3.According to (Jane C. Atkinson, D.D.S.; Gregory G. Zeller, D.D.S., M.S.;
Chhaya Shah, B.A.)(2018)
2. (Leroy, Wallin, and Lee, 2017) Children and adolescents in the United
States spend many hours in school. Students with chronic health conditions
(CHCs) may face lower academic achievement, increased disability, fewer job
opportunities, and limited community interactions as they enter adulthood.
School health services provide safe and effective management of CHCs,
often for students with limited access to health care. A systematic review to
assess the role of school health services in addressing CHCs among students
in Grades K–12 was completed using primary, peer-reviewed literature
published from 2000 to 2015, on selected conditions: asthma, food allergies,
diabetes, seizure disorders, and poor oral health. Thirty-nine articles met the
inclusion criteria and results were synthesized; however, 38 were on asthma.
Direct access to school nursing and other health services, as well as disease-
specific education, improved health and academic outcomes among students
with CHCs. Future research needs to include standardized definitions and
data collection methods for students with CHCs.
3. Andrew Siu and Philip Lei from Macau Polytechnic Institute.The study is
entitled “System and Analysis Design of ClinicManagement System”. This is a
medical management system, assisting user to administer a huge data in
clinic. In addition,another function is allowing doctor, nurses and
administrative staff. On the client point of view, this is a faster and easeful way
to link to the healthcare service by using the system.
4. Aqtar and Azuan (2017) from the Faculty of Computer System and
Software Engineering, University College of Engineering Technology in
Malaysia. The study is entitled “Clinic Management System: Outpatient
Management System”. It is a system focused on a web based application, it
covers all the processes such as registration, profiling and billing.
Local Study
1. According to Volpane, Cabarrubiasa and Macabasag (2016) studiedthat the
“Laguna University Healthcare Information System” is a stand
-alonesystem that was developed for the Laguna University School Clinic.
Thissystem help in order for them to enhance the management of medical
anddental records of the students, backing-up of retrieving medical
records,monitoring inventory of medicine and statistical records. So that
thedeveloped system is proposed to improve the process of managing
medicaland dental records in Laguna University Healthcare.
2.Based on Nuñez, Genil, Lopez and Gimen in the study of “Laguna Health
Office Inventory and Record Management System” (2017), is a systemthat
design and developed for the Laguna Provincial Health Office in order
toimprove the management of medicines , record, information, and
productionof inventory reports. Descriptive method of research was employed
in thisstudy. Survey interview is used for collecting data. And base on the
results ofthe interviews and surveys, the researchers found how the
employees of theLaguna Provincial Health Office improve the process in
managing medicinerecords in the office. After the developed system was
8.Maria Cristina B. Balsita April (2016) “DentISt: Dental Information System ” One of
the first attempts int he conversion of patient dental records of UPCD to electronic
records is Open DentIS. However, the system lacks some functionalities and problems
were encountered when it comes to patient records access. DentalInformation System 2.0
(DentISt), the second version of Open DentIS, gives UPCD clinicians free accessand
storage of electronic patient dental records. The system stores patient dental records
containing differentforms derived from the UPCD admitting section form. The system
allows clinicians to easily search for patients according to specified criteria.In relation
to the system, the appointment scheduling feature allows clinicians to keep track of their
upcoming appointments with patients. Addition of faculty clinician role also gives faculty
clinicians of UPCD access to patient records and added privileges such as printing of
patient record and approval of updates on patient dental chart..
10. Patients Medical and Dental Record System Due to manual process,
some significant errors cannot be avoided. Patients Medical and Dental
Record System is a kind of system that will greatly improve the productivity of
medical personnel. It provides guidance and support decision to prevent
errors and effectiveness of services. This system can also provide easy data
retrieval, record keeping, a quarterly and annual graphical report of health
record report that is needed for decision making and a real time records for
the management. The implementation of Patients Medical and Dental Record
System could help the dental and medical clinic of the school for this could
assist the organization to make new involvement and health programs that
give exact and valuable services that are system supported decisions. (R.
Alviar, 2015)
11.The study by Ortiz and Pecalda (2013) entitled “M-Smile Dental Clinic
Management System”. The researchers chose the M-Smile Dental Clinic
ontheir study because it still uses the manual process. The Dental
Clinicexperiences problems such as loss of records, unable to store large
amountof data efficiently, no backup file in case of emergency,
inaccuratecomputation of daily sales and scheduling an appointment the
dentist usuallyforget it due to their busy schedules that will affect their
services in theirpatients and also patients sometimes forgot their schedule on
theirappointment that will effect on the maintenance of their affected teeth.
Toresolve these problems, the researchers proposed a system entitled, “M-
Smile Dental Clinic Management System”. The system covers the managing
in customer information, billing inventory, report, appointment and
security.These features can help the M-Smile Dental Clinic to be more
efficient,secured and organized.
12.Valerio and Maiwat (2011) from TUP Manila. The study is entitled “Pamplona
Medical Clinic and Hospital Billing PaymentSystem”. It is a system focused on
processing the payment an managing client’s record specifically organizing all
clinical activities.
1. Based on (Titus Schleyer, et al.) “ELECTRONIC DENTAL RECORD USE
RESEARCH NETWORK” According to the study, a total of 729 (73.6
percent) of 991 P-Is responded. A total of 73.8 percent of U.S. solo
practitioners and 78.7 percent of group practitioners used a computer to
manage some patient information, and 14.3 percent and 15.9 percent,
respectively, managed all patient information on a computer. U.S.
practitioners stored appointments, treatment plans, completed treatment and
images electronically most frequently, and the periodontal charting, diagnosis,
medical history, progress notes and the chief complaint least frequently. More
than 90 percent of Scandinavian practitioners stored all information
electronically. A total of 50.8 percent of all P-Is, were willing to reuse EDR
data for research, and 63.1 percent preferred electronic forms for data