Iciset 2018 8745611
Iciset 2018 8745611
Iciset 2018 8745611
Abstract— With the fast growth of population, traffic sensor data. It sets the timing for traffic signal light by traffic
congestion monitoring and control has become a great challenge. management algorithm. Traffic density is visualised
Increasing vehicles creates lots of problem like time wastage, fuel graphically at Thingspeak by sending data through ESP8266
wastage, air and sound pollution, even death by getting stuck Wi-Fi module. In case of emergency vehicles like ambulance,
emergency vehicles. This paper proposes a real-time traffic
fire brigade, the system stops it’s as usual task and changes the
management system (TMS) using the Internet of Things (IoT)
and data analytics. Ultrasonic sensors are used to measure the signal as green until that emergency vehicle passes to that
traffic density. After analysing the sensor data, system controller intersection. In violation of traffic signal, it can detect the
sets traffic signal time by traffic management algorithm and also vehicle through RFID module and the system can charge fine,
sends data to a cloud server through a Wi-Fi module. The and a notification will send to that person through Traffic
proposed system can predict probable traffic congestion in the Wallet Mobile App.
intersection point. If an emergency vehicle is detected, it gives The prime objective of this paper is to develop a smart
priority, i.e. high signal duration to pass the intersection. In case traffic management system (TMS) using IoT. To the best of
of the signal violation, the system can identify the vehicle and our knowledge, smart traffic system is not implemented in
charge a fine that is paid through Traffic Wallet mobile app. This
Bangladesh yet. This whole approach will cost less than other
proposed system is cost-effective, very simple to install and easy
to maintain. approaches. Moreover, operating the proposed system is more
comfortable than other existing systems.
Keywords - Data Analytics; Internet of Things (IoT); smart The rest of this paper is structured as follows. Section II
traffic system; Sensors; Wi-Fi module deliberates the literature reviews. The architecture of the
proposed system is described in Section III while Section IV
I. INTRODUCTION describes the methodology of the system. An experimental
A recent statistic shows that 30% of the air pollution is result is presented on in Section V. Finally; the last section
caused by the fuel that is used in the vehicle. It has been includes the limitations, future directions and implications of
reported that congestion in the Dhaka – capital of Bangladesh the study.
eats up around TK 200 billion in a year [1]. Researchers also
stated that this traffic jam lost 32 lakh business hours per day
[2]. Centre for Economics and Business Research reported that The urban population is incredibly increasing in this
it would rise to nearly TK 300 billion by 2030 [2]. The modern era, and that affects everyday life very badly,
congestion for hours causes different severe types of pollution. especially in transportation. Cities like Delhi, Dhaka and many
Consequently, people are suffering from any kind of physical more developing countries are still using the traditional way of
and mental discomfort [3]. To get rid of this unwanted managing the vehicles for the intensely increasing population.
congestion, Bangladesh needs a system that will overcome the According to United Nations report, in 2018, about 55%
problems of the existing system. population of the world resides in an urban area that is
anticipated to be 68%, and increasing rate of Asia and Africa
So, a smart traffic system can be a solution to these closed to be 90% by 2050 [5]. For this growing urban
problems. Controlling the vehicle with the help of the population, an effective smart traffic congestion avoiding
traditional traffic light with the combination of the sensors and system is a crying need for managing the significant number
artificial intelligence is known as the smart traffic system [4]. of vehicles.
The proposed smart TMS measures traffic density by analysing
stop it’s as usual task and changes the signal as green until that 5) LEDs signal: LED's signals are used as a traffic
emergency vehicle passes to that intersection. Violating rule is signal
one of the most critical, and this system can detect the user light that is controlled by time scheduling algorithm shown in
through scanning RFID tag who break the rules. Also, the figure 2.
system can check to expire of a license. A proper amount of
fine will be imposed, and a notification will be sent to the B. Softwares:
owner through "Traffic Wallet". That fine will be paid through
the mobile banking system. All the data about traffic density, By analysing real-time traffic data, IoT analytics creates
date and time are sent to the cloud server for further IoT channels to plot real-time graphs. The uploaded code of the
analytics. To predict traffic density at an intersection point system is written in the Arduino language. ESP8266 Wi-Fi
machine learning algorithm named SVM is used. In figure 2, a module transfers sensors’ data to the server through micro-
block diagram of the system appears: controller. Server database stores sensors’ data for further
analysis. Uploaded system code is burnt through Arduino IDE
that is user reliable and easily understandable. Android studio
was used to develop Traffic Wallet mobile app.
C. Flowchart:
The flowchart of the working module is shown in figure 3.
The flowchart was followed to implement the proposed system.
D. System Design Implementation:
To describe our proposed system, a prototype was
Fig. 2. Block Diagram developed. All elements are tested before prototype
implementation. In this part, Arduino Mega 2560 is
In the Block diagram of the proposed framework, at the accommodated with HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors, RFID
input side, Arduino Mega 2560 controller is accommodated module, LEDs signal and ESP8266 Wi-Fi module shown in
with ultrasonic sensors, RFID module and at output side figure 4.
ESP8266 Wi-Fi module to transfer data at cloud server, LEDs
as signal light.
The proposed system is classified into two main parts:
A. Hardwares: Following sections are used in our proposed
1) Series of HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensors: Ultrasonic
Wave based, HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor’s head emits an
ultrasonic wave and receives the reflected wave from the
target. Measuring the taken time between the emission and
reception it measures the distance to the target. In this system,
HCSR04 ultrasonic sensors are used to measure traffic density
at roads. At 40 KHz frequency, it can detect vehicles at range
from 2cm to 400 cm [14].
2) Arduino Mega 2560 controller: The Arduino Mega
2560 is ATmega2560 based microcontroller that has 16
analogue inputs, 54 digital input/output pins, 4 UARTs, a 16
MHz crystal oscillator, an ICSP header, a USB connection, a
reset button and a power jack [15] which is useful for this
3) RFID module: MF RC-522 based RFID module uses
Electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags
attached to objects. It is a low-cost, small size and non-contact
card reader chip that is used in this system to detect a signal
violation person by scanning his RFID tag.
4) ESP8266 Wi-Fi module: TCP/IP protocol based
ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module has a powerful enough processing
capability that allows it to be integrated with the sensors with
minimal loading during runtime. In this system, it is used to
transfer real-time data at the server side [16].
Fig. 3: Flow Diagram
Fig. 7: Interface of Law Enforcement Authority
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