FaultSealAnalysis SPG2010
FaultSealAnalysis SPG2010
FaultSealAnalysis SPG2010
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Evaluating fault seal risk is an important factor in hydrocarbon exploration and production. This uncertainty in faults is
analyzed and fault categorization is made based on wall rock juxtapositions, membrane seal caused due to fault rock
deformation process and reactivation. However, wall rock juxtapositions and membrane seals are studied in detail with the help
of Triangle juxtaposition diagram. Shale Gouge Ratio (SGR) is the parameter which explains about the membrane seal. SGR is
calculated using the algorithm given by Yielding et al., (1997).
Fault seal analysis is carried out at reservoir top, Kalol Formation (Middle Eocene) in the Northern part of Cambay basin.
Faults are identified and its architecture, throw, heave and orientation are analyzed based on 2D seismic data. Here most of the
faults are NW-SE trending except few NE-SW cross-trends. Faults are studied taking VShale curve of the drilled wells in the
study area. Pseudo wells are created for this analysis and its lithology is prognosticated based on continuity of reflectors in
seismic data and available nearby well information. Taking reference from earlier workers a generalized classification of faults
is made based on SGR. Finally a communication map is prepared at the reservoir top to explain the fluid connectivity along the
Reliance Corporate Park, Building No.-11 g Floor, B-Wing, Ghansoli, Navi Mumbai – 400701, India. *[email protected]
Fault Seal Analysis
system analysis shows that in this study area, primarily (shale gouge) indicates that more is the shale to sand ratio
Older Cambay Shale and claystones in Olpad Formation more clay will be incorporated in fault zone. There are
are the main source rocks which can generate hydrocarbon. certain predictive algorithms for estimation of fault seal
Postrift Kalol Formation, synrift Kadi Formation and potential. Shale Gouge Ratio (SGR) is one of them. Shale
sandstones/siltstones in Olpad Formation are considered to Gouge Ratio (SGR) is the percentage shale or clay material
be the main reservoir units in this part of the basin. Tarapur that has slipped past a point on the fault. Outcrop studies
Shale is the regional seal for the postrift reservoir units. show that while predicting clay smear one has to consider
Intraformational shales/claystones in Kalol and Olpad certain controlling factors like clay bed thickness, number
Formation can act as good top seal for reservoir units in of clay beds present and fault throw (Kaldi, 2008). Thicker
Kalol and Olpad Formation respectively. Source rock source clay bed produces more clay smears. Shear type
maturation model shows that timing of peak migration may smears decreases in thickness with distance from clay
be after Late Miocene in this part of the basin. Postrift source layer. Abrasion smears are eroded with greater fault
inverted fault closures at Middle to Late Eocene level and throw. Multiple clay source beds can combine to produce
synrift fault closures at Paleocene and Early Eocene level more continuous clay smear. Yielding et al., (1997), has
are major play types identified in the study area. Only fault given methods for calculation of SGR in reservoir with
seal analysis of postrift inverted fault closures are discussed discrete shale/clay beds and for shaly sand reservoir with
in this paper. A depth structure map on top of Kalol discrete shale beds. SGR can be analyzed using Triangle
Formation showing drilled and pseudo wells is shown in juxtaposition diagrams in Trap Tester software (Badleys,
Figure 2. 2005).
Fault Seal Analysis
Figure 2: Depth structure map on top of Kalol Formation (considered to be potential reservoir section in the study area) showing identified faults,
drilled wells and pseudo wells (created for fault seal analysis).
Fault Seal Analysis
Fault Seal Analysis
Figure 3: Triangle Juxtaposition diagram showing lithological Figure 4: Triangle Juxtaposition diagram showing lithological
juxtapositions and SGR for well FSA-1 juxtapositions and SGR for well FSA-3
Fault Seal Analysis
gouge. In the throw interval of 14-28m, sands within depths most of the sand on sand juxtapositions show SGR value
870m-883m, 946m-962m and 1005m-1015m (TVDSS), >0.5. So it indicates a sealing fault.
show SGR < 0.3. So these zones may act as poor seal.
Within throw 50m-100m most of the sand on sand
juxtapositions show SGR value between 0.4-0.6. So these
reservoir juxtapositions may act as moderate seal.
Fault F5
Fault F6
Fault Seal Analysis
Fault F7 and F8
Fault Seal Analysis
Figure 9: Fault communication map showing sealing property of different parts of faults at reservoir top (Kalol Formation Top)
Conclusion Acknowledgements
Faults are mapped and its throw, heave and orientation are The authors would like to express their gratitude to
determined from the seismic data. Wall rock juxtapositions Reliance Industries Limited for supporting the publication
and SGR are analyzed in Triangle juxtaposition diagram. of this work.
Fault categorization is made based on wall rock
juxtapositions, SGR and reactivation. All the faults are References
studied in detail and finally a fault communication map is
prepared at reservoir top (Figure 9). Here different parts of Allan, U. S., 1989, Model for hydrocarbon migration and
the faults are differentiated based on its sealing property. entrapment within faulted structures: AAPG Bulletin, v. 73,
Broadly faults are classified as sealing unlikely, poor seal, p. 803–811.
moderate seal and likely sealed fault. Form communication
map and juxtaposition diagram it is clear that fault F4 and Badleys, 2005: Reference manual, Trap Tester, p. 4.1-4.12.
F7 are not perfect seal near the identified leads. Faults F1,
F2, F5, and F6 may behave as a moderate to a likely sealed Bhandari, L. L., and L. R. Chowdhary, 1975, Stratigraphic
fault. Fault F3 may behave as a tranmissive fault where analysis of Kadi and Kalol Formations: AAPG Bulletin, v.
sealing is unlikely. 59, p. 856-871.
Fault Seal Analysis