Artículo Ea2
Artículo Ea2
Artículo Ea2
Received: 15 March 2023 / Accepted: 22 August 2023 / Published online: 11 September 2023
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Indian Geotechnical Society 2023
Abstract According to the NEHRP (2003), the soil site input acceleration) of seismic wave was found to be in the
classes C, D and E are more responsible for the seismic wave range 0.35–3.0. Further, the results obtained from nonlin-
amplification; however, among these three site classes, the ear GRA also indicated that the seismic wave is amplified
site class E is more responsible for soil liquefaction. Based by 180%, but the deamplification by 50%. The increase of
on the borehole profiles and SPT-N values, collected from all pore water pressure ratio up to 0.93, with increasing seis-
48 sites within Bihar region, it was observed that the entire mic energy or higher PGA input motion, indicates the initia-
Bihar region comes under the range of site classes D and tion of soil liquefaction at most of the soil site. The results
E with the variations of Vs30 ranging from 180 to 360 m/s. indicated that the seismic GRA is significantly affected by
Therefore, an attempt has been made to perform nonlinear input motion and the soil variability. It can be stated that
seismic ground response analysis (GRA) of site classes D this study can be useful for the geotechnical engineers to
and E of Bihar region using DEEPSOIL software, since the design the earthquake-resistant structures; however, more
entire Bihar region comes under the seismic zone of III, IV experimental investigations are required to understand the
and V. Three acceleration time histories of different peak mechanism of soil liquefaction in the entire Bihar region.
ground acceleration (PGA) of 0.1 g, 0.26 g and 0.45 g indi- Further, this study can also be utilized for the development
cating low, moderately high and very high seismic hazard of surface level ground motion attenuation relationship for
scenarios, respectively, have been chosen for this analysis. the Bihar region. Overall, this study is one of the preliminary
The results obtained from seismic GRA have been presented investigations toward seismic microzonation study of Bihar
in terms of the variations of acceleration, amplification/ region, which can be useful for the development of disaster
deamplification of seismic waves, shear strain, shear stress management plan by providing seismic microzonation map.
ratio and pore water pressure along with the depth. The high
shear strains (greater than 0.5%) observed within the soil Keywords Ground response analysis · Site classes D and
deposit may cause permanent deformation in the ground E · Input motion · Shear wave velocity · Soil variability ·
resulting catastrophic damage to the existing structures. The Uncertainty
amplification factor (i.e., ratio of output acceleration to the
Indian Geotech J (April 2024) 54(2):358–393 359
of structures, ground shaking and seismic magnitude. Fig- the effect of seismic motion prior to the occurrence of
ure 1a–d indicates the results of ground shaking due to the seismic events. Seismic GRA is used to evaluate the free-
earthquakes. Therefore, it can be stated that the sustainable field response of seismic waves on the surface level based
infrastructure always requires the mitigation techniques or on the characteristics of soil deposits and the bed rock
tools to minimize these damages, since the earthquakes motions. This is one of the significantly important ways to
are a natural activity and cannot be stopped. Thus, to mit- see the potential amplifications of bedrock motion at the
igate or minimize the damages, geotechnical engineers surface level, which requires for the design of any struc-
have developed different methods to foresee the potential tures prior to the ground shaking. This GRA can be done
consequences of any seismic activity at any site of inter- by either by one-dimensional or two-dimensional analysis
est prior to the construction. Seismic ground response using equivalent linear (frequency-domain analysis) and
analysis (GRA) is one of the effective tools to analyze nonlinear (time-domain analysis) approaches [1]. Several
Fig. 1 Effect of ground shaking a during and b after 2015 Nepal earthquake, c structural response during earthquake and d structural response
after the earthquake [93]
360 Indian Geotech J (April 2024) 54(2):358–393
Table 1 Summary of the literature review
Reference GRA methodology and Software Region Remarks
Kumar et al. [4] Equivalent linear and nonlinear analysis, PLAXIS Kolkata, India Equivalent linear (EL) analysis gives conservative results as
compared to the nonlinear (NL) analysis
Simplified method fails to predict the liquefaction susceptibil-
ity at certain regions which are prone to liquefaction based
on EL and NL analyses
Ansari et al. [5] Equivalent linear using DEEPSOIL Jammu, India Emphasized on the significance of seismic response analyses
of foundation soil and superstructures for developing any
prospective earthquake-induced liquefaction mitigation
strategies to design and construction of any project in
Jammu and Kashmir
Silahtar [6] Nonlinear GRA, DEEPSOIL Arifiye (Sakarya District), Turkey Parameters required to design the earthquake-resistant
Indian Geotech J (April 2024) 54(2):358–393
Table 1 (continued)
Chandran and Anbazhagan [15] 2D nonlinear seismic site response using FLAC2D Peninsular India It was reported that the short-period amplification factor (Fc)
gives higher values than long period amplification factor
(Fs) in the case of stiff soil, whereas it shows reverse trend
in case of soft soil
The trend of Fc became more complex than that of the Fs,
especially in the case of stiff soil sites
Nguyen et al. [16] Nonlinear (NL) and equivalent linear (EQL) Normalized response spectra of EQL approach results are
higher than those of NL approach
Peak ground accelerations at the surface from EQL analyses
are greater than those of the NL method because the latter
generates a higher amount of nonlinearity
Shear strains obtained from NL method are closely matched
with those from the EQL method, the difference between
them increasing with a decrease in soil stiffness
Basu et al. [17] Equivalent linear and nonlinear analysis using DEEPSOIL Guwahati (India) Attenuation of ground acceleration is observed in most part
of the site for input motion peak bedrock acceleration
greater than 0.18 g. Higher value of spectral accelerations
was reported for stiffer soil site as comparison to the softer
Pawirodikromo [18] Nonlinear GRA using computer Yogyakarta, Indonesia PGA at ground surface was in the range of 0.398–0.412 g
program SHModel Site amplification of seismic wave and spectral amplification
was in the range of 1.40–1.43 and 1.22–1.39, respectively
It was reported that the damage of building is mostly caused
by the high levels of ground shaking; however, low-quality
materials were also responsible
Dammala and Krishna [19] Nonlinear analysis using DEEPSOIL Northeastern Loose or soft soil deposits amplify the incoming seismic
India waves from bed rock
Loosely compacted sand layers of northeastern region may
exhibits liquefaction up to a depth of 15 m from the surface
for the input motion PGA > 0.10 g
Bhusal et al. [20] Equivalent linear (EQL) and nonlinear (NL) GRA with Dharahara, Kathmandu, Nepal Design spectrum calculated lies in between NBC 105: 2020
DEEPSOIL and IS 1893:2016 (soil type D); therefore, the site-specific
seismic GRA has been recommended
Yildiz [21] Equivalent linear and nonlinear approach using DEEPSOIL Malatya, Turkey region Liquefaction potential as well as site amplification map near
the surface layer can be utilized by the engineers for the
planning and urban development in Malatya, Turkey region
Mase et al. [22] Equivalent linear seismic GRA; DEEPSOIL Bengkulu City, Indonesia PGA at ground surface is relatively higher in comparison to
the input motion
Peak ground acceleration in the study area ranges from 0.2 to
0.8 g, while the spectral acceleration varies between 0.5 and
1.5 and 0.4 and 0.8 g for periods of 0.2 and 1 s, respectively
Amplification factor of the site was observed to vary from 0.5
to 1.6
Indian Geotech J (April 2024) 54(2):358–393
Table 1 (continued)
Reference GRA methodology and Software Region Remarks
Yildiz [23] Equivalent linear and Nonlinear analysis, DEEPSOIL Istanbul Nonlinear analysis leads to the lower values of PGA and
spectral acceleration compared to the equivalent linear
analysis due to the over-predicted stiffness and under pre-
dicted damping for shear strains greater than the effective
shear strain
Amplification and deamplification were reported at the site
where soil deposits are relatively loose and dense, respec-
Puri and Jain [24] Nonlinear GRA using DEEPSOIL Haryana (India) Amplification factor for PGA was in the order of 0.531—
It was recommended that the site-specific design parameters
Indian Geotech J (April 2024) 54(2):358–393
Table 1 (continued)
Pandey et al. [29] Equivalent linear GRA using SHAKE2000 Uttarakhand (India) It was observed that the site amplification ratios were vary-
ing from 2.5 to 4.9 for different sites and, the normalized
response spectrum obtained from GRA was significantly
different than the response spectrum provided by IS
1893:2002 (Part-1)
It was also recommended that the study of site-effect need to
be carried out for all the strong motion stations since, local
soil conditions as well as local soil geology strongly influ-
ence the strong motion characteristics
Singhai et al. [30] Equivalent linear and nonlinear analysis using DEEPSOIL Guwahati (India) Generation of excess PWP indicates that there is a reduction
in stiffness and shear strength of soil resulting changes in
the soil behavior of soil. The PGA obtained during nonlin-
ear analysis with excess PWP dissipation is approx. 35–95%
lesser than equivalent linear analysis
Desai and Choudhary [31] Equivalent linear and nonlinear analysis using DEEPSOIL Mumbai (India) Seismic amplification varies from 2.53 to 4.14 for frequency
band of 1.75– 3.5 Hz
Akhila et al. [32] Equivalent linear, DEEPSOIL Kolkata (India) PGA of the city range was reported in the range of 0.1–0.34 g
Naik and Choudhury [33] Equivalent linear using DEEPSOIL Goa (India) Peak ground acceleration amplification factors for the same
earthquake motion differ from site to site
Amplification factors are found to be varying from 1.56 to
Shiuly et al. [34] Equivalent linear SHAKE 2000 Kolkata (India) PGA of Kolkata metropolitan district varies from 0.169 g to
0.414 g and the maximum amplification factor ranges from
2.2 to 3
Pallav et al. [35] Equivalent linear, SHAKE 99 Imphal (India) Mean and standard deviation of surface level spectral ground
acceleration at PGA and natural period of 0.3 and 1 s were
reported as contour maps for all the synthetic sample earth-
quake events
Thaker et al. [36] Equivalent linear using DEEPSOIL and SHAKE 2000 Kutch, Gujarat (India) Peak ground acceleration obtained at the surface level was
0.216 g for a given bed rock motion of PGA (0.088 g),
indicating that site is amplifying in nature
Ranjan [37] Equivalent linear using SHAKE2000 Dehradun (India) Spectral acceleration was in the range of 0.06–0.37 g at
frequency range 1–10 Hz. The spectral acceleration map of
the city has been compiled using interpolation technique
in GIS environment for 3 Hz, 5 Hz and 10 Hz frequency,
which further indicates the lesser or severe vulnerability of
structures during the earthquakes
Indian Geotech J (April 2024) 54(2):358–393
Indian Geotech J (April 2024) 54(2):358–393 365
in zone IV and 6 fall in zone III, which reflects moderate fore-deep. IGP was formed after the upliftment of the Him-
to very severe earthquake zone (Fig. 2); hence, it can be alayas due to the collision of the Indian and the Eurasian
stated that the entire Bihar comes under the seismic zones plates [39]. The river Ganga which flows across the state
III, IV and V. Bihar lies in between the Indian shield and separates North Bihar from South Bihar and is also respon-
the Himalayas and constitutes a substantial portion of the sible for the deposition of alluvium soil. It also straddles the
Indo-Gangetic plain (IGP) also known as the Himalayan river Ghaghara, Burhi Gandak, Mahananda, Kosi, Gandak
366 Indian Geotech J (April 2024) 54(2):358–393
and Son River. Most of its area consists of thick alluvium Methodology
deposited by Ganga and its tributaries, whereas the south-
ern part of the region has crystalline and metamorphic rock One-dimensional equivalent and nonlinear GRA is based
deposits. on the assumption of vertical propagation of shear waves
through a linear visco-elastic material which approxi-
mate the soil behavior as a Kelvin–Voigt solid [1]. The
stress–strain behavior of Kelvin–Voigt solid during shear-
Seismotectonic Feature and Seismic Zone of Bihar ing can be presented by Eq. (1).
alluvial deposits have a thickness of 1.5–5.0 km, concealing is the complex wave number, G* = (G + iωη) is the complex
the solid geology of the basement [54]. Such continuous shear modulus. To eliminate the frequency dependency,
deposition of sediments in a layer, of thickness up to several the complex shear modulus can be expressed as: G* = G
kilometers, leads to the higher path attenuation [55, 56]. (1 + 2iD), where D is the damping ratio.
Indian Geotech J (April 2024) 54(2):358–393 367
Equivalent Linear Analysis and the input motion are required. All these parameters have
been accessed from the bore-log and laboratory test to per-
Equivalent linear analysis is one of the methodologies to form nonlinear seismic GRA using commercial software
conduct GRA, in frequency domain, by approximating the DEEPSOIL 7.0.
accurate nonlinear strain-dependent dynamic soil properties,
i.e., the variations of shear modulus and damping factors Location of Boreholes and Soil Type of Study Area
with shear strain. During this analysis, the obtained shear
strain histories, for each layer, are used to compute the effec- The characteristics of soil strata up to depth of 30 m are
tive shear strain, which is further used to estimate the com- significantly important in earthquake engineering, since
patible nonlinear strain-dependent dynamic soil properties amplification or deamplification of ground motion is more
using an iterative technique. The effective shear strain (γeff) prominent in this range [57]. For GRA of Bihar state, 48
in each layer is determined from the maximum shear strain representative boreholes have been collected from the dif-
(γmax), i.e., γeff = Rγ γmax , where Rγ is the strain reduction ferent construction sites which indicate the typical variation
factor and it is the ratio of effective shear strain (γeff) to the of soil profile in entire Bihar region. The locations of the
maximum shear strain (γmax). For the analysis, Rγ is com- borehole are presented in Fig. 3. From all borehole profiles,
monly calculated with the help of earthquake magnitude it was found that the soils present within the Bihar region are
(M), i.e.,R𝛾 = (M − 1)∕ 10. mostly sand and clay with some amount of silt. The water
table location was observed to be varying from 0 to 5 m
from the surface level. The variation of SPT-N value, rang-
Nonlinear Analysis ing from 2 to 50, along with the depth indicates the condi-
tions of soil such as loose and stiff soil. Few typical bore-
The estimation of accurate design parameters for earth- hole profiles, presented in Fig. 4, indicate the availability of
quake-resistant structures during ground shaking is one soil types in Bihar along with the soil’s density, shear wave
of the most common geotechnical earthquake engineering velocity and thickness of different soil layers.
problems, since the local soil conditions significantly change Keeping eye on the different seismotectonic faults
the characteristics of earthquake motion from bedrock to the (such as Main frontal thrust, East Patna fault, West
surface level. Therefore, geotechnical engineer has a major Patna fault, Sitamarhi fault, Munger Saharsa Ridge fault,
concern to develop an efficient technique to model the soil Munger–Saharsa Ridge Marginal fault, Malda Kishanganj
properties accurately, to measure the earthquake response fault, etc.) in and around Bihar and high sediment deposition
at surface level. In nonlinear methodology, the equations rate in Bihar region (might be responsible for the amplifica-
of motions for dynamic equilibrium, shown in Eq. (5), are tion of seismic waves), the selection of borehole was done
solved at each time step using time integration method [2] in such a way that it covers the seismic zones III, IV and V.
to find out the seismic response of soil in terms of the varia-
tions of acceleration, amplification/deamplification of seis- Dynamic Soil Properties: Modulus Reduction
mic waves, shear strain, shear stress ratio and pore water and Damping Ratio Curves
pressure along with the depth.
Past earthquake events have indicated that soils may expe-
[M]{̈u} + [C]{u}
̇ + [K]{u} = −[M]{I}ü g (5) rience low to high shear strain levels [58]. The responses
where [M], [C], [K], {ü}, {ů}, {u}, {I} and üg indicate of soil at high shear strains (γ > 0.01%) are substan-
the mass matrix, damping matrix, stiffness matrix, rela- tially destructive than the response at low shear strains
tive acceleration, relative velocity, relative displacement, (γ < 0.01%), mainly due to the nonlinear behavior of soil at
unit vector and acceleration of the base of the soil column, high shear strains [59–61]. Therefore, it is essential to evalu-
respectively. ate the dynamic properties of regional soils for site-specific
To perform nonlinear seismic GRA, several important GRA for wide range of shear strain.
parameters such as borehole profile along with SPT-N value, For GRA, the dynamic soil properties, generally repre-
strain-dependent dynamic soil properties (in terms of shear sented by the variation of shear modulus and damping ratio
modulus and damping ratio variation with shear strain), plas- with shear strains, needed to be evaluated for the specific site
ticity index of soil (which was in the range of 5–30% for prior to the performance of GRA. Due to the unavailability
clayey soil), shear wave velocity (which can be estimated of site-specific dynamic soil properties in the Bihar region,
based on empirical correlation considering SPT-N value), the dynamic soil properties such as modulus reduction and
pore water pressure (PWP) model (which reflects the genera- damping ratio curves existing in the DEEPSOIL have been
tion and dissipation of excess PWP during ground shaking) utilized in the analyses. In the present study, to characterize
the dynamic properties of sand soil and clay soil, existing
368 Indian Geotech J (April 2024) 54(2):358–393
within the boreholes, the modulus reduction and damping and SPT-N values, presented in Table 3, were used to evalu-
ratio curve proposed by Seed and Idriss [62] and Vucetic and ate the shear wave velocity (Vs) profiles. It can be noticed
Dobry [63], respectively, have been considered, as shown that the significant amount of uncertainty can be incor-
in Fig. 5a,b [2]. To define the dynamic soil properties of porated while using any one of the empirical correlations
clay soil, the plasticity index was considered in the range of [64–85], from Table 3, therefore an averaging technique has
5–30% as per the borehole data. been adopted to estimate an average empirical correlation
of shear wave velocity for GRA, since the random selection
Shear Wave Velocity of empirical correlation between VS and SPT-N, due to the
unavailability of shear wave velocity profile at any particular
Shear wave velocity (Vs) is also one of the significantly site, might affect significantly the outcome of site-specific
important input parameters for GRA studies, which indicate seismic GRA.
the variations of soil stiffness along with the depth. In the Figure 6 presents the variations of shear wave veloc-
present study, the correlations of shear wave velocity (Vs) ity along with depth considering 23 different empirical
Indian Geotech J (April 2024) 54(2):358–393 369
Fig. 5 a Modulus reduction curve and b damping ration curve used in GRA (redrawn after Vucetic and Dobry [62] and Seed and Idriss [63])
370 Indian Geotech J (April 2024) 54(2):358–393
In Eq. (6), G0, τ, γ and γr indicate the initial shear modu- absence of undrained cyclic test results data, as per Hashash
lus, shear strength, shear strain and reference shear strain, et al. [2].
respectively, whereas β and s are the model parameters used
to adjust the shape of the backbone curve. Further to make Pore Pressure Model
the model pressure-dependent coupling between shear stress
and confining pressure has been allowed in DEEPSOIL [2] For the present study, the excess pore water pressure genera-
by incorporating Eq. (7). tion models such as Matasovic and Vecetic [87] for sand and
( )b Matasovic and Vucetic [88] for clay soil have been adopted.
𝜎v� The variations of excess pore water pressure in sandy soil
γr = Reference shear strain = a × � (7) and in clayey soil are generated using Eqns. (10) and (11),
where a and b are the curve fitting parameters. σ′v is the
p × f × Nc × F × (γc − γtvp )s
effective vertical stress at the middle of the soil layer, and uN = (10)
reference stress (σ′ref) is the confining stress of 0.18 MPa. 1 + f × Nc × F × (γc − γtvp )s
This model is also called as pressure-dependent hyperbolic
model because it is almost linear at small strains which result uN = ANc
−3s (γc −γtvp )r
+ BNc
−2s (γc −γtvp )r −s (γc −γtvp )r
+ CNc +D
in zero hysteretic damping at small strains. Small strain (11)
damping is needed to be computed separately to simulate the
where uN = normalized excess pore pressure (ru), Nc = equiv-
actual behavior of soil. The expression followed by Hashash
alent number of cycles, γ c = cyclic shear strain and
et al. [2] is mentioned in Eq. (8).
γtvp = threshold shear strain in both Eqns. 10 and 11. Further,
)d p, s, F curve fitting parameters for the sand soil proposed by
𝜉 = Small strain damping ratio = c × (8) Matasovic and Vucetic [87] and f, r, s, A, B, C, D are curve
fitting parameters for clayey soil proposed by Matasovic and
where c and d are the curve fitting parameters and σ′v is the Vucetic [88]. To estimate these curve fitting parameters,
effective vertical stress at the middle of the soil layer. pore water pressure model needed to be developed based
on the undrained cyclic triaxial test data. All these curve
Pore Water Pressure Generation and Dissipation fitting parameters have been adopted from Hashash et al.
[2], due to the unavailability of laboratory undrained cyclic
The nonlinear methodology incorporates the generation triaxial test data. Further, to predict the nonlinear dynamic
as well as dissipation of excess pore pressure during GRA responses of different soil types, a reduction factor suggested
since it is based on the effective stress conditions, whereas by Darendeli [89] has been considered in this study, which
equivalent linear method is based on the total stress concept is mentioned in Eq. (12). The modulus reduction curves
[1]. Due to strong ground shaking, the rise of excess pore and damping ratio curves can be adjusted simultaneously
pressure in the soil causes loss of strength or excessive set- by considering both modulus reduction and damping factor
tlements or and other damages due to a decrease in effective (MRDF) pressure-dependent hyperbolic model [2]:
stress and shear strength in the soil. However, the genera- )P
tion and dissipation of excess pore pressure, during ground F(γm ) = P1 G(γm )∕G0 2
shaking, depend on the permeability of soil and drainage
where γm represents the maximum shear strain accomplished
conditions. The dissipation of excess pore water pressure is
at any given time, G(γm) represents the shear modulus and
assumed to be in the vertical direction only, since it is based
P1 and P2 represent the curve fitting parameters.
on the Terzaghi 1-D consolidation theory, represented in
Eq. (9).
Selected Strong Ground Motion
( 2 )
𝜕u 𝜕 u
= Cv (9) Three synthetically generated acceleration time histories of
𝜕t 𝜕z2
PGA = 0.1 g, 0.26 g and 0.45 g, corresponding to Mw6.7,
where Cv indicates the vertical coefficient of consolidation. Mw7.8 and Mw = 8.2, have been used for GRA, since Khatri
In the present study, the pore water pressure model (the [90] has reported that the high probability of the occurrence
variations in pore water pressure during dynamic loading) of an EQ of Mw > 8.0, in near future, in the central seismic
proposed by Matasovic and Vecetic [87] and Matasovic and gap. The details about the generation of synthetic accelera-
Vecetic [88] for sandy soil and the clayey soil, respectively, tion time histories are discussed in Kumar et al. [45]. Since
was adopted to determine the curve fitting parameters in the the central seismic gap comes under seismic zone V [38],
Indian Geotech J (April 2024) 54(2):358–393 371
Nath et al. [91] have also reported that the average value of Figure 7 presents the acceleration histories and their Fou-
PGAs, for Mw > 8, can be 0.18 g, 0.23 g, 0.33 g, 0.50 g and rier amplitude spectrum of input strong motions. Frequency-
0.82 g for low, moderate, moderately high, high and very domain representation indicates the variation of energy con-
high seismic hazards zones, respectively. As per IS: 1893 tent over a frequency band. It is observed that the maximum
[38], the seismic zone V has been defined based on the con- energy contents of strong motion are congregated over a
sideration of effective peak ground acceleration, from the fundamental frequency band of 1.0–5.0 Hz. The ground
most severe earthquake (i.e., maximum credible earthquake, motion characteristics such as predominant period, mean
MCE), and the service life of the structure in that region. period, bracketed duration and significant duration derived
IS: 1893 [38] has also suggested that the design value of from SEISMOSIGNAL program [92] are shown in Table 4.
PGA = 0.36 g and 0.18 g considering maximum considered The mean period of strong ground motions is varying from
earthquake (MCE) and design basis earthquake (DBE, i.e., 0.27 to 0.31 s, which represents the frequency content char-
earthquake which is expected to occur at least once dur- acterization parameter of the ground motions.
ing the design life of the structure) scenarios, respectively,
should be adopted for the structural design. Thus, to observe
the response of soil as well the effect of PGA during GRA, Results and Discussion
three different acceleration time histories of PGA ranging
from PGA = 0.1–0.45 g, of the futuristic EQs in central seis- Nonlinear seismic GRA, a time-domain analysis, incorpo-
mic gap, has been chosen considering the low, moderate and rates the nonlinear strain-dependent dynamic soil properties
high seismic hazards scenario of the study region. such as shear modulus and damping ratio changes during
Fig. 7 Acceleration time history and their Fourier amplitude (FA) of input motion having PGA: a 0.1 g, b 0.26 g and c 0.45 g
372 Indian Geotech J (April 2024) 54(2):358–393
Table 4 Strong motion parameters for simulated ground motion used in GRA [45]
Parameters Low Moderate High
ground shaking. Since the nonlinear analysis incorporates at surface level) was found to be higher than the input bed-
the effective stress concept, the variations in the pore water rock PGA = 0.1 g; whereas, lesser PGA, at surface level, was
pressure within the soil profile can provide the idea about observed for the bedrock PGA of 0.26 g and 0.45 g. Higher
the soil liquefaction. value of acceleration at surface level indicates the amplifica-
tion of seismic waves, whereas lesser value of acceleration
Influence of Input Motion on Seismic GRA at surface level indicates deamplification of seismic waves
shown in Fig. 8b.
Responses of the soil, in terms of acceleration, have been Further, it was noticed that the seismic waves get ampli-
observed for BH-2, situated at Bhagalpur city, Bihar (India), fied within the depth of 5.5 m from the bedrock location;
using bedrock motion of PGA = 0.1 g, 0.26 g and 0.45 g. this may be due to the occurrence of soil softening due to
The surface level PGA was found to be 0.144 g, 0.187 g and increase in pore water pressure. Figures 9, 10 and 11 present
0.241 g corresponding to the input bedrock PGA = 0.1 g, the variation of shear strain along with depth using differ-
0.26 g and 0.45 g, respectively, as shown in Fig. 8a. The ent bedrock motions of PGA = 0.1 g, 0.26 g and 0.45 g at
maximum value of acceleration at surface level (i.e., PGA Bhagalpur BH-2. It has been observed that the maximum
Fig. 8 a Variation of acceleration and b their amplification/deamplification response along with depth using different bedrock motions of
PGA = 0.1 g, 0.26 g and 0.45 g at Bhagalpur BH-2 based on nonlinear analysis
Indian Geotech J (April 2024) 54(2):358–393 373
Fig. 9 Strain time history at all layers of Bhagalpur site considering bedrock PGA = 0.1 g from nonlinear analysis
value of shear strain was found to be 0.16%, 4.49% and is present. These higher values of shear strain, within the
7.13%, at the depth of nearly 5.5 m (layer 3 in Figs. 9, 10 ground, reflect the existence of soft soil as well as soil sof-
and 11), for bedrock PGA = 0.1 g, 0.26 g and 0.45 g, respec- tening due to rise of pore water pressure.
tively. The high value of shear strain within the ground indi- The high value of shear strain (up to 5–7%, see Figs. 9,
cates that the high PGA values of input bed rock motion 10 and 11) at layer 3 (i.e., nearly at the depth of 5.5 m)
possess high value of shear strain into the soil deposit, due using bedrock PGA of 0.26 g and 0.45 g indicates the sig-
to high amount of soil nonlinearity. As per the soil profile nificant amount of permanent deformation resulting high
of Bhagalpur site, soils mainly consist of clay and sand soil. value of pore water pressure (excess PWP ratio > 0.9, see
The high value of shear strain was observed at the depth Fig. 12 a-f) in sandy soil strata may cause soil liquefaction.
of nearly 5.5 m (i.e., layer 3), where mostly sandy strata Thus, it can be stated that the development of high value of
374 Indian Geotech J (April 2024) 54(2):358–393
Fig. 10 Strain time history at all layers of Bhagalpur site considering bedrock PGA = 0.26 g from nonlinear analysis
shear strain, at any depth, depends on the soil conditions strain-dependent dynamic soil behavior of the construction
as well as the amplitude of seismic excitations. site prior to the construction.
The development of high shear strains (i.e., greater Figure 12a–f constitutes the variations in excess PWP
than 1%) may cause permanent deformation in the ground, ratio with time at all layers of Bhagalpur site consider-
which might lead to the destruction of the structure and ing Bedrock motion of PGA = 0.1 g, 0.26 g and 0.45 g.
also be responsible for the liquefaction of sandy soil. Simi- The excess pore water pressure ratio (ru) was found to be
lar observations have been reported by Sisodiya et al. [10]. increased with increasing input motion. It was also observed
Since deformation of ground might be responsible for that layer 1 and layer 2 consist of clayey strata, whereas
the catastrophic damage, it is suggested to evaluate the layers 3, 4, 5 and 6 consist of sandy strata. Layer 3 (i.e.,
Indian Geotech J (April 2024) 54(2):358–393 375
Fig. 11 Strain time history at all layers of Bhagalpur site considering bedrock PGA = 0.45 g from nonlinear analysis
sandy soil), at Bhagalpur site, reflects high value of excess 0.26 g and 0.45 g, respectively. It can also be noticed that
PWP ratio (i.e., > 0.9) with input motion PGA = 0.26 g and the excess PWP ratio, at a depth of 5.5 m, was greater than
0.45 g. The variations in pore water pressure with the soil 0.9, for both bedrock PGA of 0.26 g and 0.45 g in com-
deposits are not only due to the input PGA motion but also parison with the bedrock PGA of 0.1 g. The higher PGA
depend on the, soil type, stiffness of soil, local site geology, input motions (i.e., PGA > 0.26 g) pronounce the onset of
i.e., location of water table, etc. It has been noticed that the liquefaction. Thus, from the results, it can be stated that the
upper layers 1 and 2 (i.e., clayey strata) restrict the rate of generation of excess PWP within the soil mass depends on
generation of PWP; hence, the flow liquefaction is restricted. the soil type, soil conditions and loading conditions. Similar
The excess PWP ratio was found to be 0.608, 0.913 and observations have been reported by Singhai et al. [30]. How-
0.929, at a depth of nearly 5.5 m, for bedrock PGA = 0.1 g, ever, the impact of other strong motion parameters such as
376 Indian Geotech J (April 2024) 54(2):358–393
Fig. 12 a–f Variations in excess PWP ratio with time at all layers of Bhagalpur site considering bedrock PGA = 0.1 g, 0.26 g and 0.45 g
amplitude parameters and frequency content parameters over deamplified depending on the existing ground conditions.
the generation of excess PWP needed to be studied, which is The computed response on/near to the ground surface dur-
beyond the scope of the present study. ing seismic activity will help the engineers to design the
safe and sustainable soil-supported earthquake-resistant
Influence of Soil Variability on Seismic GRA structures, since the estimated responses on/near to the
surface level will already be associated with the soil prop-
Site-specific seismic ground response analysis (GRA) is erties at that site. However, the uncertainty in the selection
one of the significantly important ways to assess the effect of bedrock input motion and the soil variability across the
of local soil site variability on the bedrock motion during site, as well as the soil properties, will always be there.
an expected earthquake since, the bedrock motion propa- Therefore, to account the uncertainty in the selection of
gated through any site-specific soil deposits gets amplified/ input ground motions, engineers always use a bunch of
Indian Geotech J (April 2024) 54(2):358–393 377
ground motions (ranging from low PGA to high PGA) as PGA ranging from 0.02 to 0.33 g have been reported by
an input motion. This study has used three input motions Dammala et al. [25].
of PGA = 0.1 g, 0.26 g and 0.45 g to observe the effect of Further, using bedrock PGA = 0.26 g (Fig. 15b), it can be
soil variability during seismic GRA. Figure 13a–c pre- observed that, at surface level, the seismic wave amplifies
sents the variation of peak value of acceleration obtained by 85.65%, 78.40% and 30.79% for BH-1 of Munger, BH-1
at the each soil layers, within the soil deposits, using input of Nalanda and BH-2 of Jamui site, respectively, whereas,
motion of PGA = 0.1 g, 0.26 g and 0.45 g, for all 48 bore- the strong motion gets deamplified by 55.75% and 54.22%
holes situated in Bihar region. It has been observed that for BH-1of Nwada and BH-1 of Madhubani site, respec-
PGA at surface level was found to be 0.277 g for BH-1 at tively. It can be stated that at surface level AF varied from
Munger site, 0.26 g for BH-1 at Nalanda site, 0.089 g for 0.442 to 1.86 (see Table 4), which also indicates that the
BH-1 at Sitamarhi site and 0.0872 g for BH-2 at Vaishali soils (in terms of dynamic soil properties) are one of the
site, using input motion PGA = 0.1 g (see Fig. 13a). Fur- contributory factors for the ground motion amplifications.
ther, on using input bedrock PGA = 0.26 g (Fig. 13b), the The maximum amplification and deamplification of seismic
surface level PGA was found to be 0.48 g for BH-1 at waves, at ground level, can be up to 60% and 90%, respec-
Munger, 0.46 g for BH-1 at Nalanda, 0.34 g for BH-2 at tively. Furthermore, on using input bedrock PGA = 0.45 g
Jamui, 0.119 g for BH-1 at Madhubani and 0.115 for BH-1 (Fig. 15c), it can be observed that the seismic waves get
at Nawada site. However, on using input bedrock motion amplified by 50.76%, 42.62%, 3.65% and 0.762% at sur-
of PGA = 0.45 g (Fig. 13c), the surface level PGA was face level for BH-1 at Munger site, BH-1 at Nalanda site,
found to be 0.68 g at BH-1 of Munger site, 0.64 g at BH-1 BH-1 at Katihar site and BH-1 at Muzaffarpur site, respec-
of Nalanda site, 0.47 g at BH-1 of Katihar site, 0.45 g at tively. The maximum amplification and deamplification of
BH-1 of Muzaffarpur site, 0.16 g at BH-2 Vaishali site seismic waves, at ground level, can be up to 50% and 70%,
and 0.15 g at BH-1 of Madhubani site, which is higher in respectively. In comparison with the AF obtained from input
comparison with the response obtained using input bed- motion PGA of 0.1 g and 0.26 g, it can be stated that the
rock PGA of 0.1 g and 0.26 g. Overall, the range of PGA, higher PGA (0.45 g) bedrock motion reflects relatively lesser
at surface level, was found to be varied from 0.087 g to amplification at the ground surface, which is attributed to the
0.277 g, 0.115 g to 0.482 g and 0.15 g to 0.68 g subjected high damping, indicating high energy dissipation, due to the
to the input bedrock motion of PGA = 0.1 g, 0.26 g and development of high shear strains within the soil deposits.
0.45 g for entire Bihar region, shown in Fig. 13a–c. Fur- Summary of AF thorough out the Bihar region, using input
ther, the variations of surface PGA throughout the Bihar bedrock motion of PGA = 0.1 g, 0.26 g and 0.45 g, is pre-
region, using input bedrock motion of PGA = 0.1 g, 0.26 g sented by contour map in Fig. 16a–c.
and 0.45 g, are presented by contour map in Fig. 14a–c. Figure 17a–c presents the variations of shear strain with
Figure 15a–c presents the seismic wave amplification/ depth, at all 48 boreholes of Bihar region, using input bed-
deamplification at all 48 boreholes of Bihar region using rock PGA of 0.1 g, 0.26 g and 0.45 g. The variations of
bedrock PGA = 0.1 g, 0.26 g and 0.45 g which also reflects shear strain within the soil deposits might be responsible
the importance of seismic GRA. From Fig. 15a, it can be for small to large ground deformation depending on the
observed that, at lower input PGA, most of the site in Bihar soil types, soil conditions and input motion. It has been
region shows amplifying behavior whereas, very few site observed that the variations in the shear strain were found
shows deamplifying behavior. The amplification/deamplifi- to be 0.21% for BH-2 of East Champaran site, 0.15% for
cation of seismic wave is indicated by the amplification fac- BH-2 at Bhagalpur site, 0.15% for BH-1 at Banka site and
tor (AF), which is the ratio of the intensity of observed PGA 0.10% for BH-1 at Madhubani site corresponding to the
at the soil surface to the input bedrock PGA. The amplifica- depth of 7.25 m, 5.25 m, 7.5 m and 10.25 m using bedrock
tion factor (AF) was varying ranging from 0.872 to 2.77 for motion of PGA = 0.1 g (see Fig. 17a). Further, using bed-
PGA of 0.1 g, which shows that the soil for specific site of rock PGA = 0.26 g (Fig. 17b), the maximum shear strain
Bihar region is capable of amplifying earthquake ground was observed to be 4.49% for BH-2 Bhagalpur, 2.47% for
motion. It was observed that, for BH-1 at Munger site, the BH-2 East Champaran, 2.06% for BH-1 Nawada, 1.90% for
percentage amplification of seismic wave at the surface level Sitamarhi and 1.85% for BH-2 Arwal at a depth of 5.25 m,
was found to be 180% whereas, at BH-2 of Vaishali site, 7.25 m, 14.0 m, 24.0 m and 7.5 m, respectively. Further-
the percentage deamplification of seismic wave was found more, using input bedrock PGA = 0.45 g (Fig. 17c), the
to be 13%. The maximum amplification and deamplifica- maximum value of shear strain was observed to be 7.13%
tion of seismic waves, at ground level, may be up to 180% for BH-2 Bhagalpur, 6.87% for BH-1 Sitamarhi site, 6.56%
and 10%, respectively (see Fig. 15a–c). Similar results of for BH-1 of Arwal site, 4.45% for BH-1 of East Champaran
amplification (up to 100%) as well as deamplification (up to site and 4.14% for BH-1 of Banka site at a depth of 5.25 m,
54%) of seismic waves considering different input motions 18.5 m, 4.0 m, 7.0 m and 7.5 m, respectively. The shear
378 Indian Geotech J (April 2024) 54(2):358–393
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strain greater than 0.5% might be responsible for the moder- Sitamarhi, 1.00 at BH-2 of Muzaffarpur, 0.628 at BH-1 of
ate to large deformation of the ground during ground shak- Arwal, 0.624 at BH-1 of Nalanda and 0.574 at BH-2 of
ing. Similar observations have been reported by Kumar et al. Sitamarhi sites, subjected to input motion of PGA = 0.26 g
[60]. (see Fig. 19b). Further, using input bedrock PGA = 0.45 g
Figure 18a–c depicts the variations of the excess pore (Fig. 19c), the stress ratio was found to be 1.20 at BH-2 of
water pressure (PWP) ratio (ru) along the depth, for all 48 Muzaffarpur site, 1.16 at BH-1 of Sitamarhi site, 0.91 at
boreholes of Bihar region, using input bedrock motion of BH-1 of Muzaffarpur site, 0.91 at BH-1 of Arwal site, 0.84
PGA = 0.1 g, 0.26 g and 0.45 g. The increase in the excess at BH-1 of Nalanda site and 0.675 at BH-1 of Munger site.
PWP ratio (ru) at any depth indicates the soil softening as The stress ratio is greater than 1, which indicates that there is
well as soil liquefaction depending on the variation of r u a possibility of liquefaction even though the sandy strata are
from 0 to 1. From Fig. 18a, it can be observed that at BH-2 at deeper depth. Moreover, it can be stated that the variations
of Bhagalpur site, at BH-1 of Banka site, at BH-1 of Arwal in the stress ratio within the soil deposits depend on the soil
site and at BH-1 of Siwan site, the maximum value ru was type, soil conditions and input bedrock PGA.
found to be 0.61, 0.55, 0.32 and 0.21 at a depth of 5.25 m,
7.5 m, 4.0 m and 5.5 m, respectively, using bedrock motion Influence of Soil Variability of Response Spectrum
of PGA = 0.1 g. Summary of variations in ru at all 48 bore-
holes using bedrock motion of PGA = 0.1 g is presented in The design acceleration response spectrum is very useful
Table 5. tools in earthquake engineering to analyze the performance
Further, using bedrock motion of PGA = 0.26 g of soil-supported structures, which is conceptually differ-
(Fig. 18b), ru was found to be 0.99, 0.91, 0.90, 0.89, 0.84 and ent than the acceleration spectrum. Response spectrum is
0.81 at the depth of 7.5 m, 5.25 m, 4.0 m, 7.5 m, 5.5 m and the representation of maximum responses of a spectrum
4.5 m, respectively, for the corresponding boreholes BH-2 of SDOF with varying natural periods for the given set of
Arwal, BH-2 of Bhagalpur, BH-1 of Arwal, BH-1 of Banka, ground motions at the same damping ratio [38], which is the
BH-1 of Siwan and BH-1 of Madhepura. The summary of basis of the development of design response spectrum. The
variations in ru at all 48 boreholes using bedrock motion of design acceleration spectrum refers to an average smooth-
PGA = 0.26 g, as an input motion, is presented in Table 5. ened graph of the maximum acceleration as a function of nat-
Furthermore, using input bedrock motion of PGA = 0.45 g ural frequency or natural period of oscillation for a specified
(Fig. 18c), the ru was observed to be 0.99, 0.93, 0.92, 0.91, damping ratio (i.e., 5% of critical damping) for the expected
0.90 and 0.830 at a depth 7.5 m, 5.25 m, 4.0 m, 7.5 m, 9.0 m earthquake excitations at the base of SDOF. Nowadays, the
and 4.5 m for the boreholes BH-2 of Arwal site, BH-2 of design acceleration response spectrum is prominently being
Bhagalpur site, BH-1 of Arwal site, BH-1 of Banka site, used by the engineers worldwide for the structural design in
BH-1 of Madhepura site and BH-1 of Siwan site, respec- the seismic prone regions. The maximum response of the
tively. The summary of r u at different depths for all 48 structures can be estimated by reading the value from the
boreholes using bedrock motion of PGA = 0.45 g is also ground response spectrum plot for an appropriate frequency.
presented in Table 5. Thus, it can be stated that the soil The structural response of low-rise buildings during earth-
liquefaction depends on the soil conditions as well as mag- quakes is characterized by the fundamental mode; however,
nitude of seismic excitations. The higher value of ru in sandy most of the building codes permit design forces to be calcu-
strata might be responsible for liquefaction, whereas that in lated from the design spectrum on the basis of building fre-
clayey strata might indicate the cyclic mobility. The r u > 0.9 quency. Figure 20a–c presents the spectral acceleration (for
indicates high probability of occurrence of soil liquefaction 5% damping ratio) at surface level, for 48 boreholes of Bihar
in sand soil deposits. region using input bedrock PGA = 0.1 g, 0.26 g and 0.45 g,
Figure 19a–c presents the distribution of shear stress ratio along with the design acceleration response spectrum pro-
along with depth, at all 48 borehole of Bihar region, using posed by IS: 1983 [38] for different soil types. The response
bedrock PGA = 0.1 g, 0.26 g and 0.45 g. The shear stress spectrum, for 5% damping, at the surface level using bed-
ratio (i.e., cyclic shear stress ratio) is a useful way to predict rock PGA = 0.1 g (Fig. 20a), indicates that the peak spectral
the liquefaction capability of stratified soil in the field. From acceleration (PSA) of BH-1 Munger at the surface is 1.34 g
Fig. 19a, the stress ratio was found to be 0.41 at BH-1 of corresponding to the period of 0.10 s. Similarly, PSA of
Arwal site, 0.33 at BH-1 of East Champaran site, 0.36 at BH-1 at Nalanda, BH-1 at Bhojpur, BH-2 at Jamui, BH-1 at
BH-2 of East Champaran site and 0.35 at BH-1 of Nalanda Muzaffarpur, BH-1 at Jahanabad, BH-1 at Arwal and BH-1
site, which is lesser than 1. Therefore, it can be stated that at Madhepura was found to be 1.33 g, 1.13 g, 1.06 g, 0.99 g,
there is no chance of liquefaction at any site of Bihar region, 0.96 g, 0.92 g and 0.91 g, respectively, for the corresponding
when subject to an earthquake of input motion PGA = 0.1 g. spectral period of 0.30 s, 0.28 s, 0.30 s, 0.14 s, 0.30 s, 0.36 s
However, the stress ratio was found to be 1.04 at BH-1 of and 0.14 s, respectively.
384 Indian Geotech J (April 2024) 54(2):358–393
Table 5 Summary of maximum pore water pressure at all 48 boreholes using bedrock motions of 0.1 g, 0.26 g and 0.45 g
Borehole Maximum pore water pressure corresponding to input bedrock motion Borehole Maximum pore water pressure corresponding to input bedrock
of motion of
0.1 g 0.26 g 0.45 g 0.1 g 0.26 g 0.45 g
ru Depth (m) ru Depth (m) ru Depth (m) ru Depth (m) ru Depth (m) ru Depth (m)
Bh-1 Arariya 0.068 15.25 0.55 15.25 0.68 15.25 Bh-1 Madhubani 0.085 12.75 0.74 28.25 0.76 28.25
Indian Geotech J (April 2024) 54(2):358–393
Bh-2 Arariya 0.011 15.25 0.46 15.25 0.46 15.25 Bh-2 Madhubani 0.047 24 0.60 24 0.74 24
Bh-1 Arwal 0.33 4 0.90 4 0.92 4 Bh-1 Munger – – 0 0.002 17
Bh-2 Arwal 0.055 15.25 0.99 7.5 0.99 7.5 Bh-2 Munger 0.035 15.5 0.54 15.5 0.67 15.5
Bh-1 Aurangabad – – – – 0.01 15.25 Bh-1 Muzaffarpur 0.034 18.75 0.62 18.75 0.82 10.5
Bh-2 Aurangabad – – 0.004 16.6 0.05 16.6 Bh-2 Muzaffarpur 0.022 21 0.81 24.75 0.84 24.75
Bh-1 Banka 0.55 7.5 0.89 7.5 0.91 7.5 Bh-1 Nalanda 0.006 3.3 0.034 3.3 0.65 16
Bh-1 Bhagapur – – – – 0.012 15.25 Bh-2 Nalanda 0.056 16 0.53 16 0.06 3.3
Bh-2 Bhagapur 0.61 5.25 0.91 5.25 0.93 5.25 Bh-1 Nawada 0.17 32 0.71 32 0.74 32
Bh-1 Bhojpur – – 0 9.25 0.02 6 Bh-2 Nawada 0.013 16 0.52 16 0.48 16
Bh-2 Bhojpur – – 0.003 16 0.05 16 Bh-1 Patna – – 0.012 23.5 0.26 20.5
Bh-1 East Champaran 0.001 10.25 0.31 10.25 0.65 13 Bh-2 Patna – – 0.015 9.15 0.06 9.15
Bh-2 East Champaran 0.008 13.25 0.48 7.25 0.66 13.25 Bh-1 Purnia 0.042 5.15 0.68 5.15 0.76 5.15
Bh-1 Gaya 0.026 15.75 0.53 15.75 0.69 9.75 Bh-2 Purnia 0.031 6.9 0.70 3.7 0.81 3.7
Bh-2 Gaya 0.0005 8.5 0.35 8.5 0.44 8.5 Bh-1 Sitamarhi 0.11 24 0.73 24 0.79 12.5
Bh-1 Jamui – – – – – – Bh-2 Sitamarhi 0.076 6.5 0.74 27 0.84 27
Bh-2 Jamui – – – – 0.004 16.25 Bh-1 West Champaran 0.056 13.37 0.68 13.37 0.71 13.37
Bh-1 Jehanabad – – – – 0.008 16.5 Bh-2 West Champaran 0.16 14.25 0.79 14.25 0.81 14.25
Bh-2 Jehanabad – – 0.004 17 0.025 17 Bh-1 Siwan 0.21 5.5 0.84 5.5 0.83 9
Bh-1 Katihar 0.038 3.77 0.58 3.77 0.73 3.77 Bh-2 Siwan 0.076 6.5 0.56 6.5 0.69 17.75
Bh-1 Lakhisarai 0.032 14.75 0.49 5.75 0.64 5.75 Bh-1 Vaishali – – 0.006 15.25 0.04 15.25
Bh-2 Lakhisarai 0.014 15.75 0.49 15.75 0.56 15.75 Bh-2 Vaishali – – 0.016 15.25 0.11 15.25
Bh-1 Madhepura 0.10 4.5 0.80 4.5 0.90 4.5 Bh-1 Rohtas – – 0.005 15.25 0.04 15.25
Bh-2 Madhepura 0.060 9 0.58 9 0.78 9 Bh-2 Rohtas – – 0.007 15.25 0.04 15.25
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388 Indian Geotech J (April 2024) 54(2):358–393
However, the response spectrum for 5% damping at sur- and SPT-N value. All these empirical correlations are
face level, using bedrock PGA = 0.26 g (Fig. 20b), shows the not established for Indian region. Thus, it can be stated
PSA = 2.23 g corresponding to the period of 0.14 s at BH-1 that a regional empirical correlation between shear wave
of Munger site. Similarly, the PSA at BH-1 of Nalanda, velocity and SPT-N value needed to be developed.
BH-2 of Jahanabad, BH-2 of Jamui, BH-1 of Jahanabad, • The effect of earthquake frequency, predominant period,
BH-1 of Bhojpur, BH-1 of Muzaffarpur and BH-2 of Purnia arias intensity, bracketed duration and other earthquake-
was found to be 2.12 g, 1.95 g, 1.6 3 g, 1.56 g, 1.48 g, 1.25 g associated parameters on the amplification or deampli-
and 1.20 g, corresponding to the period of 0.32 s, 0.44 s, fication of seismic wave is beyond the scope of present
0.36 s, 0.36 s, 0.34 s, 0.18 s, 0.36 s and 0.50 s, respectively. study.
Further, using bedrock PGA = 0.45 g (Fig. 20c), the PSA • Therefore, it is recommended to evaluate the site-specific
of BH-1 Munger at the surface was found to be 3.23 g cor- strain-dependent dynamic soil properties, such as vari-
responding to the period of 0.13 s. Similarly, the PSA of ations of shear modulus and damping ratio with shear
other locations of Bihar such as BH-1 of Nalanda site, BH-2 strain, at the preliminary stage of the construction.
of Jehanabad site, BH-2 of Purnia site, BH-2 of Jamui site,
BH-1 of Bhojpur site and BH-1 of Madhepura site was found
to be 2.21 g, 2.12 g, 2.09 g, 1.92 g, 1.72 g and 1.49 g cor- Conclusions
responding to the spectral period of 0.36 s, 0.56 s, 0.56 s,
0.44 s, 0.56 s and 0.13 s. Further, PSA at surface level for Based on the borehole profiles and SPT-N values, collected
all 48 boreholes, using bedrock motion of PGA = 0.1 g, from all 48 sites within Bihar region, it was observed that
0.26 g and 0.45 g. Overall, from Fig. 20, it can be observed the entire Bihar region comes under the range of site classes
that the free-field spectral response, using input bedrock D and E with the variations of Vs30 ranging from 180 to
PGA = 0.1 g, at all 48 boreholes of Bihar region is lesser 360 m/s. Further, nonlinear seismic ground responses have
than the design response spectrum proposed by IS: 1983 been performed by incorporating the pore water pressure
[38] for soft as well as hard soil types. During the analysis, generation and dissipation for the site classes D and E of
it was found that the free-field spectral acceleration at all 48 Bihar, India, using three acceleration time histories of dif-
boreholes is not same either by input bedrock PGA = 0.1 g ferent peak ground acceleration (PGA) of 0.1 g, 0.26 g and
or, 0.26 g or, 0.45 g, which also indicates the response of 0.45 g indicating low, moderately high and very high seismic
input motion significantly affected by the regional soil vari- hazard scenarios, respectively. Based on the results obtained
ability. From Fig. 20a–c, it can be noticed that the intensity from seismic GRA in terms of the variations of acceleration,
of free-field spectral acceleration is higher for periods rang- amplification/ deamplification of seismic waves, shear strain,
ing from 0.05 to 0.8 s. Further, it can be noticed that the shear stress ratio and pore water pressure along with the
free-field spectral response increases with increasing inten- depth, the following conclusions as well as recommenda-
sity of input bedrock PGA, i.e., from 0.1 to 0.45 g. This tions have been drawn:
is attributed to the fact that the higher intensity of ground
shaking induces high shear strain within the soil deposits. • The variations in PGA, at surface level, were found to
The variations of PSA thorough out the Bihar region, using be in the range of 0.087 g-0.277 g, 0.115 g-0.482 g and
input bedrock motion of PGA = 0.1 g, 0.26 g and 0.45 g, are 0.15 g-0.68 g subjected to the input bedrock motion of
presented by contour map in Fig. 21a–c. PGA = 0.1 g, 0.26 g and 0.45 g for entire Bihar region,
which is the indication of amplification or deamplifi-
cation of seismic wave. The amplification of seismic
Limitations wave (i.e., amplification factor) was found to be in the
range 0.35–3.0, which further indicates the seismic
The 1-D nonlinear GRA has been performed, for Bihar wave amplifies at surface level by 180%but deamplifies
region, using DEEPSOIL7.0 based on some limitations: by 90%. Thus, it can be stated that the seismic GRA is
significantly affected by input motion, local site geology
• Strain-dependent dynamic soil properties such as modu- and the soil variability.
lus reduction and damping ratio curve proposed by Seed • The maximum amplification and deamplification of
and Idriss [62] and Vucetic and Dobry [63] for sandy soil seismic waves, at ground level, was found in the order
and clayey soil, respectively, have been used due to the of 180% and 10%, respectively, using input motion of
absence of regional dynamic soil properties data. PGA = 0.1 g, whereas the same was found to be 60%
• Shear wave velocities corresponding to SPT-N value, and 90%, and 50% and 70% with the input motion of
used in this study, are estimated based on the average of PGA = 0.26 g and 0.45 g, respectively. Overall, it can
23 empirical correlations between shear wave velocity be stated that there is ample chance of amplification of
Indian Geotech J (April 2024) 54(2):358–393 389
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