C++ Part A

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Annexure – I

PART A – Micro-Project Proposal


1.0 Brief Introduction :-

Creating a Tic Tac Toe game in C++ is easy. We can create a two-player Tic Tac
Toe game in C++ language using Array, Function, and True-False condition.Tic-tac-toe
is a game where two players X and O fill the hash (#) shaped box (consist of two
vertical lines crossing two horizontal lines) with their alternate turns. The player who
first fills the box with 3Xs or 3Os in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal manner will win
the game. In some cases, when none of the players succeeds in filling the boxes
horizontally, vertically, or diagonally with 3Xs or 3Os, then the game will be
considered to be a draw.
2.0 Aim of the Micro-Project:-
1) Increase IQ level.
2)The goal of the game is for players to position their marks so that they make a
continuous line of three cells vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. An opponent can
prevent a win by blocking the completion of the opponent's line.

3.0 Intended Course Outcomes : -

1) Develop a c++ programs to solve problems uding procedure oriented approach.
2) Develop a c++ program to perform a tic-tac-toe game.
4.0 Literature Review :-
 First we read all syllabus of object oriented programming practice books.
 We are Searching different type project related our syllabus on Internet YouTube
also read the reference book related syllabus.
 Find different topics and we are Watch different video related topic when we are
select the one topic from Different topics. we watch the topic the syllabus after
finalize our topic.
 We are Search more information on Google we read different reference book
two related subject for tic-tac-toe game.
 We take help from the subject teacher on our micro project we also take help
from our group member they are collecting the information related to micro
 We found information from different web sites.
 https://www.youtube.com/
 https://www.google.co.in
 https://www.w3schools.com

5.0 Proposed Methodology :-
C++ Tic Tac Toe Game project Using Arrays in C++ or simple tic tac toe game in c++.
Tic Tac Toe is a very popular Game, we often play this game Classrooms and hostel while
we are in student life. Now I am going for Tic Tac Toe Game by step by step for better
understanding .First design a game chart, in C++ it is difficult to design .

graphics in console screen that is why I choose another option for drawing a Tic Tac Toe
Game Environment via the help of COUT(in small) and try to manage that each chart looks
goods when we enter the values on it.Before changing the value of game chart first we have
to put some value in a chart or we can say in a matrix. So I took a string matrix and put some
values between 0 to 9 or 1 to 9 and also divide the matrix in 3 * 3 in GameChart Draw in the
first part. After that when both users enter their names our program clear the first screen
and display the current screen.

Now I ask both Gamers to enter the number so if a Player enters the values between 1 to 9
we change the value of that Player in a GameChart. The Same process repeated again and
again and alternative for each Player one by one.Tic Tac Toe Game is a very famous game in
this game everyone wants to win so that each and every input of user we check winning
condition if our condition satisfy then it will print the message according to Game that
either First player win or second Player win or Game is draw No one win Both Are Skilled

6.0 Resources Required:-

S. No. Name of Specifications Qty. Remarks

1 Software Turboc++ 1 -
2 Ram 4GB 1 -
3 Hard disk 40GB 1 -
4 Processor Pentium and 1 -

5 Operating system Window 10 1 -

0.7 Action plan:-

Sr.no Details of activity Planned Planned Name of Responsible

Start date Finish team members
1 Search micro- Priyanka Mahale
project name
2 Final micro-
Riya Kathe
project name
3 Search
information Laxmi sanas
4 Study about
micro-project Priyanka vadje
5 coding

6 testing

7 Report of micro-

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