Revised Case Study Format
Revised Case Study Format
Revised Case Study Format
Instructions: Use yourself as a case study exploring your profile, family background, educational
background, social history, childhood, adolescence and early adulthood experiences, analysis
based on sociological, anthropological, psychological, and western/eastern perspectives in
understanding yourself, and conclusion which covers your insights.
I. Personal Profile
B. Adolescence
⮚ Favorite Artist:
⮚ Post Malone
⮚ Khalid
⮚ Sam Smith
C. Early Adulthood
VII. Conclusion (covers your insights learned after analyzing the different
perspectives or theories in understanding yourself deeper)
- I realized that I still lack more things that I can do, and as a student entering adult
life, it is very hard now especially how the things are going around me. I usually
think about my flaws and myself but now that there is this activity my mind begins
to think more on what I experience and what is happening in my life.
1. Short
2. 1.5 spacing
3. 12, Times New Roman
4. Minimum of 2 pages and maximum of 5 pages
5. Please attach/insert scanned photos too.