PMS Report
PMS Report
PMS Report
Performance Management system Saif energy limited Flow Chart PMS Flow Chart With Details How PMS Process Will Be Conducted In Saif Energy Limited Performance Review Form
Its being an honor for me that Mr. Shahzad Saleem (Manager HR Saif energy limited) has assigned me the task to work on designing a Performance Management System for Saif energy limited company. It was really a remarkable assignment and a knowledge full assignment for me and it is also an important perspective of HRM because now days PMS is like just a backbone for any organization and many organizations are working on it in order to improve the performance of their employees because they believe that in order to achieve a good performance from the company we need to focus on the performance of our human resource. .Thanks to Mr. Shahzad Saleem (Manager HR Saif energy limited) for guiding me wherever I feel any kind of problems during this assignment.
A management technique intended to holistically consider the performance of (usually a group of) employees or machines to work towards optimum performance of a particular task or (more frequently) a group of tasks. PMS is like just a backbone for any organization and many organizations are working on it in order to improve the performance of their employees because they believe that in order to achieve a good performance from the company we need to focus on the performance of our human resource. Performance management not only deal with just for appraisals of employees but it also related to identify the performance gaps of the employees and then in order to cover these gaps they it identify the training and development need and then its implementation all this is done under a system called PMS in order top achieve the performance of the company.
T&D program
Bad Performer
Pay Increments
HR dept will design the performance development and improvement plan by keeping the past year performance deficiencies of the employees.
In this phase employees will be working in order to achieve the agreed goal and managers will also be monitoring them timely.
Action Employees will work in order to achieve standards Review of all employees will be conducted after six months from the year started.
After taking interim review as for future use and evidence the review will be recorded.
Interim Review aa
T&D decision will be taken by HR Dept generally for all employees as they feel the need of training and as well as it will be more specific for those who are not performing well in order to improve their performance.
T&D program
Formal review
T&D program will be started after taking decision. Bad Performer Good Performer
Pay Increments
Those who are good performer only for them the decision will be taken regarding to the PBP and for bad performer decision regarding to dismissal will be taken
PMS All process will be recorded to be for next year PMS process. (Improvements etc)
PMS at Saif energy limited will be started with performance agreement .At the start of the year a performance Agreement between managers and employees will be made in which short and long term goals and objectives will be set and agreed by both managers and employees. Role and responsibilities will also be defined.
After designing the performance development and improvement plan in this phase the implementation of this will be done and all the employees will be working in a way to achieve the agreed goal and objectives and managers will be required to monitor their subordinates timely.
In order to check that short term goals and objectives are achieved we will have an Interim review of all employees after six months from the year started. In this review we will mainly focus on achievement of short term goals and this review will also provide us the idea that we are moving towards achievement of long term goals or not. For this 360 degree evaluation method will be adopted.
After taking interim review as for future use and evidence the review will be recorded in order to reduce any undesirable situation.
Formal review will be conducted after completion of fiscal year. In order to check that long term goals and objectives are achieved or not. In this review our focus area will be on achievement of long term goals. After evaluating all the employees the results will be documented for future use. For this 360 degree evaluation method will be adopted.
PMS All process will be recorded in order to be use for coming year PMS process. (Improvements etc)
END Finally PMS will be completed.
Rating Scale S. No
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Punctuality Personal cleanliness House-keeping Sharing knowledge Participative Approach Un-biased Relationship Confidence in your subordinates Time management Stress control Tolerance
5 100%
4 80%
3 60%
2 40%
1 20%
Average % _____
Rating Scale S. No
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Manpower System Working conditions Confidence Delegation Motivation Leadership Training
5 100%
4 80%
3 60%
2 40%
1 20%
Average % _____
Signature: ________________________
Date: _____/_____/_____
Approach towards sub- ordinates Sharing knowledge Participative approach Communication skills Taking concern on subordinates Un-biased approach Role model Time planning Listening skills Rigidness Flexibility Team lead ability
5 100%
4 80%
3 60%
2 40%
1 20%
Rating Scale S. No
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Communication skills Co-ordination Listening skills Knowledge of other departments. Team lead Abilities Presentation skills Time planning Sharing knowledge Quick and effective Decision making Picking power Creativeness Punctuality
5 100%
4 80%
3 60%
2 40%
1 20%
Average % _____
Communication skills Co-ordination Listening skills Knowledge of other departments. Team lead Abilities Presentation skills Time planning Sharing knowledge Quick and effective Decision making key performance indicators Creativeness Punctuality
5 100%
4 80%
3 60%
2 40%
1 20%
Communication skills Personality Listening skills Value addition Leadership quality System and procedures Time planning Sharing knowledge Quick and effective Decision making Potential Scope for higher level Punctuality
5 100%
4 80%
3 60%
2 40%
1 20%
Signature: __________________
Date: ______________________
Average % _____
HR Managers Signature:
Rating Scale S. No
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 key performance indicators 5 100% 4 80% 3 60% 2 40% 1 20% %
Signature: __________________
Date: ______________________
Average % _____