

5. In the study done by Anonuevo, Simpao (2012) entitled "DMRMNHS

Record Management System” was design to improve the manual process of
School Coordinator in managing the records and files of DMRMNHS
iSChoolsProject. This research study aimed to: 1.) Identify the current process
used byschool coordinator in managing the files and documents of their
school; 2.)Determine the problems encountered by the School Coordinator in
updating ,organizing and retrieving of records; 3.) Improve the records
managementprocess of DMRMNHS. The researchers used the descriptive
method ofresearch in order to obtain and gather data and info. Necessary in
this studythe researcher gathered information through interviews,
observations and setof questionnaires for the initial survey and software
evaluation. Weightedmean wad used in this study to determine the factors
affecting thetransactions and the overall performance. 

6. As stated by Lucero (2012) entitled “The Information System for

DentalServices”, indicates that Dentistry needs sophisticated equipment due
to thecritical condition of the teeth. Replacing the manual method in dentistry
toautomated system is similar to the human activities but it is faster.
Thecomputerized system covers all the processes in the dental clinic and
canalso stores data.

7. According to Malto (2014) “Inventory Management System”, are central to

how companies track and control inventories. Having the ability to
measureinventory in a timely and accurate manner is critical for having
uninterrupted business operations because inventory is often one of the
largest current assets on a company’s balance best. Two inventory
management system exist; perpetual system and periodic system. Each
system has its pros andcons and companies may choose based on their own
needs for inventorycontrol and available company resources.

8. In the study done by Anonuevo, Simpao (2012) entitled "DMRMNHS

Record Management System” was design to improve the manual process of
School Coordinator in managing the records and files of DMRMNHS
iSChoolsProject. This research study aimed to: 1.) Identify the current process
used byschool coordinator in managing the files and documents of their
school; 2.)Determine the problems encountered by the School Coordinator in
updating ,organizing and retrieving of records; 3.) Improve the records
managementprocess of DMRMNHS. The researchers used the descriptive
method ofresearch in order to obtain and gather data and info. Necessary in
this studythe researcher gathered information through interviews,
observations and setof questionnaires for the initial survey and software
evaluation. Weightedmean wad used in this study to determine the factors
affecting the transactions and the overall performance.

9.According to Cabula, Ebora, Reyes (2012) “Dental Records SystemUsing

Synchronized Touch ScreenKiosk and Server PC with GSM Module ”Dental
clinics are having a hard time keeping the patient’s records manually like
personal data, dental procedures and prescriptions. The secretary who isin-
charge of all these, finds the situation difficult whenever there is a need to
look for a patient’s information should they need to have an appointment to
their dentist. The main objective of this project is to develop a synchronized
dental record system for Dr. Valera’s Clinic. The design was conducted
forthem to know the patient’s records easily and to keep them safely,
replacing the paper form to electronic form. Synchronization is done by
applying theserver-client set-up separating the works of the secretary like
updating patient’s information and scheduling and for the dentist to see if all
these aredone so she can proceed to update their patient’s dental chart,
record andprocedures. The group installed a GSM module on the secretary’s
laptop tosend SMS message to their patient for appointment with their dentist.
Thisprocedure was successfully done and could be used repeatedly to ensure
thatthe message was sent. Synchronization, SMS sending test were
successfullytested making all the objectives met and the program properly


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