An Attempt To Develop An IOT Based Vehicle Security System: Abstract

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An Attempt to Develop an IOT based Vehicle Security System

Tahesin Attar Prajakta Chavan

Department of Computer Engineering Department of Computer Engineering
NHITM, Mumbai University NHITM, Mumbai University
India India
[email protected] [email protected]

Vidhi Patel Megha Gupta Debajyoti Mukhopadhyay

Department of Computer Engineering Department of Computer Engineering Department of Computer Engineering
NHITM, Mumbai University NHITM, Mumbai University NHITM, Mumbai University
India India India
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract— As the amount of urban vehicle grows rapidly, vehicle theft has become a shared concern for all citizens. Security and safety
have always become a necessity for urban population. However, present anti-theft systems lack the tracking and monitoring function.
Internet of things(IOT) has been governing the electronics era with cloud services dominating the ever- increasing electronics product
segment. Thus, there is a need to develop a system for providing security to the vehicle from problems like theft and towing using IOT
for security of automobiles and passengers. Our system proposes a novel security system based on wireless communication and a low-
cost Bluetooth module. This paper illustrates a model in which the GSM is used for sending messages. the user can control the
engine/ignition and turn it off if needed. The system also employs a password through keypad (with maximum 3 chances) which controls
the opening of a safety locker door as well as wearing of a seat belt. If there is a window intruder, the IR module/sensor detects the
intruder, or any obstacle and it sends a signal to the micro controller. The controller is connected to a Bluetooth module and to an alarm
system. The System transmits an alert signal to the dashboard (which is nothing but a mobile handset) which sends an alert signal to
the user’s mobile phone. The prototype also provides a solution to the problem like Towing. Thus, the system uses Bluetooth module
and controller to control the security system from the user’s mobile phone by means of any device with a potential Internet connection.

Keywords: IOT, GPS, Android mobile phone, GSM, Micro-controller.

1. INTRODUCTION: interconnection of these embedded devices is expected to

usher in automation in nearly all fields, while also enabling
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the physical network of advanced applications like a smart grid. These devices
things or objects—devices, buildings, vehicles, and other collect useful data with the help of various existing
items— embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and technologies and then autonomously flow the data between
network connectivity that enables these things or objects to other devices. [1]
collect and exchange data. An anti -theft system is any
device or method used to prevent or deter the unauthorized In today’s world of comfort and luxury, various high priced
appropriation of items that is considered valuable. costly vehicles are available. Many of these vehicles have
been launched with inbuilt security systems. However, even
though a huge amount of capital is being invested in areas
Internet of Things is expected to produce high degree of of vehicle security, the cases of vehicle theft is still rising.
human to machine communication along with machine to [1,2]
machine communication. The primary objective of this
project is to reduce human work. Automation has always This situation gives rise to explore for further security
been a prime factor for security system. Our aim in the mechanism to avoid vehicle thefts. We have decided to
project is to design and implement a security system. devote our project in areas of vehicle safety and security to
System that offers controllability through a hand-held stop the vehicle theft. The Vehicle Tracking System allows
mobile phone by means of IOT. the user to monitor their vehicle and their routes and arrival.
There exists another problem. Recent advancement in the
1.1 IOT: automobile industry has opted many people to use their own
vehicle for traveling. This has increased effect on car
The internet of things is the network of physical objects or ownership. But to park all these cars in the major metro
“things” embedded with electronics software, sensors and cities is quite tedious and difficult task. After wrong
connectivity to enable it to achieve greater value and service parking, problems like towing occurs and hence, there is no
by exchanging data with the manufacturer, operator and/or solution as of now. Thus, the project also deals with this
other connected services. Each thing is uniquely identifiable problem of parking and subsequent towing. To tackle all the
through its embedded computing system but can inter problems specified above, the project have features like,
operate within the existing internet infrastructure. Key less unlocking of door of the car and ignition control
Typically, IOT is expected to offer advanced connectivity through both Keypad as well as the wearing of the seat belt.
of devices, systems and services that goes beyond machine The project also deals with intruder problems from Window
to machine communication (M2M) and covers a variety of of car and can trace the location of the car after being towed.
protocols, domains and applications. The These features should provide better security to the car. [2]
2. LITERATURE REVIEW: obstacle comes in between the window, it is being sensed by
an IR sensor then the sensor sends command
This project provides security to the vehicle using a new
technology to unlock the door of the car as well as wearing of
seat belt. These two conditions satisfy the user to start the
ignition of the car. Similarly securing our valuable things
from intruder through the window and the problem of towing.
This survey provides an outlook on the various researches that
have been made earlier to carry out the project.

The vehicle anti-theft tracking system based on Internet of

things is designed in [1,3], which can provide all-round active
service for the owners. This system is controlled by an RFID
module to switch on and off. In SVATS, A Sensor-network-
based Vehicle, an Anti-Theft System is implemented to avoid
the vehicle theft in the parking areas by using the Micro-
controller, RF transmitter and receiver module. [3] This paper
explains the working of GSM and GPS module. After the
power supply unit switch on, GPS (Global Positioning
System) stores the latitude and longitude information it
collects in E2 PROM chip. When thieves get into the car, the
vibration sensors mounted in the doors will be triggered. [4]
In [5], a comparison of Android JAVA performance with
popular Sun embedded JVM running on top of Angstrom Fig. 1 Block Diagram of the Proposed System
Linux was made. Their work shows that Android provides
better VM designs but consumes more energy due to lack of to controller and then controller send command to dashboard
dynamic compiler in Dalvik JVM. SeokJu Lee proposed a (dashboard side mobile) through bluetooth module then
method the efficient tracking of vehicles using GPS and dashboard side mobile send information to user through SMS
GSM. [6]. Shang and other proposed a system that uses with GPS location and the user is getting closed.
geographic position and time information from the [7] Global
Positioning Satellites. In Vehicle Tracking System by Kumar 4.1 SENSORS USED:
and Kumar, the GPS plays a major role with wireless
communication for extracting the relevant information. [8]. IR Sensor: IR sensor at the window of car is responsible
The system presented by Pham, Drieberg and others can for sensing theft through window, which will give signal to
obtain a vehicle's GPS coordinate and transmit it using the microcontroller, then microcontroller will send signal to
GSM modem to the user's phone. [9] dashboard mobile which will send message to user’s
mobile. [11]
Limit Switch: When the car gets towed the limit switch at
Develop a system that offers security to the vehicle using the bottom of the car gets pushed which sends signal to
Internet of Things (IOT). The system must be able to do user microcontroller from which a signal is send to dashboard
authentication for access control and monitor the vehicle for mobile then through gprs module present in its location is
any suspicious activity. It must keep the vehicle secured by sent via message by gsm. [11]
notifying the user via sms in case of any unauthorized access,
theft, intrusion, and towing. Bluetooth module: Used for connection between
Microcontroller and dashboard mobile. [4]
Users Mobile: Always have an alert message with
For ignition to start or for the door to get unlocked, user needs continuous beep sound. Also have the location of the car
to enter the password through keypad, if password is correct whenever towing is done. [5]
then only car door gets open and the user is given only 3
chances to enter the password, if password is wrong all time 4.2 ALGORITHM:
then we need to press the reset button to reset the system. After
that, if the user wears the Seat belt and the password is correct The algorithm of the proposed system is sub-divided
only then the user can operate the ignition or engine of the car. according to the features as follows:
If we park our car near an unauthorized area and if it gets
towed, then a limit switch will get pressed automatically. This (A) UNLOCKING THE CAR:
1. Start.
sends a command to controller which in turn sends a 2. Enter a 5-digit password with chances =3.
command to dashboard (dashboard side mobile) through 3. If password is correct.i.e.
bluetooth module. The dashboard will then send information if (pass [0] =='1' && pass [1] =='3' && pass [2] =='5' && pass
to user through SMS with GPS location and the user is alerted [3] =='2' && pass [4] =='4')
with the same with continuous beep sound. [10]. If someone LCD string("Success");
is trying to steal valuable things through the window or any Else
chance++; LCD string (“Chance:"); .
LCD string ("Error Reset");
4. Stop.


1. Start.
2. If seat belt is worn go to step 4.
3. Else seat belt error.i.e. 1
4. (a) if (left switch is pressed)
(b) elseif (right switch is pressed) Fig. 4 Car Prototype
move==right; For ignition to start, the user needs to enter the password
(c) elseif (reverse switch is pressed) through keypad.
(d) elseif (forward switch is pressed)
5. Stop.


1. Start.
2. if IR Sensor is interrupted, an ALERT MSG
(“Intrusion Detected”) is send on the users mobile and the
Buzzer starts.
3. Else window is closed.
4. Stop. Fig. 5 Display Enter password for unlocking car
If password is correct, then only the user can have access to
1. Start.
car as given only 3 chances for the same. After that, if the user
2. If the Limit Switch gets pressed, then wears the seatbelt and the password is correct then only the
(a) A Voice message on the Dashboard. user can move the car. If intrusion is detected, then through
(b) An Alert message is sent on the users mobile. IR sensor a command is send to the controller and then
3. GPS Location is detected and send via Dashboard. controller sends command to Dashboard (dashboard side
4. Stop. mobile) through Bluetooth module then dashboard side
mobile sends information to user through SMS along with
4.3 GUI: GPS location. At the time of towing, when the limit switch
gets pressed a command is send to the controller and then
controller send command to Dashboard (dashboard side

Fig. 2 Dashboard side GUI and Connection to HC-05 Fig. 6 Three Chances given after wrong password input

Fig. 7 Reset option after putting wrong password three

Fig. 3 Towing Alert Voice MSG on Dashboard APP mobile) through Bluetooth module. Then dashboard side
mobile will send information to user through SMS and with
5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS: GPS location. If password is wrong all the time, then we need
In this project, we have implemented a prototype which to press the reset button to reset the system.
represents a Car.
The screen displays success for the correct password. The system 6. CONCLUSION:
displays seat belt error on the screen if the user is not wearing
seatbelt. If the user wears the seatbelt and the password is The ongoing research in the field of IoT and its
correct, then only the user can access the car. implementation in full or partial manner will improve the
quality of life. Thus, the proposed project “IoT Based
Advanced Vehicle System” would take the security level
a step forward and try to cover many of the loopholes
which are in existing technology. The verification shows
that the IOT based advanced vehicle System is realistic
and can control the theft automatically. The response time
delay is also less. This IOT based advance vehicle system
enables user safety by seat belt compulsion, key less
locking /unlocking system to operate the car. In addition
to the above, it gives security from towing of car and theft
Fig. 8 Access the car after correct password Input
If intrusion is detected, then through IR sensor a command is through the car window. The system is ideal for cars,
send to the controller and then controller send command further it can be used for other vehicles too by using these
to Dashboard (dashboard side mobile) through Bluetooth components and modules used in this project. IOT based
module then dashboard side mobile send information to user advance vehicle system offers utmost efficiency,
through SMS along with GPS location. At the time of convenience, safety & reliability. It is an ideal solution for
towing, when the limit switch gets pressed a command is car users.
send to the controller and then controller send command to
Dashboard (dashboard side mobile) through Bluetooth 7. REFERENCES:
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