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1. Forecasting and Surveillance of COVID-19 Spread Using Google Trends: Literature Review https://www.mdpi.

 1. Predicting COVID-19 incidence through analysis of google trends data in Iran: data mining and deep learning pilot study

2. Short-term forecasting of the COVID-19 pandemic using Google Trends data: Evidence from 158 countries https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3671005

 2. Predicting learning from asynchronous online discussions

3. The global interest in vaccines and its prediction and perspectives in the era of COVID-19. Real-time surveillance using Google Trends https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/18/15/7841

3. The influence of task-value scaffolding in a predictive learning analytics dashboard on learners' statistics anxiety, motivation, and performance
Study Literatur
4. Google Trends Data and COVID‐19 in Europe: Correlations and model enhancement are European wide https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/tbed.13887
4. Large-margin predictive latent subspace learning for multiview data analysis Topik Penelitian

5. Google trend analysis and paradigm shift of online education platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic https://www.mdpi.com/2036-7449/13/2/40
5. Detecting and predicting the topic change of Knowledge-based Systems: A topic-based bibliometric analysis from 1991 to 2016

6. Designing a Predictive Analytics Solution for Evaluating the Scientific Trends in Information Systems Domain.

7. Meaningful learning, reasoning ability, and students' understanding and problem solving of topics in genetics


 topic on Predicting COVID-19 incidence through analysis of google trends data.

research trend topic on predictive learning

Kecerdasan Buatan machnine learning Bidang Penelitian

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