C++ Part A
C++ Part A
C++ Part A
graphics in console screen that is why I choose another option for drawing a Tic Tac Toe
Game Environment via the help of COUT(in small) and try to manage that each chart looks
goods when we enter the values on it.Before changing the value of game chart first we have
to put some value in a chart or we can say in a matrix. So I took a string matrix and put some
values between 0 to 9 or 1 to 9 and also divide the matrix in 3 * 3 in GameChart Draw in the
first part. After that when both users enter their names our program clear the first screen
and display the current screen.
Now I ask both Gamers to enter the number so if a Player enters the values between 1 to 9
we change the value of that Player in a GameChart. The Same process repeated again and
again and alternative for each Player one by one.Tic Tac Toe Game is a very famous game in
this game everyone wants to win so that each and every input of user we check winning
condition if our condition satisfy then it will print the message according to Game that
either First player win or second Player win or Game is draw No one win Both Are Skilled
6 testing
7 Report of micro-