Request For EOT & Revised Work Program (No-4)

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Ref No: CRBC/BSC/ 042/13 Dates: Oct 22,


To: BEST Consulting Engineers

Addis Ababa
Attention: Ato Abrham, Resident Engineer

Ref: Bole Summit Asphalt Road Project Lot I

Subject: Request for EOT & Revised work program (No-4)

Dear Sir,

This refers to our request for EOT and approval of revised work program
No-3 (Ref-No: CRBC/BSC/038/13 dated July 13, 2013) and your response
for same.

As you are quite aware the past seasonal rain was prolonged until October
17 2003 and hence we couldn’t commence remaining works particularly
the asphalt paving until then. Hence, we are forced to re-revise our
schedule accordingly.

Scheduled commencement date: October 1, 2013

Actual commencement date: October 18, 2013

Delay time due to effect of rain: 17 days

This is therefore to kindly request you to approve our attached schedule

which is prepared the above legitimate time extension of 17 calendar days
as a result of prolonged seasonal rain. Accordingly, the revised project
completion time shall be on October 3, 2013.

You may refer to the attached rain fall data which is jointly recorded with
your supervisors.

P.O.Box: 2509 Tel: 00251-4-391971 Fax: 00251-4-392468

Address: Kebele 10, Woreda Akaki Kaliti Sub-City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Meanwhile, we kindly request you to advise the Employer resolve the
following ROW problems which are still affection the smooth project

Road NO-85:

 Crossing sewer pipes at Km 0+180; km 0+420 and km 0+590

of Road No-85; and one toilet house at km 0+550 (RHS).

Road NO-1:

 Newly shifted Crossing sewers at km 0+250, km 0+390

In view of the above, we kindly request the Engineer to approve the request
for EOT and the attached revised work program pursuant to clause 42(1)
and 44 of the GOC.

Thanking you in advance for your timely cooperation, we remain.

Sincerely yours,

Wang Yang
General Manager

Enc: 3 pages revised work program and work load

1 pages rain record

 Addis Abab City Roads Authority
Project Manager

P.O.Box: 2509 Tel: 00251-4-391971 Fax: 00251-4-392468

Address: Kebele 10, Woreda Akaki Kaliti Sub-City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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