Cable Laying BOQ (MEW-14)

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Ministry Of Electricity & Water ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS SECTOR Practice for : Manufacture, Supply, Installation, laying and maintenance of 11 KV Medium Voltage equipment for New Maternity Hospital Project and its dependencies Practice NO. MEW/ 14— 2019/2020 SECTION (2-2) : TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS SCHEDULE “R” — (CONT’D... PRICES AND UNIT RATES. ITEM NO. V: SUPPLY & LAYING CABLE, ASSOCIATED JOINTING , TERMINATION WORKS AND CONNECTED CIVIL WORKS. ay ote 159 Aes gia cls gu Sans Ray yaad y SS sy Qh JL] + Layee Sp BAN gl tng yd! 11 dougie esis Ey 2020/2019 = 14/, 3 At nal y= 2-2 oh onl Ho5 a TOTALUNIT | TOTAL PRICE IN sR. ary UNIT PRICES IN KD. PRICE IN KD. KD. NO,| DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT CIF & OR OTHER ERECTION o @ | extractor | CHARGES o o © HOH) OxQ=7 1+ | Excavation and back filling M-Run | 45000 NA NA ‘Aluminum cable laying in open trench and z 2 | ducts for 11 KV power cables pee aren ‘Copper cable laying in open trench and ducts | for 11 KV power cables. eee ‘g._| Cable laying in open trench and duets for pilot | eran | 47000 cable 5- | Aluminum cable laying on cable tray M-Run | 1000 6- | Copper cable laying on cable tray M-Run | 1000 7. | Eaying Aluminum cable on cable way inside agen | 1000 a. | Laying Copper cable on cable ay inside Regan tion _. | Cable recovery from open trench and ducts 7 PX etc. for 1 kv power cables. meen 1008) NA NA fs a ceavation of power cable / pilot cable joint @\ eres || om | om MEW 14 -201972020 202 Practitioner's Initial & Stamp Ministry Of Electricity & Water ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS SECTOR Practice for : Manufacture, Supply, Installation, laying and maintenance of 11 KV Medium Voltage equipment for New Maternity Hospital Project and its dependencies, Practice NO. MEW/ 14— 2019/2020 SECTION (2-2) : TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS hana yay 9 AS Fg sig Gea Je: Alan spp Bl es gy pd Gd 11 ae bis Uysal sis 2020/2019 — 14/p 3 9: ab; Auee A hill 222 yp SCH “RY (COND...) PRICES AND UNIT RATES ITEM NO. V: SUPPLY & LAYING CABLE, ASSOCIATED JOINTING , TERMINATION WORKS AND CONNECTED CIVIL WORKS TOTAL UNIT | TOTAL PRICE IN Gace eae UNIT PRICES IN KD. PRICE IN KD. KD. SR. | DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT he cir OR OTHER | _ ERECTION No. o @) | exesctory | CHARGES @ ® © OHMEHO Oxa(D Installation of switchgear termination’s for 11 ky power cable with Brass Compression 11- | Gland CW 90 with Earth TAG 5 MM Nos. 86 Thickness and Stud M-10 Suitable for 11 KV 3X300 MM2 Installation of straight through for 11 kw. ‘ 12 | Sower cable Nos. | 275 13. | Hatin of straight though it forilot | oy 7 Fixing of cable glands and connections to 3 14 | pilot cabinet — a Wh Me 5. | Laying ducts asbestos plastic (6 inches dia) | MTRJ | 9, ducts provided by contactor. pucr Extra Excavation and back filling M-Run | 1000 NA NA | STEEN MEW 14 -2019/2020 203 Practitioner's Initial & Stamp Ministry Of Electricity & Water slay eS ig ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS SECTOR Katy 5s Cd eta Practice for : Manufacture, Supply, Installation, laying and maintenance of 11 KV Medium Voltage hana ey a CaS 9 9 Ga Joe: Lela ‘equipment for New Maternity Hospital Project and its dependencies SRN tin 6p ad GT dae gin Practice NO. MEW/ 14— 2019/2020 Wass 2020/2019 - 14/24 fa SECTION (2-2) : TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Ag nal yl: 202 oy onl SCHEDULE “R”—(CONT" PRICES AND UNIT RATES: SUPPLY & LAYING CABLE, ASSOCIATED JOINTING , TERMINATION WORKS AND CONNECTED CIVIL WORKS ae TOTALUNIT | TOTAL PRICE IN SINKD. PRICE IN KD. KD. SE | DescrIPrion oF EQUIPMENT | a | okeoR OTHER ERECTION : | EMFACTORY | CHARGES @ @ © HEHE) OxQ« __ | Cutting asphalt for road crossing, cleaning the " 1 | sie, and re-asphalting. Pere be aa Cutting asphalt / concrete for side walks and 18- | yard, cleaning the site and re-asphalting /re | M-Run | 3800 NA NIA ‘concreting Trenchless crossing for 6 inches dia. way | MUM 19. | ducts (ducts provided by the contractor) a a 620 including boring machine pits and preparation. ‘a installation of four-way 200 mm PVC duet ‘using micro-tunneling techniques (ducts poe: 20- | provided by the contractor) including all ee ea relevant works specified and supply of steeve |“) 2 Is and accessories. S ST MEW/ 14 -2019/2020 204 Practitioner's Initial & Stamp Ministry Of Electricity & Water Healy sland 39 ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS SECTOR Ta oest gia cle gud Practice for : Manufacture, Supply, Installation, laying and maintenance of 11 KV Medium Voltage ane nay ay aS sy sy Qo Je: Lala equipment for New Maternity Hospital Project and its dependencies Sisal Nl te ey ead Oh TT fe Hs isis Practice NO. MEW/ 14~ 2019/2020 2020/2019 - 14/. 3 Augie Ay cay: 2.2 hy eal) SECTION (2-2) : TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS SCHEDULE “R” (CONT'D... PRICES AND UN ITEM NO. V: SUPPLY & LAYING CABLE, ASSOCIATED JOINTING , TERMINATION WORKS AND CONNECTED CIVIL WORKS. TOTALUNIT | TOTAL PRICE IN f Baeeaee UNIT PRICES IN KD. PRICE IN KD. KD. NO. | DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT : be cre OR OTHER ERECTION . o @) | exeactory | CHARGES : @ ® © E4516) xa Removal, Supply and Installation of tiles / 21 | sabs(subjecto approval by mew). aoe ae ‘Total price of Manufacturing, Supply and Installation of Item No. V in figures KD: ‘Total price of Manufacturing, Supply and Installation Item No. V in words KD: NB: Any other items not specifically mentioned above but necessary to complete the works as required in the specifications shall be deemed to be included in the above prices. Signed : Signed (Manufacturer) (Practitioner) Name : Name : Address A Dame : 1 0 MEW 14 -201972020 205 Practitioner's Initial & Stamp

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