2022 UP PreWeek - Commercial Law
2022 UP PreWeek - Commercial Law
2022 UP PreWeek - Commercial Law
a. Concealment after the contract has
become effective, because
concealment must take place at the
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Act involved
Passive form Active form 10. When is an insurer liable for suicide?
Insured withholds Insured makes
Answer: The insurer in a life insurance
information of erroneous
contract shall be liable in case of suicide only:
material facts from statements of facts
a. If committed after 2 years from the date
the insurer; he with the intent of
of the policy's issue or its last
maintains silence inducing the insurer
reinstatement unless the policy
when he ought to to enter into the
provides for a shorter period.
speak insurance contract
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13. What are the differences between 15. What is a no fault clause?
double insurance and overinsurance?
Answer: The "no fault" clause connotes that
Answer: the victim of a tort can recover for his loss from
his insurer without regard to his own
Double Insurance Overinsurance contributory fault or the fault of the tortfeasor.
This is to guarantee compensation or indemnity
Amount of insurance Amount of insurance to persons suffering loss in motor vehicle
may or may not exceeds the value of accidents [Campos].
exceed the value of the insured's
the insured's insurable interest Its essence is in seeking to provide victims of
insurable interest vehicular accidents or their heirs immediate
compensation, although in a limited amount,
There are always There may be one or
pending final determination of who is
several insurers more insurers
responsible for the accident and liable for the
victims' injuries or death [Campos].
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It is a provision in law that after a policy of life Answer: Since an insurance contract is
insurance made payable on the death of the consensual, it is perfected by mere consent.
insured shall have been in force during the Consent is manifested by the meeting of the
lifetime of the insured for a period of two (2) offer and the acceptance upon the object or the
years from the date of its issue or of its last cause which are to constitute the contract.
reinstatement, the insurer cannot prove that the
policy is void ab initio or is rescindible by There is an offer when the insured submits an
reason of fraudulent concealment or application to the insurer. There is acceptance
misrepresentation of the insured or his agent when the insurer approves the application.
[Manila Bankers Life Insurance Corporation v.
Cresencia P. Aban, G.R. No. 175666 (2013)). So long as an application for insurance has not
been either accepted or rejected, it is merely a
Purpose: To give protection to the insured or proposal or an offer to make a contract [Perez
his beneficiary by limiting the rescinding of the v. CA, G.R. No. 112329 (2000)).
contract of insurance on the ground of
fraudulent concealment or misrepresentation Note: The insurance contract becomes
to a period of only two (2) years from the effective upon payment of first premium,
issuance of the policy or its last reinstatement provided there has been an approval of the
[Manila Bankers Life Insurance Corporation v. application.
Cresencia P. Aban, G.R. No. 175666 (2013)).
The parties may impose additional conditions
Effect: The insurer cannot prove that the policy precedent to the validity of the policy as a
is void ab initio or is rescindable by reason of contract as they see fit. Usually, it is stipulated
the fraudulent concealment or in the application that the contract shall not
misrepresentation of the insured or his agent: become binding until the policy is delivered and
a. After a policy of life insurance made the first premium is paid [De Leon].
payable on the death of the insured
shall have been in force during the 18. When may a contract of insurance be
lifetime of the insured for a period of rescinded?
two (2) years from the date of its issue
or of its last reinstatement [Sec. 48). Answer: A contract of insurance may be
b. The insurer's right to rescind a contract rescinded in the following instances:
is not exercised previous to the a. Concealment;
commencement of an action on the Requisites:
contract [Sec. 48). 1 . A party knows a fact which he
neglects to communicate or
The incontestability clause is made for the disclose to the other;
benefit of the insured, and not the insurer, 2. Such party concealing is duty
considering that its effect and purpose is to cut bound to disclose such fact to
off, after a considerable period, any assertion the other;
that the policy is invalid. 3. Such party concealing makes
no warranty of the fact
Defenses, other than concealment, concealed;
misrepresentation and breach of warranty are
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Extraordinary Ordinary diligence. 5. What is the general rule and what are
diligence. the exceptions in case of loss,
destruction or deterioration of goods?
Governing Law
Civil Code; Code of Law on obligations General rule: Common carriers are
Commerce and and contracts. responsible for the loss, destruction, or
special laws, if not deterioration of the goods [Art. 1734, NCC].
regulated by the Civil
Code [Art. 1766, Clvil Exceptions: If the same is due to any of the
Code]; law of the following causes only:
country to which the a. Flood, storm, earthquake, lightning, or
goods are to be other natural disaster or calamity
transported, if b. Act of the public enemy in war, whether
regarding liability for international or civil
loss, destruction, or
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18. Are common carriers liable for injuries 20. May the consignee still file a claim
inflicted by strangers or co- against the carrier if the aforementioned
passengers? periods have elapsed? What if it had
already paid the transportation
Answers: NO. charges?
General Rule: A common carrier is NOT liable Answer: NO. No claim whatsoever shall be
for injuries inflicted by strangers or co- admitted against the carrier with regard to the
passengers. condition in which the goods transported were
Exception: A common carrier is responsible delivered after:
for injuries suffered by a passenger on account a. Periods mentioned have elapsed, or
of the willful acts or negligence of other b. Transportation charges have been paid
passengers or of strangers, if the common [Art. 366, COC].
carrier's employees, through the exercise of
the diligence of a good father of a family, could
have prevented or stopped the act or omission
[Art. 1763, Civil Code].
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25. What are the three divisions/zones of 28. What is the Jason Clause?
time in collision of vessels?
Answer: Jason clause is a provision in the
Answer: contract of carriage that requires the cargo
a. First division - all the time up to the owners to contribute in the general average,
moment when the risk of collision may though the event which gave rise to the
be said to have begun. sacrifice or expenditure may have been due to
b. Second division - the time between the fault of one of the parties to the adventure
the moment when the risk of collision [Rule D, York Antwerp Rules].
begins and the moment when it has
become a practical certainty. Note: This shall not prejudice any remedies or
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Ratio: So that each may pass on the port (left) 33. When is an air carrier liable for damages
side of the other [Smith Bell and Co. v. CA, under the Montreal Convention?
G.R. No. L-56294 (1991)).
Answer: An air carrier is liable for damages
31. When is the Montreal Convention under the following cases:
applicable? a. Damage sustained in case of death or
bodily injury of a passenger upon
Answer: The Montreal Convention applies to condition only that the accident which
all international carriage of persons, baggage caused the death or injury took place
or cargo performed by aircraft for reward. It on board the aircraft or in the course of
applies equally to gratuitous carriage by aircraft any of the operations of embarking or
performed by an air transport undertaking disembarking [Article 17(1 ), Montreal
[Article 1 (1), Montreal Convention]. Convention].
b. Damage sustained in case of
Note: International carriage means any destruction or loss of, or of damage to,
carriage in which, according to the agreement checked baggage upon condition only
between the parties, the place of departure and that the event which caused the
the place of destination, whether or not there destruction, loss or damage took place
be a break in the carriage or a transhipment, on board the aircraft or during any
are situated either: period within which the checked
a. within the territories of two States baggage was in the charge of the
Parties; or carrier [Article 17(2), Montreal
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Under the "liberal" Control Test, there is no Answer: A corporation sole is one formed for
need to further trace the ownership of the 60% the purpose of administering and managing, as
(or more) Filipino stockholdings of the Investing trustee, the affairs, property and temporalities
Corporation since a corporation which is at of any religious denomination, sect, or church,
least 60% Filipino-owned is considered as by the chief archbishop, bishop, priest, rabbi, or
Filipino [Narra Nickel Mining & Development other presiding elder of such religious
Corp. v. Redmon! Consolidated Mines Corp., denomination, sect or church [Sec. 108).
G.R. No. 195580, April 21, 2014).
A corporation sole has no nationality but for the
2. Discuss the importance of the Gamboa purpose of applying nationalization laws,
rulings in relation to the Filipino nationality is determined not by the nationality
nationality requirement. of its presiding elder but by the nationality of its
members constituting the sect in the
Answer: The Supreme Court clarified through Philippines. Thus, the Roman Catholic Church
the Gamboa cases that what the Constitution can acquire lands in the Philippines even if it is
requires is full and legal beneficial ownership of headed by the Pope [Roman Catholic
60% of the outstanding capital stock, coupled Apostolic, etc. v. Register of Deeds of Davao
with 60% of the voting rights that must rest in City, G.R. No. L-8451 (1957)).
the hands of Filipino nationals. Thus, for
purposes of determining compliance with the 5. What is a joint venture?
constitutional or statutory ownership, the
required percentage of Filipino ownership shall Answer: A joint venture is an agreement
be applied to both the (a) total number of between two parties to enter into a commercial
outstanding shares of stock entitled to vote in undertaking. It may fall under a partnership with
the election of directors; and (b) the total a limited purpose. Under Philippine law, a joint
number of outstanding shares of stock, venture is a form of partnership and should
whether or not entitled to vote [Jose M. Roy Ill thus be governed by the laws of partnership
v. Chairperson Teresita Herbosa, G.R. No. [Aurbach v. Sanitary Wares Manufacturing
207246 (2017)). Corp, G.R. No. 75875).
3. When and how is the Grandfather Rule 6. What is the doctrine of separate juridical
applied? personality?
Answer: The Grandfather Rule is applied if Answer: Under this doctrine, a corporation has
doubt exists as to the locus of the "beneficial a personality separate and distinct from that of
ownership" and "control" of a corporation, even its stockholders and members and is not
if the 60-40 Filipino to foreign equity ratio is affected by the personal rights, obligations, and
apparently met by the subject or investee transactions of the latter. For example,
corporation. corporate property is owned by the corporation
as a juridical person, and the stockholders
"Doubt" refers to various indicia that the have no claim on corporate property as
"beneficial ownership" and "control" of the owners. The latter only have a mere
corporation do not in fact reside in Filipino expectancy or inchoate right to the same upon
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Answer: Appraisal Right is the right to Under the nature of controversy test, an intra-
withdraw from the corporation and demand corporate controversy arises when the
payment of the fair value of the shares after controversy is not only rooted in the existence
dissenting from certain corporate acts involving of an intra-corporate relationship, but also in
fundamental changes in corporate structure the enforcement of the parties' correlative
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The jurisdiction over intra-corporate disputes However, under the Corporation Code,
lies with the Regional Trial Court [Sec. 5, PD shareholders of preferred non-voting shares
No. 902-A in relation to Sec. 5.2, SRC]. are always entitled to vote on the following
19. What are Watered Stocks and who are a. Amendment of the articles of
liable for the same? incorporation;
b. Adoption and amendment of by-laws;
Answer: Watered Stocks are shares issued as c. Sale, lease, exchange, mortgage,
fully paid when in truth no consideration is paid, pledge, or other disposition of all or
or the consideration received is known to be substantially all of the corporate
less than the par value or issued value of the property;
shares [Sec. 64, RCC]. d. Incurring, creating, or increasing
bonded indebtedness; Increase or
Any director or officer of a corporation shall be decrease of authorized capital stock;
solidarily liable with the stockholder concerned e. Merger or consolidation of the
to the corporation and its creditors for the corporation with another corporation or
difference in value for: other corporations;
a. Consenting to the issuance of watered f. Investment of corporate funds in
stocks or; another corporation or business in
b. Failing express his objection in writing accordance with this Code; and
and file the same with the corporate g. Dissolution of the corporation.
secretary despite having knowledge h. Among the stockholders, partners, or
thereof of such issuance [Sec. 64, associates themselves [Sec. 6, RCC].
22. Is a stock certificate a negotiable
20. Can treasury shares be re-issued or instrument?
sold again for a price below par value?
Answer: Certificates of stock are not
Answer: Yes. Treasury shares may be re- negotiable instruments. Although a stock
issued or sold again for a price below par value certificate is sometimes regarded as quasi-
as long as it is for a reasonable price fixed by negotiable, in the sense that it may be
the BOD. In this case, there can be no watering transferred by delivery, it is well-settled that the
of stock because such watering of stock instrument is non-negotiable, because:
contemplates an original issuance of shares. a. The holder thereof takes it without
prejudice to such rights or defenses as
21. What are preferred shares? What are the the registered owner or creditor may
voting rights of a holder of a preferred have under the law
share under the Corporation Code? b. Except insofar as such rights or
defenses are subject to the limitations
Answer: Preferred shares are those which imposed by the principles governing
entitle the shareholder to priority on dividends estoppels [Republic v. Sandiganbayan,
and asset distribution {CIR v. CA, G. R. G.R. Nos. 107789 & 147214, April 30,
No.108576 (1999)). 2003).
In the absence of provisions in the articles of 23. Can a portion of shares not fully paid be
incorporation denying voting rights to preferred sold?
shares, preferred shares have the same voting
rights as common shares. However, preferred Answer: The SEC has opined on several
shareholders are often excluded from any occasions that a stockholder who has not paid
control, that is, deprived of the right to vote in the full amount of his subscription cannot
the election of directors and on other matters, transfer part of his subscription in view of the
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Answer: The SEC has opined that the entire Answer: A close corporation is
subscription, although not yet fully paid, may be a. One whose Articles of Incorporation
transferred to a single transferee, who as a provides that:
result of the transfer must assume the unpaid 1 . All the corporation's issued
balance. stock of all classes, exclusive
of treasury shares, shall be
25. What are 3 ways by which a stock held of record by not more than
corporation may be voluntarily a specified number of persons,
dissolved? not exceeding twenty (20);
2. All the issued stock of all
Answer: The three ways by which a stock classes shall be subject to one
corporation may be voluntarily dissolved are: or more specified restrictions
a. Voluntary dissolution where no on transfer permitted by this
creditors are affected [Sec. 134 RCC]. Title; and
This type of dissolution is initiated by 3. The corporation shall not list in
the corporation. It does not prejudice, any stock exchange or make
or is not consented by creditors. any public offering of its stocks
b. Voluntary dissolution where creditors of any class.
are affected [Sec. 135). This covers a b. One where two-thirds (2/3) or more of
case where the corporation petitions for its voting stock or voting rights is NOT
its dissolution which may prejudice the owned or controlled by another
rights of creditors, or are not consented corporation, which is not a close
by all of them. Here, the corporation is corporation within the meaning of this
not under financial distress or in a state Code [Sec. 95, RCC].
of insolvency. In those cases, the
corporation must file a petition for 28. What is considered as "doing business"
rehabilitation or liquidation in court. in relation to foreign corporations?
c. By shortening the corporate term [Sec.
136). A voluntary dissolution may be Answer: The concept of "doing business"
effected by amending the AOI to implies a continuity of commercial dealings and
shorten the corporate term under Sec arrangements and the performance of
16 of the RCC. acts/works/exercise of some of the functions
normally incident to the purpose or object of a
26. What is the Nell Doctrine and what are foreign corporation's organization
the exceptions thereto? [Mentholatum Co., Inc. v. Mangaliman, Phil.
525 (1941)].
Answer: Under the Nell Doctrine, where one
corporation sells or otherwise transfers all of its 29. Do foreign corporations have
assets to another corporation, the latter is personality to sue?
generally not liable for the debts and liabilities
of the transferor, except: Answer: A foreign corporation transacting
a. where the purchaser expressly or business in the Philippines is required to
impliedly agrees to assume such debts; secure a license to have the personality to sue
b. where the transaction amounts to a before, or intervene in, any court or
consolidation or merger of the administrative proceeding [Sec. 150, RCC].
c. where the purchasing corporation is By filing an action before Philippine courts, a
merely a continuation of the selling foreign corporation puts itself under their
corporation; and jurisdiction [Communication Materials v. CA,
d. where the transaction is entered into 260 SCRA 673 (1996)).
fraudulently in order to escape liability
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Joint authorship:
during life of the last
surviving author and
for fifty years after his
death [Sec. 213.2, IP
Anonymous or
works: fifty (50) years
from the date on
which the work was
first lawfully published
[Sec. 213.3, IP Code].
Photographic works
and audio-visual
works produced
analogous to
photography or any
process for making
recordings: fifty (50)
years from publication
and, if unpublished,
fifty (50) from making
[Secs. 213.5 to 213.6,
IP Code.
2. What are the standards or requisites for involve an inventive step. On the other hand,
patentabi Iity? an industrial design needs to be new or
ornamental in order to be protected under the
Answer: A patentable invention is any IP Code.
technical solution of a problem in any field of
human activity which is: A patent lasts for a maximum, non-renewable
a. new, term of 20 years, while a utility model enjoys a
b. involves an inventive step and non-renewable term of 7 years. On the other
c. is industrially applicable. hand, an industrial design enjoys a term of 5
years, which may be renewed for not more than
It may be, or may relate to, a product, or 2 consecutive periods of 5 years each. The
process, or an improvement of any of the aforementioned terms of protection shall be
foregoing [Sec. 21, RA 8293). reckoned from the filing date of the application
for a patent, utility model or an industrial
3. Differentiate Patents from Utility Models design.
and Industrial Designs
4. Differentiate Marks vs. Collective Marks
Answer: An invention must have an inventive v. Trade names.
step in order for it to be patentable. A utility
model on the other hand may or may not Answer: A mark is any visible sign capable of
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Moral Right Term
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7. Can the AMLC refuse to render Answer: No, the provision applies to both civil
assistance if a foreign state asks for and criminal forfeiture.
such if it is investigating a money
laundering case? What are the valid 11. Is a text sent via Messenger legally
causes of refusal? recognized?
Answer: Yes, as long as it informs the foreign Answer: Yes. A text sent via Messenger falls
State of any valid reason for not executing the within the definition of an electronic data
request or for delaying the execution thereof message in Sec. 5. Electronic data message
[Sec. 13a]. refers to information generated, sent, received
or stored by electronic, optical or similar
The grounds of refusal are the following: if the means. Furthermore, pursuant to Sec. 6,
action sought by the request contravenes any information shall not be denied legal effect,
provision of the Constitution or the execution of validity or enforceability solely on the grounds
a request is likely to prejudice the national that it is in the data message purporting to give
interest of the Philippines unless there is a rise to such legal effect, or that it is merely
treaty between the Philippines and the referred to in that electronic data message.
requesting State relating to the provision of
assistance in relation to money laundering 12. How does the law recognize electronic
offenses. documents?
This Act does not modify any statutory rule 17. Did A violate any provision in RA 8792 if
relating to the admissibility of electronic data she obtained access to B's electronic
messages or electronic documents, except the document and shared it to C for the
rules relating to authentication and best latter's survey project without the
evidence [Sec. 7, RA 8792). consent of B?
14. What are the two general presumptions Answer: Yes, according to Sec. 32, except for
relating to electronic signatures, and the purposes authorized under this Act, any
the exception. person who obtained access to any electronic
key, electronic data message, or electronic
Answer: According to Sec. 9, these are as document, book, register, correspondence,
follows: information, or other material pursuant to any
a. The electronic signature is the powers conferred under this Act, shall not
signature of the person to whom it convey to, or share the same with any other
correlates; and person.
b. The electronic signature was affixed by
that person with the intention of signing 18. What are the general signs of
or approving the electronic document. insolvency?
The exception lies if the person relying on the Answer: As provided by Sec. 4 (s), it is when
electronically signed electronic document the financial condition of a debtor that is:
knows or has notice of defects in or unreliability a. Generally unable to pay liabilities as
of the signature or reliance on the electronic they fall due on the ordinary course of
signature is not reasonable under the business (hence illiquid); or
circumstances. b. Has liabilities that are greater than its
or his assets (balance sheet insolvent).
15. Can an electronic data message or
electronic document be denied 19. Can a municipality be a debtor under the
admissibility based on the sole ground FRIA?
that it is electronic form?
Answer: No. Section S(d) provides the
Answer: No, it is clear in Sec. 12 that in any exclusion of national and local government
legal proceeding, nothing in the application of agencies as debtors under the law.
the rules on evidence shall deny the
admissibility of an electronic data message or 20. What are the two circumstances that
electronic document in evidence on the sole qualify a debtor for rehabilitation?
ground that it is in electronic form.
Answer: According to Sec. 4(gg), a) the
continuance of operation is economically
feasible; and b) its creditors can recover more,
by way of the present value of payments
projected in the plan, if the debtor continues as
a going concern than if it is immediately
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Answer: Upon issuance, said order has the 27. What are the requirements for
following effects: involuntary rehabilitation?
a. Vests the rehabilitation receiver with all
the powers and functions provided for Answer: The requirements are as follows:
this Act, subject to the approval by the a. The claim(s), or aggregate thereof,
court of the performance bond filed by must amount to at least Php 1 million or
the rehabilitation receiver; at least 25% of the subscribed capital
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28. When is a Commencement Order An individual may have a conflict of interest if:
issued? a. He is a creditor, owner, partner or
stockholder of the debtor;
Answer: If the petition for rehabilitation is b. He is engaged in a line of business
sufficient in form and substance, it shall issue a which competes with that of the debtor;
Commencement Order within five (5) working c. He is, or was, within five (5) years from
days from the filing of the petition. the filing of the petition, a director,
officer, owner, partner or employee of
The rehabilitation proceedings shall the debtor or any of the creditors, or the
commence upon the issuance of the auditor or accountant of the debtor;
Commencement Order. d. He is, or was, within two (2) years from
the filing of the petition, an underwriter
29. What are the effects of a Stay or of the outstanding securities of the
Suspension Order? debtor;
e. He is related by consanguinity or
Answer: It has the following effects: affinity within the fourth civil degree to
a. Suspending all actions or proceedings, any individual creditor, owners of a sole
in court or otherwise, for the proprietorship-debtor, partners of a
enforcement of claims against the partnership- debtor or to any
debtor; stockholder, director, officer, employee
b. Suspending all actions to enforce any or underwriter of a corporation-debtor;
judgment, attachment or provisional or
remedies against the debtor; f. He has any other direct or indirect
c. Prohibiting the debtor from selling, material interest in the debtor or any of
encumbering, transferring or disposing the creditors.
in any manner any of its properties
except in the ordinary course of 32. Who can remove a rehabilitation
business; and receiver and on what grounds?
d. Prohibiting the debtor from making any
payment of its liabilities outstanding as Answer: The receiver may be removed at any
of the commencement date except as time by the court, either by (1) motu propio or
may be provided herein [Sec. 16). (2) motion by any creditor(s) holding more than
30. Who is a rehabilitation receiver? What 50% of the total obligations of the creditor, on
are their duties? the following grounds:
a. Incompetence, gross negligence,
Answer: Any qualified person, natural or failure to perform or failure to exercise
juridical, may serve as a receiver [Sec. 28). the proper degree of care in the
Said receiver has the following duties: a) performance of his duties and powers;
Preserving and maximizing the value of the b. Lack of particular or specialized
assets of the debtor during the rehabilitation competency required by the specific
proceedings; b) Determining the viability of the case;
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34. Is it possible for the debtor and the 38. Suppose that one class of creditors, by
creditor to have an offset? its majority, disapproved of the
rehabilitation plan. However, all the
Answer: Yes, the debtor and the creditor have other classes approved the plan by its
the right to set off their debts against each majority. Is the Plan deemed approved
other; only the balance, if any, shall be allowed or rejected?
in the proceedings [Sec. 124).
Answer: Rejected. The Plan must be approved
35. If the claim has become final, what are by all classes of creditors whose rights are
the only acceptable grounds for it to be adversely modified or affected. Otherwise, it is
set aside? deemed rejected. The Plan is approved by a
class of creditors if members of the said class
Answer: According to Sec. 25, it can only be holding more than 50% of the total claims of the
set aside by grounds of fraud, accident, class vote in favor of the Plan [Sec. 64).
mistake or inexcusable neglect.
39. When can a procedure for rehabilitation
36. What is a rehabilitation plan? involuntarily become a proceeding for
Answer: It is a plan by which the financial well-
being and viability of an insolvent debtor can be Answer: It is when a creditor objects to the
restored using various means including, but not plan and the court finds the debtor acted in bad
limited to debt forgiveness, debt rescheduling, faith, or that it is not possible to cure the defect,
reorganization or quasi-reorganization, dacion the court shall convert the proceedings into one
en pago, debt to equity conversion, sale of the for liquidation.
business, setting up of new business entities,
or other similar arrangements as may be It can also happen if there is a showing that the
approved by the court or the creditors [Sec. rehabilitation of the insolvent debtor is no
4(ii); Somera]. longer economically feasible or does not
provide better present value recovery for the
creditors, rehabilitation may be converted into
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There is no need to distinguish between concealment and fraud because the rules pertinent to both
are similar [Carale]. In this regard, it shall be noted that a concealment, whether intentional or
unintentional, entitles the injured party to rescind a contract of insurance [Sec. 27]. Thus, like in
concealment, intent is not essential to entitle the insurer to rescind on the ground of misrepresentation.
If a representation is false in a material point, whether affirmative or promissory, the injured party is
entitled to rescind the contract from the time when the representation becomes false [Sec. 45].
*The discussions here supersede the discussions in the BOC Reviewer on the Warsaw
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[Correction] Intra-corporate relationship test [pg. 138]
Under the relationship test, there is an intra-corporate controversy when the conflict is:
1. Between the corporation, partnership, or association and the public;
2. Between the corporation, partnership, or association and the State insofar as its franchise,
permit, or license to operate is concerned;
3. Between the corporation, partnership, or association and its stockholders, partners,
members, or officers; and
4. Among the stockholders, partners, or associates themselves [Medical Plaza Makati
Condominium Corp. v. Cullen, 720 Phil. 732, 742-743 (2013)).
Literary and artistic works Any visible sign capable of Any technical solution of a
which are original intellectual distinguishing the goods problem in any field of human
creations in the literary and (trademark) or services (service activity which is new, involves
artistic domain protected mark) of an enterprise from that an inventive step and is
from the moment of their of another and shall include a industrially applicable (Sec. 21,
creation (Sec. 172.1, RA stamped or marked container of RA 8293; Kho v. Court of
8293). goods [Sec. 121 .1 , RA 8293). Appeals, 379 SCRA 410
In relation thereto, a trade name
means the name or designation
identifying or distinguishing an
Where Registered
The National Library (Sec. Intellectual Property Office (IPO) Intellectual Property Office
191, RA 8293) (IPO)
Upon creation Upon issuance of the trademark Upon issuance of the letters of
certificate patent by the IPO
Term of Protection
Mode of Acquisition
Literary and artistic works To acquire rights in a mark, The right to a patent belongs to
are original intellectual registration is required [Sec. the inventor, his heirs, or
creations in the literary and 122, RA 8293). assigns.
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UP Law Bar Operations Commission 2022
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UP Law Bar Operations Commission 2022