Baptist Bridge

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The Baptist Bridge

By the grace of God, the Philippi Baptist Church shall Embrace, Model, and Share the love of God through Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Philippi Baptist Church 107 Church St. Philippi, WV 26416 (304) 457-3206 August 2011

Inside this issue From the Pastor Board of Christian Ed... Youth news... Announcements... Getting to know... Prayer list Birthdays... Anniversaries...

Catch us on the radio live every Sunday morning. 10:30a.m. WQAB 91.3 FM

107 Church Street Philippi, WV 26416 (304) 457-3206 [email protected]

Jon Villers, Pastor Lisa Dadisman, Secretary

Greetings from the One who continues to create a new thing! We have been blessed with Adam and Lisa Cheeseman listening to God's call to Barbour County. Our church unanimously extended the call to Pastor Adam Cheeseman to be the Associate Pastor of Youth and Young Adults at a special business meeting on July 17, 2011. Adam will begin ministry with us on August 1st. God has gifted him with two successful youth ministry positions in Wirt County over the last six years. Adam was recently hired as a special education teacher in Barbour County with half day assignments between Philip Barbour and Philippi Middle. In 2007, He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Education from Alderson -Broaddus College with certifications in History and Special Education. In May 2011, Adam completed a Master of Arts in Religion with a concentration in Religious Studies and was ordained into the gospel ministry by Elizabeth Baptist Church. We have been blessed with Adam's willingness to come realizing we have nothing in the budget to compensate him for his time, energy and expertise in ministry. His testimony to the church on July 10th, reminded us of all our need to be willing to step out of our comfort zone when God calls us to His work! The Cheeseman's have been blessed with beautiful 2 yr old Aleigh (pronounced Allie) and Lisa is due with their second daughter on August 19th. There are a few prayer needs for our new young couple in ministry as we move forward together with them. They are selling their home in Wirt County and are need of a buyer. They need a place to stay here in Barbour County. Until the house is sold, they would consider being able to rent for a time to give them a chance to check out their options. And until their house sells, it will be a challenge to pay their current mortgage plus the additional amount for rent. Isaiah 43:19 says this: "I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." We believe God is making a way here in Philippi for young lives to be transformed by the message of the gospel. My prayer is that we would be open to how each of us could come alongside this young couple to be of assistance to them. I know we have the resources available to see this transition occur that confirms our church's decision to go forward. Sometimes we just need to be willing to step out of our comfort zones as well to see it happen. There are a couple of rental options available and by the time you are reading this, my prayer is they have been able to move into one them. If any of you would like to help with their rental expenses, this would go a long way in helping their current needs. More than anything, they are in need of our prayers. Thank you for being a part of something new here in Barbour County! At the same time, I am so glad we continue to move forward in areas of ministry that have long since been a keystone here at Philippi Baptist. Our music ministry under the direction of Dr. Jud Bracey has long since been a powerful witness for God's Kingdom. I have heard time and time again how God is glorified through each presentation. The radio ministry, powerpoint and sound capabilities have had great leadership and operation for many years and adds so much to our worship service offerings. Our family and children's ministries continue to grow and flourish through new Sunday school classes and monthly family night game nights. Our outreach ministries, including our monthly times at Heart and Hand have been revitalized. Our mission support to both Debbie Mulneix in India and many others continues to grow and increase. Our deacons are implementing a watchcare ministry for all ages of our congregation. The trustees continue to work on the upkeep of our facilities and to prepare for future use of the space God has given us. The worship board is made up of a talented mix of folks that have a heart to connect with God in a variety of ways. Let's continue to live out our purpose together: By the grace of God, the mission of Philippi Baptist Church shall Embrace, Model, and Share the love of God through Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. Shalom - Pastor Jon


The Board of Christian Education is looking for volunteers to team teach (either together or alternating weeks) Sunday School. We are hoping to add classes when school begins so that we have Sunday School for all age levels: Pre-School and Kindergarten, Elementary (1st-4th), Middle School (5th-8th), and High School (9th-12th). If you are interested in volunteering please contact : Sara Poling (304) 677-3073 or Sarah Ferguson (304) 457-5606 Upcoming meetings: August 14 @ 11:45a.m. ( The second Sunday of every month) Chair: Gary Price ****************************************************

To the members of Philippi Baptist Church Choir: I want to extend my most sincere gratitude to you for the gift of the crystal bowl at a going away gathering on July 19th. It was a great surprise for me and I thank you for everything. Thanks to Carol and Skip Ervin for hosting the picnic and to all who brought the delicious food. I am very touched by your love and pray that God will be with you and bless you in continuing to serve Him. Love to all, Marija **************************************************************** Dear Philippi Baptist Church: Thank you so much for your churchs recent gift of $812.50. It will help provide all of the things that create the A-B experience: a beautiful campus setting, dedicated faculty, supportive staff, an innovative academic curriculum, and scholarships for students. Thank you very much for your support. My prayers will continue to be with you as you minister in Jesus name. Sincerely, Richard A. Creehan President

A-B College faculty, staff and students, Albert Carman, Susan Ball, Ronald Ball, Billy Coontz, Blaine Corder, Audrey Cross, Regina Edens, Becky & Mike Elmore, Sarah Ferguson, Otilia Franke, Jim Friend, Carl Gant, Jane Gibbons, Joe & Beverly Gouer, Chrissy Maddy, Billie Moore, Donna Moore, Violet Mouser, Don Murray, Brenda & Gary Price, Sonny Qualls, Melvin Richter, Rev. Victor Shields, Everett Smith, John Scott, Vangie Shaffer, Dr. Richard Shearer, Erica Williams, Andy & Camella Watson, Jaxson Weber, Unspoken requests for family members, unsaved, person and community concerns, those with job and home loss, financial difficulties. Our national, state, and country leaders and officials. Victims, the families and friends of crime, war and violence throughout our country. Military personnel and their families throughout the world. Relatives and friends of those serving our country: Tim Jenkins, Chris Mossburg, Taylor Smith, Major Kris Wood. Captain

2-Marsha Denniston 3-Terry Denniston 4-Michele Moore 4-Debbie Mulneix 8-Jennifer Kines 8-James Steele 9-Filip Vlasic 10-Andy Walker 12-Caitlin Davis 12-Carol Yount 13-David Kidd 14-Andra Brown 17-Shirley Jacobs 19 Clarence Wright 20-John Prusa 22-Dawn Scheick 22-Germaine Whitman 24-Linda Davidson 24-Dean Mulneix 29-Karen Ketchem 31-Denver Gaydon

August Anniversaries
5-Dean and Linda Davidson 7-Chuck and Dawn Scheick 10-Allen and Mary Withers 11-Gerald Fogg and Beth Longo 22-Gary and Donna Smith 22-Terry and Linda Wilfong 23-Dick and Linda Hepler 25-Dick and Priscilla Wonkka 26-Everett and Jody Sperry 28-Skip and Carol Ervin 31 Bill and Kim Klaus

Aaron Cross who was deployed to Afghanistan.

Monday: August 1st, 2011 Heart & Hand Volunteer night. 6:30p.m.8:30p.m. (First Monday of every month-please volunteer) *** Tuesday: Womens Bible study every Tuesday from 1:00p.m.-2:30p.m. at Sarah Cobbs house. *** Board of Trustees: Sunday, August 14th, 2011 at 6:00p.m. Chair: Skip Ervin (Meet the 2nd Sunday of every month) *** Mens prayer breakfast at Medallion: Saturday, August 6th, 2011 (1st Saturday of every month at 7:30a.m.) *** Communion: First Sunday of every month *** Deacon Relief Fund: First Sunday of every month *** Board of Christian Education: Sunday, August 14th at 11:45a.m. Chair: Gary Price (Meet 2nd Sunday of every month) *** Board of Missions and Outreach: Sunday, August 21st at 6:30p.m. Chair: Marilyn Shearer (Meet 3rd Sunday of every month) *** Board of Worship: Monday, August 8th from 7:15p.m-8:30p.m. (Meet 2nd Monday of every month) Co-Chairpersons: E. Poling and D. Scheick *** Board of Deacons: Sunday, August 7th at 7:00p.m. Co-Chairpersons: Judi Funk and Dianna Wright.(Meet 1st Sunday of every month). *** Family Game Night: Last Saturday of every month *** Fellowship Luncheon: Last Sunday of every month after service. Covered dish unless otherwise announced. *** Youth Fellowship: Every Sunday from 6:00p.m.-7:30p.m. *** Nominating Committee, Finance Committee, (As needed) Pastoral Relations: Once a Quarter, TBA *** Chancel Choir Practice: Every Wednesday from 7:00p.m.-8:20p.m.

Praise Team Practice: Every Wednesday from 8:20p.m.-9:00p.m.

This church does not run a food pantry. It does not operate a clothing closet. It does not locate housing for the homeless. Instead, this congregation depends upon Heart & Hand Ministries to provide these services, and to that end a small monthly donation is made through the Deacons Fund. Please remember that when you volunteer it helps out so much more than you know. HELPING THOSE IN NEED IN BARBOUR COUNTY

We are having a meeting: Corley United Methodist Church Tuesday, August 9th at 7:00p.m. Guest speaker: Chris Mullett Please come and listen to the need for a mission to house the homeless in our community, Barbour County. Tell a friend, bring a friend. Just attend.

Youre Invited to a Very Special Baby Shower For Mommies to be: Lisa Cheeseman & Loretta Richards Monday, August 1st, 2011 At 6: 30 p.m. Philippi Baptist Church (To add a little extra glee and help the parents to be, Please bring a little extra from the heart. An unwrapped pack of diapers and wipes, to give them a good start)

R.S.V.P. (304) 457-2010 OR (304) 613-0712

Heather Cottrill - Woman of Good Decisions Heather Cottrill, along with her husband Hayden, was baptized on July 31, and they dedicated their children (Dorian4 and Rowan10 months) to God on July 14. Both were acts of our commitment, Heather says, proclamations of our faith and our intent to follow Jesus. Born and raised in Rochester, New York, Heather graduated from the University of New York in Fredonia with a degree in art education. One of her instructors was an alumnus of West Virginia University and suggested that Heather apply for a scholarship to do graduate work there. She became a Teaching Assistant, and Hayden showed up as one of her students in her art appreciation course. They were married in Morgantown in 1998. After finishing school, the Cottrills began looking for a place to call home. They wanted a small town in the mountains, so they scouted out Weston, Parsons, Kingwood, and Philippi, were Haydens grandmother lived. With a college, a hospital, an attractive downtown area, and a house they could rent, Philippi won. Heather had been raised in a Roman Catholic home, and Haydens background was Methodist. We were open to any possibility, so we began visiting churches, Heather reports. One Sunday we got all ready and went across the street to Philippi United Methodist Church, but it was a fifth Sunday, and there was no one there. We didnt want to waste all that trouble of getting ready, so we decided to go on down the street to Philippi Baptist. We never went anywhere else. She smiles. We could say it was our choice was a matter of timing, but we knew right away that it was more than that. Both of us had been drifting for quite a while, and we knew we needed to get back on track, and we believed that could happen in this church. So here we are, baptized, dedicated, and moving absolutely in the right direction. Were thankful! With Hayden a regular participant in the Wednesday night Bible study and Heather a great addition to the church choir and both of them helping with 7 Wee Church, the congregation of PBC is thankful, too.

Philippi Baptist Church 107 Church Street Philippi, West Virginia 26416 Or return to current addresseee

Nonprofit Organization U.S. POSTAGE Permit NO. 36 Philippi, WV 26416

At one church my pastor decided to have a Sunday afternoon picnic dinner at a local park followed by a baptism at the boat landing on a river. The pastor & the guy who was the 1st person to be baptized were walking out into the river. They had no idea how far the concrete boat ramp extended. They both stepped off the end & into a deep water hole. They about killed each other getting back on firm footing. Those of us on dry grown were rolling on the ground laughing. At one church we had a big day, a lot of folks getting saved & baptized right away. The new believers were directed to changing rooms, men on one side of the platform and ladies on the other side. A 4th or 5th grade kid was told by the person in charge to go into a small changing room, take off his clothes, put on a waterproof zip up baptism outfit & go up the stairs to get baptized. He missed the part about "put on the baptism outfit" then he came out ran up the stairs & dived head first in the baptistry while naked as a jay-bird & while someone else was being baptized. There was no curtain to close & fortunately there was not a glass front on the tank. The pastor had to keep the kids down in the water and have him put on an outfit under water. 8

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