Mba Iii Syllabus
Mba Iii Syllabus
Mba Iii Syllabus
MBA (Full Time) 2 Yrs. Program of
Oriental University, Indore
Third Semester
A. Marketing Management
B. Financial Management
This course would help students develop an understanding about the strategic role of
supply chain, key issues of supply chain and the drivers of supply chain performance.
The cours
e would acquaint the students with various concepts, models and decision-making
tools pertaining to supply chain network design, forecasting, inventory,
transportation etc. and also enable them to apply the tools In real-life situation.
Examination Scheme:
The faculty member will award internal marks out of 20 (8 for Tests and 12 for class
participation). The semester examination carrying 80 marks will have two sections A and
B. Section A worth 60 marks will have 6 theory questions out of which students will be
required to attempt any four questions. Section B carrying 20 marks will contain one or
more cases/Numerical.
Course Contents
1. Importance of materials management, Codification, Simplification, Value analysis,
Value engineering, Vendor analysis.
2. Concepts and importance of a Supply Chain (SC). Evolution of Supply Chain
Management (SCM),Key issues of Supply Chain Management, Competitive and
SC strategies, Achieving strategic fit,
3. Dynamics of supply chain: Supply Chain Interventions, Push-based, Pull-based
and Push-Pull based supply chain. Network design and Operations in the Supply
4. Demand Forecasting in a Supply Chain, The value of information, Bullwhip effect,
its Causes and remedial measures.
5. Managing inventory in SC environment: Basic and Advanced inventory models.
Multi-echelon inventory models.
6. Transportation in SC environment: Design options for a transportation network,
7. Strategic Outsourcing and Strategic Alliances, Third party and fourth party
8. Retailer- Supplier partnerships (RSP), Supplier evaluation and selection. Use of
best practices.
9. Information Technology (IT) in Supply Chain Management, SC performance
model: SCOR model
Text Books
Gopalakrishnan Purchasing and Materials Management, 1e TMH 2008
Upendra Kachru Exploring the Supply Chain,Excel Books,2009
Agrawal Supply Chain Management: Text and Cases,2010, Macmillan Publishers
Janat Shah Supply Chain Management,2009, Pearson Education,2010
Badi N.V. Supply Chain Management.2010,Vrinda Publications
Reference Books
Simchi Levi Designing and Managing the Supply Chain, 3e TMH 2009
Raghuram Logistic and Supply chain Management ,2006 Macmillan Publishers
Shapiro, Modelling the Supply Chain,2007 2 ed. New Delhi: Cengage Learning
Webster Principles & Tools for Supply Chain Management.2008, McGraw Hill.
Sunil Chopra Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning and Operation, 4/e,
MBA- 302 Project Management
6. Time cost relationship, crashing for optimum cost and optimum time.
Resource leveling. Introduction to project software and applications of MS
Reference Books
McManus-Information Systems Project Management, Pearson2010
Kloppenborg,Contemporary project management 1st 2008 Cengage Learning
Gopalakrishnan – Textbook of Project Management,2005 – Macmillan Publishers
Joy ,Total Project Management,2005 , Macmillan Publishers
MBA- 304F Financial Systems and Services
The objective of the course ts to understand the role of Financial Services in Business
organizations and to give an insight into The strategic, regulatory, operating and
managerial issues concerning select financial services.
Examination Scheme:
The faculty member will award internal marks out of 20 (8 for Tests and 12 for class
participation). The semester examination carrying 80 marks will have two sections A and
B. Section A worth 60 marks will have 6 theory questions out of which students will be
required to attempt any four questions. Section B carrying 20 marks will contain one or
more cases/Numerical.
Course Contents
1. Introduction to Indian and Global Financial System: Structure and Characteristics.
2. Regulatory Institutions: SEBI (Security Exchange Board of India) and RBI
(Reserve Bank of India). Capital Markets: Primary and Secondary Market,
Structure, Nature, Significance and Players, Introduction to Money Market:
Structure, Operations, Players, Treasury Bills, Commercial Papers, Certificate of
Deposit, Gilt Edged Securities and REPO’s. Introduction to Financial Institutions:
SFC’s & DFI’s, their importance & scope (IDBI, IFCI, SIDBI). Credit Rating
Agencies –importance and Issues.
3. Asset Liability Management - Significance, ALM process. Techniques - Gap,
Duration. Simulation, Value at Risk, Book value of equity and market value of
equity perspective, Risk Management in Banks - Credit risk management.
Operational risk management, Market risk management. Corporate treasury
management. Liquidity risk management, Governance risk and compliance.
4. Basel l and 2,
Text Books
M.Y.Khan - Financial Services, 5e TMH 2009
Bharti Pathak-Indian Financial System 2/e, Pearson2010
R M Srivastava Dynamics of Financial Markets and Institutions in India, Excel
Shanmugham,Financial Services , 1st Edn, 2009, Wiley
Bhole, L M ,Financial Institutions and Markets,5e TMH 2009
Gurusamy,Financial Markets and Institutions,3e TMH 2008
Reference Books
Gopalswamy,Capital Market ,2008 Macmillan Publishers
Chary Venture Capital : Concepts and Application,2008, Macmillan Publishers
Gurusamy, S Merchant Banking and Financial Services, 3e TMH 2009
Justin Paul-Management of Banking and Financial Services, 2/e, Pearson2010
Jadhav Monetory Policy, financial Stability and Central Banking in India,2007
Macmillan Publishers
MBA- 305F Bank and Insurance Management
Course Objective
The objectives of this course are to explain to the student operations of upcoming
insurance and banking sector, statutory requirements and understanding of financial
environment and market in which they operate.
Examination Scheme:
The faculty member will award internal marks out of 20 (8 for Tests and 12 for class
participation). The semester examination carrying 80 marks will have two sections A and
B. Section A worth 60 marks will have 6 theory questions out of which students will be
required to attempt any four questions. Section B carrying 20 marks will contain one or
more cases/Numerical.
Course Contents
1. Risk and Insurance: Defining Risk, Nature and Types of risk, Risk Management
Process, Risk and its relation with Insurance., Concept and significance of
Insurance, Classification of Insurance – Life and Non life, General Principles of
Insurance, Insurance Application and Acceptance Procedure, Insurance
2. Life Insurance: Principles, Products Term Insurance Endowment, Insurance,
Pensions, Annuities, Claim Management, Analysis of Balance Sheet of Life
Insurance Co.
3. General Insurance: Principles, Products Fire, Marine, Motor Vehicles, Public
Liability, Third Party Insurance, Miscellaneous- Mediclaim and Health Policies,
Group Insurance, Burglary Insurance, Analysis of Balance Sheet of a General
Insurance Company.
4. IRDA: Functions and Importance, Recent Developments in Insurance. Premium
Payment Lapse and Revival, Premium Calculations, Concept of Mortality Tables,
Assignment, Nomination, Loans, Surrenders, Foreclosure, Reinsurance,
5. Overview of Banking Industry: Banking Structure in India- RBI, Commercial, Rural
and Co-operative banks their role and significance, Capital Adequacy norms for
banks, SLR, CRR, CAR.
6. Analyzing Bank Performance: Commercial banks Balance Sheet and Income
Statement, Relationship between B/S and Income Statement, Return on Equity
Model, Important ratios used in Balance Sheet Analysis CAMELS rating and Key
ratios involved.
7. Banking Risks: Credit, Liquidity, Market, Operational, Interest Rate, Solvency.
ALM by Banks: Classification of Assets, GAP Analysis Asset Reconstruction
8. Recent Development: BIS- its Role and Importance, Universal Banking, E-
Banking, Mobile Banking.
Text Books
ICSI.Banking and Insurance Law &Practices,Taxmann’s Publication
Rejda,Principles of Risk Management and Insurance, 9/e, Pearson,2010
V Iyenger Introduction to Banking, Excel Books,2010
Neelam C Gulati Principles of Insurance Management, Excel Books,2010
Arunajatesan – Risk Management and Insurance ,2010 Macmillan Publishers
IIB , Advanced Bank Management 2010 Macmillan Publishers
Neelam C Gulati Principles of Banking Management, Excel Books,2010
Skipper, Risk Management and Insurance Perspectives in Global Economy,1st Edn
2008, Wiley
Reference Books
IIB , Bank Financial Management ,2010 Macmillan Publishers
Hull-Risk Management and Financial Institutions, Pearson,2010
Black-Life and Health Insurance, 13/e, Pearson,2010
Timothy Koch & MacDonald, “Bank Management”, New York, Dryden Press,
Vasant Joshi and Vinay Joshi, “Managing Indian Banks”, Response Books
Justin Paul-Management of Banking and Financial Services, 2/e, Pearson,2010
MBA- 303F Tax Planning and Management
Course Objective
The objective of this course is to enable students to develop an understanding of direct
and indirect taxes and to enable them to calculate and plan taxes.
Examination Scheme:
The faculty member will award internal marks out of 20 (8 for Tests and 12 for class
participation). The semester examination carrying 80 marks will have two sections A and
B. Section A worth 20 marks will have 4 theory questions out of which students will be
required to attempt any two questions. Section B carrying 60 marks will contain five
numericals out of which students will be required to attempt any three questions.
Course Contents
Improve the understanding of and competence in making product-market choices,
managing brands, and managing new product introduction. Explore the emerging
concepts, techniques, and analytical approaches relevant to the above areas.
Examination Scheme:
The faculty member will award internal marks out of 20 (8 for Tests and 12 for class
participation). The semester examination carrying 80 marks will have two sections A and
B. Section A worth 60 marks will have 6 theory questions out of which students will be
required to attempt any four questions. Section B carrying 20 marks will contain one or
more cases/Numerical
Course Contents
6 Idea generation, concept and product development and evaluation, and business
analysis. Characteristics of Successful Product Development, New Product
Development Process and Organizations.
7 Testing products and other critical elements of marketing mix. Test Marketing
Objectives, Limitations of Test Marketing, Design Consideration in Test
Marketing, Alternatives to test Marketing Procedures, Product Launch Tracking,
8.Test market planning, evaluation, and introduction strategies.
Text Books
Lehman Russel - Product Management, 4e TMH 2009
U C Mathur,Product and Brand Management Excel Books,2010
Saaksvuori, Product Lifecycle Management, 2ed,2009, Wiley
Baker & S Hart-Product Strategy and Management, 2/e, Pearson2010
Ulrich, Karl, Product Design and Development, 3e TMH 2009
Trott-Innovation Management and New Product Development, 4/e, Pearson2010
Reference Books
Wind Yoram J., “Product Policy: Concepts, Methods and Strategies”, Masschusetts,
Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., Reading USA.
Baker Michael and Hart Susan, “Product Strategy and Management”, London,
Prentice Hall.
Ramanuj Majumdar, “Product Management in India”, New Delhi, Prentice Hall, India
MBA- 304M Advertising and Brand Management
The purpose ot this course is to familiarize tho students with tho role ol advertising in the
context of promoting products and services Advertising is one ol ihn most ubiquitous
promotional tools on which big money is spent. It is important to urniersiand the
advertising process and key decision areas for effective management d this function.
Examination Scheme:
The faculty member will award internal marks out of 20 (8 for Tests and 12 for class
participation). The semester examination carrying 80 marks will have two sections A and
B. Section A worth 60 marks will have 6 theory questions out of which students will be
required to attempt any four questions. Section B carrying 20 marks will contain one or
more cases
Course Contents
1. Advertising industry: advertisers, agencies, media companies and other
organizations. The communication model: communication process, stages and
challenges. Economic, social, ethical and regulatory aspects of advertising.
2. Demand creation role of advertising in primary and secondary demand. How
advertising works'' Hierarchy of effects model, advertising objectives, routes to
3. Customer behaviour and advertising: segmentation, motivation analyses, and
value proposition.
4. Advertising Objectives: goals and objectives. DAGMAR
7. Branding context: assets and the asset, concept of value, brand and marketing
metrics; Brand meaning: brand image and personality, brand and product; Brand
planning; brand vision and visioning process, business of brand: Brand audit
brand reality check and brand appraisal.
Reference Books
Keller, Best Practice Cases in Branding,3/e, Pearson2010
Batra-Advertising Management 5/e, Pearson2010
Jefkins-Advertising, 4/e, Pearson2010
Lane-Kleppner's Advertising Procedure, 16/e, Pearson2010
Wells-Advertising: Principles and Practice, 7/e, Pearson2010
MBA-305M Sales and Distribution Management
The objectives of this course are to expose the students to various aspects of sales and
distribution management as an integral part of marketing management, and provide
abilities in sales and distribution system.
Examination Scheme:
The faculty member will award internal marks out of 20 (8 for Tests and 12 for class
participation). The semester examination carrying 80 marks will have two sections A and
B. Section A worth 60 marks will have 6 theory questions out of which students will be
required to attempt any four questions. Section B carrying 20 marks will contain one or
more cases
Course Contents
1. Personal Selling: The Role of personal selling in marketing mix. The personal selling
process, Personal selling objectives, Types of Sales Jobs.
2. Theories of Sales Management: objectives, Nature and Scope. Buyer - Seller Dyads,
Theories of selling - AIDAS Theory, “Right set of circumstances” Theory, “Buying
Formula” Theory, and Behavioural Equation, Theory of selling.
3. Sales Planning: Sales Organization, Sales Forecasting, Sales Budgeting, Territory
Design and Setting Quotas.
4. Operational Sales Management: Selection, Training, Motivation and Compensation,
Evaluation and Control of Sales Force.
5. Sales promotion's impact on sales; Evaluation of sales promotion experiments;
Choice and purchase timing models: Manufacturer promotion planning process;
Retailer promotion planning process; Strategic issues In designing promotional
strategies; Substantive findings and issues on coupons, trade dealings, and retail
Reference Books
Cundiff and Govni, “Sales Management - Decisions, Strategy and Cases”, New
Delhi: Prentice Hall of India.
Ingram, Laforge, Avila, Schwepker and Williams, “Sales Management”, Thomson
Watuba R. Thomas,“Sales Management-Texts and Cases”, Business Publication
Johnson, Kurtz and Scheving“Sales Management, Concept practice& cases,
MBA-303H Industrial Relations and Labour
Law Objective
Industrial Relations play an important role in organizations. Organisational efficiency and
performance are intricately interlinked with industrial relations. This course will expose
students to the conceptual and practical aspects of industrial relations at the macro and
micro levels.
Examination Scheme:
The faculty member will award internal marks out of 20 (8 for Tests and 12 for class
participation). The semester examination carrying 80 marks will have two sections A and
B. Section A worth 60 marks will have 6 theory questions out of which students will be
required to attempt any four questions. Section B carrying 20 marks will contain one or
more cases
Course Contents
Kaufman, B. (Ed.). The Global Evolution ot Industrial Relations: Events and the
llRA. Geneva: International Labour Office.
8 HRD Audit: Meaning and Concept, Need, Designing HRD Audit Process,
Parameters to be Audited, Audit Results, Preventive and Corrective Actions,
Role in Business Improvement, Methodology and Limitations.
Text Books
Kandula,Strategic Human Resource Development,2010 PHI Learning
French, Bell - Organizational Development and Transformation , 6e TMH 2008
R Krishnaveni, Human Resource Development Excel Books,2010
Excel Books,2010
Dessler- Human Resource Management 11/e, Pearson2010
Mankin. D. (2009) Human Resource Development New Delhi, Oxford Univ Press
Reference Books
Kozlowski. S. V/. J. & Slas. E, (Ed). Learning, Training, and Development tn Organisations.
(2009). New York: Routledgc
Som, A. Organization Redesign and Innovative HRM . 2008. New Delhi: Oxford
University Press
Wornor. J.M.t & DeSimono, R. L Human Resource Development: Foundation:
Framework & Application 2010, Cengage Learning.
Course Objectives
The Objectives of this course are to understand human behavior in social and industrial
settings. A student will be able to comprehend the causes of behavior as well as the
methods of improvement by going through this course.
Examination Scheme:
The faculty member will award internal marks out of 20 (8 for Tests and 12 for class
participation). The semester examination carrying 80 marks will have two sections A and
B. Section A worth 60 marks will have 6 theory questions out of which students will be
required to attempt any four questions. Section B carrying 20 marks will contain one or
more cases
Course Contents
1. Social Psychology: Definition, Nature and Background.
2. Social Perception: Non-Verbal Communication, theories of Attribution, Impression
formation and impression management.
3. Social Identity: Self Concept, Self-esteem, Self-efficacy, Self-monitoring and self-
4. Social Influence: Conformity, Compliance and Obedience.
5. Interviews, Application Blanks and References: the interview, Application blanks
and biographical inventories, References and background investigations.
6. Employment Testing: Testing abilities, Testing personality, Testing skills and
achievements, Using and not using tests.
7. Safety Psychology: Safety management and safety psychology, Differential
accident liability.
Text Readings
Howitt - Social Psychology: Conflicts & Continuities, 1e TMH 2008
Baron,Social Psychology, 12/e, Pearson,2010
Taylor,Social Psychology, 12/e, Pearson,2010
DeLamater,Textbook of Social Psychology,1st 2008 Cengage Learning
Jex, Organizational Psychology: A Scientist Practitioner Approach, 2009 Wiley
S.C. Tailor, L.A. Peplau and D.O. Sears, “Social Psychology”, New Jersey, Prentice
Hall Inc., 7th Ed.,1995.
Course Objective
The objective of this course is to help students to understand the concepts of Object
Oriented programming using C++ and their use in organization and processing complex
business information.
Examination Scheme:
The faculty member will award internal marks out of 20 (10 marks for the internal
performance of the student and 10 marks for viva voce). The semester examination
carrying 80 marks will have 7 questions out of which students will be required to attempt
any 5 questions.
Course Contents
Text Books
Course Objective
The objective of this course is to help the student acquire the basic knowledge of
information system so as to enable them to make more efficient use of information for
decision making.
The faculty member will award internal marks out of 20 (10 marks for the internal
performance of the student and 10 marks for viva voce). The semester examination
carrying 80 marks will have 7 questions out of which students will be required to attempt
any 5 questions.
Course Contents
1. The meaning and use MIS, System View of Business, Process of MIS,
Development of MIS within the organization, Management Process, Information
Needs, System Approach in Planning Organizing and Controlling MIS.
2. Planning, Implementation and Controlling of Management Information System.
3. Fundamentals of Data Processing, Computer Operation of Manual Information
System, Components of Computer Systems, Flow Chart, Conversion of Manual
to Computer Based Systems, Computer Systems Software, Application Software,
Telecommunication Modem.
4. Managerial Decision Making, characteristics and components of Decision
Support System.
5. System Design: System design consideration, input/output design, forms design,
file organization and database, data management, file design, program design,
control and security.
Text Reading
Sushila Madan, Management Information System,2010,Taxmann’s
Goyal , Management Information System 3/e,2010 Macmillan Publishers
Arora & Bhatia Management Information Systems,2010,Excel Books
Kumar & Gupta Management Information Systems 2010,Excel Books
Laudon,Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm, 11/e,
Pearlson Managing and using Information Systems,3rd edn , 2009, Wiley
Reference Books
Rainer, Introduction to Information Systems: Supporting and Transforming
Business ,2nd Edn ,2010, Wiley
McLeod-Management Information Systems 10/e, Pearson
O'brien, James,Management Information System (SIE), 9e TMH 2009
JawadekarWaman,Management Information Systems:Text & Cases, 4e TMH 2009
Davis, Keith,Management Information Systems, 2e TMH 2009
Course Objective
The objective of this course is to help students to understand the basics of Relational Database
Management System, and back-end Tool using ORACLE and their use in organization and
processing complex business information.
Examination Scheme:
The faculty member will award internal marks out of 20 (10 marks for the internal
performance of the student and 10 marks for viva voce). The semester examination
carrying 80 marks will have 7 questions out of which students will be required to attempt
any 5 questions.
Course Contents
Text Readings
Dasgupta,Database managmentSystem,Oracle,SQL&PL/SQL2010,PHI,Learning
Deshpande, SQL & PL/SQL for Oracle 10g Black Book,1st Edn,2007, Dreamtech
Dreamtech,Oracle 10g Administration in Simple Steps,1edn ,2008, Dreamtech
Harrison-Oracle Performance Survival Guide A Systematic Approach to
Database,2010 Pearson
Reference Books
Ramez Elmasri & Shamkant B. Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database
Systems”, Addison-Wesley, New Delhi,
Ivan Bayross, “SQL / PLSQL”,BPB Publications, New Delhi,
Abrahan Sliberschatz, Henery F. Korth, S. Sundershan, “Database System
Concepts”, Mc Graw Hill Inc., New York,
Bipin C. Desai, “An Introduction to Database Systems”, Golgotia Publications
Ivan Bayross, “Commercial Application Development using Oracle /
Developer 2000 Form 5”, BPB Publications, New Delhi
C.J. Date, “An Introduction to Database Systems”, Addison-Wesley,New Delhi
George Koch & Kevin Loney, “ORACLE 8 – The Complete Reference”, TMH,
MBA-303P Strategic Technology Management
Objective of this course is provide the students exposure to the concepts of technology
management,and technology management issues like technology development,
acquisition, absorption, diffusion and technology support systems.
Examination Scheme
The faculty member will award internal marks out of 20 (8 for Tests and 12 for class
participation). The semester examination carrying 80 marks will have two sections A and
B. Section A worth 60 marks will have 6 theory questions out of which students will be
required to attempt any four questions. Section B carrying 20 marks will contain one or
more cases
Course Contents
1. Technology Issue and Implications: Concepts and Definition, Aspects and
Betz and Fredrick, Managing Technology, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Publications, .
Dodgesonmark, Technology Strategy and the Firm, U.K., Longman Publications, .
Stoneman, Economic Analysis of Technological Change, Oxford Univ. Press
Micheal Earl, Information Management, London, Oxford University Press.
Rohtangi, K. Rohtangi and B. Bowonder, Technology Forecasting,TMH Publications,
Peter F. Drucker, Technology Management and Society, London, Pam Books
IGNOU Notes on Technology Management (MS-94), Meerut, IGNOU Pub,
MBA-304P Product Innovation and Planning
Improve the understanding of and competence in making product-market choices,
managing brands, and managing new product introduction. Explore the emerging
concepts, techniques, and analytical approaches relevant to the above areas. The
emphasis will be on the application of concepts and tools used in PPC for achieving
efficiency and quality superiority.
Examination Scheme:
The faculty member will award internal marks out of 20 (8 for Tests and 12 for class
participation). The semester examination carrying 80 marks will have two sections A and
B. Section A worth 60 marks will have 6 theory questions out of which students will be
required to attempt any four questions. Section B carrying 20 marks will contain one or
more cases/Numerical
Course Contents
1. Product strategy Proposed Product Planning Model-Setting Objectives,
Monitoring the Environment, Situation Analysis,.Development of a Product/Market
Program, Product Mix Strategy. Analysis of product line and product mix
3. Testing products and other critical elements of marketing mix. Test Marketing
Objectives, Limitations of Test Marketing, Design Consideration in Test
Marketing, Alternatives to test Marketing Procedures, Product Launch Tracking,
Relaunch.Test market planning, evaluation, and introduction strategies.
4. Materials Planning and Control: Input Required for Materials Planning and
Control, Steps in Materials Planning and Control, Techniques of Materials
Planning and Control, Machining Allowances, Make or Buy Decision, Scientific
Stock Control Techniques (Inventory Control Models).
5. Factors Influencing Process Planning: Step in Process Planning and Process
6. Manufacturing resource planning (MRP II): Introduction, Aggregate production
planning, master production scheduling, MRP II (Introduction, concepts), MRP II
with Just in Time, choice of software, making MRP II system work, achieving
business objectives with MRP II.
7. Scheduling: Factors Influencing Scheduling, Working and Scheduling Charts,
Job Sequences (n job on two machines, n job on three machines), Project
Scheduling, Critical Ratio Scheduling.
8. Capacity Planning: Capacity Planning, Integrated Production Planning and
Text Books
Saaksvuori,Product Lifecycle Management, 2nd edn ,2009, Wiley
Stephen N Chapman,Fundamentals of Production, Planning and Control,1st
Edition, 2007
Alan Muhlemann, Production and Operations Management, 6th Edition, 2007
R K Srivastava,Product Management & New Product Development,2010,Excel
Reference Books
Jhamb, “Production Planning and Control”, Pune: Everest Publications,
Hari Raghu Rama Sharma, “Production Planning and Control Concepts and
Application”, New Delhi: Deep and Deep Publications,
Bill Scott, “Manufacturing Planning System”, London: McGraw-Hill Publications,
Text Readings
Barnes, Motion and Time Study Design and Measurement of Work, 2009, Wiley
International Labour Office, Geneva, Introduction to Work Study, Universal Book
Corporation, 3rd Revised Ed.,