Data Analytics - Object Segmentation UNIT-IV
Data Analytics - Object Segmentation UNIT-IV
Data Analytics - Object Segmentation UNIT-IV
KARMNAGAR - 505481
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated to JNTU, Hyderabad)
Regression analysis focuses on finding a relationship between a dependent variable and one or more
independent variables.
✓ Predicts the value of a dependent variable based on the value of at least one independent variable.
✓ Explains the impact of changes in an independent variable on the dependent variable.
✓ We use linear or logistic regression technique for developing accurate models for predicting an
outcome of interest. Often, we create separate models for separate segments.
Logistic regression uses 1 or 0 indicator in the historical campaign data, which indicates whether the customer
has responded to the offer or not.
✓ Usually, one uses the target (or ‘Y’ known as dependent variable) that has been identified for model
development to undertake an objective segmentation.
✓ Remember, a separate model will be built for each segment.
✓ A segmentation scheme which provides the maximum difference between the segments with regards
to the objective is usually selected.
All these details are your inputs. The output is the amount of time it took to drive back home on that specific
day.You instinctively know that if it's raining outside, then it will take you longer to drive home. But the
machine needs data and statistics.
Let's see now how you can develop a supervised learning model of this example which help the user to
determine the commute time. The first thing you requires to create is a training data set. This training set will
contain the total commute time and corresponding factors like weather, time, etc. Based on this training set,
your machine might see there's a direct relationship between the amount of rain and time you will take to get
So, it ascertains that the more it rains, the longer you will be driving to get back to your home. It might also
see the connection between the time you leave work and the time you'll be on the road.
Prepared by N.Venkateswaran, Associate Professor, CSE Dept. JITS - Karimnagar Page 2
KARMNAGAR - 505481
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated to JNTU, Hyderabad)
The closer you're to 6 p.m. the longer time it takes for you to get home. Your machine may find some of the
relationships with your labeled data.
This is the start of your Data Model. It begins to impact how rain impacts the way people drive. It also starts to
see that more people travel during a particular time of day.
Let's, take the case of a baby and her family dog. She knows and identifies this dog. A few weeks later a family
friend brings along a dog and tries to play with the baby. Baby has not seen this dog earlier. But it recognizes
many features (2 ears, eyes, walking on 4 legs) are like her pet dog. She identifies a new animal like a dog. This
is unsupervised learning, where you are not taught but you learn from the data (in this case data about a dog.)
Had this been supervised learning, the family friend would have told the baby that it's a dog.
Regression technique predicts a single output value using training data.
Example: You can use regression to predict the house price from training data. The input variables will be
locality, size of a house, etc.
Classification means to group the output inside a class. If the algorithm tries to label input into two distinct
classes, it is called binary classification. Selecting between more than two classes is referred to as multiclass
Strengths: Outputs always have a probabilistic interpretation, and the algorithm can be regularized to avoid
Weaknesses: Logistic regression may underperform when there are multiple or non-linear decision
boundaries. This method is not flexible, so it does not capture more complex relationships.
Unsupervised learning problems further grouped into clustering and association problems.
Clustering is an important concept when it comes to unsupervised learning. It mainly deals with finding a
structure or pattern in a collection of uncategorized data. Clustering algorithms will process your data and find
natural clusters(groups) if they exist in the data. You can also modify how many clusters your algorithms
should identify. It allows you to adjust the granularity of these groups.
Association rules allow you to establish associations amongst data objects inside large databases. This
unsupervised technique is about discovering exciting relationships between variables in large databases. For
example, people that buy a new home most likely to buy new furniture.
Other Examples:
Objective Segmentation
✓ Segmentation to identify the type of customers who would respond to a particular offer.
✓ Segmentation to identify high spenders among customers who will use the e-commerce channel for
festive shopping.
✓ Segmentation to identify customers who will default on their credit obligation for a loan or credit card.
Non-Objective Segmentation
✓ Segmentation of the customer base to understand the specific profiles which exist within the customer
base so that multiple marketing actions can be personalized for each segment
✓ Segmentation of geographies on the basis of affluence and lifestyle of people living in each geography
so that sales and distribution strategies can be formulated accordingly.
✓ Segmentation of web site visitors on the basis of browsing behavior to understand the level of
engagement and affinity towards the brand.
✓ Hence, it is critical that the segments created on the basis of an objective segmentation methodology
must be different with respect to the stated objective (e.g. response to an offer).
✓ However, in case of a non-objective methodology, the segments are different with respect to the
“generic profile” of observations belonging to each segment, but not with regards to any specific
outcome of interest.
✓ The most common techniques for building non-objective segmentation are cluster analysis, K nearest
neighbor techniques etc.
✓ Each of these techniques uses a distance measure (e.g. Euclidian distance, Manhattan distance,
Mahalanobis distance etc.)
Prepared by N.Venkateswaran, Associate Professor, CSE Dept. JITS - Karimnagar Page 5
KARMNAGAR - 505481
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated to JNTU, Hyderabad)
Process In a supervised learning model, input In unsupervised learning model, only input data will
and output variables will be given. be given
Input Data Algorithms are trained using labelled Algorithms are used against data which is not
data. labelled
Algorithms Used Support vector machine, Neural Unsupervised algorithms can be divided into
network, Linear and logistics different categories: like Cluster algorithms, K-means,
regression, random forest, and Hierarchical clustering, etc.
Classification trees.
Use of Data Supervised learning model uses Unsupervised learning does not use output data.
training data to learn a link between
the input and the outputs.
Accuracy of Results Highly accurate and trustworthy Less accurate and trustworthy method.
Real Time Learning Learning method takes place offline. Learning method takes place in real time.
Main Drawback Classifying big data can be a real You cannot get precise information regarding data
challenge in Supervised Learning. sorting, and the output as data used in unsupervised
learning is labelled and not known.
Decision Tree
o Decision Tree is a supervised learning technique that can be used for both classification and
Regression problems, but mostly it is preferred for solving Classification problems. It is a tree-
structured classifier, where internal nodes represent the features of a dataset, branches represent
the decision rules and each leaf node represents the outcome.
o In a Decision tree, there are two nodes, which are the Decision Node and Leaf Node. Decision nodes
are used to make any decision and have multiple branches, whereas Leaf nodes are the output of
those decisions and do not contain any further branches.
o The decisions or the test are performed on the basis of features of the given dataset.
o It is called a decision tree because, similar to a tree, it starts with the root node, which expands on
further branches and constructs a tree-like structure.
o In order to build a tree, we use the CART algorithm, which stands for Classification and Regression
Tree algorithm.
o A decision tree simply asks a question, and based on the answer (Yes/No), it further split the tree into
o Below diagram explains the general structure of a decision tree:
Note: A decision tree can contain categorical data (YES/NO) as well as numeric data.
There are various algorithms in Machine learning, so choosing the best algorithm for the given dataset and
problem is the main point to remember while creating a machine learning model. Below are the two reasons
for using the Decision tree:
o Decision Trees usually mimic human thinking ability while making a decision, so it is easy to understand.
o The logic behind the decision tree can be easily understood because it shows a tree-like structure.
In a decision tree, for predicting the class of the given dataset, the algorithm starts from the root node of the
tree. This algorithm compares the values of root attribute with the record (real dataset) attribute and, based
on the comparison, follows the branch and jumps to the next node.
For the next node, the algorithm again compares the attribute value with the other sub-nodes and move
further. It continues the process until it reaches the leaf node of the tree. The complete process can be better
understood using the below algorithm:
o Step-1: Begin the tree with the root node, says S, which contains the complete dataset.
o Step-2: Find the best attribute in the dataset using Attribute Selection Measure (ASM).
o Step-3: Divide the S into subsets that contains possible values for the best attributes.
o Step-4: Generate the decision tree node, which contains the best attribute.
o Step-5: Recursively make new decision trees using the subsets of the dataset created in step -3.
Continue this process until a stage is reached where you cannot further classify the nodes and called
the final node as a leaf node.
Example: Suppose there is a candidate who has a job offer and wants to decide whether he should accept the
offer or Not. So, to solve this problem, the decision tree starts with the root node (Salary attribute by ASM).
The root node splits further into the next decision node (distance from the office) and one leaf node based on
the corresponding labels. The next decision node further gets split into one decision node (Cab facility) and
Prepared by N.Venkateswaran, Associate Professor, CSE Dept. JITS - Karimnagar Page 8
KARMNAGAR - 505481
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated to JNTU, Hyderabad)
one leaf node. Finally, the decision node splits into two leaf nodes (Accepted offers and Declined offer).
Consider the below diagram:
While implementing a Decision tree, the main issue arises that how to select the best attribute for the root
node and for sub-nodes. So, to solve such problems there is a technique which is called as Attribute selection
measure or ASM. By this measurement, we can easily select the best attribute for the nodes of the tree. There
are two popular techniques for ASM, which are:
o Information Gain
o Gini Index
Let’s say on a particular day we want to play tennis, say Monday. How do you know whether or not to play?
Let’s say you go out to check whether it’s cold or hot, check the pace of wind and humidity, what the weather is
like, i.e., sunny, snowy, or rainy. To decide whether you want to play or not, you take into consideration all
these variables.
Now, to determine whether to play or not, you will use the table. What if Monday’s weather pattern doesn’t
follow all of the rows in the chart? Maybe that’s a concern. A decision tree can be a perfect way to represent
data like this. When adopting a tree-like structure, it considers all possible directions that can lead to the final
decision by following a tree-like structure.
In the Weather dataset, we have four attributes (outlook, temperature, humidity, wind). From these four
attributes, we have to select the root node. Once we choose one particular feature as the root note, which is
the following attribute, we should choose as the next level root and so on. That is the first question we need to
So to answer the particular question, we need to calculate the Information Gain of every attribute. Once we
calculate the Information Gain of every attribute, we can decide which attribute has maximum importance.
We can select that attribute as the Root Node.
If we want to calculate the Information Gain, the first thing we need to calculate is entropy. So given the
entropy, we can calculate the Information Gain. Given the Information Gain, we can select a particular
attribute as the root node.
What is Entropy?
Entropy is a metric to measure the impurity in a given attribute. It specifies randomness in data.
Entropy measures homogeneity of examples.
Defined over a collection of training data, S, with a Boolean target concept, the entropy of S is defined as
S is a sample of training examples,
p₊ is the proportion of positive example in S,
p_ is the proportion of negative examples in S.
We have learned how to calculate the entropy for a given data. Now, we will try to understand how to calculate
the Information Gain.
Information Gain
Information gain is a measure of the effectiveness of an attribute in classifying the training data.
Given entropy as a measure of the impurity in a collection of training examples, the information gain is simply
the expected reduction in entropy caused by partitioning the samples according to an attribute.
More precisely, the information gain, Gain(S, A) of an attribute A, relative to a collection of example S, is
defined as
Prepared by N.Venkateswaran, Associate Professor, CSE Dept. JITS - Karimnagar Page 11
KARMNAGAR - 505481
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated to JNTU, Hyderabad)
S — a collection of examples,
A — an attribute,
Values(A) — possible value of attribute A,
Sᵥ — the subset of S for which attribute A has a value v.
In the weather dataset, we only have two classes, Weak and Strong. There are a total of 14 data points in our
dataset with 9 belonging to the positive class and 5 belonging to the negative class.
Once we have calculated the information gain of every attribute, we can decide which attribute has the
maximum importance and then we can select that particular attribute as the root node. We can then start
building the decision tree.
• Decision trees are less appropriate for estimation tasks where the goal is to predict the value of a
continuous attribute.
• Decision trees are prone to errors in classification problems with many classes and a relatively small
number of training examples.
• Decision trees can be computationally expensive to train. The process of growing a decision tree is
computationally expensive. At each node, each candidate splitting field must be sorted before its best
split can be found. In some algorithms, combinations of fields are used and a search must be made for
optimal combining weights. Pruning algorithms can also be expensive since many candidate sub-trees
must be formed and compared.
Decision-tree algorithms:
✓ ID3 (Iterative Dichotomiser 3)
✓ C4.5 (successor of ID3)
✓ CART (Classification and Regression Tree)
✓ CHAID (CHI-squared Automatic Interaction Detector). Performs multi-level splits when computing
classification trees.
✓ MARS: extends decision trees to handle numerical data better. Conditional Inference Trees.
• Statistics-based approach that uses non-parametric tests as splitting criteria, corrected for multiple
testing to avoid over fitting.
• This approach results in unbiased predictor selection and does not require pruning.
• ID3 and CART follow a similar approach for learning decision tree from training tuples.
Tree-based learning algorithms are considered to be one of the best and mostly used supervised learning
methods as they empower predictive models with high accuracy, stability, and ease of interpretation. Unlike
linear models, they map non-linear relationships quite well. They are adaptable at solving any kind of problem
at hand (classification or regression).
CHAID and CART are the two oldest types of Decision trees. They are also the most common types of Decision
trees used in the industry today as they are super easy to understand while being quite different from each
other. In this post, we’ll learn about all the fundamental information required to understand these two types of
decision trees.
Impurity Measure:
✓ GINI Index Used by the CART (classification and regression tree) algorithm, Gini impurity is a measure
of how often a randomly chosen element from the set would be incorrectly labeled if it were randomly
labeled according to the distribution of labels in the subset.
✓ Gini impurity can be computed by summing the probability fi of each item being chosen times the
probability 1-fi of a mistake in categorizing that item.
✓ It reaches its minimum (zero) when all cases in the node fall into a single target category.
✓ To compute Gini impurity for a set of items, suppose i ε {1, 2... m}, and let fi be the fraction of items
labeled with value i in the set.
✓ Requires little data preparation. Other techniques often require data normalization, dummy variables
need to be created and blank values to be removed.
✓ Able to handle both numerical and categorical data. Other techniques are usually specialized in
analysing datasets that have only one type of variable.
✓ Uses a white box model. If a given situation is observable in a model the explanation for the condition
is easily explained by Boolean logic.
✓ Possible to validate a model using statistical tests. That makes it possible to account for the reliability
of the model.
✓ Robust. Performs well even if its assumptions are somewhat violated by the true model from which
the data were generated.
✓ Performs well with large datasets. Large amounts of data can be analyzed using standard computing
resources in reasonable time.
Tree Pruning
It is the process of removal of sub nodes which contribute less power to the decision tree model is called as
Pruning. Here we reduce the unwanted branches of the tree which reduces complexity and unwanted
branches of the tree and reduces over fitting.
In this approach we stop growing a branch when the information becomes unreliable. It means it is decided
not to further partition the branches. The attribute selection measures are used to find out the weightage of
the split. Threshold values are prescribed to decide which splits are regarded as useful. If the portioning of the
node results in splitting by falling below threshold then the process is halted
Post pruning
In this approach we first let the tree fully grown and then discard unreliable parts of the branch from it. This
technique requires more computation than pre pruning; however, it is more reliable.
Cost Complexity
The cost complexity is measured by the following two parameters −
• Number of leaves in the tree, and
• Error rate of the tree.
Overfitting is a concept in data science, which occurs when a statistical model fits exactly against its training
data. When this happens, the algorithm unfortunately cannot perform accurately against unseen data,
defeating its purpose. Generalization of a model to new data is ultimately what allows us to use machine
learning algorithms every day to make predictions and classify data. In reality, the data often studied has some
degree of error or random noise within it. Thus, attempting to make the model conform too closely to slightly
inaccurate data can infect the model with substantial errors and reduce its predictive power.
When machine learning algorithms are constructed, they leverage a sample dataset to train the model.
However, when the model trains for too long on sample data or when the model is too complex, it can start to
learn the “noise,” or irrelevant information, within the dataset. When the model memorizes the noise and fits
too closely to the training set, the model becomes “overfitted,” and it is unable to generalize well to new data.
If a model cannot generalize well to new data, then it will not be able to perform the classification or
prediction tasks that it was intended for.
Low error rates and a high variance are good indicators of overfitting. In order to prevent this type of
behavior, part of the training dataset is typically set aside as the “test set” to check for overfitting. If the
training data has a low error rate and the test data has a high error rate, it signals overfitting.
If overtraining or model complexity results in overfitting, then a logical prevention response would be either to
pause training process earlier, also known as, “early stopping” or to reduce complexity in the model by
eliminating less relevant inputs. However, if you pause too early or exclude too many important features, you
may encounter the opposite problem, and instead, you may underfit your model. Underfitting occurs when
the model has not trained for enough time or the input variables are not significant enough to determine a
meaningful relationship between the input and output variables.
In both scenarios, the model cannot establish the dominant trend within the training dataset. As a result,
underfitting also generalizes poorly to unseen data. However, unlike overfitting, underfitted models
experience high bias and less variance within their predictions. This illustrates the bias-variance tradeoff,
which occurs when as an underfitted model shifted to an overfitted state. As the model learns, its bias
reduces, but it can increase in variance as becomes overfitted. When fitting a model, the goal is to find the
“sweet spot” in between underfitting and overfitting, so that it can establish a dominant trend and apply it
broadly to new datasets.
✓ Cross-Validation
✓ Training With More Data
✓ Removing Features
✓ Early Stopping
✓ Regularization
✓ Ensembling
Time Series Analysis
Time series is a sequence of observations of categorical or numeric variables indexed by a date, or
timestamp. A clear example of time series data is the time series of a stock price. In the following table, we
can see the basic structure of time series data. In this case the observations are recorded every hour.
2015-10-11 12:00:00 90
Normally, the first step in time series analysis is to plot the series, this is normally done with a line chart.
• Time Series Data are data points collected over a period of time as a sequence of time gap.
• Time Series data Analysis means analyzing the available data to find out the pattern or trend in the
data to predict values which will, in turn, help more effective and optimize business decisions.
• Time series data can be found in economics, social sciences, finance, epidemiology, and the physical
Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Consumer Price Index U.S. GDP from the Federal
(CPI), S&P 500 Index, and unemployment rates Reserve Economic Data
Blood pressure tracking, weight tracking, cholesterol MRI scanning and behavioral test
measurements, heart rate monitoring dataset
Physical Global temperatures, monthly sunspot observations, Global air pollution from the Our
sciences pollution levels. World in Data
The most common application of time series analysis is forecasting future values of a numeric value using the
temporal structure of the data. This means, the available observations are used to predict values from the
The temporal ordering of the data implies that traditional regression methods are not useful. In order to build
robust forecast, we need models that take into account the temporal ordering of the data.
The most widely used model for Time Series Analysis is called Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA).
The model consists of two parts,
• an autoregressive (AR) part and
Prepared by N.Venkateswaran, Associate Professor, CSE Dept. JITS - Karimnagar Page 19
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(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated to JNTU, Hyderabad)
Autoregressive Model
Moving Average
µ is the expectation of Xt and €t, €t-1.. Are white noise error terms.
Autoregressive Moving Average
The ARMA(p, q) model combines p autoregressive terms and q moving-average terms. Mathematically the
model is expressed with the following formula
• Plotting the data is normally the first step to find out if there is a temporal structure in the data. We
can see from the plot that there are strong spikes at the end of each year.
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KARMNAGAR - 505481
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated to JNTU, Hyderabad)
✓ These are generally denoted ARIMA(p, d, q) where parameters p, d, and q are non-negative integers, p
is the order of the Autoregressive model, d is the degree of differencing, and q is the order of the
Moving-average model.
✓ ARIMA models form an important part of the Box-Jenkins approach to time-series modeling.
✓ ARIMA models are important for generating forecasts and providing understanding in all kinds of time
series problems from economics to health care applications.
In quality and reliability, they are important in process monitoring if observations are correlated.
✓ Designing schemes for process adjustment
✓ Monitoring a reliability system over time
✓ Forecasting time series
✓ Estimating missing values
✓ Finding outliers and atypical events
✓ Understanding the effects of changes in a system
• Forecasting is the process of making predictions based on past and present data and most commonly
by analysis of trends. A commonplace example might be estimation of some variable of interest at
some specified future date.
• Forecast accuracy is the deviation of the actual demand from the forecasted demand. If you can
calculate the level of error in your previous demand forecasts, you can factor this into future ones and
make the relevant adjustments to your planning.
• By selecting the method that is most accurate for the data already known, it increases the probability
of accurate future values.
Forecast Accuracy can be defined as the deviation of Forecast or Prediction from the actual results.
Error = Actual demand – Forecast
ei = At – Ft
There are several measures to measure forecast accuracy:
• Mean Forecast Error (MFE)
• Mean Absolute Error (MAE) or Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD)
• Root Mean Square Error (RMSE)
• Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE)
Calculating Forecast Error
The difference between the actual value and the forecasted value is known as forecast error.
The size of MAE or RMSE depends upon the scale of the data. As a result, it is difficult to make comparisons for
a different time interval (such as comparing a method of forecasting monthly sales to a method forecasting a
weekly sales volume). In such cases, we use the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE).
Steps for calculating MAPE:
• By dividing the absolute forecast error by the actual value.
• Calculating the average of individual absolute percentage Error.
ETL Approach
➢ Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) refers to a process in database usage and especially in data
warehousing that:
• Extracts data from homogeneous or heterogeneous data sources
• Transforms the data for storing it in proper format or structure for querying and analysis purpose
• Loads it into the final target (database, more specifically, operational data store, data mart, or data
➢ Usually all the three phases execute in parallel since the data extraction takes time, so while the data is
being pulled another transformation process executes, processing the already received data and
prepares the data for loading and as soon as there is some data ready to be loaded into the target, the
data loading kicks off without waiting for the completion of the previous phases.
➢ ETL systems commonly integrate data from multiple applications (systems), typically developed and
supported by different vendors or hosted on separate computer hardware.
➢ The disparate systems containing the original data are frequently managed and operated by different
➢ For example, a cost accounting system may combine data from payroll, sales, and purchasing.
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❖ The Extract step covers the data extraction from the source system and makes it accessible for further
❖ The main objective of the extract step is to retrieve all the required data from the source system with
as little resources as possible.
❖ The extract step should be designed in a way that it does not negatively affect the source system in
terms or performance, response time or any kind of locking.
Clean - The cleaning step is one of the most important as it ensures the quality of the data in the data
warehouse. Cleaning should perform basic data unification rules, such as:
• Making identifiers unique (sex categories Male/Female/Unknown, M/F/null, Man/Woman/Not
Available are translated to standard Male/Female/Unknown)
• Convert null values into standardized Not Available/Not Provided value
• Convert phone numbers, ZIP codes to a standardized form
• Validate address fields, convert them into proper naming, e.g. Street/St/St./Str./Str
• Validate address fields against each other (State/Country, City/State, City/ZIP code, City/Street).
• The transform step applies a set of rules to transform the data from the source to the target.
• This includes converting any measured data to the same dimension (i.e. conformed dimension) using
the same units so that they can later be joined.
• The transformation step also requires joining data from several sources, generating aggregates,
generating surrogate keys, sorting, deriving new calculated values, and applying advanced validation
• During the load step, it is necessary to ensure that the load is performed correctly and with as little
resources as possible.
STL approach
STL is a versatile and robust method for decomposing time series. STL is an acronym for “Seasonal and
Trend decomposition is using Loess,” while Loess is a method for estimating nonlinear relationships. The
STL method was developed by R. B. Cleveland, Cleveland, McRae, & Terpenning (1990).
STL has several advantages over the classical, SEATS and X11 decomposition methods:
• Unlike SEATS and X11, STL will handle any type of seasonality, not only monthly and quarterly data.
• The seasonal component is allowed to change over time, and the rate of change can be controlled
by the user.
• The smoothness of the trend-cycle can also be controlled by the user.
• It can be robust to outliers (i.e., the user can specify a robust decomposition), so that occasional
unusual observations will not affect the estimates of the trend-cycle and seasonal components.
They will, however, affect the remainder component.
On the other hand, STL has some disadvantages. In particular, it does not handle trading day or calendar
variation automatically, and it only provides facilities for additive decompositions.
It is possible to obtain a multiplicative decomposition by first taking logs of the data, then back -
transforming the components. Decompositions between additive and multiplicative can be obtained using
a Box-Cox transformation of the data with 0<λ<10<λ<1. A value of λ=0λ=0 corresponds to the multiplicative
decomposition while λ=1λ=1 is equivalent to an additive decomposition.
Figure 6.13 shows an alternative STL decomposition where the trend-cycle is more flexible, the seasonal
component does not change over time, and the robust option has been used. Here, it is more obvious that
there has been a down-turn at the end of the series, and that the orders in 2009 were unusually low
(corresponding to some large negative values in the remainder component).
The two main parameters to be chosen when using STL are the trend-cycle window (t.window) and the
seasonal window (s.window). These control how rapidly the trend-cycle and seasonal components can
change. Smaller values allow for more rapid changes.
Both t.window and s.window should be odd numbers; t.window is the number of consecutive observations
to be used when estimating the trend-cycle; s.window is the number of consecutive years to be used in
estimating each value in the seasonal component. The user must specify s.window as there is no default.
Setting it to be infinite is equivalent to forcing the seasonal component to be periodic (i.e., identical across
years). Specifying t.window is optional, and a default value will be used if it is omitted.
The mstl() function provides a convenient automated STL decomposition using s.window=13,
and t.window also chosen automatically. This usually gives a good balance between overfitting the
seasonality and allowing it to slowly change over time. But, as with any automated procedure, the default
settings will need adjusting for some time series.
Feature Extraction
Feature extraction deals with the problem of finding the most informative, distinctive, and reduced set of
features, to improve the success of data storage and processing.
Important feature vectors remain the most common and suitable signal representation for the classification
problems. Numerous scientists in diverse areas, who are interested in data modelling and classification are
combining their effort to enhance the problem of feature extraction.
The current advances in both data analysis and machine learning fields made it possible to create a
recognition system, which can achieve tasks that could not be accomplished in the past. Feature extraction lies
at the center of these advancements with applications in data analysis (Guyon, Gunn, Nikravesh, & Zadeh,
2006; Subasi, 2019).
In feature extraction, we are concerned about finding a new set of k dimensions, which are combinations of
the original d dimensions. The widely known and most commonly utilized feature extraction methods
are principal component analysis and linear discriminant analysis, unsupervised and supervised learning
techniques. Principal component analysis is considerably similar to two other unsupervised linear
methods, factor analysis and multidimensional scaling. When we have not one but two sets of observed
variables, canonical correlation analysis can be utilized to find the joint features, which explain the
dependency between the two (Alpaydin, 2014).
Conventional classifiers do not contain a process to deal with class boundaries. Therefore, if the input
variables (number of features) are big as compared to the number of training data, class boundaries may not
overlap. In such situations, the generalization ability of the classifier may not be sufficient. Hence, to improve
the generalization ability, usually a small set of features from the original input variables are formed by
feature extraction, dimension reduction, or feature selection.
The most efficient characteristic in creating a model with high generalization capability is to utilize informative
and distinctive sets of features. Nevertheless, as there is no effective way of finding an original set of features
for a certain classification problem, it is essential to find a set of original features by trial and error. If the
number of features is so big and every feature has an insignificant effect on the classification, it is more
appropriate to transform the set of features into a reduced set of features. In data analysis, raw data are
transformed into a set of features by means of a linear transformation.
If every feature in the original set of features has an effect on the classification, the set is reduced by feature
extraction, feature selection, or dimension reduction. By feature selection or dimension reduction, ineffective
or redundant features are removed in a way that the higher generalization performance and faster
classification by the initial set of features can be accomplished.