Physics Lab Report 4 Projectile Motion
Physics Lab Report 4 Projectile Motion
Physics Lab Report 4 Projectile Motion
Section: 07209
Group Members:
Justin Pedroza
Hang Nguyen
Jake Truong
Nathan Shroeder
Maria Estrada
This experiment aimed to investigate the range of a projectile, which is the horizontal
distance traveled by the projectile from one point to another, from a variety of angles to
determine whether or not the results were consistent with a theoretical model of the projectile.
Newton's first law of motion and the acceleration caused by gravity are notions that impact the
trajectory of a projectile. The PhET’s simulation model is used to explore various elements of
projectile motion and trajectory in this lab. The PhET's simulation had a capability that allowed
us to make the angle to be modified and a little ball that could be placed within. There were six
components to this experiment that we examined. After all six components of the experiment
were examined, we displayed the average values of the angles chosen against the theoretical
model to demonstrate their relationship. The accuracy of this experiment is demonstrated by the
fact that the results are within the +/-5 percent tolerance zones. Any potential sources of
inaccuracy were investigated. As a result of this lab, we had a better grasp of projectile motion.
Projectile Motion
A projectile is defined as, an object thrown with some initial velocity, which is then
allowed to move under the action of gravity alone, without being propelled by any engine or fuel.
Its trajectory is the path followed by a projectile. The projectile moves at a constant speed in the
Therefore, the acceleration of gravity is in the negative direction based on our assigned axis with
throughout the projectile’s entire range of motion. The equation used to calculate the position at
x=V x t
Vertical motion of a projectile
Due to gravity’s downward pull, the vertical velocity changes throughout the entire range
of motion. The equation used to calculate the vertical velocity at any given time is shown below,
V y =V oy −g t
V oy is the initial velocity in the vertical or y-direction.
To calculate the full distance, the position in the y-direction, we used y o , which represents the
original position in the y-direction. To evaluate this we use the following equation,
1 2
y f = y o +V oy t− g t
Acceleration for a projectile near the Earth's surface is the value of gravity in the negative
direction: -9.8 m/s2. We use the value just stated when solving problems. As well as when a
projectile is launched horizontally, a ball rolls off a table, a car runs off the edge of a cliff, etc.
V = √ V x 2+V y 2
At Maximum Height
A projectile at the maximum height of its trajectory maintains its constant horizontal
velocity (V x ¿ yet its vertical velocity drops to zero ( V y =0 ). Thus the only velocity component
acting on the projectile is its horizontal velocity, V x. Allowing us a piece of supporting evidence
that the horizontal speed does indeed stay constant throughout the projectile’s entire path of
motion. Yet at the top of a projectile's arc we still see that gravity (the projectiles acceleration in
the negative direction) is still being applied towards the earths surface. Thus, the acceleration at
the top is still 9.8 m/s2 in the negative direction showing this is a constant force throughout. To
find the maximum height we can use the equation denoted below:
V o2 sin2 θ
Range of Projectile Motion
The entire distance or range (R) a projectile is launched can be determined by using a fairly
When a projectile is launched at a steep angle, its max height is much larger and its time
spent in the air is much longer than if it was launched from a smaller angle.
Part 1
As stated above in this lab we are asked to analyze six steps. In the first step of our experiment,
we look at the projectile's position, velocity, and acceleration. We set the simulation with the
launch height of the cannon at zero meters (flush with the ground surface), a starting angle of
55°, and an initial velocity set at 15m/s. Using the data probe in the simulation, we recorded the
highest point of the cannon ball’s trajectory, the time to reach that point, the landing coordinates
for the cannonball, and the total time in the air. We then used the equations stated above in the
Part 2
In our second step of the experiment, we want to see how the projectile's trajectory would
be affected by changing its initial speed. We used the same launch angle and height from Part 1,
but varied the initial speed of the cannon ball to see how this would effect the projectile’s
Figure 2: Image showing the changing path of travel at different initial velocities.
Range at max Time at max
initial Speed Max Height (y) Range (x) Time at Range
Height Height
5m/s 0.85m 1.2m 0.42s 2.39m 0.84s
10m/s 3.42m 4.79m 0.84s 9.58m 1.67s
15m/s 7.69m 10.78m 1.25s 21.55m 2.51s
18m/s 11.08m 15.52m 1.5s 31.04m 3.01s
20m/s 13.68m 19.16m 1.67s 38.32m 3.34s
Table 2: Simulation data of the paths of travel at various initial speeds
Part 3
The third step is to determine the best initial velocity to maximize height. We again set
the launch height at 0m, and the initial speed at 15m/s, but varied the angle in order to determine
the best angle to achieve the maximum height of the projectile. Below is a list of acquired values
from the simulation as well as obtained through our equations for height stated in abstract.
Part 4
Following this, in step four we have a target practice experiment which is to identify the
orientation needed for the cannon to strike a target. We are asked to set the target at 19.9m from
the launch position with a 0m launch height and initial speed again set to 15m/s and find the
angle that will hit the bullseye. We concluded that both 30° & 60° both hit the bullseye.
Figure 4: launch angles to strike the middle of the target
After hitting the target and finding 2 different angles which both achieve the same range,
we then experiment with more angles to find different pairs which would also achieve equal
range. By looking at the relationship between these different angles, we see that if two angles are
equally separated from 45°, they will achieve the same range.
Part 5
Next, in part five, we examined the cannon's orientation of the projectile trajectory. We
again began with a launch height of 0m and initial speed of 15m/s, then experimented with
angles that would helps achieve the greatest range. Maximum range was achieved by an angle of
35 21.55 4.74
40 22.59 3.77
45 22.94 5.73
50 22.59 6.73
After experimenting with different launch angles, we then experiment with different
initial speeds to see how this affects the maximum height and maximum range. Specifically, we
look at the ratio of Maximum Height to Range at 45° across a variety of initial speeds.
Figure 5a: Different initial speeds with the same launch angle
Initial Speed Max Height
Max Range (m) Ratio ( ¿ Round up ratio (3sigs)
(m/s) (m)
Table 5b: Ratio of Max Range to Max Height at different initial speeds
We are then asked to raise the launch height to 10m, with an initial velocity of 15m/s, and
experiment with launch angles to achieve the greatest range from this elevated starting position.
From this height maximum range is achieved at a 35° launch angle, 10° lower (closer to
horizontal) than the 45° launch angle which produced the greatest range when launched from the
ground surface. In figure 5b we see that the lower the launch angle the flatter the trajectory.
Presumably, if we raise the cannon an additional 10m for a total height of 20m, we would see an
Figure 5b: Launch height set to 10 meters above the ground surface.
Part 6
Finally, to wrap up our experiment in our final step, we briefly examined how the air
resistance on the cannon's orientation affects the projectile's maximum range. Here we set the
launch height back down to 0 m, and our initial speed to 25 m/s. We then launch a simulated
golf ball at 30° and 60°, with and without air resistance selected in the simulation, and compare
the maximum range and time of flight. The choice of a golf ball in this part is because the
object’s lighter weight than the canon ball, which will demonstrate more clearly the air
resistance’s impact on the object’s path. The two main subjects we will discuss on this part will
Figure 6: Comparison of flight paths with air resistance (purple paths) and without (blue paths)
With air resistance Without air resistance
Angle (o) Max range (m) Flight time (s) Max Range (m) Flight time (s)
simulation and data obtained by our equations and noticed that our calculations provide more
precise values, whereas the simulation provides values to the hundredth (2 decimal places).
However, our calculations are consistent with the simulated data if rounded to the same 2
decimal places. The only real deviation we see is in our Maximum Height calculation from Part
3, which would round to 7.70m. This may be the result of incorrect rounding practices during
our intermediate calculations (i.e. not including enough decimal places), resulting in small
rounding errors. This would suggest the necessity to include several decimal places beyond the
significant figures so as to avoid such rounding errors. We also want to note that Parts 1 through
5 of the lab are performed in the absence of air resistance, eliminating those associated variables.
initial speed raises the maximum height and range of the projectile proportionally, effectively
scaling the parabolic arc of movement according to the change in initial speed.
In Part 3 plugging in different launch angle values to our height equation suggests that a
launch angle of 90° (vertical launch) should see our cannonball achieve its highest possible path
of travel. The simulation confirms this, with both the simulation and calculation resulting in a
maximum height of 11.47 meters, higher than any other launch angle scenarios. Here again we
see our calculations and the simulated data are generally consistent. We see a slight variation at
the 55° setting. As with previous inconsistencies, this may be due to reducing decimal places
accuracy is limited. However, based on our calculation, we see that a range of 19.9m can be
achieved at 60.2° or 29.8°, so 60° and 30° in the simulation land the cannonball very close to the
In Part 5 starting from a 35° launch angle and working our way up, we find that 45°
yields the greatest range of 22.94 meters, with the range dropping as the launch angle merges
In this experiment, it appears that, at any initial speed, the ratio of Range to Height seems
to stay around a 4:1 ratio. While this does seem to waiver as initial velocity drops below 12m/s,
it can’t be said that the ratio decreases with relation to speed, as the ratio for 5m/s is greater than
the ratio at 7m/s. This variation is more likely due to the imprecision of the simulator’s data,
In part 6 with the addition of air resistance, the first, and perhaps most predictable, the
difference is the reduced range at either angle coupled with shorter flight times respectively.
Another key difference is the difference in range for either angle in the presence of air resistance.
Without air resistance, 30° and 60° both achieve equal range. However, when air resistance is
introduced, the 60° launch angle lands short of its 30° counterpart. This is likely due to the
longer flight time, allowing air resistance to have a greater overall affect on the ball as it travels.
The impact of air resistance will however be discussed in greater detail as we progress into the