Module 3 NSTP1 Final
Module 3 NSTP1 Final
Module 3 NSTP1 Final
College of Education
Module 3
Drug Addiction
This module focuses on the social problem called drug addiction. People have always been
curious about the world and experiment with everything to make life better and more comfortable.
Scientist have discovered remedies that can treat pain and illness and promote good health and longer
Reports of drug related crime are common in the Philippine media. The main concern tends to
be towards Shabu which gets the most media attention. It does seem that illegal drug use is on the rise,
and this has worrying implications for the future. There is an urgent need to educate young people as to
the dangers of drug use, and there is also a great need to help those who are already addicted to escape
their misery. Failure to do this could mean there will be further deterioration within many Filipino
At the end of this module, the student should be able to:
1. explain key concepts on drug and drug addiction;
2. determine reasons why people turn into drugs; and
3. enumerate some common illegal substances and their diverse effects on the user.
The succeeding sections has been adopted from Human Person Gearing towards Social
Development: NSTP-CWTS 1 by Villasoto HS & Villasoto NS.
Coloma (2004) states that drug dependence is the overuse of a drug without
due regard to accepted medical practice resulting in the individual’s physical,
mental, emotional, or behavioral impairment. Drug is defined as follows
according to the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA):
1. Clinical definition
Drug is a therapeutic substance other than food used in the prevention, diagnosis,
alleviation, treatment or cure of disease in humans or animals.
2. General definition
Drug is a substance aside from food intended to affect the structure or function of a
physiological system like the human body.
3. Popular definition
Drug refers mainly to chemical or plant – derived substances that affect the body’s
psychological, behavioral, or physical functions and leads to varying degrees of
dependence or addiction.
Drugs change the way the body and the brain function. Sometimes, the results are pleasant as
in the case of prescription medications that are uses to treat various conditions and diseases. However,
there are also times when the results are terrible and cause great harm to one’s body and well-being.
Thus, it is wise to know that not all drugs are harmful or are always safe. It is more important,
however, to recognize if you are addicted to drugs. Serious consequences can result from the use of
both illegal drugs and prescription medications.
An addiction is not having control over doing, taking, or using
something, until it becomes harmful. Commonly, there are dependencies
on alcohol or drugs, but you can also become addicted to everything
from gambling to chocolates. Being addicted to something means having
a difficult time without it during the day.
Drug abuse does not only involve illegal substances. Any drug can be abused, whether it is
bought on a street corner or obtained from a pharmacy. There is no dividing line between
prescription drugs and the so-called recreational drugs because both often include the same or similar
ingredients but in different dosages.
Smoked cannabis produces a dreamy state of consciousness in which ideas seem disconnected,
unanticipated, and free-flowing. Time, color, and spatial perceptions may be altered. In general, a
feeling of well-being and relaxation is experienced. Panic reactions usually occur, particularly to new
Adverse Effects
1. Impairment of memory and short-term cognitive functioning, particularly mathematical, reading,
and verbal comprehension skills.
2. Impairment of motor skills which may lead to accidents and respiratory problems such as
bronchitis or lung cancer.
3. Premature babies, low birth weight, abortion, or still birth (neonatal death)
4. Panic or state of anxiety, sometimes accompanied by paranoia
5. Motivational syndrome as the regular use of marijuana dulls the mind of the smoker, blunts
enthusiasm, and takes away drive or urge.
6. Burnout as the user can become dull, slow-moving, inattentive, and unaware of his/her
7. Susceptibility to infections
8. Decreased sperm production and altered sperm shape and mobility.
9. Decreased testosterone level, so that pre-teenagers are at an increased risk of temporary loss of
10. Symptoms of mental illness.
Adverse Effects
1. Anxiety, tension, irritability, irrational behavior, talkativeness and loss of self-control
2. Loss of appetite and inability to sleep
3. Euphoria, elation
4. Acute psychotic reactions, violent and destructive behavior, and recklessness that may result in
Psychological Effects
These include chest pains; irregularity of heartbeat; elevated or lowered blood pressure,
evidence of weight loss, convulsion, and death from cardiac arrest.
Inhalant abuse is the deliberate inhalation of volatile chemical substance that contains
psychoactive (mind/mood-altering) vapors causing a state of intoxication. Most inhalants are common
household products such as nailpolish remover, glue, gasoline, household cleaners, and nitrous oxide.
Inhalants also include fluorinated hydrocarbons found in aerosols such as hairspray, spray paint, and
household cleaners.
As the name suggests, inhalants refer to a group of drugs that are inhaled in the form of a gas or
Immediate Effects
1. Confusion
2. Distorted perception of time and distance
3. Aggressive behavior/violence
4. Hallucinations
5. Illusions
6. Nausea and vomiting
7. Drowsiness
Delayed Effects
1. Loss of memory
2. Inability to think
3. Muscle cramps and weakness
4. Numbness of limbs
5. Abdominal pains
6. Damage to the central nervous system, kidney, liver, and possibly, the bone marrow
Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) commonly known
as “Ecstasy,” “X-TC,” “Adam,” and “Eden Tablet,” refers to the drug
having such chemical composition, including any of its isomers or
derivatives in any form.
MDMA was first developed as an appetite suppressant in 1914 by the German company, Merck. In the
1970s, U.S. therapists, led by biochemists Alexander Shulgin, used the drug to help patients explore
their feelings.
Adverse Effects
1. Fatigue and, perhaps, depression after the drug is stopped.
2. Restlessness, anxiety, and pronounced visual and auditory hallucinations at large doses
3. Nausea and vomiting
4. Rise in blood pressure and heart rate, or death from heart failure or stroke
5. Prolonged regular use can lead to the same long-term effects as those of synthetic stimulants,
including a potential for neurotoxicity and brain and liver damage.
Opiates, sometimes called narcotics, are a group of drugs that are used medically to relieve
pain but have a high potential for abuse. Some opiates come from a resin take from the seed pod of
the Asian poppy. Opiates that are commonly abused are opium, morphine, codeine, and synthesized
or manufactured opiates.
Opium refers to the coagulated juice of the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) and embraces
every kind, class, and character of opium, whether crude or prepared; the ashes or refuse of the
same; narcotic preparations thereof or therefrom; morphine, or any alkaloid of opium; preparations
in which opium, morphine, or any alkaloid of opium is used as an ingredient; opium poppy; poppy
straw; and leaves or wrappings of opium leaves, whether prepared for use or not.
Opium poppy- refers to any part of the plant of the species Papaver somniferum L., Papaver
setigerum DC, Papaver orientale, Papaver bracteatum, and Papaver rhoeas which include the seeds,
straws, branches, leaves, or any part thereof, or substances derived therefrom, even for floral,
decorative and culinary purposes.
Cocaine is a drug from the leaves of the Erythoxylon coca plant, a shrub that originated from
South America. This drug affects the central nervous system as a stimulant.
Cocaine exaggerates changes caused by at least two brain chemicals – noradrenaline and
dopamine – increasing alertness and causing euphoria. Pure cocaine was produce in 1860 and was
hailed as a cure-all. Doctors used it to treat anxiety and depression until they realized it was addictive.
Dentists also used cocaine to numb their patients’ gums, but because it damaged living tissues, it was
replaced by drugs like lignocaine.
Anabolic steroids are not the same as the kind used in medicine for the reduction of
inflammation. Rather, these substances are used to build muscle mass and strength. They typically
consist of male sex hormones and can be very damaging when used without a medical prescription.
Tobacco is often smoked in the form of cigarettes or cigars or chewed. It contains nicotine which
is a stimulant and a highly addictive substance that has been known to cause cancer and other diseases.
Tobacco was introduced in America in the late 5th century. When tobacco smoke is inhaled,
nicotine is absorbed through the lungs and reaches the brain in about seven seconds. Nicotine
works by mimicking the actions of a naturally occurring brain chemical-acetylcholine-by docking
with its special receptor molecules. Some of these nicotine receptors in the brain active part of
the “pleasure center”, which could be responsible for nicotine’s euphoric affects.
Nine out of ten smokers say they like to quit smoking but cannot. Nicotine withdrawal
symptoms include irritability, anxiety, loss of concentration, and sleeplessness. Cigarette smoke
contains a handful of other harmful substances, including carbon monoxide and tar.
1. Curiosity
2. Social influences (peer pressure)
3. New sensations, for example, the effects of ecstasy which include increased energy and
4. Rebellion and willingness to take risks especially when teenagers take illegal substances that
their parents strongly disapproved.
5. Escapism. Alcohol and other drugs are used as a means of avoiding problems associated with
family life, school or work frustrations, friendship and relationship difficulties, low self-esteem,
and depression.
A. Write a short essay on how your school and barangay can help in preventing drug addiction.
Ten (10) points.
Discuss briefly: Five (5) points.
A. Why do people turn into drugs?
B. Write True on the blank if the statement is correct and False if the statement is wrong.
_______1. A drug is a chemical that affects how the body works. Alcohol, caffeine, aspirin, and
nicotine are all drugs.
_______2. An addiction is not having control over doing, taking, or using something, until it becomes
_______3. Cocaine is a drug from the leaves of the Erythroxylon coca plant, a shrub that originated
from South Africa.
_______4. Marijuana has no psychoactive effects.
_______5. Methamphetamine HCL is a type of amphetamine which is also known as “poor man’s
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Lee, S.J. (2007). National Service Training Program. Quezon City: C & E Publishing.
Mental Help.Net. (n.d). effects of combining sedatives & opiates. Retrieved from
Mitchum, R. (2009, August 25) . picture of ecstasy. Retrieved from:
National Institutes of Health. (2019). picture of methamphetamine. Retrieved from
Villasoto,H. &Villasoto, N. (2018) Human Person Gearing towards Social Development: NSTP-CWTS 1.
Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc.