PDF - Downturn Concepts BOD Panel 2022-06-096
PDF - Downturn Concepts BOD Panel 2022-06-096
PDF - Downturn Concepts BOD Panel 2022-06-096
JUNE 2022
● Limited capital means ecosystem must raise the bar on our R&D. No longer
Good & Great… Now just Great.
● Small companies can find synergies: look for (3-1)+(2-1)=5 (not just 3)
● Better to pursue R&D (internal or acquired) with a mandate from majority of
like-minded shareholders (with amplified upside) than to battle activists
seeking a distribution of cash.
This material is provided for discussion purposes only and is not intended to solicit investments in the fund, nor does it constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation to buy, or a recommendation for any security. 1
To ensure that our ecosystem’s current cash constraints impair as little of our
collective R&D efforts as possible.
The invisible hand of the tightening market doesn’t have to decide what R&D
survives. We have agency and can be deliberate in channeling our limited capital if
we work with the market instead of denying it.
There is merit to our every biomedical pursuit, but not equal merit.
The best of our R&D must progress and succeed so that we have the opportunity to
come back for the rest, if it’s still needed.
Just as a large company prioritizes programs when cash flow shrinks, so is rational capital
allocation possible at the level of our whole ecosystem (sometimes talking it through
requires reading some “signals”).
Boards must act quickly.
1 Why this biotech downturn is different from all past ones and needs new tools
8 Reverse mergers (how they can work and why they are harder to pull off than many
boards appreciate)
JUNE 9 2022 5
More transformative R&D than ever (2008 still had a lot of
reformulations and other “re stuff”) facing the deepest downturn
since at least 2008 (maybe even 2002) with more companies than
ever trading below cash, many below their dissolution values,
and with higher burn/market cap ratios than ever.
Done a Executed a
down round? reverse merger?
JUNE 9 2022 14
We asked 54 small companies (public and private) what in their
pipeline was really precious to them
2. If public, ask yourself whether shelving the program would make the stock
go up or down. If not down, then not precious to shareholders.
3. Whether public or private, ask yourself if investors will fund this program
when you need them to. If no, not so precious.
2. If public, ask yourself whether shelving the program would make the stock
go up or down. If not down, then not precious to shareholders.
3. Whether public or private, ask yourself if investors will fund this program
when you need them to. If no, not so precious.
$60M market cap, $90M cash, $60M burn rate (18 months of cash).
$60M market cap, $90M cash, $60M burn rate (18 months of cash).
18 months
$60M market cap, $90M cash, $60M burn rate (18 months of cash).
Have funds to get Phase 1 data on Program X in 9 months and then need 2 years to build
manufacturing and run a Phase 2.
18 months
Phase 1 Phase 2
data data
What’s your runway What will Program X How much will you
if you focus on look like when you need to raise at that
Program X? next need to raise? time?
18 months
Phase 1 Phase 2
data data
What’s your runway What will Program X How much will you Do you think investors
if you focus on look like when you need to raise at that or partner will give
Program X? next need to raise? time? you what you need?
Maybe yes.
What’s your runway What will Program X How much will you Do you think investors
if you focus on look like when you need to raise at that or partner will give
Program X? next need to raise? time? you what you need?
18 months
Phase 1 Phase 2
data data
JUNE 9 2022 24
No synergy unless companies use joint cash to fund the best of
their combined R&D… and identify other sources of value
Company $
Company $
No real synergy
A and B each cut spend over 6 months, then merge, but stick to own programs.
DOWNTURN CONCEPTS AND TOOLS A’s cuts extend runway but slower manufacturing delay data.
Company A Company B Combined
A and B each cut spend over 6 months, then merge, but stick to own programs.
…and together can advance A’s program faster, generating data sooner
with runway to spare.
Runway 2.75y (Data never) 1.5y (Data never) 2.4y (Data 1.5)
…and together can advance A’s program faster, generating data sooner
with runway to spare.
Runway 2.75y (Data never) 1.5y (Data never) 2.4y (Data 1.5)
…and together can advance A’s program faster, generating data sooner
with runway to spare.
Runway 2.75y (Data never) 1.5y (Data never) 2.4y (Data 1.5)
Each company makes cuts AND together are more than their parts.
FOR BIOTECH BOARDS (3-1)+(2-1)=5 (not just 3) THIS is synergy.
JUNE 9 2022 33
and lined up COMPANY A’s ETS
Elephant Tango
During 1x1,
line up ETSs
& explore synergies
Might these be
real synergies?
Can B make A's product?
Can B's people help A?
Which has the more
promising R&D?
Elephant = overview
Takes two to Tango COMPANY B’s ETS How far could joint cash fund
the best of their R&D?
Slide cause Slide
So those who act first are more likely to help their employees find
new jobs.
JUNE 9 2022 37
Company C’s lead program yields disappointing results
$ Cash of $100M ($4/share with 25M shares) And… if there are assets to
sell (e.g. royalties), add
Minus: current liabilities those.
Minus: severance costs
Minus: contract termination fees
Minus: non-cancellable commitments (incl. lease)
Minus: D&O tail
Let’s say stock was at $20 and trial fails. Company has a dissolution value of $2/share,
so you would think it would drop by 90% to $2/share.
If investors are not inspired by what’s left of the business plan, who would buy at $2?
Only those willing to do the work of accessing the company’s cash, so they may not buy
until stock is far enough below $2 to make activism worthwhile… e.g. $1/share.
That’s a 95% loss for sellers (hardly feels different than a 90% loss) but offers 100%
upside to dissolution for buyers.
JUNE 9 2022 45
How to recognize when management doesn't have a mandate from
shareholders to continue to run the business
Discuss all this right now as a board. Don’t wait for the next board meeting.
If you have more questions on exactly how to do any of this, talk to your attorneys. Reach out to Dan.
JUNE 9 2022 53
Company C is trading below dissolution value; they started pre-clinical studies for a
follow-on compound that looks much more potent than their recently-failed lead
Company C has 25M shares outstanding
Cash of $100M,
or $4/share
$ Cash of $80M,
or $3.2/share
Dissolution value of $60M,
or $2.4/share
DV Dissolution value of $45M,
or $1.8/share
↔ Trading at $40M, DV
or $1.6/share
Status of follow-on
compound Preclinical Phase 1
2.35 2 17 39.95
2.40 1 18 43.20
2.50 1 19 47.50
2.55 1 20 51.00
Total 20 20 51.00
2.40 1 18 43.20
2.50 1 19 47.50
2.55 1 20 51.00
Total 20 20 51.00
2.55 1 20 51.00
Total 20 20 51.00
2.25 10 10 22.50
2.30 5 15 34.50
Bid within the range; price is set at 2.4
2.35 2 17 39.95 C can buy back 16.7M shares (40/2.4)
2.40 1 18 43.20
2.50 1 19 47.50
Bid too high, not filled
2.55 1 20 51.00
Total 20 20 51.00
Bid Shares Proceeds Shares bought
price Bid (M) ($M) back at $2.4/share (M) Skip the Dutch Auction and
2.25 10 22.2 9.3 just self tender at one price.
2.30 5 11.1 4.6 Price needs to be close
2.35 2 4.4 1.9
enough to dissolution value
so that activists have no
2.40 1 2.2 0.9 incentive to opt out of the
tender to fight for
Total 18 40 16.7
Going Dutch has benefit of
giving shareholders more
agency even if outcome
to allocate to
share repurchase
*Consult w/ both legal
Tender Offer
counsel, and 3rd party
financial experts
● Speed: can execute start to finish in ~2-3 months
Fixed Price
● No volume limitations (other than need to maintain
>300 record holders to stay on NASDAQ
● Can set max and min
MNPI? ● Expert proxy solicitor will do the legwork Dutch Action
Can’t do share buyback
while in possession of MNPI PROS: Enable price discovery
Before After
buyback buyback
Happy to be out
of the stock for
Believers represent majority of shareholders,
so management has a mandate again!
Now Company C is concentrated in the hands of investors who
are excited about the preclinical program (the believers)
Happy to be out
of the stock for Some lawyers will say “don’t worry about activists - you
$2.4/share! have lots of tools to keep them at bay”.
But do you want to be dragged through that?
The believers will fund the preclinical program if it works
Company C has 8.3M shares outstanding
PC data
Status of follow-on
compound Preclinical Phase 1
Otherwise, C will
have retained
enough cash to
$40M buyback
manage an orderly
wind-down or maybe
reverse merge.
Cash of $45M,
or $5.4/share
Status of follow-on
compound Preclinical Phase 1
JUNE 9 2022 70
What do activists want
and how should you respond to them?
Activists typically seek one or more of the following:
• Board representation and corporate governance changes, usually to affect:
• Asset divestitures, program prioritization and cost-cutting
• Capital re-allocation through special distributions or self-tenders
• Sale of company
It is typically best practice to engage with an activist as you would any other major shareholder
• Respond quickly to requests to speak or meet
• Consider the merits of any concerns and proposals
• Be prepared to discuss the range of alternatives management and the board have considered and why those alternatives
were rejected
Ultimately, activists seek to generate shareholder value by pushing for changes they believe a
management team and board are reluctant to consider on their own
• Know thy shareholders – Do your shareholders quietly support change?
• With the humble is wisdom – Reassess current long-range plan in light of any recent changes
• Trust but verify – Assume good intentions but prepare a “defense team”
Activists will publicly shred your arguments and leave an eternal record
that reflects on every board member and executive.
Will your arguments for how you plan to create shareholder value stand up?
JUNE 9 2022 73
When do Reverse Mergers work?
When you have a mandate from investors
How can you tell? The stock likely goes up above dissolution value before vote.
Average 2-Year
Average 2-Year
Reverse Merger
Post-IPO Return:
-59.9% 30.6%
(p=value = 0.0064)
DOWNTURN CONCEPTS AND TOOLS * Sourced from analysis published by Torreya Capital LLC on May 31, 2022, entitled, “Do Reverse Mergers Create Value?
FOR BIOTECH BOARDS A Study of Biotech Reverse Mergers and Associated Alternatives”.
JUNE 9 2022 76
PrivCo incentives in a Reverse Merger
PubCo overpays for PrivCo. Everyone tries to get out. Stock drops.
Consider: If PrivCo shareholders aren’t eager to invest, why would others want to?
Bankers often won’t IPO a company without strong insider demand. Same rules apply to
Reverse Mergers.
PubCo overpays for PrivCo. Everyone tries to get out. Stock drops.
Do PIPEs help?
Sells candidate to JNJ for $26M
Commits to issuing dividend of all excess
cash from deal.
But wait!
What to do with the shell?
Yumanity will reverse merge with Kineta.
How will Kineta get cash?
Yumanity will do a concurrent PIPE.