Article 1617170862
Article 1617170862
Article 1617170862
Review Article
World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
Research officer (Ay.), M.S Regional Ayurveda Research Insitute Jaipur, CCRAS, Ministry of Ayush.
Ayurveda, the science of life (Ayu) has clearly defined the importance of Vyayama in life. The Ritucarya and
Dianacarya chapters of classic ayurvda literature explain the enlightened role of vyayama to achieve swasthya
which is a pathway to attain Dhirghayu. Vyayama, mentioned as a daily regimen (Dianacary), its seasonal
modifications (Ritucarya), indication and contra indication (yogya and ayogya), duration (matra), benefits (guna
and samyak lakhsana), preventive and therapeutic roles in different diseases are precisely defined in Ayurveda
literature. In Modern science different researches have been done in the field of physiological, psychological,
preventive and therapeutic aspects of physical exercise.
long work, exhaustion not felt early, body becomes obesity.[21] Increasing physical activity level is the most
stable, body does not express symptoms early even in important intervention to improve health in populations.
adverse condition like heat, cold, thirst, and hunger In the literature, the term ‘exercise’ is frequently used to
(Sthairya, Dukhasahishnuta), pacifies Vata Pitta Kapha distinguish structured programs from incidental day-to-
dosha (Doshakshaya) and increases digestive fire day physical activity, such as housework.[22]
Types of exercise
Benefits of Vyayama Depending on the overall effect on the human body:
Benefits of Vyayama according to Acharya Sushruta are Physical exercises can be generally grouped into two
if a person is ugly, after Vyayama they get beautiful look types[23]
because of weight loss, proper muscles distribution Aerobic exercise is any physical activity that uses
compact body and proportionate figure (Sudarshana), large muscle groups and causes the body to use
enhances digestive fire, increases metabolic rate, thyroid more oxygen than it would while resting. Examples
function becomes normal, and old age does not attack are exercise include cycling, swimming, brisk
early.[13] Another benefit of Vyayama is loss of added fat walking, skipping rope, rowing, hiking, playing
(Medakshaya), so beneficial in obesity.[14] tennis, continuous training, and long slow distance
Through Vyayama, body become strengthen so compared Anaerobic exercise which includes strength and
with lion, and diseases not attack easily so disease resistance training .Strengthen muscles as well as
compare with weak antelop in Sushruta Samhita.[15] improve bone strength, balance, and coordination.
Examples of strength moves are push-ups, lunges,
Types of Vyayama and bicep curls using dumbbells. Anaerobic exercise
Niyudha, Bahuyudha, Adhva, Shilanirghat, Padaghat, also includes weight training, functional training,
Chankraman types of Vyayama describe in Samhita eccentric training, interval training, sprinting.
Grantha. Niyudha and Bahuyudha may be correlated
with wrestling, Adhva and Chankraman means walking According to the intensities of the exercise it can also
for long distance or simple walking Shilanirghat divide to three categories, heart rate is typically used as
throwing or pulling stone, Padaghat means massage by a measure of exercise intensity [24]
feet.[16] Light exercise: Does not induce sweating unless it's
a hot, humid day. There is no obvious change in
Acharya Charaka has explained varieties of exercise for breathing patterns. Sleeping, writing, desk work,
Kaphaja Roga .Sleshma Prakruti Purusha are indicated typing, very slow walking are the examples.
for Padaghat (massaging with feet), swimming, horse, Moderate exercise: It should raise your heart rate,
elephant, chariot riding, practicing weapons, rotating make you breathe faster and make you feel warm
weight, pulling rope, shooting arrow.[17] enough to start to sweat after performing the activity
for about 10minutes. Breathing becomes deeper and
Complications more frequent. You can carry on a conversation but
Before practice of Vyayama consider some factors like cannot sing. Bicycling, very light effort, calisthenics,
age of individual, strength and physical tolerance diet home exercise, light or moderate efforts are the
pattern, season, habitat (Sadharan, Aanoop, examples.
Jangamdesha). Vyayama is always beneficial for those Vigorous exercise: will make you breathe hard,
who are physically strong and taken fatty diets (Snigdha increase your heart rate significantly and make you
Ahara). hot enough to sweat profusely after 3-5 minutes.
Breathing is deep and rapid. You can only talk in
Complication of over Vyayama is Kasa, Svasha, Kshaya, short phrases. Running, jogging, jogging in place,
Shosha, Jwara, Raktapitta, Bhrama, Klama; may be calisthenics (e.g. pushups, sit-ups, pull ups, jumping
correlated with respiratory disease, bleeding disorder, jacks), heavy vigorous effort, rope jumping are the
weakness, vertigo, tiredness.[18] examples.
insomnia, help to promote or maintain positive self- BDNF plays an important role in neuronal
esteem, improve mental health, maintain steady digestion survival and growth, serves as a neurotransmitter
and treat constipation and gas, regulate fertility health, modulator, and participates in neuronal plasticity, which
and augment an individual's sex appeal or body image, is essential for learning and memory. Evidence available
which has been found to be linked with higher levels of in the literature suggests that physical exercise especially
self esteem.[27,28] Care providers call exercise the aerobic exercise improves hippocampus function and
"miracle" or "wonder" drug—alluding to the wide variety increases BDNF in the serum. Studies suggest that a
of benefits that it can provide for many individuals.[29,30] vigorous workout increases levels of a brain- derived
protein (known as BDNF) in the body, believed to help
Cardio respiratory fitness with decision making, higher thinking, and learning[37]
There is arguably no measure more important for health Studies found that three weeks of high-intensity cycling
than cardio respiratory fitness (CRF) (commonly and five weeks of aerobic exercise improved cognitive
measured by maximal oxygen uptake, VO2max).[31] functioning and increased levels of BDNF.
Regular exercise makes the heart stronger and the lungs
fitter, enabling the cardiovascular system to deliver more Exercise is good for relieving symptoms of depression
oxygen to the body with every heart beat and the and anxiety similar to psychotherapy. Exercise increases
pulmonary system to increase the maximum amount of concentrations of nor epinephrine, a chemical that can
oxygen that the lungs can take in. Low CRF is also well moderate the brain‘s response to stress. The endorphins
established as an independent risk factor of type 2 released during exercise create feelings of happiness and
Diabetes and Cardiovascular disease morbidity and euphoria.
mortality.[32] Similarly, It was reported that men who
transitioned from having low to high CRF decreased The following are the common psychological benefits
their mortality risk by ∼50% over an 8year period, gained through exercise.
whereas men who transitioned from having high to low Improved mood
CRF increased their mortality risk by ∼50%.Exercise Reduced stress as well as an improved ability to
lowers blood pressure, slightly decreases the levels of cope with stress
total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and Improved self-esteem
increases the level of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) Pride in physical accomplishments
cholesterol. These helpful effects decrease the risk of Increased satisfaction with oneself
heart attack, stroke, and coronary artery disease. Lifelong Improved body image
aerobic exercise training preserves VO2max into old Increased feelings of energy
age. However, cross-sectional data show that with Improved in confidence in your physical abilities
lifelong aerobic exercise training, trained individuals Decreased symptoms associated with depression
often have the sameVO2max as a sedentary individual four
decades younger. It is found that low estimated VO2max It is found that even a brief walk at low intensity can
increases mortality 4.5-fold compared to high estimated improve mood and increase energy. As little as 10
VO2max.[33] They concluded that exercise capacity is a minutes of aerobic exercise can have a positive effect.
more powerful predictor of mortality among men Programs longer than 10 weeks work best for reducing
than other established risk factors for cardiovascular symptoms of depression. Moderate-to-high intensity
disease. aerobic exercise can reduce anxiety sensitivity. Study
suggests that 30 Minutes Exercise for 5 or more days in a
According to the American Heart Association (AHA), week, it helps in lowering the desperation and mental
exercising 30 minutes a day, five days a week will stress.[38]
improve your heart health and help reduce your risk of
heart disease. You can even break it up into quick and Diabetes
manageable 10-minute sessions, three times a day.[34] Exercise is an important component in the management
protocol of diabetes. It has a crucial role in controlling
Mental health blood glucose (blood sugar) level. Higher level of
Many studies support physical activity as a noninvasive glucose in Type 2 Diabetes is either due to insufficient
therapy for mental health improvements in cognition, insulin production or due to insulin resistance. In either
depression, anxiety, neurodegenerative diseases (i.e., case, exercise can reduce the glucose level by increased
Alzheimer‘s and Parkinson‘s disease) and drug addiction. glucose uptake into muscles without insulin mediation. A
Various studies on mice and men have shown that single exercise bout increases glucose uptake by skeletal
cardiovascular exercise can create new brain cells (aka muscle, sidestepping the insulin receptor and thus insulin
neurogenesis) and improve overallbrain performance.[35] resistance in Type 2 Diabetes patients, exercise activates
a downstream insulin-signaling pathway, facilitating
Many exercise-related improvements in cognitive GLUT4 expression translocation to the plasma
function have been associated with local and systemic membrane independent of the insulin receptor.[39] This
expression of growth factors in the hippocampus, way regular practice of exercise can normalize the
notably; brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).[36] glucose level and can be considered as a very powerful
‘drug’ for type 2 Diabetes. Altering the metabolism of bile acids, decreasing
exposure of the gastrointestinal tract to theses
The first study, and only study to have separate study suspected carcinogens(colon)
arms for diet and exercise, was in China. The pure Reducing the time it takes for food to travel
exercise intervention group had a 46% reduction in the through the digestive system, which decreases
onset of Type 2 Diabetes, relative to the non treated gastrointestinal tract exposure to possible
group, after 6 year of the study. Diet alone reduced Type carcinogens(colon)
2 Diabetes by 31% in the Chinese study.[40] The Helping to prevent obesity, which is a risk factors
American College of Sports Medicine and American for many cancers
Diabetes Association recommend that patients with type
2 diabetes participate in at least 150 minutes of moderate Exercise also has beneficial effects on cancer survivors.
exercise weekly with resistance training two or three A report of American college of sports medicine
times weekly concluded that moderate – intensity aerobic training
and/or resistance exercise during and after cancer
Obesity treatment can reduce anxiety, depressive symptoms and
Obesity usually means an imbalance between energy fatigue, beneficial for bone health and sleep quality and
intake and expenditure such that the excess energy is improve health related quality of leave and physical
stored in fat cells. Exercise is the most important function.[44]
discretionary component of total daily energy
expenditure, and thus has the potential to affect energy Immunity w.s.r COVID 19 pandemic
balance. Exercise increases the level of energy A properly functioning immune system keeps the body
expenditure thus helps to burn the calories which in turn well and wards off infection risk. Exercise keeps the
help in reduction of excess body weight. If supplemented metabolic system and immunity geared up and
with proper nutrition, exercise is the way to prevent functioning well. Exercise can cut off inflammation as
obesity. A study conducted by the American College of well as flush out harmful toxins, bacteria and certain
Sports Medicine (ACSM) reveals that 150 and 250 kind of viruses from your lungs and airways. Some
minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise each week to studies also support that exercising boosts count of
lose weight[41] that‘s roughly 22 to 35 minutes of exercise your disease-fighting antibodies and WBCs in the body
per day to lose weight. and also mentions that high- intensity workouts could
not just weaken the immune system, but also expose
Cancer the body to more stress than usual, increase the
Exercise is one of the most important actions you can likelihood of developing respiratory distress,
take to help guard against many types of cancer. Up to complications from COVID as well as increase mortality
one-third of cancer-related deaths are due to obesity and risk.[45] Moderate-intensity physical activity can boost
a sedentary lifestyle. Moderate to vigorous physical your immune system, however high-intensity high
activity like walking, running, cycling, swimming etc volume training maysuppress immune function.[46]
which makes sweating and increases heart beat helps in
lowering the cancer risk. As per the data released by Good news is that exercise appears to improve immune
Cancer Research institute in 2020[42], physically active system response to vaccination also. Older adults with a
shows 13-15% lower risk in bladder cancer, 12-21% chronic history of exercise, and those undergoing acute
lower risk of breast cancer,19% lower risk of colon bouts of exercise before vaccination, produce more
cancer, 20% lower risk of endometrial cancer (In fact the antibodies against strains of influenza. Several studies
association is indirect as physical activity reduces obesity have seen this effect, though the clinical significance
which is a strong risk factor for Endometrial cancer), remains unclear as further research is needed. It‘s
21% lower risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma,12% reasonable to assume the same exercise effect could
lower risk of renal cancer, 23% reduced risk of kidney occur with a COVID-19 vaccine.[47]
cancer and 19% lower risk of stomach cancer.
WHO Guide lines for Exercise
Exercise has many biologic effects on the body which As per WHO, physical activity needed for good health
have been associated with some specific cancers. These according to age groups[48]
Lowering the level of sex hormones such as In a 24-hour day, infants (less than one year) should
estrogen and growth factors that have been Be physically active several times a day in a variety
associated with cancer development and of ways, particularly through interactive floor-based
progression(breast and colon) play; more is better.
Preventing high blood levels of insulin which has
been linked to cancer development and In a 24-hour day, children 1-2 years of age should
progression(breast ,colon) Spend at least 180 minutes in a variety of types of
Reducing inflammation physical activities at any intensity, including
Improving immune system function moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity,
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