2022 McKinsey Taipei Scholar Program

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Hear what ex-scholars from different

backgrounds have to say…

Victor Huang Melissa Shih Jack Shen

Business Analyst, NTU Business Analyst, NTU Business Analyst,
Information Management International Business NTHU Computer Science

The Scholar program Through in-depth workshops As an engineering student,

allowed me to discover and real-life case coaching, I did not realize how exciting and
my potential and I was able to exercise impactful working at McKinsey
passion in serving problem solving under could be until I joined the Scholar
industry-leading professional guidance. I Program. I was introduced to a whole
companies through my also got a chance to closely new world where exceptional people
analytical skills. I also observe the diverse and from different background work
met some of my lifelong vibrant culture at together to solve meaningful
friends and we are both McKinsey, which problems and support each other to
working together in the encouraged me to join the grow.
firm now. firm.
How do I apply and prepare?

The assessment process consists of three stages

Problem Selection
Apply online
Solving Game Process

Application deadline: The McKinsey Problem You will be invited to

May 15, 2022 Solving Game is an invite- participate in our selection
only online digital process, and further
Application requires your
assessment that allows details will be provided
latest English resume and
you to showcase how you after May as we are still
transcript. It should include
approach problems, while monitoring the current
academic grades (GPA) and
no prior knowledge in COVID-19 situation.
achievements, awards and
business is necessary to
scholarships, public
complete the tasks.
examination results (e.g.,
TOEFL, TOEIC), and Please visit
leadership experiences.
Application link: /careers/mckinsey-digital-
www.mckinsey.com/2022Tai assessment for more
peiScholar information regarding the
McKinsey Problem
Solving Game
The McKinsey Scholar Program
aims to serve as an orientation to
a career at McKinsey
McKinsey Scholar Program is an initiative to nurture leaders of next
generation. It is designed to help participants explore career options,
through the following activities held on weekends between Jun – July 2022:

Training workshops Case competition Social events

What will I gain from the

Valuable skillsets Professional Mentors Networking Opportunities

You will learn the You will be directly You will cooperate with
McKinsey approach and coached by senior prominent students
enhance your capabilities in consultants and can learn across different schools
problem solving, critical more about the industry, the and disciplines, which can
thinking, analytics, firm and the exiting career turn into lasting friendships
presentation and leadership options ahead and important network
Who are eligible for the program?

We welcome talents regardless If you are an undergrad or graduate

of degree or background, and student graduating in 2023 or 2024 with
our previous scholars came from passion or curiosity in consultancy, please
very diverse backgrounds. There don’t hesitate to join us! (For Taiwanese
have been students students currently studying overseas, please
professionalized in engineering, consider the time zone differences of the
business, medicine and even program as we will not be able to match all
astronautics! time zones.)

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