1602-05 EMS S6 Software Function Description
1602-05 EMS S6 Software Function Description
1602-05 EMS S6 Software Function Description
Issue 1 en-GB
EMS S6 Software
Function description
©Scania CV AB 2005-01:1
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Alarm functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Oil pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Coolant temperatur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Coolant level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Output curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Optional curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
All speed governor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
RQ governor (torque control) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
RQV governor (speed control) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Single speed governor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Speed governing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Regulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Starting cycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Overspeed protection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Droop value and adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Idle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
High idle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Low idle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Adjustment of idle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Limp home function and extra accelerator pedal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Behaviour of the engine at different values of the limp home flag.22
PTO modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
PTO modes 0-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
PTO mode 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Flash diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Starting process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Engine tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Fall-down test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Compression test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Miscellanous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
IdleCommand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Alternator control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
2 Scania CV AB 2005-01:1
This function description deals with the function-
ality of the software in the EMS S6.
This documentation is valid for the basic program
with part No. 1 721 428 (ver. 2262).
Reference document
The following documents are also valid for this
Fault codes S6: OPM for EMS
Flash codes engines
WSM: 16:02-04
CAN specification - EMS S6 1 733 219
ECOM User Manual
Scania CV AB 2005-01:1 3
Alarm functions
4 Scania CV AB 2005-01:1
EEPROM parameters
4) [FCB7] 28E *) 01 0 = only alarm
02 1 = torque reduction activated
03 2 = engine stop activated
04 6 = engine stop with override
*) Optional in the order ref. list in DHB.
Scania CV AB 2005-01:1 5
Coolant temperatur 3. Engine stop activated (=2)
If temperature >T2
The coolant temperature alarm has two adjustable
alarm levels, normally a lower limit T14) that the S6 will send a CAN message8) that the COO
optionally triggers the alarm and / or reduces the takes care of and lights the lamp. The engine is
torque and a higher level T25) that optionally trig- stopped.
gers the alarm, reduces the torque or stops the Engine stop can only be interrupted by reset (U15
engine with override possibility. - OFF) of the system.
The temperature must be over the limit for Irrespective of engine stop being activated or not,
2 seconds in order activate the alarm and the tem- information will be sent by CAN15) that the stop
perature must be below the limits for 1 second in limit has been exceeded.
order to deactivate the alarm.
Fault code B200 coolant temperature shut off, is
Reaction on high coolant temperature
4. Stop and torque reduction activated (=3)
The raction on high coolant temperature can be The same reaction as in point 2 and point 3, i.e.
chosen with an EEPROM parameter6) listed torque reduction if temperature >T1 and engine
below: stop if temperature >T2.
1. Only alarm (=0) 5. Engine stop with override (=6)
If temperature >T1 The same reaction as in point 3 if override signal
or does not come via CAN11).
temperature >T2
A fault code (information code) B300 is generated
S6 sends a CAN message8) that the COO takes if Engine Shutdown Override Switch is activated
care of and lights the lamp. and that the engine shut off criterias are complied
Fault code E200 is generated10). with.
2. Torque reduction activated (=1) 6. Stop and torque reduction activated, stop
If temperature >T1 can be overridden (=7)
the S6 will send a CAN message8) och 9) that the The same reaction as in points 2 and 5.
COO takes care of and lights the lamp, the fuel 7. Defect coolant temperature sensor
amount is reduced to 70 % of currently allowed If the coolant temperature sensor is defect, the
fuel amount. engine will only react by generating a fault code
Fault code E200 is generated10). and sending an error message by CAN14) for cool-
ant temperature.
Fault code 200x is generated10).
6 Scania CV AB 2005-01:1
EEPROM parameters
4) [FCF3] 28D *) (95°) - temperature limit for torque reduction
5) [FCAF] 28C *) (105°) - temperature limit for stop of engine
6) [FCB6] 28B *) 0 = only alarm
1 = torque reduction activated
2 = engine stop activated
3 = stop and torque reduction activated
6 = engine stop with override
7 = stop and torque reduction activated, stop
can be overridden
*) Optional in the order ref. list in DHB
Scania CV AB 2005-01:1 7
Coolant level
The coolant level sensor is digital and connected Reaction on low coolant level
either to the COO or diectly to the S6 input termi-
nals EGR, EGR_0 och EGR_1 via a resistance The reaction can be chosen with an EEPROM
module. parameter5).
1. Only alarm (=0)
Sensor types The S6 sends a CAN message6) that the COO
takes care of and lights a lamp.
The function is activated by an EEPROM
parameter4) that can have the following values: Fault code B100 is generated9).
- 0 = no sensor connected 2. Torque reduction activated (=1)
- 1 = sensor connected to the COO The fuel amount is reduced to 70 % of currently
allowed fuel amount.
- 2 = sensor of type Normally Closed (NC). Fault code B100 is generated9).
- 3 = sensor of type Normally Open (NO). 3. Engine stop activated (=2)
1. Sensor connected to COO The engine is stopped. Engine shut off can only be
The COO sends information through CAN7) to the deactivated by reset (U15 - OFF) of the system.
S6, low level (0%, coolant level) or normal level Fault code B101 is generated9).
(100%, coolant level). 4. Engine stop with override (=6)
If the level is low an alarm comes on after 7 sec- The engine is stopped. Engine shut off can only be
onds and this lights a lamp. When the level is OK deactivated by reset (U15 - OFF) of the system.
again, the alarm is inactivated after 1 second.
Fault code B101 is generated9) if override does
2,3. Sensor connected to the S6 not come via CAN8).
The voltage at the input terminal EGR on the S6 is A fault code (information code) B300 is generated
evaluated: if Engine Shutdown Override Switch is activated
- If the voltage is out of range, too high (>4.5 V) and that the engine shut off criterias are complied
or too low (<0.5 V) a fault code B500 (SRC- with.
HIGH) or B501 (SRC-LOW) is generated.
- If the voltage is allowed and over 2.26 V with a
NC sensor, an alarm comes on after 7 seconds.
When the level is OK again, the alarm is inacti-
vated after 1 second.
- If the voltage is allowed and below 2.26 V with
a NO sensor, an alarm comes on after 7 sec-
onds. When the level is OK again, the alarm is
inactivated after 1 second.
8 Scania CV AB 2005-01:1
EEPROM parameters
4) [FD6F] 25C*) 0 = no sensor connected
1 = sensor connected to COO
2 = sensor NC connected to S6
3 = sensor NO connected to S6
5) [FD6D] 28F*) 0 = only alarm (lamp lighting)
1 = torque reduction activated
2 = engine stop activated
6 = engine stop with override
*) Optional in the order ref. list in DHB
Scania CV AB 2005-01:1 9
Output curves
Optional curves
There are 4 optional torque curves 0,1,2 and 3.
Curve 0 is the normal max torque curve for the
Curve 1 is an optional max torque for customers
who want to have different curves for e.g. war and
Curve 1 has to be lower than curve 0.
Curves 2 and 3 can be created by means of Scania
The engine speed break points for curves 2 and 3
are fixed (1000, 1100, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800,
1900, 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300, 2400 rpm).
Curves 2 and 3 have to be lower than curves 0 and
10 Scania CV AB 2005-01:1
EEPROM parameters
5) [FD13] - extra torque curve 2 (torque values)
6) [FD15] - extra torque curve 3 (torque values)
Scania CV AB 2005-01:1 11
All speed governor
12 Scania CV AB 2005-01:1
EEPROM parameters
6b) [FCE3] control point speed (480, 2500, 2500,2500 rpm)
6a) [FCF9] accelerator support points, speed function
7b) [FCE5] droop values(4.5, 4.5, 4.0, 0.5 rpm/mg/st)
7a) [FCFB] accelerator support points, droop function
8) [FC8D] 28A*) Flag to choose governor 1 = RQV, 0 = RQ
9) [FE63] 28P*) If there is (=1) an idle switch or not (=0)
*) Optional in the order ref. list in DHB
Scania CV AB 2005-01:1 13
Single speed governor
Single speed engines are normally controlled via The function that can be controlled by TSC-pro-
CAN, (DLN1 and / or TSC proprietary) together prietary is:
with settings of EEPROM parameters. - 16)nominal speed (limited by low and high
A request via TSC proprietary has higher priority idle20))
than DLN1, se also the CAN specification. 17)
- stiffnes of governor (normal / soft / stiff)
The following can be controlled by DLN1:
- if the offset signal in DLN1 should be used
- 12)choice between speed governing and torque or not
control (the speed is in this case controlled by
the outer mains) - adjustment of the droop value in EEPROM7)
speed governing torque control - request of droop value irrespective of value
13) in EEPROM
nominal speed -
10) There is also the possibility to control the engine
offset from nominal requested torque without CAN by the analogue input terminal
speed (0 - 100% load) AUX_AN (0-5V) in order to get offset from the
/ isochronous - nominal speed. Nominal speed4) and droop
value7) is then taken from EEPROM parameters.
For use of the AUX_AN input terminal, see more
under the heading LIMP HOME and EXTRA
14 Scania CV AB 2005-01:1
Speed governing Regulator
The set point speed to the governor increases / The speed regulator is a PI regulator of standard
decreases from nominal speed through possible type with window function with three
droop7). It is possible to change between droop optional8)17) stiffnesses.
and isochronous by CAN11).
The choice of nominal speed is controlled by Torque control
CAN13) (by grounding input terminals on the
COO). The options are idle, 1500 rpm, 1800 rpm The torque can be controlled by CAN10) between
or to use the value in the EEPROM parameter4). 0 and 100% load.
Nominal speed can also be chosen, (with a resolu- This implies that the speed is kept constant by the
tion of 0.125 rpm/bit), via TSC-proprietary. The outer mains or that an external system controls the
nominal speed is limited by low and high idle20). speed.
The load at which nominal speed is valid is cho-
sen with an EEPROM parameter9). Starting cycle
The set point speed increases / decreases with an
offset of 0-100% via CAN10), (or AUX_AN). The At start the speed is ramped up5) from idle to
size of the offset is controlled by the EEPROM operating speed after an adjustable period of
parameters 2, 3. time6).
Scania CV AB 2005-01:1 15
Overspeed protection The value in the EEPROM parameter7) can be
adjusted through TSC-proprietary21) in accord-
The overspeed protection is calculated with an ance with the following:
offset14) from the chosen nominal speed. How- Every signal has to be sent in two consecutive
ever, it is limited to between 1500 rpm and messages.
2800 rpm.
1. Send "Droop Adjust Enabled", and keep sen-
Droop value and adjustment
2. Send either "Droop Adjust Increase" or
The droop value can either be the EEPROM "Droop Adjust Decrease". The value is adjus-
parameter7) or a value directly requested in the ted up or down with an offset in steps of
TSC proprietary22). In both cases the value is lim- 0.1%.
ited between 0-25% with a resolution of 0.1%. 3. Stop sending "Droop Adjust Enabled". The
Through DLN111) one can choose to run iso- offset value is saved in EEPROM and is by
chronously or with the EEPROM parameter7). that valid permanently.
This assumes that there is no request through the
TSC-proprietary22) which always has higher pri- The actual droop value is therefore: The EEP-
ority. ROM parameter7) + the adjusted offset. If the
EEPROM parameter7) is changed with
ECOM/SDP2, the offset will be set to zero and the
new value on the EEPROM parameter7) will be
the current droop value.
The current droop value is sent continously on
16 Scania CV AB 2005-01:1
EEPROM parameters
2) [FD63] offset from nominal speed at 0% (-120 rpm)
3) [FD65] offset from nominal speed at 100% (+120 rpm)
4) [FCD1] operating speed, default value without CAN (sold
5) [FCD5] 28K*) ramp from idle to operating speed (500rpm/s)
6) [FCD3] 28J*) time period after engine start to start of ramping (0 s)
7) [FD67] 28H*) droop value (4%)
8) [FCFD] 28I*) choice of governor parameters
0 = normal stiffmess
1 = softer
2 = stiffer
9) [FD61] the load at which the nominal speed is valid (100%)
14) [FE69] offset of nominal speed for overspeed protection
20) [FCB1] limitation of nominal speed
*) Optional in the order ref. list in DHB
Scania CV AB 2005-01:1 17
Received CAN messages
10) DLN1-proprietary, Nominal speed offset / Requested 0 - 100%
11) DLN1-proprietary, Droop enable YES/NO
12) DLN1-proprietary, Torque enable YES/NO
13) DLN1-proprietary, Nominal speed switch 1 and 2 00 00 = value in EEPROM 4
01 00 = 1500 rpm
00 01 = 1800 rpm
01 01 = 0 rpm (low idle command))
16) TSC-proprietary, Requested Speed optional speed
17) TSC-proprietary, Requested Governor normal / soft / stiff
18) TSC-proprietary, Requested Accelerator pedal YES/NO
21) TSC-proprietary, Droop Adjust Ena-
22) TSC-proprietary, Requested Droop 0-25% with resolution 0.1%
18 Scania CV AB 2005-01:1
High and low idle are managed by two separate - The central monitoring logic can limit the high
regulators idle3) at a defect speed sensor.
- After start the high idle4) can be limited during
High idle a period of time that is dependent on the cool-
ant temperature4)5). This limitation can be
For single speed engines there is no high idle but removed afterwards9).
only an overspeed protection that is described
under heading “Single speed governor”. However, - It is also possible to limit the speed by a CAN
the nominal speed is limited by the high idle message10), which is normally used by gear
parameter1). boxes.
The high idle regulator limits the engine speed If the limit for overspeed protection is exceeded, a
isochronously to the reference speed that can have fault code 1000 is generated and the engine is
different values in accordance with below: stopped irreversibly i.e. until U15 has been shut
off and turned on again. In addition a fault code
- The normal high idle1) is possible to change by
1001 is generated if the maximum system speed,
the EEPROM parameter.
3276 rpm, has been exceeded.
- A gear box can temporarily request extra high
idle2) through CAN8). OPC (Opticruise) for a
truck uses this to release a gear during descent.
EEPROM parameters
1) [FCB1] normal high idle
9) [FD7D] deactivation of limit at start
Scania CV AB 2005-01:1 19
Low idle - During the time period when the speed is lim-
ited or the torque is controlled by TSC1-TE13),
The low idle regulator sees to that the speed does (normal for gear boxes), the idle speed is
not drop below the reference value that can have reduced to 450 rpm.
different values according to below. The idle is
ramped between the different values. - During the time period when the speed is con-
trolled by TSC1-TE14) or TSC1-KE15) (PTO
- The normal idle speed can be adjusted by CAN mode 5), the idle speed12) is reduced to
or the EEPROM parameter, see further under 450 rpm. The same applies when PTO mode 2
Adjustment of low idle has been chosen through the COO16). See also
- If there is an accelerator fault or CAN interrup- under heading “PTO modes”.
tion, the idle speed will be increased5) (see
limp home) if that is allowed through the
EEPROM parameter11).
EEPROM parameters
11) [FCB5] - reaction at CAN or PV fault (1=raised idle)
20 Scania CV AB 2005-01:1
Adjustment of idle Adjustments via CAN
The basic value for the normal idle is an EEP- It is possible to adjust the idle speed through
ROM parameter that can be changed. However, CAN9) if the coolant temp >50°C, if not running
the idle speed can be adjusted in two ways. Either any PTO mode, CC button is in the ON9) position
by CAN or by changing the EEPROM parameter. and that the enable flag8) in EEPROM is not set,
(see above). The adjustment to be made is an off-
The low idle is limited between 500-1050 rpm. set from the basic value7).
EEPROM parameters
7) [FE17] 28K*) 1000/650 Basic value for low idle
(single speed-1000 / all speed-650)
8) [FE21] 0 Check flag
1 = offset set to zero and adjustment through
CAN not allowed
0 = adjustment through CAN allowed
*) Optional in the order ref. list in DHB
Scania CV AB 2005-01:1 21
Limp home function and extra accelerator pedal
By the limp home function means what happens Behaviour of the engine at different
when there is a malfunction of the normal acceler- values of the limp home flag
ator pedal (via CAN) or if the CAN communica-
tion (no accelerator information) is interrupted.
1. Limp home flag9) = NO_ACTION
22 Scania CV AB 2005-01:1
3a.Limp home flagga9) = CAN_SHUT_OFF 3b.Limp home flagga9) = CAN_SHUT_OFF
- CAN interruption
The engine is shut off. - CAN interruption
The engine is shut off.
- Accelerator error
The accelerator value is default = 0% and the - Accelerator error
engine runs at normal idle. The accelerator value is default = 0% and the
engine runs at increased idle.
Scania CV AB 2005-01:1 23
4.Limp home flag9) = 5. Limp home flag9) =
The input terminal AUX_AN is checked against The input terminal is checked against SRC_HIGH
SRC_HIGH and SRC_LOW and also takes con- or _LOW and also computes the accelerator value
trol of the accelerator logic if there is an error of irrespective of if a valid value comes via CAN or
the normal accelerator or if the CAN communica- not.
tion is interrupted. Extra accelerator on terminal AUX_AN
- CAN interruption or any accelerator error. The AUX_AN is an analogue input that can be used to
first time AUX_AN takes over the logic, the connect a redundant extra accelerator pedal. If the
value must start from 0% of security reasons. limp home flag is set to
If the accelerator gets OK again, it takes back AUX_AN:_AS_REDUNDANT or
the logic after that the AUX_AN value has AUX_AN_ALWAYS_ACTIVE, the voltages are
been turned down to 0%, and the accelerator evaluated according to below:
value must also start from 0%. <100 mV = SRC_LOW
As long as the normal accelerator is faulty, a 100-485 mV = 0% accelerator pedal value
fault code is generated and the normal fault
485-2693 mV = 0 - 100% accelerator pedal value
code (diagnostic) lamp lights up by a CAN
message and it is also sent out via CAN11) that 2693-4900 mV = 100% accelerator pedal value
it is specifically the accelerator that is faulty. >4900 mV = SRC_HIGH
Output terminal AC_ACT is also activated: The values 485 mV and 2693 mV can be changed
The CAN message or the output terminal can with the EEPROM parameter10).
be used for igniting the special accelerator fault
EEPROM parameters
9) [FCB5] 28K*) reaction at CAN or PV error
10) [FD77] %PV sfa mV curve for accelerator value as function
of voltage
*) Optional in the order ref. list in DHB
24 Scania CV AB 2005-01:1
PTO modes
There are four different hand throttle modes that If the speed is controlled by CAN messages
can be chosen. They are called PTO mode 0-3 TSC1-TE or TSC1-KE, PTO mode 5 is being
(PowerTakeOff modes). used.
The functions of the different modes are described
below, but in principle the respective mode is acti- PTO modes 0-3
vated by grounding a pin on the COO and the
speed is governed by the CruiseControl buttons on In order for the PTO modes 0-3 to work, the fol-
the COO. The COO communicates with the S6 by lowing information must be available and fault-
CAN messages. less.
For the respective mode it is also possible to limit
the speed and the torque by E2 parameters.
Requested for
Information CAN-message
Vehicle speed TCO119) "Tachograph Vehicle Speed" also "Not 0,1 och 3
Available" is allowed.
CC-buttons Cruise Control/Vehicle Speed13) "Cruise Control 0,1 och 2
Brake pedal Cruise Control/Vehicle Speed17) "Brake Switch” 0,1 och 3
Clutch pedal Cruise Control/Vehicle Speed18) "Clutch Switch” 0,1 och 3
Scania CV AB 2005-01:1 25
Mode 0 - Normal hand throttle Mode 1 - Limited hand throttle
Activated when ACC or RET button is depressed. Activated by grounding PTO mode 1 switch on
Speed is changed with ACC or RET resp. between the COO.
low idle and 2450 rpm. A short push increases / The same as “Normal hand throttle” and it is also
decreases the speed by 20 rpm, a long push will possible to state whether or not it should be possi-
ramp the speed. ble to overrev using the accelerator pedal11).
The set speed is stored with a RES push > 3s. The mode is deactivated by removing the switch
Retrieved after deactivation with a short depres- grounding, the brake pedal or the clutch pedal.
sion of RES.
The mode is deactivated with the OFF button, the
brake pedal or the clutch pedal.
26 Scania CV AB 2005-01:1
Mode 2 - Temporarily adjusted idle Mode 3 - Fixed speed
Activated by grounding PTO mode 2 switch on Activated by grounding PTO mode 1 and mode 2
the COO. switches on the COO.
The speed can be adjusted and saved between The fixed speed6) cannot be changed neither with
450 - 1050 rpm. the CC buttons nor with the accelerator pedal.
The mode is deactivated only by removing the The mode is deactivated by removing the switch
switch grounding. grounding and also with the brake pedal and the
The brake pedal, clutch pedal or speed will not clutch pedal.
deactivate the mode.
It is also possible to choose14) if the PTO modes
0-3 are to be deactivated if a gear is engaged or
EEPROM parameters
3) [FC81] 2450 rpm Max speed mode 0
4) [FC82] 2450 rpm Max speed mode 1
5) [FC83] 2450 rpm Max speed mode 3
6) [FC80] 1500 rpm Locked speed mode 3
7) [FD09] max Nm Max torque mode 0
8) [FD0B] max Nm Max torque mode 1
9) [FD0D] max Nm Max torque mode 2
10) [FD0F] max Nm Max torque mode 3
11) [FCA1] ON/OFF Deactivate accelerator pedal
in mode 1
14) [FE28] ON/OFF Deactivate PTO if gear not in neutral
Scania CV AB 2005-01:1 27
PTO mode 5 The speed request becomes the set point for the
same governor as for the other PTO modes. This
The speed is controlled by CAN messages 3) governor has two stiffnesses that also can be cho-
TSC1-TE or TSC1-KE. sen in the same CAN message4).
The speed is optional with a resolution of It is also possible to choose5) if it should be possi-
0.125 rpm/bit, limited by low or high idle. The ble to overrev using the accelerator pedal or not.
low idle is decreased to 450 rpm as long as PTO
mode 5 is active.
EEPROM parameters
2) [FCB1] - normal high idle
28 Scania CV AB 2005-01:1
Flash diagnosis
When the control unit discovers a fault and gener- It is possible erase the flash code memory by
ates a fault code, the diagnostic lamp is lit as long depressing the diagnostic button and at the same
as the fault is active. The lamp is also illuminated time turning on U15 to start up the system. It’s
for 1 s at start up (U15 -> ON) and also at shut only the flash codes that are erased, the fault
down (U15 -> OFF) as long as the control unit is codes are still stored in the memory. The button
functioning, ( the speed has fallen to 0 and EEP- should be depressed 2.5 s minimum and be
ROM writing is finished). released within 10 s maximum.
By depressing a button10) , it is possble to have the A flash code can consist of several fault codes.
lamp to flash out a flash code that describes what For instance flash code 14 tells that there is some-
is wrong6). The codes are flashed out with a long thing wrong with the coolant temp. sensor but not
flash for units of ten and a short flash for units of if it’s a shortcut to earth, BAT+, signal missing or
one. E. g. one long flash and four short flashes if the value is not plausible.
mean flash code 14. Each of the these faults will generate a separate
This applies for all stored faults, even for the fault code, but only one flash code.
faults that are not active. If there is no fault, the The diagnostic button depressing is received in a
lamp will be on for a time period of 4 s5). CAN message10) and the flashing is sent in a CAN
Scania CV AB 2005-01:1 29
Starting process
The start mode can have three different status Control of starter motor
They are:
The starter motor can be controlled by the EMS
- STRT_BEFORE when the voltage (U15) is via CAN or by other systems.
turned on and the speed is < 50 rpm.
If the starter motor is to be controlled by the EMS,
- STRT_ACTIVE when the speed is > 50 rpm. the EEPROM parameter1) has to be set. Then the
input is checked against no connection (error code
- STRT_AFTER when the speed is above the 6600) and short cut (error code 6601).
idle speed.
If the parameter is set, the EMS receives a start
As long as the status is STRT_ACTIVE, alpha is request on CAN2) and the starter logic controls the
determined from a start alpha map and the fuel is relay.
controlled by the start logic independently of the
If the engine speed has been 0 rpm for at least
accelerator pedal position.
0.2 s, the relay is activated for max 64 s. If the
When the status is changed to STRT_AFTER, max time is reached, error code 6606 is generated.
alpha and delta are controlled by the normal gov- When the engine speed reaches 450 rpm, the relay
ernors. The status is changed from STRT_AFTER is deactivated.
to STRT_BEFORE when the speed has fallen
A blind start control is also performed by check-
under 200 rpm again.
ing the voltage drop. If a blind start is detected, a
The fuel injection is delayed, at first a period of new start request is demanded. This is done a
time dependent of the coolant temperature to maximum of 5 times. After that error code 6605 is
warm up the cylinders a little before the fuel is generated.
After that the fuel amount is determined from a
coolant temp. and speed dependent map. If the
engine has not started within a certain period of
time, the fuel amount is ramped up to the maxi-
mum value.
Output terminal AUX_ACT is activated when the
status is STRT_AFTER.
The output terminal can be used for indication of
that the engine has started.
EEPROM parameters
1) [FD1D] 25D*) (0/1) - CAN start ON/OFF
*) Optional in the order ref. list in DHB
30 Scania CV AB 2005-01:1
Engine tests
There are two engine tests that can be started from Compression test
an after sales tool type ECOM, Fall-down test and
Compression test. The tests are meant to facilitate An important requirement is that the engine has a
trouble shooting and hopefully they can point out starter motor that is controlled by the EMS. The
a faulty injector or cylinder. engine is cranked with the starter motor without
See also ECOM, User Manual. fuel and the time periods between optional holes
in the flywheel around TDC are measured.
The result is time periods for each cylinder that
Fall-down test can be compared with one another in order to find
out if any cylinder deviates from the others.
The fall-down test is used for the purpose of
pointing out a faulty injector. The test is rather
blunt and singles out faults of great magnitude.
The test is performed in the following way. The
engine is revved up to a specified speed. Then all
of the injectors are shut off except one that contin-
ues to inject fuel. The speed will drop and the time
between two determined speeds is measured.
The procedure is repeated for every cylinder. The
times can then be compared with one another in
order to find out if any cylinder deviates from the
Scania CV AB 2005-01:1 31
32 Scania CV AB 2005-01:1
Alternator control
The number of alternators controlled by the EMS
is stated in EEPROM parameter1). It can have val-
ues 0,1 or 2.
When the engine has started, the alternator (s) is
activated via output ALT_u15:1 and ALT_u15:2.
The charging signal from the alternator (s) is eval-
uated on input ALT 1-61 and ALT 2-61.
The charging status is sent on CAN2). With two
alternators the message “Generator not charging”
is sent as soon as one of the alternators does not
- if alternator 1 is not charging despite that it’s
activated, error code 6702 is generated.
- if alternator 1 is charging despite that it’s deac-
tivated, error code 6703 is generated.
- if alternator 2 is not charging despite that it’s
activated, error code 6802 is generated.
- if alternator 2 is charging despite that it’s deac-
tivated, error code 6803 is generated.
EEPROM parameters
1) [FCE7] 25E*) (0 / 1 / 2) - Number of alternators
*) Optional in the order ref. list in DHB
Scania CV AB 2005-01:1 33