02 - Task - Performance - 1 Euthenics
02 - Task - Performance - 1 Euthenics
02 - Task - Performance - 1 Euthenics
My Stress Journal
One of the ways to deal with any overwhelming emotion is to find a healthy way to express yourself. This makes a journal a helpful tool in managing your
mental health. Journaling can help you manage anxiety, reduce stress, and cope with depression.
Instructions: Use the template below for your stress journal. The template will give you clear examples of when and why stress might occur and tips on how to
begin to manage it. The journal will be a daily diary and will span four weeks. Feel free to add additional rows if needed. Use the given example for reference.
Date Intensity Situation Triggering event Emotional Behavioral How Did You Was it handled well?
and of Stress (circumstance, (preceding event) Reaction (your feelings Handle the event? Moving forward what
Time (1-7) location, people) about the event) are they going to do?
9/15/22 4 I woke up too late I was playing online I got mad at my mother I texted my mother at I handled it well because
and missed games until 2:00 am. for not waking me up. school to apologize for I immediately accepted
9:00 am the first class yesterday what I had done. that it was really my
mistake. And promise
I chose not to stay up that I will never do it
late. again.
10/22/2022 5 I woke up to the noise of I was sleeping then my I got mad because I just fell I just let them play their I handle it well since it is not
the neighbor neighbor play load music asleep around 4 am so I haven’t music and chose to stay the first time it happens. I let
10:16 am sleep a lot. awake. them play their music and
once they turn it off I will go
back to sleep.