OSA Obstructive Sleep Apnea Fact Sheet
OSA Obstructive Sleep Apnea Fact Sheet
OSA Obstructive Sleep Apnea Fact Sheet
Obstructive sleep apnea is treatable. Without treatment, Tired? Do you feel tired during the day,
OSA can have serious consequences on your health.
even after a “good” night’s sleep?
How does the doctor test for OSA? How is OSA treated?
Diagnosing OSA requires special medical tests. There are 3 types of treatment options for OSA:
Two commonly used tests are home oximetry and • • Positive airway pressure therapy (PAP) (see below).
sleep studies. This is the most common and effective treatment.
• • Home oximetry. This test uses a small device • • Lifestyle management therapies. Changes to your
to monitor the oxygen in your blood while you day-to-day living can help reduce symptoms (See
sleep. If your blood oxygen repeatedly dips below a page 3).
certain level, you might have OSA. • • Alternative therapies.Some people need more
A home oximetry test is easy, inexpensive, and can specialized treatment. Alternative therapies include
dental appliances and surgery.
be done in a timely manner. It is only a screening
test, which means it can’t be used to diagnose What is PAP?
OSA, but it can show if you need urgent care or
With positive airway pressure (PAP), a special
additional testing.
machine pushes air through a mask. The air pressure
• • Sleep Study. In order to diagnose OSA, you will keeps your airway open and helps you breathe while
need to do a sleep study. During the sleep study, sleeping. PAP is the most common and effective
sensors are placed on your body to measure and treatment for OSA.
record detailed information while you sleep.
After using PAP, patients usually feel much better and
have more energy. It can also help with snoring.
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