Lesson Plan Template

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I. Objectives:
The following are the objectives of the lesson:
1. identify the different alternative healthcare and it’s effect;
2. appreciate the importance of different alternative healthcare in our daily living by promoting health
benefits ; and
3. perform the different alternative healthcare and it’s effect through role playing and interview.

II. Subject Matter: (HEALTHCARE)

Topic: Althernative Healthcare
Reference: Health Quarter 1
(Complementary and Alternative Healthcare Modalities pp. 5-8)
Materials: Visual Aids, Pictures, Brown Envelop, Laptop, ppt

III. Procedures:

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Preliminary Activities

Prayer The student will stand

Everybody please stand for the prayer may I call on (Classmate lets us pray. In the name of the father, the son
Mr: Quijano to lead the prayer. and the holy spirit. Amen)

Good morning Class! Good morning Sir!

Checking of Attendance
Who is absent?
Class monitor please check the attendance of your Yes, sir!
classmates and after this class, give me those name of
students who’s absent.

Today is another day for our Health class. It is important

that you listen very well and keep all mobile phones off
during the class. Everyone should actively participate (The student are listening)
during the class discussion and you are all welcome to
express your ideas and your opinions.
If you know the answer or want to answer just raise your

Are we clear? Yes, sir!

Very good!


So now class before we move on to our next lesson let’s

have first a short review regarding from our topic last

What was our lesson last meeting? It’s all about Healthcare Providers and Fraudulent
Services .
Very good!
What have you learned?
We learn about health service providers and how to check
Excelent! and report fraudulent health services.
Can you give me an example of healthcare facilities?
Hospital, walk-in surgery center, health center and
Very good! extended healthcare facility.
Im glad that most of you still remember our lesson last
Before I discuss our lesson for today, we will be (Student are listening)
having our first activity. This activity is called “PAKTA
yes, sir!
Are you ready!
Yes, sir!!!!
I can’t hear you!!
I have here a picture all you have to do is observe and
identify what picture does it portray.

Kindly raise your hands if yo want to answer.

(Yes sir)
Understood? There’s a girl covering her nose because of the smell of the
So what have you seen on the first picture? boy.

Bad breath sir!!

What do you think does the boy have?

Very good!

Another picture!

There’s a needle at the back of a person.

What have you seen?

I think it is called acupuncture sir.

So what do you think does the picture called?

Very good.

Last picture

Lagundi Sir

What have you seen? Medicince or cure from cough sir.

What benefits can we get from the lagundi plant?
Great answer!
I have notice that all the picture is all about prevention from
Presentation sickness.

1. What have you notice from your activity a while

ago? Toothbrush sir

2. On the first picture what may be the cure for bad
I think sir its all about health care
3. Base on your activity what is the picture all
Yes sir, lagundi herbal plants sir

Very good!
4. Do you use healthcare that is not available in the
grocery? What are they?

Very good !!

Based on the activity and the pictures, what do you think Our lesson for today is all about Alternative Healthcare.
our lesson for today


But before we are going to discuss our lesson this morning, The following are the objectives of the lesson:
I will let you know first the objectives of our lesson. 1. identify the different alternative healthcare
and it’s effect;
Everybody read! 2. appreciate the importance of different
alternative healthcare in our daily living by
promoting health benefits; and
3. perform the different alternative healthcare
and it’s effect through role playing and interview.

Lesson Proper
At this time we will have an activity. I will divide you into
3 groups. This row will be the group 1, group 2 and this
row will be the group 3.
Now class please read the direction.
The class will divide into 3 groups. Each group will be
given one envelop that contains a picture, marker pen and
cartolina. All group need to study the picture inside the
envelop and give some effect from it. Eeach group will be
given 5 minustes to finish the activity.
Thank you class!
Now here is the criteria please read!

Criteria for group presentation:

Presentation - 4
Content - 3
Deliver - 3
Total - 10

Yes sir!
Are we clear?
Your time starts now. (Student are doing their activity)

Times up. Group 1 please prepare

Alternative Healthcare – this is the type of healthcare which
claims to have healing effects through the use of alternative
diagnosis and treatment but does not have evidences as its
Herbal Medicine.
There are 10 Herbs that are proven and tested to have
medicinal value approved by the DOH.

(Group 1 will report.)

Now, lets proceed to the first reporter
The group 1 Akapulco- it is for ringworms and other skin (fungal)

Ampalaya- for non-insulin dependent diabetic patients.

Bawang- for blood pressure control.

Bayabas- for use as antiseptic to disinfect wounds.

Lagundi- for cough and asthma.

Very good!
Limang bagsak for Group 1 (group 2 will report.)

Now, lets proceed to group 2

Niyog-niyogan- for intestinal worms, particularly ascaris
and trichina.

Pansit-pansitan- for arthritis and gout.

Sambong- for urinary stone.

TsaangGubat- for mouthwash.

Yerba Buena- for relief from body aches and pains.

Very good!
Limang bagsak for Group 2
Now lets proceed to the group 3
(group 3 will report.)

Alternative Medicine- are treatments that are applied

along with typical and accepted medical treatments but are
not considered standards.
1. Acupuncture- it is a form of energy medicine where
long thin needles are inserted to specific parts of the body
to affect the energy flow.
Acupuncture is believed to treat musculoskeletal

2. Flexology- similar to acupuncture, reflexology focuses

on treating specific disorders through massaging the palm
of the hand and sole of the feet.

3. Nutrition Therapy- approaches treatment of a medical

condition by providing a tailored diet for patients.
4. Acupressure- uses the same technique as that of
acupuncture. The only difference is that acupressure does
not use needles but hands to apply pressure on certain
points of the body.

5. Ventusa Cupping Massage- this procedure is done by

placing inverted glasses that have flames from burning
cotton on specific joints in the body. It is believed to
relieves muscle and joint pains.
Very good!
Limang bagsak for Group 3

Clap your hand everyone for a great job ; you’ve done a

good presentation

(Announcing of scores)


1. What is the effective to ring worms and other Akapulco because it lessens the redness and itcheness of
fungal infections? And why? the infection.

Very good!
2. What herbal medicine effective for intestinal Niyog-niyogan sir!

3. What are the 10 herbal medicine approved by Akapulco, Ampalaya, Bawang, Bayabas, Lagundi, Niyog-
DOH? niyogan, Pansit-pansitan, Sambong, Tsaang gubat and
Yerba buena

Very good!
4. Who can give me an example of alternative Acupuncture, Flexology, Nutrition therapy, Acupressure
medicine? and Ventusa cupping massage,

Very good!

Now class I have here some of the list of the alternative (Student are lestining)
healthcare on the board. All you need to do is to find and
align the corresponding purpose or effects of each
alternative healthcare here on the box.
Yes sir!
Are we clear?

Acupuncture - it is believe to treat masculoskeletal dysfunction

Bawang - for blood pressure control

Tsaang Gubat - use for mouthwash

Reflexology - massaging the palm of the hand and sole of the feet

Lagundi - for cough and asthma

Bayabas - use for antiseptic to disinfect wounds

Acupressure - the use of hands to apply presure on certain points of the

Pansit-pansitan - for arthritis and gout

What health benefits can you get in learning the By simply using it as an alternative medicine to lessen the
different althernative healthcare. pain that we are experiencing and of course by taking good
care of each plants who has medical value and can help
those people who cant afford to go to the hospital.
Oky so now we will have another activity. I will divide you
into 2 groups now count off. 1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2

Choose your leader and secretary write the name of each

(Student are lestining)
Group 1 will perfom a role playing that can shows the
importance of Herbal medicine.
Group 2 will perform a interview that shows the effect of
Alternatice medicine.

I will give you 5 minutes to practice and after that you will
perform in front of your classmates.

You will be graded by this criteria. Criteria for performance:

Kindly read! Presentation - 5
Creativety - 5
Reliability - 5
Total - 15

Thank you!
(Studentt are now practicing)
Your 10 minutes starts now.
(Group 1 will perform)
Time is up. Now group 2 go back to your seats and group1
show us your performance.
(Student clap their hands)
Very good group 1
Lets give them a five claps (Group2 will perform)

Now group 2 show us your performance

(Student clap their hands)

Very good group 2

Give them a 5 claps

Now your score are:

Group 1 got 13 points.
Group 2 got 15 points.
Congatstulation everone!
You may now take your seats.


Now get 1/4 sheet of pad paper.

Give the correct answer to the following question:
1. For relief from body aches and pains.
2. For mouthwash.
3. For urinary stones.
4. For blood pressure control.
5. For arthritis and gout.
6. It is a form of energy medicine where long thin needles are inserted to specific parts of the body to affect the energy
7. Similar to acupuncture, reflexology focuses on treating specific disorders through massaging the palm of the hand and
sole of the feet.
8. Approaches treatment of a medical condition by providing a tailored diet for patients.
9. Uses the same technique as that of acupuncture. The only difference is that acupressure does not use needles but hands
to apply pressure on certain points of the body.
10. This procedure is done by placing inverted glasses that have flames from burning cotton on specific joints in the body.
It is believed to relieves muscle and joint pains.

Finished? Pass your papers forward

Copy your assignment on the board and pass it tomorrow.

As a consumer, what are the different laws that can protect you and help you in your speedy recovery if you are still ill.

Is there any questions?

Thankyou and goodbye!
Prepared by:

Student - Intern

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