E-Cell DSCOE IIT Bombay - 2018 19

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Course Booklet – Academic Year 2018-19

DSCfE Mission & Vision
Vision: To emerge as a platform for innovation, enterprise building and
entrepreneurship research in technology and science

Mission: To create further value for the entrepreneurial ecosystem by

nurturing new ideas, research and enterprise building for the leaders and
nation builders of tomorrow
DSCfE Courses & Degree
Courses: 8 Courses with 36 credits total on elective / audit basis.

Eligibility: 2nd-4th year B.Tech., M.Tech. & Ph.D. students

Methodology: Action-Learning format where students work on real world

business problems and develop live solutions which can potentially be
developed into New Technology Ventures

Degree: B.Tech. (Minor) in Entrepreneurship for eligible students

DSCfE Course Descriptions – Academic Year 2018 19
Course Course Title Semester Course Course
# Code Description Length Credit Instructor

1. ENT 201 Introduction to Entrepreneurship Autumn 6 Prof. Anand Kusre

ENT 603 Full Prof. Raj Jaswa
This is an introductory course in Semester
entrepreneurship and is designed to acquaint
students with the evolution and impact of
entrepreneurship on business and society. It
introduces the students to the importance and
application of techniques of innovation and
creativity to the generation of new ideas. The
course helps the students to understand the
process of transformation of ideas into
business opportunities.
DSCfE Course Descriptions – Academic Year 2018 19
Course Course Title Semester Course Course
# Code Description Length Credit Instructor
2. ENT 207 Business Fundamentals for Autumn 3 Prof. Anand Kusre
ENT 605 Technopreneurs First Half Prof. Devdip
The course enables students to learn the basics Semester Purkayastha
of business. This course is designed to inculcate
team building skills in students and help them
appreciate the issues in establishing a new
venture. This course introduces the student to
building and managing an effective board of
directors, different selling skills and sales
strategies vital to the survival of a startup. In
addition, topics related to viral marketing,
executing a global market strategy, negotiating
VC deals, sales deals and business deals are
also discussed. The students are also groomed
on presentation skills for communicating
effectively with customers, employees and
DSCfE Course Descriptions – Academic Year 2018 19
Course Course Title Semester Course Course
# Code Description Length Credit Instructor
3. ENT 209 Managing Technological Innovation Autumn 3 Prof. Anand Kusre
ENT 607 Second Half Prof. Vinay
This course starts by introducing the students Semester Dabholkar
to the importance and challenges of
management of technological innovation. The
concepts are strengthened further by sharing
the business contexts, types and sources of
innovation. An important topic covered under
the course discusses techniques used to
capture and deliver value from innovation.
Technology evolution cycles and disruptive
innovations are also discussed in the class
along with design standards.
DSCfE Course Descriptions – Academic Year 2018 19
Course Course Title Semester Course Course
# Code Description Length Credit Instructor

4. ENT 204 Developing a Proof-of-Concept (Basic) Autumn 6 Prof. P.

ENT 606 Full Kumaresan
The course is designed to enable students in Semester Prof. Milind Atrey
converting their ideas with commercial
potential into a tangible product/service. In
addition to helping them understand the new
product development process, it helps the
students in learning to integrate the needs of
the end-consumer into the new product
development process. In this course the
students are expected to use the new product
development process to conceive their own
new product or service.
DSCfE Course Descriptions – Academic Year 2018 19
Course Course Title Semester Course Course
# Code Description Length Credit Instructor
5. ENT 206 Developing a Proof-of-Concept Spring 6 Prof. P.
ENT 608 (Advanced) Full Kumaresan
This advanced course in developing a proof-of- Semester Prof. Milind Atrey
concept for a product idea is an extension of the
basic course, which must be taken first before a
student can enroll for this course. The students in this
course are expected to enhance, improve and extend
the features of the products developed in the basic
course in the previous semester. Now they are
expected to obtain customer feedback and perform a
customer validation exercise. The students are
expected to explore the possibility of commercializing
the technology product ideas. The performance of the
students is evaluated on the working models
developed for product testing, learning in iterations
and skills imbibed during the prototype building
DSCfE Course Descriptions – Academic Year 2018 19
Course Course Title Semester Course Course
# Code Description Length Credit Instructor
6. ENT 210 Marketing for Entrepreneurs Spring 3 Prof. Anand
ENT 604 This course is designed for the unique marketing needs of First Half Kusre
entrepreneurs. The course starts with an introduction to the
Semester Prof. Devdip
evolution of the discipline of marketing management. The
students learn to appreciate the role of marketing within the Purkayastha
startup framework through techniques of problem identification
and market research. They learn to segment customers and
develop focus for launch. They develop the customer value
proposition and techniques for accelerated product/solution
design. They undergo modules in lean marketing strategy for
new ventures and early stage positioning, branding and
communication. The student teams are taught pricing and
commercial strategies during new product introductions. Due to
the course’s focus on entrepreneurship the students are taught
techniques for managing marketing spend and measuring RoI.
They also learn techniques of test marketing a new
product/solution, competitive defense/differentiation and scaling
up for profitability.
DSCfE Course Descriptions – Academic Year 2018 19
Course Course Title Semester Course Course
# Code Description Length Credit Instructor

7. ENT 205 Intellectual Property for Entrepreneurs Spring 3 Prof. Milind Atrey
ENT 601 Second Half Prof. Raj Hirwani
In this course students are introduced to the Semester
discipline of Intellectual Property. They are
also taught the fundamentals of the Patenting
process. The other topics covered in this
course are Patent Informatics, Copyrights and
Designs (including graphic and interaction
design), Trade Marks, Service, Branding,
Trade Secrets and other forms of IP. It is
ensured that students receive ample exposure
to Industry specific IP issues through
representative case studies. The students are
also taught IP Management and IP Issues in
DSCfE Course Descriptions – Academic Year 2018 19
Course Course Title Semester Course Course
# Code Description Length Credit Instructor
8. ENT 208 Technology Venture Creation Spring 6 Prof. Anand Kusre
ENT 602 Full Prof. Raj Jaswa
This course is designed to take the participating Semester
student teams through all the stages of a new
venture creation with critical inputs from mentors
leading to business proposals which are assessed at
the end of the semester by faculty, experts and
venture capitalists. This course focuses on converting
technology ideas into business opportunities through
important topics such as opportunity assessment and
assessing technology ideas in terms of market
opportunity and market validation of the product idea.
The students are also exposed to the process of fund
raising and IP management in the early and later
stages of the development of a startup.

For more details & enrolment contact

022 2576 5382 / [email protected]

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