Rea DLPmathfinal
Rea DLPmathfinal
Rea DLPmathfinal
Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Schools Division Office of Mountain Province
Bontoc, Mountain Province
A Detailed Lesson Plan in Numeracy Skills for Learners
With Special Educational Needs-Level III
At the end of the lesson the learners will be able to:
Subtract several 1 to 3 digits numerals with borrowing and with differences
over 100.
Subtracting several 1 to 3 digits numeral with borrowing and with
differences over 100.
Thematic Teaching: Numeracy Skills
Materials: Manila paper and activity sheets
Values: Appreciation of subtraction and smartness.
Reference: Refined Learning Competencies for CAR-LSEN’s
Teachers Activity Pupils Activity
A. Preparatory Activities
Let’s all stand and let us pray.
Father God, thank you for this
wonderful afternoon. Lord, us we go
through our lesson give us the spirit of
cooperation and learning. We ask you
Lord to fill our minds with learning, our Amen
lesson with fun and above all fill us
with your love. Amen.
C. Review
Last meeting you learned how to
subtract 1 to 2 digits numeral. Call the
pupils to solve on the board. The pupils will answer.
86 43 91
Teacher will let them answer on the - 29 -28 -76
D. Motivation
Now, class since you already know
how to subtract 2 digits numeral. We
will proceed to our new lesson. But
before that we will play a game called
“Rolled the Dice”.
The students will actively participate
The teacher will explain the rules and in the game.
mechanics of the game.
Students will step forward or backward
from 50 to 0 depending on the
instruction given in the place according
the number of the dice. The first to
reach 0 will be the winner.
Good job children!
Subtraction ma’am
Does anyone know what operation did
we use a while ago? Is it addition or
E. Presentation
Our topic for today is subtraction. we use “+” sign ma’am
When we say subtraction it is the In subtraction we “-“ sign ma’am
operation where we deduct/ remove/
minus numbers.
If in addition we use this “+” sign, in
subtraction we use “-“the minus sign.
F. Discussion
The teacher will show examples.
443 - minuend
- 285- subtrahend Together with the teacher they will
158 - difference answer.
Solution will be shown on the board. 421 632 223
622 323 261 -256 -556 -165
-459 -189 -187
Practice Exercise
G. Application
IV. Evaluation
Children will bring out their pencil and answer the activity.
V. Assignment
Solve the following:
421 632 223 443
-256 -556 -165 -285