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WELCOME to the seminar on Prescribed

40-Hours Basic OSH Training Course for

Safety Officer 2 (SO2) – ONLINE
a. Objectives
b. DOLE-DTI Joint Monitoring Result
c. What is COVID-19?
d. Signs, Symptoms and Mode of Transmission
e. Risk Factors / Vulnerable Population
f. Prevention and Control

AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570

1. Explain COVID-19 and health effect
2. Discuss preventive measure for COVID-19
3. Discuss the minimum health requirement

AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570

DOLE-DTI Joint Monitoring Result

AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570

What is COVID-19?

AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570

Signs and Symptoms
Most common:

Fever Dry Cough Tiredness

AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570

Signs and Symptoms
Less common:

aches and pains sore throat diarrhea

A rash on skin, or
Loss of smell or taste discoloration of fingers or toes
AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570
Signs and Symptoms
Serious symptoms:
 loss of speech or movement.

difficulty breathing or
chest pain or pressure
shortness of breath

AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570

Mode of Transmission
Possible modes of transmission for SARS-CoV-2, including
1. contact,
2. droplet,
3. airborne,
4. fomite,
5. fecal-oral,
6. bloodborne,
7. mother-to-child,
8. and animal-to-human transmission.

AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570

Risk Factors / Vulnerable Population
 Older people, people with compromised immune
systems, and people with pre-existing medical
conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease, are
more prone to fall severely ill with the virus.
 Pregnant women,
 Those below 21 years old

AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570

Prevention and Control

AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570

Prevention and Control
1. Increase Physical and Mental Resilience
2. Reducing Transmission of COVID-19
3. Reduce Contact
4. Reduce Duration of Infection

AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570

Increase Physical and Mental Resilience
 Employers shall provide psychosocial support to
their workforce especially those showing mental
and health concerns.
 They may also establish a referral system to accredited
mental health specialists such as the National Center
for Mental Health Crisis (NCMH).
 NCMH Hotline Numbers: 0917-899-8727 (USAP) or 7-
989-8727 (USAP)
 Employers shall promote work-life balance, especially
in these trying times through proper scheduling of
activities and work force rotation

AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570

Reducing Transmission of COVID-19
The following are the minimum public health
standards to be complied with in workplaces:
o Face masks must be worn AT ALL TIMES.
o The wearing of medical grade face masks (N88 or
N95) is highly encouraged.
o Masks with vents should NOT be used.
o Cloth masks may be used as long as worn with a
filter such as tissue paper or other similar
materials, and must be cleaned and washed daily.

AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570

Reducing Transmission of COVID-19
The following are the minimum public health
standards to be complied with in workplaces:
 MASKS (cont.)
o Filters for cloth masks must be replaced and properly
disposed of DAILY or AFTER sneezing or coughing.
o Hands must be washed/disinfected BEFORE and
AFTER replacing the filters.
o Frequent touching and adjusting of face masks must
be avoided unless necessary.
o Disposable masks must be disposed of properly AFTER
AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570
Reducing Transmission of COVID-19
The following are the minimum public health
standards to be complied with in workplaces:
o Shall cover the entire face.
o Visor-type shall NOT be allowed
o Should always be worn together with face mask
o May ONLY be removed according to the demands
of the work or when the OSH of the employees so

AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570

Reducing Transmission of COVID-19
The following are the minimum public health
standards to be complied with in workplaces:


Physical distancing of at least one (1) meter, or two (2) meters when possible,
shall be observed at all times. This must be practiced in combination with the
wearing of masks and face shields.
AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570
Reducing Transmission of COVID-19
The following are the minimum public health
standards to be complied with in workplaces:

Frequent handwashing with soap and water or the application of alcohol-based

disinfectants shall be mandatory in all workplaces and is encouraged to be
practiced at home
AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570
Reducing Transmission of COVID-19
The following disinfecting/washing resources, supplies/
materials should be made available to employees and
Placed in strategic locations:
Corridors or hallways, Conference
areas, Elevators, Stairways
Points of entry, Locker rooms
Common areas (e.g. lounge, pantry,
hand Soap Hand drying
etc.), Bathroom, Canteen, Personal
washing And Equipment
stations sanitizers Or supplies
workspace, Company vehicles and
shuttle services

AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570

Reducing Transmission of COVID-19
Display of signages/visual cues and reminders to practice proper
handwashing and other hygiene behaviors among employees is
mandatory. These include:
 Hand washing with soap and water, or use of hand
disinfectants with alcohol-based sanitizers.
 Advising employees to conduct surface disinfection in their
work stations before the start of the shift, intermittently
during shift and at the end of the shift.
 Discouraging sharing of personal items between employees
to prevent possible transmission.

AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570

Reducing Transmission of COVID-19
Employers classified as large and medium sized private
establishments (i.e. those with total assets above PHP15M) are
enjoined to provide shuttle services to their employees using
Department of Transportation (DOTr)-endorsed vehicles.

AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570

Reducing Transmission of COVID-19
Adequate ventilation should be strictly enforced in the
1. Inside the workplace – natural air flow exchange is highly
encouraged. If possible, the installation of exhaust fans,
installation of air filtration devices with High-Efficiency
Particulate Air (HEPA) filters or the recalibration of building
heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems
should be explored.

AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570

Reducing Transmission of COVID-19
Adequate ventilation should be strictly enforced in the
following: (cont.)
2. Inside the shuttle service – The opening of windows, with at
least three (3) inches of opening, while in transit should be
practiced whenever possible. The observance of physical
distancing of at least one (1) meter and wearing of face
masks and face shields shall be followed. Proper
disinfection before and after each use of the vehicle is
likewise mandatory.

AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570

Reducing Transmission of COVID-19
Mandatory advocacy awareness raising programs
 In order to enforce these guidelines, the Occupational Safety
and Health (OSH) Committee shall facilitate webinars, virtual
lectures and trainings on COVID-19, its prevention and
control, including best practices to be attended by all
employees and management.

AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570

Reducing Transmission of COVID-19
Designated Smoking Areas
 Designated smoking areas in the workplaces shall be
provided with individual “booths,”. Employers shall require
employees to strictly observe physical distancing measures
and other applicable health protocols (i.e. no talking inside
designated smoking areas).

AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570

Reduce Contact
 Most-at-risk population (MARP) for COVID-19 in the
workplace (e.g. senior citizens, pregnant women, individuals
with underlying health conditions) and those below 21 years
old shall continue to observe work-from-home

AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570

Reduce Contact
Restriction of Mass Gatherings
 Depending on the risk classification of the workplace locality,
as defined by IATF’s risk severity grading, Employers shall
follow the restriction on mass gatherings, (i.e. only 10% of
seating capacity for meeting rooms in high/moderate-risk
areas (e.g. confined spaces) and a maximum of 50% seating
capacity for low-risk areas (e.g. open areas).
 Videoconferencing shall always be used for meetings needing
large attendance of employees and/or for meetings lasting
longer than 15 minutes.

AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570

Reduce Contact
 Employers shall adopt staggered meal schedules to further
restrict contact among its employees. Eating alone in the
workstation is highly encouraged

 Employers shall, as much as practicable, minimize the

duration of customer transactions to less than 15 minutes.

AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570

Reduce Duration of Infection
All employees, upon entering the
building premises/workplaces,
shall be required to accomplish
the Health Declaration Form
(Annex A-1), or any digital
iteration thereof.

AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570

Reduce Duration of Infection
Detection (cont.)
The security staff or other
responsible personnel shall
immediately screen the
accomplished form and perform a
temperature check (ANNEX B).

AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570

OSH Committee
 The OSH Committee and/or safety officer of the workplace shall
oversee enforcement and monitoring of the minimum public
health standards for COVID-19 prevention in the workplace and
this JMC.
 Monitoring by the OSH Committees shall include evaluation and
analysis of the company’s implementation of the minimum health
standards and protocols to immediately address the spread of
COVID-19 in the workplace, if any, and recommend and implement
appropriate preventive measures. Health surveillance may be
conducted to determine the cause/s of the spread/transmission of
the virus in the workplace.

AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570

OSH Committee
 Reporting to the DOLE
shall be made in
accordance with Section
X of the DTI-DOLE
Interim Guidelines on
Workplace Prevention
and Control of COVID-19
using the Work
Accident/Illness Report
(WAIR) COVID-19 form

AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570

AD Safety – [email protected] / 046-4509860 / 0927-9057998 / 0921-4162570
Thank you for listening!

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