Operator D Technique

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LECTURE 5: Operator Techniques

Lawal G.S

University of Ibadan
[email protected]

April 24, 2021

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Operator Techniques

Operator Techniques

When a0 , a1 , ..., an are constants, the equation

φ(D)y = R(x)

can be written in factored form as

a0 (D − m1 )(D − m2 )...(D − mn )y = R(x) (2.2)

where m1 , m2 , ..., mn are constants and where the other of the factors
(D − m1 )(D − m2 ), ..., (D − mn ) is immaterial. This is not true if
a0 , a1 , ..., an are not constants.The constants, m1 , m2 , ..., mn are the root
of the auxiliary equation and the complementary solution is

y = c1 e m1 x + c2 e m2 x + ... + cn e mn x

To obtain particular solutions,we use the following operator methods:

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Method of Reduction of order

I.Method of Reduction of order:

a0 (D − m2 )(D − m3 )...(D − mn )y = Y1
then (2.2) becomes
(D − m1 )Y1 = R(x)
which can be solved for Y1 . Also let

a0 (D − m3 )(D − m4 )...(D − mn )y = Y2

so that
(D − m2 )Y2 = Y1
which can be solved for Y2 .By continuing in this manner, y can be
obtained. This method yields the general solution if all arbitrary constants
are kept, while it yields a particular solution if the constants are omitted.

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Method of Reduction of order

II.Method of Inverse Operators:

be defined as a particular solution, yp such that

φ(D)yp = R(x)
We call φ(D) an inverse operator.By reference to the entries in the
following table, the labour in finding particular solution of φ(D)y = R(x)
is often reduced.

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Method of Reduction of order

Table of Inverse Operator

e mx e −mx R(x)dx
(D−m) R(x)
e m1 x e −m1 x e m2 x ... e −mn−1 x e m
(D−m1 )(D−m2 )...(D−mn ) R(x)
1 px e px
φ(D) e φ(p) if φ(p) 6= 0
1 cos(px+q)
φ(D 2 )
cos(px + q) φ(−p 2 )
if φ(−p 2 ) 6= 0
1 sin(px+q)
φ(D 2 )
sin(px + q) if φ(−p 2 ) 6= 0
φ(−p 2 )
1 p k p
φ(D) x = (c0 + c1 D + ... + ck D +)x (c0 + c1 D + ... + cp D p )x p
1 px 1
φ(D) e F (x) e px φ(D+p) F (x)

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Method of Reduction of order

Examples I:

1 4x
Evaluate D−2 (e )
Using the formula
(e 4x )
D −2
= e 2x e −2x e 4x dx

= e 4x

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Method of Reduction of order

Example II:
Evaluate (3e −2x )
(D + 1)(D − 2)
Using the formula;
(3e −2x )
(D + 1)(D − 2)
1 1
= (3e −2x )
D +1 D −2
1 2x −2x −2x
= e e (3e )dx
D +1
1 3 −2x
= − e
D +1 4
3 3
= e −x e x (− e −2x )dx = e −2x
4 4
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Method of Reduction of order

Using Partial fraction
(3e −2x )
(D + 1)(D − 2)
" #
−1 1
= 3
+ 3
(3e −2x )
D +1 D −2
1 1
=− (e −2x ) + (e −2x )
D +1 D −2
−x x −2x
= −e e (e )dx + e 2x
e −2x (e −2x )dx

= e −2x

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Method of Reduction of order

Example III:
1 px e px
Prove that e = if φ(p) 6= 0.
φ(D) φ(p)
By definition;

φ(D) = a0 (x)D n + a1 (x)D n−1 + a2 (x)D n−2 + ... + an−1 (x)D + an (x)

where a0 , a1 , ..., an are constants. Then,

φ(D)e px = a0 D n + a1 D n−1 + a2 D n−2 + ... + an−1 D + an e px

= a0 p n + a1 p n−1 + a2 p n−2 + ... + an−1 p + an e px

= φ(p)e px

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Method of Reduction of order

Example IV:
Find the general solution of (D 2 − 3D + 2)y = e 5x using the result in
(Example III):
The complementary solution is;

yc = c1 e x + c2 e 2x

Using the result above, the particular solution is;

1 5x 1 5x e 5x
yp = e = e =
D 2 − 3D + 2 (52 ) − 3(5) + 2 12

Hence the general solution is;

e 5x
y = c1 e x + c2 e 2x +

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Method of Reduction of order

Example V:

Find the general solution of (D 2 + 1)y = cos 2x

The complementary solution is;

yc = c1 cos x + c2 sin x

U̇sing the result in the table,

1 cos(px + q)
cos(px + q) = if φ(−p 2 ) 6= 0
φ(D ) φ(−p 2 )

then we have
1 1 1
yp = cos 2x = cos 2x = − cos 2x
D2 +1 (−4 + 1) 3

Hence the required general solution is y = c1 cos x + c2 sin x − 31 cos 2x

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Method of Reduction of order

Example VI:
Evaluate D 3 +D 2 +2D−1
cos 2x
Using the result in example IV,

1 cos(px + q)
cos(px + q) = if φ(−p 2 ) 6= 0
φ(D 2 ) φ(−p 2 )

then we have
1 1
cos 2x = cos 2x
D3 + D2 + 2D − 1 D(−4) − 4 + 2D − 1

1 (2D − 5) (2D − 5)
− cos 2x = − 2 cos 2x = − cos 2x
2D + 5 4D − 25 4(−4) − 25
1 1
= (2D − 5) cos 2x = (−4 sin 2x − 5 cos 2x)
41 41
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Method of Reduction of order

Example VII:
Evaluate (D 3 + D)y = e −2x cos 2x
Using the formula in the table;
1 px 1
e F (x) = e px F (x)
φ(D) φ(D + p)

1 1
yp = e −2x cos 2x = e −2x cos 2x
D3 +D 3
(D − 2) + D − 2
1 1
= e −2x cos 2x = e −2x cos 2x
D 3 − 6D 2 + 13D − 10 −4D + 24 + 13D − 10
1 9D − 14
= e −2x cos 2x = e −2x cos 2x
9D + 14 81D 2 − 196

e −2x e −2x
= (9D − 14) cos 2x = (9 sin 2x + 7 cos 2x)
81(−4) − 196 260
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