10 11648 J Ijfmts 20190501 11
10 11648 J Ijfmts 20190501 11
10 11648 J Ijfmts 20190501 11
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Received: September 26, 2018; Accepted: April 8, 2019; Published: May DD, 2019
Abstract: Integrally geared centrifugal compressors have been widely used in industry especially. Reliable design, good
performance, low noise, no resonant frequencies in the operating range and cost effective machining and casting parts are the
goals of the design. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tools have been widely used to optimize the impeller, diffuser and
volute designs. Many design considerations are useful for compressor preliminary parameter selections and compressor
package designs. In this paper, the detailed development and design of a integrally geared centrifugal compressor are discussed.
Some initial design considerations for compressor configureuration, power distribution for each stage, and possible field
application issues are discussed in details. The aerodynamic and structural optimization using CFD and Finite Element
Analysis (FEA) are performed to obtain a high efficiency and wide operating range compressor with robust operation. The new
compressor development process addressed in this paper provides the basic design guidance for future new integrally geared
compressor development.
Keywords: Centrifugal Compressor, Compressor Design Consideration, CFD
of the high-energy consumption devices in air separation proportional to impeller diameter and impeller rotational
plants. The utility cost of the air compressors is the primary speed. In most of the cases, the gas leaves the impeller then
energy consumer of an air separation process. The energy- enters a vaned or vanless diffuser to decelerate the gas to
saving opportunities have been studied extensively [10]. For increase the static pressure. The compressed gas finally
the air separation plant, the system demands for compressed enters a scroll or collector and then delivers to applications or
air are not always same. Sometime the system airflow can be next stage.
less than 50% of the maximum flow capability. The The compressor design processes normally started with the
variations of the airflow demands require compressor performance and cost target optimizations. The life time cost
turndown as much as 50%. It is necessary to develop a high of the compressor includes the capital cost, i.e. the cost for
efficient and wide operating range compressor. This paper purchasing the compressor; and the annual operational cost,
authors present a detail compressor design process from i.e. the cost of the compressor energy consumption. The new
marketing requirement to final design. It will be a good compressor design needs to make sure that the end users have
reference for compressor manufacturers. a lowest lifetime cost. The optimizations and considerations
In this paper, the centrifugal compressor design process for the compressor manufacturing cost and operational cost
and development method were presented in detail through a are normally done by compressor manufacturing based on in-
geared centrifugal compressor development. The compressor house experience and database. Most of the current method
developed here is an integrally geared four stage centrifugal for new compressor design is scale and modify the previous
compressor with the total-to-static pressure ratio of 12 and design to a new design and then do the optimization in the
inlet volumetric flow of 7.3m3/s. The reliable, higher components [1, 15]. A few academic studies have been done
performance, large surge margin, low noise, no resonant to mention to combine the detail compressor design
frequencies in the operating range and economic to considerations and optimizations; there are very limited
manufacture are the goals of the design. The detail processes publications in this area. The authors have discussed the
for this integrally geared centrifugal compressor importance of some of the design considerations in the past
developments are discussed in this paper. The integral studies [1, 16]. In this paper, the detail new compressor
thinking and optimization used in this design process can development process and considerations are discussed.
serve as a guideline for future compressor developments. In this paper, a centrifugal compressor is developed for air
While CFD and FEA are widely used in the compressor separation applications. The air separation customers use
design, many detail compressor design considerations and both engines and motors to drive the compressors. For this
optimizations can accelerate the design before CFD and FEA size of machine, the customers are most likely to use an
optimizations [2-20]. The compressor stage design, analysis electric motor to drive compressors. Therefore, the choice of
and optimization are similar for all stages. The detail design different poles of the motor is important. The studies between
processes and aerodynamic analysis are presented here by two-pole and four-pole motor are conducted based on the
using first stage as an example. cost and performance trade-off studies. To effectively study
the motor selection, it is necessary to determine numbers of
2. Preliminary Design Considerations stages. Based on some of the design consideration and
manufacturing cost analysis [1], the annual operation and
capital cost vs number of compressor stages are shown in
Figure 2. It is shown that three and four stages for this
machine are good choices. Considering the applications need
10% more pressure ratio in some of the applications, four
stages are used for this compressor design.
The historical in-house manufacturing compressor cost for
both two-pole and four-pole motors for different compressor
design inlet flow are shown in Figure 3. It can be seen than
the two-pole motor drivers are used for small compressors.
For the compressor size in this study, we can use both two-
pole and four-pole motors. Figure.3 shows that the initial
aerodynamic components (impeller, impeller housing, scroll,
and diffuser) cost using four-pole motor is about 80% more
than two-pole motor. The performance penalty using two-
Figure 1. Centrifugal compressor.
pole motor is about 1.9% using in-house analysis system [3,
4]. Based on the current energy cost information, a 2500kW
A typical single stage compressor is shown in Figure 1. machine will increase operation cost about $180,000 for two
The gas enters a centrifugal compressor in axial direction. As years which is more than the total cost of aerodynamic
the gas continues to pass into centrifugal impeller, the components. Based on the hardware cost and operation cost
impeller forces the gas flow to increase the kinetic energy information, it is obvious that the customers prefer the four
and static pressure. The work input to gas by impeller is pole motor design. The compressor developed here uses four-
International Journal of Fluid Mechanics & Thermal Sciences 2019; 5(1): 1-9 3
pole motor.
This integrally geared compressor is chosen to have two
pinions with two stages in each pinion. The stage power
distributions are critical for cost and performance. The cost
and efficiency trade off studies are conducted. The studies for
power split in two pinions are conducted. The manufacturing
cost and performance impacts for different power splits are
shown in Figure 4. It is demonstrated that a low speed pinion
load of about 52% of the overall power is good for both
compressor performance and manufacturing cost.
The selection of flow coefficient at compressor design
point is important for both compressor efficiency and
aerodynamic components’ cost. Normally, the cost of the
aerodynamic components is about 35% of the whole
compressor system cost. An in-house cost database and
Figure 4. Performance and cost Vs power split.
performance estimation program is used to predict the
performance and compressor cost impacts [3, 4]. The
manufacturing cost of the aerodynamic components is
calculated based on the size of the impeller, diffuser and
scroll for different flow coefficient as shown in Figure 5. The
cost ratio is the cost versus the cost of airend with best
aerodynamic efficiency. It is shown that flow coefficient
around 0.08 is good for both aerodynamic performance and
Figure 3. Motor selections. Where the slip velocity can be expressed as [21]
4 Cheng Xu et al.: The Development of an Integrally Geared Centrifugal Compressor
The rotor vibrations cause the impeller and other bearing clearances is shown in table 2. The pinion speed is
compressor component failure. The rotordynamicanalysis for about 23000RPM. The smallest range for 2nd and 3rd mode is
pinion with impellers are critical to avoid the rotor system at maximum bearing clearance. This range is between 11908
vibration issues. The extensive iterations for bearing and RPM and 26888 RPM. It is shown that the compressor pinion
pinion design through rotordynamic analyses were performed. is operated between 2nd mode speed and 3rd mode speed.
The final design meet the design requirements. The damped There is enough separation margin between operational speed
unbalanced response analysis with maximum and minimum and nature frequencies.
6 Cheng Xu et al.: The Development of an Integrally Geared Centrifugal Compressor
Figure 16. Adibatic efficiency impacts. Figure 17. Pressure ratio impacts.
8 Cheng Xu et al.: The Development of an Integrally Geared Centrifugal Compressor
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